Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 138: The new main force of the school team 【Subscribe】

  Chapter 138 The new main force of the school team 【Subscribe】

   After the system was upgraded, Chen Wen continued to release another five short videos.

  There is not much difference in the script of the short video. It is still Chen Wen who is chased by a monster, then summons A Bao, and lures it to fight with delicious food.

  The difference is that the villain Warcraft is different every time, and the food that tempts Po has also changed.

  The popularity of the video was not as good as before, but it was still quite popular, which brought Chen Wen a lot of points.

   During the period, some snack sellers even called to ask Chen Wen if he would accept the advertisement.

  Chen Wen asked the price and hung up. Ten thousand yuan for a video is not cheap, but it was too bad for him.

  He doesn't have much time to practice now, so how can he make a video for 10,000 yuan?

  Besides, other pets gave face for the first time, can they continue to prostitute for nothing afterwards?

   Until the beginning of school, Chen Wen has been going back and forth between school and home.

During this period, he bought pills to help himself and Abao practice, and spent points to shut himself and Abao's little black house. million points.

   A lot of points have been spent, and the strength of Chen Wen and Abao has also been improved.

  Chen Wen mainly practices primary meditation.

  With the help of Qingxin Pill, Chen Wen has already visualized 23 runes, and he is only short of the last rune to complete the basic meditation method, which is only one step away from the tenth level of spiritual power.

   During the period of practicing spiritual power, Chen Wen visualized the three runes obtained from Xichuan University every day.

  Especially "wake up", Chen Wen will visualize it dozens of times before going to bed every day until he feels mentally exhausted.

  Abao is very good at attacking and defending now, but what he is more afraid of is enemies who can attack with mental power. Learning to "awaken" will help Abao make up for this shortcoming.

  Abao is mainly practicing Quanzhen internal strength and physical fitness.

  After practicing step by step for more than half a month, Chen Wen couldn't help asking Abao to try to break through the tenth stage of the mortal body.

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   For this reason, he also took out the spirit stones obtained by the previous lottery, and poured the liquid that had undergone the gathering of spirits in the gourd into the basin, allowing Ah Bao to break through in it.

   To Chen Wen's disappointment, Ah Bao's breakthrough failed.

  However, in this breakthrough process, A Bao used a lot of aura to penetrate the two veins of Ren and Du, so it is not without gain.

  After Ren and Du's two veins were connected, A Bao did not make great progress as in the novel.

  The spiritual energy reserves in its body did not increase instantly, but its strength did increase rapidly afterwards.

   There are two benefits to running through the two veins of Ren and Du.

  Firstly, Ren and Du's two meridians form a self-circulating cycle, and the energy can flow around the body without active cultivation, and the cycle accumulates spiritual energy.

  Although Quanzhen internal strength can be cultivated by sitting, lying and walking, it actually requires a certain amount of effort and needs to follow a specific breathing rhythm and movement.

   What's more, the effect of automatic cultivation of Quanzhen internal strength is far inferior to the circulation of Ren Du's two channels.

  With the automatic cultivation link of Ren Du's second vein, Chen Wen believes that it will not be very far for Abao to advance to the tenth stage of the mortal body.

  Secondly, Ren Du’s second channel can supply aura to the Twelve Zhengjing faster, thus increasing the speed of Abao’s skills.

  In Chen Wen's view, the dantian is the vast sea, while the two veins of Ren and Du are the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.

  In the past, Abao needed to use his aura from his dantian to perform his skills, which made him need a certain amount of preparation time to perform his skills, especially the dark energy.

   After the Ren Du Second Meridian is connected, it can directly transfer the aura from the Ren Du Second Meridian that is connected to the Twelve Zhengjing to perform skills, which greatly speeds up the speed of its skills.

  In addition to daily practice, after Chen Wen completed the basic anti-strike training, he often competed with A Bao.

  In the beginning, Chen Wen was at a disadvantage. If it wasn't for Abao's holding back, Chen Wen would have to go to the hospital every day.

  But after more actual battles, Chen Wen's combat level improved by leaps and bounds, and A Bao could no longer easily suppress Chen Wen during the two's training.

   Soon, the winter vacation is over.

  With the arrival of the new semester, the big training in Qinghe No. 1 Middle School is also lively.

  After the warm-up training, Lu Dong glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Announce the entry list for the national competition, there are still five main players and five substitute players.

  Official players: Yang Wenhan, Chen Wen, Luo Yin, Zhang Dewang, Li Siyu, and the rest are substitutes. "

   Without waiting for everyone to raise objections or opinions, he continued: "The substitute players can challenge a main player, and each person is limited to one chance."

  After speaking, he turned his eyes to Fu Yunfei and He Xiong.

  Both pet beasts have rare potential, and their strength has broken through to the late stage of mortal womb. Now after several months of polishing, their combat power is definitely not inferior to that of Li Siyu and Zhang Dewang.


   "I want to challenge!"

   Sure enough, the two raised their hands at the same time.

   Lu Dong nodded and asked, "Who do you want to challenge?"

   "Zhang Dewang!" The two said in unison.

  When Zhang Dewang heard this, his chubby face immediately flushed red.

  Lu Dongdao: "They all challenge Zhang Dewang? Come first, come first, He Xiong raised his hand first."

   As he spoke, he stepped onto the battlefield.

  He Xiong and Zhang Dewang hurriedly followed and stood on both sides of the battlefield.

"Game start!"

   Following Lu Dong's order, both He Xiong and Zhang Dewang summoned their pet beasts.

   More than a month later, Xiong Er has grown a circle visibly to the naked eye, and his body size is almost the same as that of a thorny porcupine.

   "Xiong Er, defeat the thorny porcupine, and I will give you an extra meal tonight!"

  He Xiong directly enticed him with delicious food, which cheered up Xiong Er who had just come out of the Beast Familiar Space, and rushed directly to the porcupine covered with spikes.

   While rushing towards the Thorn Porcupine, Xiong Er formed a rock armor with both arms.

  The thorny porcupine has thorns all over its body, which makes many beasts afraid, but it is a pity that Xiong Er has gloves, so it is not afraid at all.

  Zhang Dewang obviously also knew that Xiong Er restrained his little piggy, and immediately commanded: "Change the ball, rotate, roll!"

  Following Zhang Dewang's commanding three times, the thorny porcupine quickly turned into a prickly ball, and then rolled quickly on the battlefield, and Xiong Er couldn't catch up with his fast speed.

   "I... I'm convinced!"

   "It's okay to turn into a thorn ball, but now the thorn ball can still run?"

   "This move is excellent both offensively and defensively!"


   While everyone was amazed, Zhang Dewang directed the thorny porcupine to roll behind Xiong Er and crashed into Xiong Er.


  Xiong Er quickly formed a rock armor behind him, resisting the impact of the thorny porcupine, but when Xiong Er wanted to fight back, the thorny porcupine had already rolled away.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! —

  The thorny ball transformed into a thorny porcupine whirled and attacked continuously. Xiong Er either blocked or dodged, and fell into a disadvantage for a while.

  He Xiong glanced at Zhang Dewang who had been nagging, and quickly analyzed that the thorny porcupine turned into a prickly ball used Zhang Dewang to distinguish the direction.

  In an instant, he had an idea in his mind.

  The thorny porcupine bumped into Xiong Er again, and Xiong Er dodged with difficulty.

  Just as Zhang Dewang was about to direct the Thorn Porcupine, he suddenly discovered that there was a rock pillar behind Xiong Er.


  In an instant, the thorny porcupine and the rock pillar came into close contact.

  The rock pillar broke at the sound, and the thorny porcupine flew back backwards, exiting the thorn ball form.

  The thorny porcupine would not lose its combat power because it hit a rock pillar, but if the rock pillar was a rock thorn, the thorny porcupine would have to be sent to the emergency room at this moment.

   Zhang Dewang knew that He Xiong was lenient, so he decisively surrendered.

  Lv Dong saw this and announced: "He Xiong will be the main force, and Zhang Dewang will be the substitute. Is there anyone else who wants to challenge?"

  Fu Yunfei raised his hand.

  (end of this chapter)

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