Beast Evolution

Chapter 156 156 Special

"The training Sir Jake had us undergo is really hard, I can't seem to get it," Arya said.

"That's how all the training normally is, it's just a matter of time, I'm going to sleep," Lily told her.

'I hope so'


Ray yawned weakly and turn sideways as he lay on the bed, his ears caught a sound and his eyes opened widely.

The senior knights were inside the room and they were talking to Leia and Gabriel. Ray didn't stand up instead he pretended that he was still asleep and listened to what they were talking about.

"So you guys knew that Ray was a Mage and you didn't say anything?"Authur asked.

"He told us not to tell anyone," Leia said in a low voice.

"That explains why he's so confident and always runs into danger," Alfred said.

"He's a talented mage, why didn't he attend the Avalon academy?" Authur asked.

"We also don't know, we've asked him a few times but he wanted to be a knight I guess" Gabriel replied.

"When you guys met Draco, what did he say about Ray, did he say anything to you guys?" Authur asked them.

Leia and Gabriel looked at themselves before speaking, they wanted to tell the senior knights what happened but at the same time, they didn't.

"What are you guys hiding?" Alfred asked them.

"Draco called Ray the chosen one" Leia said.

"The chosen one, what does that means, did you ask Ray about it?" Authur asked.

"Yes we asked Ray, but he was also surprised about it, he didn't know what Draco was talking about," Gabriel told them.

"Then what does that means, Ray is the chosen one,"

"Maybe we should wake him up" James suggested.

"No let him sleep, we just wanted to ask why he didn't attend the Avalon academy, we can ask him later," Authur said and stood up.

All of them in the room stood up except Ray, the three senior knights walked out of the room before Leia and Gabriel sat down.

"Are they gone?" Ray asked scaring the both of them.

"I thought you were asleep!" Leia said.

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"I was, I woke up because of the noise," Ray said.

"So you heard everything right?"

"Not everything, I only heard a little, the knights wanted to wake me up but dismissed the idea"

"Ohh, they were asking us why you didn't attend the Avalon academy, and what we discussed with Draco," Leia said.

'They are really my friends, I thought they would hide it from me'

"So what did you tell them?" Ray asked.

"Before we answer your question, I also have a question for you, I thought we were friends and you tell us everything" Leia sneered.

"We are friends, what am I hiding from you, I'm not hiding anything" Ray defended himself.

"Really, then why didn't you tell us that you had dark magic and ice magic huh!"

"Dark magic is really rare," Gabriel added.

"Tamer, dark magic, spatial magic, ice magic, and you dream about the future, how did you receive those powers?" Leia asked.

"I didn't receive them," Ray said.

"I had no idea how powerful you were until yesterday, I really think you should attend the mage academy, if you train your magical abilities you would be unstoppable," Gabriel said to him.

"But I like the knights' academy, and frankly what made me strong wasn't my magical abilities because yesterday was the only day I used them openly, it was the training in the academy that made me stronger"

"Ray is right, most mages train their spell only, but because of the training Ray is twice as fast as a normal mage plus his abilities are naturally powerful, I've never seen dark magic until yesterday" Leia explained.

"I hope the senior knights would allow you to continue, normally anyone with a powerful magical ability is given extra training," Gabriel said.

"Really," Leia asked.

"Yes, magical attributes are the most important part of a mage, stronger attribute needs more training so the mage would be able to harness his full power," Gabriel told them.

"So if I attend the Mage academy, I would be given extra training because of my magical attribute?" Ray asked.

"Yes, and you would be a combat mage,"

"Combat mages are mages that undergo special training right?" Leia asked.

"Yes, most mages can't fight a one on one battle with a powerful beast, combat mages are like the Royal knights," Gabriel said.

"So they also have cool armor?" Ray asked.

"I haven't seen any of them before, but I know they are powerful," Leia said.

"I also haven't seen them, but I do hear things from my brother," Gabriel said.

"So if I attend the Avalon academy, I would be a combat mage?"

"I don't think it's that easy, but maybe"

"Still I'm going to be a knight, have you guys eaten, I'm a little hungry," Ray said.

"No, we should head to the kitchen, then maybe we can train a little," Leia said.

"Yes, we should fight a duel" Ray suggested.

"That's a good idea, but you can't join in, your hands aren't fully healed yet"

"Huh! I can still beat the two of you together" Ray boasted.

"Without magic..."

"Why that's no fun, now that the senior knights know I'm a mage, I'm kinda happy," Ray said.

The three of them stepped outside and walked towards the kitchen.

"Wait, maybe we should duel with Ray, the both of us against him, so we'll know how to deal with magic" Gabriel suggested.

"That's a great idea, I would be happy to crush you guys, hehehe" Ray smirked.

"Why are you so happy, we have seen all your spells, we know how to dodge them," Leia said.

"How do you know that's all, maybe I have a hidden trump card"

"Lies, if you had a trump card you would have shown it yesterday, there's no way you had an amazing abilities and still hid it when you are in danger," Gabriel said.

"Do you guys know where the kitchen is, we have been walking for a while now" Ray said.

"It's in front, there" Leia pointed at a door at the far end.

"The academy here is a little big, but it's not in use, I wonder why"

"It's a place where knights gather in case of a war, or an attack," Leia said.

"Ohh...what a great aroma," Ray's nose caught the aroma of a delicious food.

The door to the kitchen was opened and the three of them stepped in and greeted the chef.

"You don't have to greet me, we are literally age mates," a girl said.


The three of them didn't even look at the chef before greeting her, they were surprised to see a girl their age in the kitchen.

"Hi, I guess you guys are finally hungry, I was told some first year students were around so I thought I should make something for you guys," the girl said.

The three of them were still in a daze looking at the girl, they were really surprised that a girl of their age was allowed to handle the kitchen.

"Are you guys okay?" the girl asked.

"Yes we are fine," Leia said.

"Okay, I made a special today, though the ingredients are not complete, it's still nice, I hope you guys like it"

"Thanks," Ray said.

"Gabriel is something wrong?" Ray whispered.

"She's really beautiful" Gabriel whispered back.

"Huh! you like her..."

"I don't like her, I just think she's beautiful that's all," Gabriel said.

The kitchen had a small dining table so the three of them sat down while the girl served them.

"Enjoy," the girl said and walked back a little and stare at them.

Ray was the first to try the food, he haven't seen food like this and it has a great aroma so he wanted to taste it.

"Wow, it's really delicious," Ray said.

"I knew you would like it," the girl smiled.

"Gabriel try it, it's really good," Ray said and looked at Gabriel.

He wasn't paying attention to the food, Instead he was staring at the girl.

"It's really good," Leia said as she took a sip of the soup.

'I didn't think Gabriel likes girls but this has shown me'

"Is something wrong with the food?" the girl asked.

Ray and Leia looked at the girl and saw her looking at Gabriel as he was staring at her.





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