Beast Evolution

Chapter 96 96 Ki Manipulation

'No, that isn't right, I should train harder because when am going to the capital my life would be at stake' Ray walked back to his room.

"Hey Ray" Jack and Gabriel called him.

"I heard you used a knife on Ivan, why?" Jack asked.

"Hey I didn't use a knife on him, he wanted me to cast a spell and he said I should cut him and then I should heal him" Ray whispered in Jack's and Gabriel's ears.

"Ohh, so it's his fault, you guys should have checked before doing something like that, so what did the knights tell you" Gabriel said.

"I'm suspended and I'm going away from the knight academy to do some hard labor" Ray said.

"Hard labor..."

"Yes hard labor, they are going to work me to death because of what I did last time and this time" Ray told them.

"Sorry bro we are going to train" Jack said.

"This evening, it would soon be night time"

"Yeah, we wanted to try that Ki thing again, and most of the students are also coming" Gabriel said.

"Okay, I'm going to rest bye" Ray said and continued towards his room.


"Hey Alfred, what did you mean by hard labor?" Authur asked him.

"Well I wanted him to do some hard work so he can learn his lesson" Alfred said.

"Yes, Alfred is right, hard work is good for a stubborn student" Bernardo said.

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"You guys should just admit you want him to clean your home because you are lazy" Authur said.

"Hey I'm not lazy, he deserved hard work and he will get what he deserves" Alfred said.

"What ever you say, I'm going home today" Authur said.

"Home why...?" Bernardo asked.

"My sister is coming over" Authur said.

"You sister, the genius mage..."

"Genius mage, is that her name"

"Well she is a genius mage and the brother of a genius knight" Alfred said and they all laughed.

"Anyways she coming over and I want to see her so I'm going home"

"Okay, say hi to her for me" Alfred said.

"And me" Bernardo added.


Ray opened the door to his room and his roommates were there.

"Hey Ivan are you alright?" Ray asked.

"Yes, the mages at the medical center healed me so I'm fine, how about you what did the knights tell you?"

"Well, I'm suspended from the knight academy for a week" Ray said.

"See, I told you this was a bad idea but you wouldn't listen, now Ray has been suspended" Sofia said.

"You are the one that said you didn't believe, you and Leia" Ivan said.

"Hey don't bring me into this," Leia said.

"Guys stop arguing, it's actually nice to take a week break to cool down" Ray said.

"Okay, we are going to the training ground, aren't you coming?" Ivan asked.

"No, I'm going to rest" Ray said.

"Okay" the three of them left the room leaving Ray behind.

'I need a plan if I want to defeat that golden haired man, first I need to get stronger and to do that I have to hunt but there is no way that's possible'

'So I need another plan, why is Ki always coming to my mind' Ray sighed in frustration.

"Wait" Ray shouted.

"If the system treat Ki and Mana as the same that means I can control Ki" Ray shouted in excitement.

"I have [Mana Manipulation] so that mean I have Ki manipulation" Ray got down from his bed and sat on the ground.

He wanted to try something, he was going to try to control his Ki with [Mana Manipulation], he had done that before, when he was in the slime's dungeon, he just have to remember how.

Ray sat down in the middle of his room and closed his eyes, he did the same thing he did at the slime dungeon. He tried to gather Mana in his palm.

Slowly he felt strange energy moving towards his hands and down to his palm.

'That was easy, I should try gathering them in one spot like Sir Jake said'

Ray used the premise of [Mana Manipulation] and started gathering them in one place, slowly Ray could feel small particles all around his body.

This time it was slightly different and Ray knew that it was Ki not Mana. He started to gather them towards his stomach until they formed a small stone.

'So this is the Ki flow that Sir Jake was talking about'

Ray slowly tried to move the flow to other part of his body, Ray felt an odd feeling, it was like his insides were getting hotter, suddenly the flow dissipate.

"Phew, that was hard" Ray mumbled.

It seems if he stopped focusing for a single moment the flow would disappear.

Ray kept on repeating the process until he could freely move the flow around his body. Ray later found out that it was easier to control smaller particles of Ki.

At first he was able to control the size of a small stone, then after a while he was able to control the size of a fist.

Still he was unable to use his flow of Ki to activate his cells like how Sir Jake did and he couldn't ask him so he just practice the flow of Ki.

After practicing for up to 30 minutes Ray could feel dull pain around his whole body, it felt like his stamina had been drain from using Ki too much.

Ray couldn't train again he just laid on his bed, he was slightly hungry but he didn't care.

The door opened and Ray's roommates walked inside.

"Ray can you believe Leia actually learnt how to control Ki" Ivan said

"Really" Ray struggled to answer.

"Is something wrong" Ivan asked.

"I over train and now I'm really tired" Ray said.

"You train, how, in this small room" Sofia asked.

"I have also learned how to control Ki" Ray said and the others were shocked.




Author's note

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