Beast Evolution

Chapter 142 142 Leaving Avalon

Ray's hands had healed a little and now he could use them, but it was limited, he still couldn't lift heavy objects or swing a sword more than five times.

Ray wasn't giving up, all the free time he had he used it for training, he couldn't use a sword so he did a different kind of training.

He tried to perfect his Ki control by learning how to infuse his Ki in different parts of his body, he tried infusing Ki in his injured hands and he was able to use them for a while before running out of gas.

The door opened and a knight stepped in, the three of them quickly stood up prepared to leave. The knight looked at the three of them and smiled.

"Is something wrong?"

"No I was sent to check on you, the knights are running late, they had an issue to take care of," the knight said.

"Okay," Leia said.

"I'm not sure we can leave today, if the knights are busy with something then it's probably important so it's going to take a long time," Gabriel said.

"Yeah, so we are staying an extra day, it's not that bad right?"

"It's very bad, I'm tired of staying here," Ray said with a long face.

"Do you miss the knight academy that much, you also need to remember that once we get to the knight academy your time starts" Leia said.

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"My time, I don't understand..."

"Your one month trial, it would decide if you would stay in the academy or leave, and you know you haven't been able to make progress with your hands"

"I'm going to start training harder when we get to the academy, besides you don't need to worry about me" Ray smiled.

"Why won't we worry about you, if you fail you are going to leave the knight academy, of course we are worried," Gabriel told him.

"I won't fail, and you guys should be worried about something else"

"Worried about what?" Leia asked him.

"The knight tournament, you need to train hard to beat the second year and third year students"

"We still have time to train, but I'm sad you can't participate, I would have loved to duel with you," Gabriel said.

"Yeah, me too, and I haven't even dueled with Leia before, we should have a go when we get to the academy," Ray told Leia.

"We should have a go, with your injured hands I would destroy you" Leia sneered.

"In your dreams, don't underestimate me, I still have some tricks under my sleeves" Ray scoffed.

"Ray why haven't you taken off those bands, do you like them?"

"Yes, they feel nice on my hands, I'm not going to take them off, I even collected extra, in case this one wore off," Ray said.

Ray refused to remove the white bands that were used to cover his injured hands, even though they were better now, he still tied them.

"I think a war is coming soon," Gabriel said.

"I also think so too, there is no way one of the kingdoms don't have a hand in what happened to Avalon" Leia added.

"So why do you think a war is coming, do you think one of the kingdoms would attack Avalon?"

"It's highly possible, you saw how Avalon was attacked, from the inside, the enemy just need to find a way inside and it's all over, even though the Royal knights interfere they wouldn't be able to take care of it," Gabriel said.

"Xethen empire" Leia muttered.

"Avalon suspects they are the ones that sent the attackers, but I don't think so," Ray said.

"Why...they are the only ones bold enough to do something like that against Avalon," Gabriel told him.

"What if the enemy isn't any of the kingdoms, what if the enemy is just someone who holds a grudge against Avalon or possibly against the five kingdoms" Ray spoke.

"So Draco has a grudge against Avalon, and besides how can a human be that strong" Leia sighed.

"Can I tell you guys something?"

"Yes sure"

"Draco isn't the one calling the shot, he isn't the leader," Ray said.

"What!! what made you think that, you saw how that big guy obeyed him without hesitation"

"He said something to me when we fought, he isn't the main one, he has a master who is calling the shots," Ray told them.

"Why didn't you tell the knights about that, don't you think it's important," Leia said.

"Do you really think if I told them they would believe me, even if they agree with me, they can't do anything about it, no one knows where Draco escaped to"

"Ray's right, but what do we do about it, we can't do anything about it," Gabriel said.

"We can't, but first what about the scroll that was stolen, did you find anything about that?"

"Apparently none of the students knew about the scroll," Leia said.

"Even my brother didn't know about it, he knew different things were in the inner storage but he didn't know anything about the scroll" Gabriel said.

"Something must have made him take the scroll, if we can figure out what,"

"Hey guys," James said.

The three of them were so lost in their conversation that they had no idea the door was opened, they quickly stood up to greet James.

"I know you have been waiting, we can leave now, the carriage is ready," James said and walked outside.

Leia and Gabriel followed him behind while Ray waited for a little while. He stretched his hands and both of his blood spears appeared in his hands, he opened his [Void] and placed both of them before running after James.

When the mages arrived after Ray fell unconscious, his blood spears were taken by the mages, Authur could recognize the spear but he didn't pay attention as Luna was on the ground.

So the mages kept both of Ray's blood spears in their storage room cause they found residue of magic so they wanted to examine the spear, Ray could have taken them but he didn't, he waited till now when they were leaving Avalon, and no one would suspect him.

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