Beast Taming: Infinite Simulation as a Tamed Beast

Chapter 307: 240: The Book Recording Evil Magic

Chapter 307: 240: The Book Recording Evil Magic

Translator: 549690339

However, it was clear that Vincent Wolf’s words had no effect. The puppet kept its gaze firmlv locked on Vincent. slowly inching its wav towards him

Moreover, other puppets who remained in the hall slowly turned their heads towards him too.


Seeing the situation turning sour, Vincent took Miyazaki Saeri’s hand and fled, several dozen puppets trailing behind them.

Fortunately, Vincent had mastered displacement skills, and with a rapid movement, they managed to escape the crowd of puppets and hide in the only room that had its door open. And quickly, he shut the door with a bang.

It was then that Miyazaki Saeri voiced her confusion.

“This isn’t right, our goal was to get to the meeting place, why are we playing around here?”

Only then did Vincent remember, and he let out an embarrassed laugh.

“Right, I almost forgot about that. But have you figured anything out, about where those people went to reach the meeting place?”

“I’ve been with you the whole time, if you haven’t figured it out, how could I?” Vincent thought about it and realized it was true. But now how could he find the entrance to the gathering?

After some pondering, he deduced there were two methods to accomplish this.

One was to search the entire Ghost House from top to bottom, left to right. They’d surely find it eventually.

This was actually a stupid plan, as the Ghost House was under surveillance. If they acted suspiciously, they would definitely raise alarms.

Alternatively, he could leave Barry in the Ghost House. His mimicry skills could keep him undetected, and when the moment was right, he could secretly observe the behavior of subsequent visitors. Any abnormal behavior could lead them to the entrance.

With a plan in mind, Vincent relaxed. He decided to spend a little more time in the Ghost House before starting the actual plan.

After discussing the plan with Miyazaki Saeri, she also decided to have fun here for a while longer.

They only had twenty minutes of playtime left, and there were only a few minutes remaining now.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“I looked it up on my phone, and found that twenty years ago, a real mental hospital was brutally attacked, with all patients dying.”

“If this Ghost House was built by the Bai Gui Hui, then it very well could be like they said, an adaptation of actual events from twenty years ago.”

“But why did only the patients die? Why were the nurses and doctors unharmed?”

As Vincent was still pondering, Miyazaki Saeri suddenly exclaimed:

“Vincent, look! It seems to be the dean’s office!”

Vincent quickly saw that it was indeed the dean’s office, filled with various files and documents. Miyazaki Sahui was flipping through something at the dean’s desk.

Vincent moved closer and Miyazaki Sahui handed him an odd-looking book.

“Look at this book, it seems a bit strange.”


Vincent took the book and studied it. The cover, in black and red, looked very old and had an eerie feel to it given the setting.

He opened the cover and was astounded by the content.

“A live sacrifice… offer twenty spiritual beings to the hundred ghosts to gain favor… preparations… skin the creatures while they are still alive, they must not die… The head of a very evil Demon Beast… start the sacrifice when the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade begins…”

“This is an occult book!”

“And it’s in the dean’s office! Could it be that the dean believed in a cult, and carried out such a horrendous crime during the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade?” Miyazaki Saeri was shocked.

“It’s possible, but I feel it wouldn’t be that simple. If it was that simple, why haven’t other players discovered it? Logically, many people should be able to find this place. Why did the Ghost House staff say no one has been able to solve the mystery yet?”

“You’re saying this thing is actually misleading us?

“Not necessarily, everything that appears must have its reason.”

Both Vincent and Miyazaki Saeri continued searching the dean’s office, but they didn’t discover anything else worthwhile.

Ding ding ding- – !

The Ghost House BGM abruptly stopped, followed by a bell sound.

The Ghost House staff approached the dean’s office, and with a smile, said to Vincent and Saeri:

“Your playtime’s up. Congratulations to both of you for surviving to the end. Did you manage to uncover the truth behind the mysterious deaths of those patients?”

“My guess is that the dean did it. He wanted to sacrifice those patients!” Miyazaki Saeri couldn’t help but blurt out.

“I’m sorry, your guess is incorrect. If you wish to learn the truth, please try harder when you visit next time!”

With that, Vincent and Saeri left the Ghost House.

What the Ghost House staff didn’t know was that Barry had quietly hidden himself inside the Ghost House, waiting for the next visitors.

Once outside, Vincent said to Miyazaki Saeri:

“Don’t come in next time, I will go in myself. You can’t disguise yourself but I can change my identity and continue.”

Miyazaki Saeri understood this and nodded.

Taking advantage of the time while Barry was tracking, Vincent also contemplated the truth behind the patients’ deaths in the hospital.

“If it wasn’t the dean who did it, who did? And why is it that they only killed patients, and not doctors or nurses? That’s just bizarre, isn’t it?”

“Or was it the demon beasts of Hundred Ghosts Night Parade? But they wouldn’t spare anyone when they kill.”

“Right, why does the Bai Gui Hui know the truth? What role do they play in this? Are they detectives, or criminals?”

Despite pondering for a long while, Vincent still had no clue. Suddenly, he heard Barry’s voice through the Beast Control Contract.

“You found it? So soon!”

Still somewhat surprised, Vincent excused himself to the restroom, changing his attire and appearance. Then, when nobody was paying attention, he approached the Ghost House and with an Instant Step, entered directly.

Once inside, Vincent used Instant Step multiple times, deliberately avoiding security camera blind spots. He arrived at the location described by Barry without any problems.


Trying to contain his urge to swear, Vincent asked Barry,

“Are you sure you saw them going in there?” Barry nodded. “And they opened the lock with a key?”

Barry nodded again.

At that, Vincent felt utterly foolish for having searched for so long in vain.

It turned out that the entrance wasn’t even in the Qingchuan Hospital Project!

But at least now he knew the right place. Though his task was completed, Vincent didn’t feel any resentment.

Looking at the other two locked Ghost House Projects before him, he used an Instant Step to enter one.

As soon as he entered, Vincent felt an eerie chill. This prompted him to be on guard.

“It seems I’m definitely in the right place now..”

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