Beast Taming: Infinite Simulation as a Tamed Beast

Chapter 206 - 206: 189: Let me do it! _2

Chapter 206 - 206: 189: Let me do it! _2

Translator: 549690339

“This Mysterious Realm is officially said to be fairly safe, and the demon beasts inside should pose no real threat… I suppose flying should be fine… right?” Declan Hansen lightly coughed, attracting the attention of the audience.

“Now, Declan Hansen’s mini-lecture begins!”

“Look at the sinister bat ridden by Vincent Wolf, it’s called a Night Bat. It’s terrifying, a high-ranking commander-level demon beast, its skill is…”

“Now, let’s look at where Vincent Wolf chooses to land, a cave that looks more sinister compared to the surrounding environment. Everyone can guess what Vincent Wolf’s purpose is.”

For a moment, the comments were all over the place.

Some said that Vincent Wolf saw a treasure and wanted to get it, and some said that Vincent Wolf saw a rare pet beast and wanted to tame it. Others said that Vincent Wolf had to pee…

Of course, more people want Declan Hansen to stop holding back and tell them quickly.

“Hehe, you’ll know soon.”

Declan Hansen revealed an inscrutable smile.

Although he didn’t know what Vincent Wolf wanted to do, he knew that Vincent Wolf would never act recklessly. His sudden emergency landing definitely meant that he had found something.

So even though Declan Hansen actually didn’t know what Vincent Wolf wanted to do, he only needed to appear as if he knew.

Anyway, no one would know that he was pretending to know when he didn’t.

“You beast, silence!”

Vincent Wolf rode on the giant bat and rushed into the cave, narrowly missing a rock protruding from the top of the cave.

He quickly made the giant bat brake sharply in alarm, otherwise, he would have crashed into the rock.

When the bat stopped, Vincent Wolf walked down from its back and directly confronted the tiger.

“You demon tiger, why do you wreak havoc here, surrender now!”

Vincent Wolf pointed at the tiger’s nose and started his tirade.

This left Henry Stanford, as well as the people in the live broadcast room, contused. Even the black tiger tilted its head, not understanding what was going on.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

You have to know that this black tiger is a high-ranking commander, and as a tiger demon beast, it’s more ferocious than most demon beasts. Yet, Vincent Wolf is just a professional beast tamer, and moreover, he is a human.

A human trying to confront a high-ranking demon beast so arrogantly is perhaps why even this black tiger is so puzzled.

The black tiger shook its head.

If it couldn’t figure it out, then it wouldn’t think about it.

After all, everything that came was food. The smellier, the better.

But the smell of the human in front of him seemed quite appetizing, so it decided to eat him first. Although this human seemed to be a bit ‘off’ and probably wouldn’t taste good, it decided to indulge itself once and not eat the brain.

Thinking of this, the black tiger gathered its strength in its four limbs and suddenly lunged at Vincent Wolf!

Vincent Wolf, unfazed, took out the positioning beacon from his Space Bracelet and threw it in front of him!


The black tiger abruptly stopped mid-air, directly in front of Vincent Wolf, violating the laws of physics. It then fell down heavily, causing a large muffled sound as it crashed onto the ground.

Vincent Wolf walked leisurely to the black tiger, looking even more arrogant.

The black tiger’s response is even worse than the giant bat that Vincent had previously tamed, it looks completely shameful.

The tiger laid on its stomach, both of its front paws covering its eyes. Its strong back legs were tightly tucked under its abdomen and even its tail was tucked in, its whole body trembling.

The giant bat seeing the black tiger’s shameless behavior felt contemptuous.

Originally, when it arrived at the black tiger’s lair and saw it, it was a bit scared. Because it Imew this black tiger. This black tiger was the overlord of this large area.

Except for the monarch-level demonic beasts, it wouldn’t acknowledge anyone, and many high-ranking commanders have been beaten by it.

But not the giant bat.

Because it runs fast.

Seeing the pitiful look of this former little overlord, which is even worse than it, undoubtedly made it feel very proud. Its posture became more rigid.

Herry Stanford behind the black tiger was flabbergasted.

“Am… am I … am I in hallucination?”

“Am I seeing things?”

“But why would my hallucination be Vincent Wolf coming to save me, and in such a way?”

Henry Stanford pinched his big leg hard.

It hurts!


It turns out that you can feel pain in hallucinations too!

“You still feel good about yourself?”

Vincent Wolf bent down, held the positioning beacon, and pat the black tiger’s cover hands.He slapped it twice and found that the skin of this huge black tiger was too hard. He couldn’t make it feel anything, so he gave up.

“This thing is so handy, isn’t it?”

Playing with the Positioning Beacon, Vincent Wolf deepened his understanding of the Spirit of the Mysterious Realm.

The big black tiger was still trembling on the ground.

Because it wasn’t like the Giant Bat.

The Giant Bat just hid in the cave sensing Phoenix’s strength.

But the big black tiger has faced Phoenix directly.

That was a calm and peaceful night.

Phoenix would routinely patrol from its Hidden Realm and spread Life Energy.

When Phoenix passed by, the big black tiger gathered his courage and jumped out to challenge him.

Phoenix respected the courage of the black tiger, so he responded.

Although the process is unknown.

However, it was clear that the big black tiger, who used to be a dominating and regal figure, became dispirited and submissive, not even as good as a kitten after confronting something imbued with Phoenix’s aura.

One could only imagine the brutal methods Phoenix had used.

“Alright. Two mounts are ready. One for land use, one for air use. We still need one for sea use. Let’s see if we can find one later.”

Seeing the black tiger still lying down, Vincent Wolf was somewhat vexed.

“Why is it so timid? How am I supposed to put on the reins?”

As Vincent grew exasperated, a hesitant and uncertain voice sounded by his ear.

“You are… Vincent Wolf, right?”

Looking toward Henry Stanford, Vincent Wolf responded.

“Are you knocked senseless? If it’s not me, who could it be?”

“Damn! You really are Vincent Wolf! What the hell, how are you so awesome!”

Looking at the Giant Bat behind Vincent and the tiger lying on the ground, Henry felt that his understanding had been overturned again.

This guy who was a year younger than him had indeed shocked him more than once.

First it was Barry’s triple Evolution, defeating the Extraordinary while in the Awakening period.

Then it was Barry’s Energy Value.

Next Vincent Wolf could easily subdue and tame two high-ranking Commander-level Demon Beasts.

Henry Stanford felt that his shock threshold had been raised to the limit, it could not be breached again.

“Enough with the nonsense, where’s the resources you gathered?”

While asking, Vincent pulled out his cellphone and whispered to Cacea, “Shut down the mechanical eyes in the air for a while.” Henry Stanford was somewhat wary. “What are you trying to do?” “Nothing, just a robbery!”

With a wave of Vincent’s hand.

“Giant Bat, attack!”

Hearing the order, the Giant Bat let out a shrill scream, its scarlet eyes full of bloodlust.

“Damn! What’s going on!”

Before Henry Stanford had time to summon his Flame Dungeon Elf, the Giant Bat had already knocked him down.

With a snap.

Henry Stanford’s Medal shattered, and a protective shield enveloped him.

From then on – Henry Stanford was eliminated!

Looking at Henry Stanford’s bewildered eyes, Vincent Wolf chuckled softly. “Considering we were comrades once, I’ll let you die enlightened today.”

“Actually, I’m—an undercover agent!”


The limit of the shock threshold of Henry Stanford was suddenly shattered. He was shocked again to a new peak.

“Blo…bloody hell… ”

“I knew it… I knew this guy didn’t mean well when he wanted to save others!”

“I said it, I had a feeling that when he said ‘Let the boy go,’ he seemed to have forgotten a line.”

“So what he was really thinking of saying at that time was — ‘Let the boy go, let me handle it!”‘

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