Beast Evolution

Chapter 99 99 History

Ray looked at the books there and saw a scroll among them, Ray picked up the scroll and opened it.

"This is just what I need, a map" Ray said as he looked at the scroll that contained a map of the entire continent.

Ray glanced through the map, there were a total of five kingdoms including the capital.

The kingdom of Dira, Niflhemi, Amberville, Xethen empire and the kingdom of Avalon.

'So the capital is called Avalon, I've always wondered why it's called the capital'

Avalon which was the capital was at the center of the map, Xethen empire and Amberville were the closest kingdoms to the capital.

"Do you like maps?" a voice asked Ray.

Ray looked up and found a skinny boy with glasses staring at him.

"I just wanted to look at a map" Ray replied him.

"Oh, I thought you liked map, I wanted to tell you somethings about this one, but don't worry" the boy said and wanted to leave.

"Hey, what did you want to tell me?"

"Do you want me to tell you about this map?"

"Yes, why not" Ray answered.

"Have you seen a map before?" the boy asked.

"This is the first time" Ray told him and the boy was surprised.

"I don't want to bore you with details because I'm a history student, so what do you want to know?" the boy said.

"You are a history student?"

"Yes" the boy answered.

"So you know all about this world history?"

"Like the palm of my hand" the boy boasted.

"Really, can you tell me about it, I came here to read about history but I would love to hear it from someone instead of reading" Ray said.

"Do you have time, this is going to take a lot of time?" the boy asked.

"Yes" Ray replied.

"Okay, first what do you want to know about?"

"Start from the beginning" Ray said.

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"The beginning" the boy smiled.

"Okay, I will start from the the beginning, in the history of Avalon there was a time of peace when humans lived along side magical creatures"

"Humans weren't the only ones around, they were four tribes, Elven tribe, Dwarven tribe, human tribe and beast tribe"

"The Elven tribe and human tribe lived together while the beastkin and Dwarves lived together"

"The beast that we hunt now were formally controlled by the beast tribe, there were the tamers then and only them have the power to control beast, so all the beasts were controlled by then, so no beast attacked any humans, that was their magic"

"The dwarfs were excellent craftsmen and they were the ones who created armor, weapon and other things"

"Humans didn't have an idea of Mana then because only the elves have the power to cast spells, well you know humans and their ways"

"Humans wanted the elves to teach them how to cast spells but the elves didn't want to share their secret, so the humans got angry"

"Have you ever heard of the golden crystal?"

"Yes, my friend told me that it has enormous power" Ray replied.

"Exactly, the golden crystal belonged to the elves and that was their source of Mana, then the humans stole it but none of them could wield it's power so it was useless to humans but they still refused to give it up"

"The elves were angry with the humans and then the great war started"

"The great war..."

"Yes, the great war between humans and elves started, the dwarfs and beastkin didn't join the battle, the elves with their magic wiped out half of humanity and the other half escaped"

"So how did they survive?" Ray asked.

"The elves took back their golden crystal and left the remaining humans to run away, that's what the books says"

"That's suspicious" Ray said.

"You think so too right, why would you leave your enemies to run away, and if they really lived in peace why would the other tribes watch as the elves killed human"

"So what happened?"

"Well the books said when human ran away the few human who came in contact with the golden crystal later learnt how to cast spells"

"When humans went back to confront the elves, they were gone like that, they vanished from the face of the Earth till now, there is still no sign of them, or the dwarfs or beastkin"

"So they vanished without any trace, just like that"

"Well that's what the books says, there are tons of books with different histories"

"So they are books that contradict this one you told me about?" Ray asked.

"No, but have you ever gone to Amberville?" the boy asked Ray.

"No I haven't" Ray replied.

"There is a different history book in Amberville library that says otherwise, that one talks about a great sage"

'A great sage, hmm'

"It says, during old times, when humanity didn't have an idea about magic, humans depend on swords and bows to fight against beast"

"No one really knows how beasts came to be in this world, it is said that humanity met them here"

"But during that time when beasts attack humans fight with swords and a great deal of lives would be lost, all that was over when a man who the world came to know as the great sage discovered Mana in beast crystals."

"The great sage was said to be the greatest mage that ever existed up till now, no one can do what he was able to do"

"He was able to cast spells of every attribute, be it fire, water, Earth, wind, lightning, and all spells possible, he was the founder of magic and the very first mage in history"

"All attribute is that even possible?"

"No one knows, but it's written down" the boy said.

"So which of the books are true?" Ray asked.

"That's what I don't know, that's why I became a history student, when I was little I loved reading history books, after growing up I knew that the histories were forgeries"

"I will dedicate my life to creating a master piece"

"You want to write a history book?"

"Yes, that's why I've visited all the kingdom except Xethen empire, do you know that Xethen empire is actually the smallest of all the kingdoms"

"Then why is it called an empire if it's the smallest, isn't Avalon supposed to be called an empire" Ray said.

"The Xethen empire is the most ruthless kingdom among all the other, everyone in the kingdom must serve in the knight academy for three years as an obligation"

"In other kingdoms like Avalon, attending the knight academy isn't compulsory it's by choice but in Xethen everyone in the kingdom must attend the academy including women"

"Did you know they were the last kingdom to sign the peace treaty, after all the other kingdoms signed the papers Xethen empire had no choice but to comply or else if they attack any kingdom Avalon is going to attack them" the boy said.

"So they are evil, right"

"Yes,they are rumors that they are the ones responsible for beast attacking people" the boy whispered to Ray's ear.

--End of volume 2--


Name: Ray

Race: Demi beast

Level: 15(3640/15,000)

Evolution crystal: (33/500)

Health: 290/290

Stamina: 138/140

Mana: 75/75






Free attribute point(s):[2]

Free skill(s) point(s);[3]


[Power punch] level 2: When activated makes the first punch of the user 20% stronger than his normal punch. stamina cost: 5

[Inspect] View stats of anyone within range by directly looking in their eyes.

[Night vision] Allow user to see clearly at night.

[mana manipulation] Ability to manipulate the force of the world to perform magic.

[Transformation] Transform user appearance to any form. Can be used twice a day, user power is reduced by 40% when in transformation.

[Mount] Allow user to ride pet at will, automatically activate when user climbs pet.

[Summon] Ability to summon pet and return pet back into the system, stamina cost 5, Mana cost 5

[Void] A space in which user can store equipment (non living things), it never gets full, Mana cost 2


[Strong healing] Heal wounds and injuries of anyone it comes in contact with when activated, Mana cost 15.

[lesser regeneration] Slowly regenerate lost limbs of user when activated, Mana cost 50.

[Fireball] Shoot a ball of Flame, Mana cost 5

Weapon: Blood spear

Weapon skill(s):

[Ownership] Blood spear will return to the hand of the owner anytime he wants.

[Blood swap] When user health is low, any successful hit will drain opponent health and add to the user.

[Blood rage] Level 1: Automatically activate when the user is on the brink of death, all stats are increased by 20% user lose 1 Hp every 10 seconds.

[Mastery] Increase strength and handling of blood spear.

Pet: Horned wolf (Silver)

Level: 10

Evolution: (7/100)

Health: 100/100

Strength: 20

Agility: 50

Defense: 10

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