Beast Evolution

Chapter 151 151 Ice Clone

The beast looked at them and settled for Leia, he dashed towards her with an insane amount of speed.

"I will start with you" the beast shouted.

[Dark Bind]

Dark ropes sprouted out from the ground and caught the beast before it could get to Leia, Authur and Alfred dashed towards the beast to finish it off as Ray held it in place.

"You think this is all you have to do to defeat me" the beast shouted, sharp spears of Ice generated from all parts of the beast's body stopping Authur and Alfred and also cutting Ray's [Dark Binds].

James was already in front of Leia to protect her just in case the beast decides to attack her. Instead, the ice on the beast's body retracted and he dashed toward Ray.

" that's why you are not with a sword, so you are a mage" the beast shouted.

[Dark Binds]

Dark root sprouted out again and completely covered the beast but it wasn't enough to stop the beast, the beast broke out of the Binds.

But that was the plan, Ray never intended to stop the beast, he wanted to slow the beast down so Authur and Alfred could attack from the beast's blind spot, that was why he covered the beast completely.

Authur and Alfred aimed different parts of the beast's body just in case, Authur aimed the neck while Alfred went from the legs. They took the beast by surprise but it still wasn't enough, the beast created ice under its feet and used the Ice to propel itself upward to avoid their attacks.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'Damn, what kind of speed and reflex does this beast have'

The beast landed far away from them and looked around, James was protecting Leia and Gabriel while Authur and Alfred were protecting Ray.

'That mage, he's the one I need to go for, once he's dead it's over for the rest of them, without his magic I can easily finish them off with my ice, but for some reason, he hasn't used any fire spell' the beast muttered under his breath.

'The beast is breathing heavily, it's clearly tired from all the fighting and spell casting, we would also be like that if it wasn't for Ray who healed us, but he's also reaching his limit' Authur looked as Ray was panting hard trying to catch his breath.

'I'm a little tired but I haven't even unleashed my full power, I should give them a taste of what my powers can do'

[Ice cloning]

The beast placed his hands on the ground and two ice images formed beside him slowly the ice began to undergo some changes and within a few seconds, the two images formed exactly like the beast.

"What is that!" Ray was shocked.

'I've heard of cloning but I haven't seen it first hand, so this is what it looks like, there are three of them now' Authur sighed.

"Isn't this impressive, now you don't have to worry about me, instead you should worry about these two here, and to make this interesting" the beast smiled.

The beast placed its hands on both of the clones and the black lines on the beast's body extended onto their bodies.

Immediately both of the clones began to vibrate and their eyes' color changed from blue to pitch black, and their mouths began to foam.

"Huh! how come they are infected" Alfred shouted.

"That means they are weaker than the original, because they are clones they would have only half the strength of the original that is why they are infected" Authur whispered.

"Then they are like the mindless beasts we have faced so far, one slash to the head and it's all over" Alfred held his sword tightly.

The ice mask formed on the face of the three beasts and swords formed at their hands.

"Go" the beast shouted and both of the clones went toward the knights.


​ The two clone dash forward with an explosive speed that even the senior knights had trouble keeping up with. Even Ray couldn't keep up with their speed even though all his attributes were increased.

One of the clones went towards James while the other one attacked Alfred and Authur.


James used all his strength to stop the first attack from the clone, while Authur and Alfred stopped the second one.

"This is what I've been waiting for" the beast left all the knights and rushed toward Ray.

"Shit! he's going towards Ray" Authur shouted.

Alfred infused more Ki and overpowered the clone allowing Authur to chase after the beast. Before the beast could reach Ray Authur caught up and stopped it.

Authur attempted to slash the beast but he used both of his swords to block the attack, still the beast was pushed back a little.

'Is it me or is the beast slightly weaker than before, maybe it's because of the clone, it doesn't matter, I would stop you here'

Authur used all his strength to attack the beast repeatedly, the beast could block all Authur's attacks but it was completely overpowered by Authur.

"Haaa" Authur shouted as he swung his sword toward the beast's neck.

'This is not the end, my sword can't reach in time, then I would use ice to harden my neck, I can't form my ice fast enough, this is really the end, just kidding'


Authur's sword was stopped by four Ice swords, one of the clones had swooped in to help the original, but which one.

'I thought the two of them had it under control' Authur looked and saw Alfred on the ground with blood around his body. The original beast moved sideways and dashed toward Ray.

"No you won't" Authur used his sword to push the clone away and rushed to help Ray. Before he could reach a kick sent him flying into one of the houses.





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