Beast Evolution

Chapter 147 147 (Bonus ) New Type Of Power

"The potion isn't ready, I just wanted to see the beast reaction, I added something do it can pass without me opening the barrier" the mage told the senior knights.

'I have a bad feeling about this, maybe I'm just over thinking it, its probably nothing' Ray said inwardly.

The mage whispered some words and flung the potion inside the barrier, it passed through the barrier like it was invisible and the beast pounced on the bottle and broke it to pieces.

A purple smoke spread inside the barrier and the beast held it's head and staggered a little before falling to the ground.

Within a minute the beast had fallen asleep, the mage observed for some minutes before bringing down the barrier.

"Wow, that worked really fast, alchemist are really amazing" Gabriel said.

"Yeah, you are right" Ray replied.

'I was worried about nothing, they should get the experiment over with, I have to start training'

The four mages that erected the barrier carried the beast up, they wanted to take the beast inside where the experiment would begin.

"I'm going back to the carriage" Gabriel told Ray.

"I'm also bored, let's inform the senior knights that we are going back" Ray said and Gabriel agreed with him.

"Sir" Ray called as they walked close to the senior knights.

"Yes" Authur answered.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"We are going back to the carriage" Ray told them.

"Okay, we would be back after it's over, you need to..." Authur paused when he saw the look on both of their faces.

He turned back and blood was flowing on the ground, the mages that carried the beast were hung up like a trophy, the beast prieced their stomach with a long ice spear and hung them up.

"This is nice, isn't it" the beast spoke.


"What's wrong, you really thought I couldn't break out of that weak barrier" the beast said.

Authur looked and saw the mage who made the sleeping potion smiling at the back of the beast.

"You, what did you do" Authur shouted.

"I did as I was told," the mage placed his hands on his face and immediately he reverted back to himself.

"You thought I was that old man didn't you, check one of the houses, you may find his body in one of them" the mage said.

"What did you do, where are the villagers?" Alfred shouted.

"They are safe inside their houses, they are sleeping but the bad news is that, I'm not sure they would wake up, hahaha" the mage laughed.

"Leia" Ray shouted.

"Don't worry, James is with her, first we have to take care of this" Authur said.

"Don't spare them, our mission is to kill them, I'm going so I would be killed mistakingly"

"Yes, move far away cause I can't differentiate between friend and foe when I'm fighting" the beast said.

"You were sent to kill us, why?" Alfred asked.

"I don't know, I wasn't given details, I was told to kill someone and it turns out to be you, let's have some fun before you die" the beast said.

"You would be the one dying" Authur said and unsheathe his sword.

Gabriel also unsheathe his sword, a bright silver colored sword that was given to him by his brother when they were at the capital.

"Ohh, I love people who put up a fight, I love to see their faces when they loss an arm or two, hahaha" the beast laughed.

"What about the knights, are they also working with you?" Alfred asked.

"Those knights outside, they are probably dead by now, so their is no need to worry"

"Dead, what did you do to them"

James and Leia ran towards the rest of the group but they stopped when they saw that the beast had escaped and four mages had been killed, they quickly ran towards the group to support them.

"The knights are dead" James said as he came close.

"See, I thought you they would be dead, hehe" the beast said.

"The beast can speak!!" James said in surprise.

"You guys should attack me, I'm tired of talking" the beast said.

"You would pay for all the lives you have taken" Alfred shouted but Authur stopped him.

"Since you are going to kill us, maybe you can give us some information" Authur asked the beast.

"What's the use, you are all going to die"

"I know but it's a small motivation, you would fight at full strength, I know you like strong opponents" Authur said.

Ray was surprised same as Leia and Gabriel, they haven't seen this side of Authur before, Alfred and James were also very calm they were not afraid in the slightest.

"Okay fair point, what do you want to know?" the beast said.

"First, what are those around you body, aren't you infected?" Authur asked.

"Infected, think I'm a normal beast, well this is a power I obtained when I was given my mission" the beast said.

"So you can still control yourself?"

"Yes, I'm not weak like those beast that lose their minds and attack anything in front of them, I'm in total control"

"Who gave you these powers and why?"

"This is the last question I'm going to answer because you've pissed me off, my dungeon was raided by a man, he killed everything in his path till he got to me"

"We fought and he defeated me, then he offered me a new power so I would work for him and I accepted so here I am" the beast smiled.

"Who was the man?"

"I told you that is the last question I'm going to answer, I have all day as long as I kill you guys, but I'm bored so I'm going to kill you now"

"I would love to see you try, ready knights" Authur shouted.





I could only update 2 extra chapter, but I'm keeping stockpile for Mass Release at the end of the month, thanks for all your support.

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