Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 17: Training course【new book for support】

  Chapter 17 training course [new book seeking support]

  【Points +1! 】

  【Points +2! 】

  【Points +1! 】


  The system’s reminders sounded one after another, and the points stopped beating only when Chen Wen took Abao and sat down after the last journey.

   Turning on the system, Chen Wen quickly looked at the points column.

  【Points: 13】

  The entire system interface has not changed much, only 13 more points have been added, and there is not even a lucky draw wheel.

   Even so, Chen Wen was quite satisfied.

  Although the system function has not yet appeared, he believes that this should be due to too few points.

   After all, there are only a few people on the playground, and Ah Bao just stood up and walked a few steps. It is a surprise to be able to gain points.

  He deliberately made an attempt on the last section of the road, and he just wanted to find out how to get points.

   Now that the experiment is successful, it is too late for him to be happy.

   Walking can get amazing, but what about somersaulting, jumping through fire rings, and breaking boulders in the chest?

   Or, what about performing martial arts?

  Chen Wen suspected that as long as he used the "Martial Arts Genius" talent ball for A Bao, he could start to gain a lot of system points, thereby digging out other functions of the system and speeding up the growth of himself and the beast.

  However, you have to find a suitable time to use the talent ball.

  He already has plans in this regard, but it's just not the right time yet.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

   Clapping her hands, Su Xin attracted everyone's attention.

   "Have a good rest, line up according to the queue at the beginning!"

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  When everyone heard the words, they all got up from the lawn, and hugged their own pet cubs in front of them.

   Then, everyone looked curiously at a football storage rack behind Su Xin, on which were placed more than a dozen footballs.

   "Now let's start today's intimacy training!"

   "Did you see the football behind me? This is the prop for your training today."

   "Three people and three favorites form a group. One group receives a football and then does passing training."

   After finishing speaking, she summoned her pet beast Snow Fox, and then called Fu Yunfei and Li Siyu, who completed the fastest two kilometers, to demonstrate together.

  The passing training is not difficult. The beast master and the beast form a circle, and then the beast master randomly passes the ball to the beast, and the beast passes to the designated beast master under the command of the beast master.

  Most pets are fond of round objects, so the simple game made all three pets have a good time, and the eyes of the pet cubs in the team also showed light.

  After the demonstration, Su Xin asked everyone to form a team freely, and then came to her to receive the football.

  As soon as Su Xin's announcement was over, the students began to invite friends to form teams.

  Chen Wen and He Xiong immediately reached a consensus. Just as they were about to find another classmate, a group of people surrounded them.

   Po is still popular!

  Li Siyu also looked at the cute Abao on the ground, but chose to give up after seeing the students who surrounded her.

  At this moment, she felt that there was someone beside her,

   Turning her head to look, Fu Yunfei, who was demonstrating with her just now, came over with a chic smile.

   "Student Li Siyu, it just so happens that we have trained together and have experience, why don't we train together?"

  Li Siyu had no reason to refuse, and nodded politely: "Okay!"

  Fu Yunfei immediately showed a bright smile.

  What he didn't notice was that Li Siyu took the time to glance in Chen Wen's direction, and a trace of regret flashed in his beautiful eyes.

   Few people can resist the cuteness of the iron-eating beast. Although Li Siyu is calm and rational, she still wants to go up and stroke the round belly of the iron-eating beast cub.

   On the other side, Chen Wen quickly cut through the mess, and picked Michelle, who is well-behaved, to form a team.

  The two sides received the football from Su Xin one after another, and then they each stepped aside to start training.

  Mi Xueren looks well-behaved, but her pet beast is very fierce. It is a fang wolf who likes to fight more. Of course, the fang wolf is still a little dog at the moment.

  Chen Wen and the others first explained the rules of the game to their pets.

   "A Bao, let's play a game later."

   Pointing to the football on the ground, Chen Wen continued: "Just kick this ball around, and whoever I tell you to kick it to, you will kick it to whoever it is, understand?"


  A Bao got up and called out, full of confidence.

   After explaining the rules, everyone dispersed into a circle and stood up.

   "A Bao, it's done!"

   While speaking, Chen Wen gently kicked the football in front of Abao.

  The football rolled over slowly, Ah Bao put his hands together, got up and rushed towards the football.

   And then...


   Ah Bao lost his balance when he was on top of the football, and then he rolled over the football for a week, causing the football to roll behind him.

  Looking at A Bao who was rubbing his head and looking confused, both He Xiong and Mi Xue laughed out loud.

   "Hahaha, Po is so funny!"

"so cute!"

  Chen Wen could only cover his head to express helplessness.

   Fortunately, it wasn't just his pet beast who was ashamed.

   After a while, Xiong Er slapped the football flying, and He Xiong had to run half of the playground to chase the football.

   And Michelle's fang wolf howled around the football, as if the football was its enemy.

  After all, pet beasts are still wise. Under the guidance of Chen Wen and the others, the three cubs quickly completed the simple passing training in a decent manner.

  Then, the three discussed and increased the difficulty.

  For example, kick the football higher, so that the beast has to jump up to intercept.

  Such as speeding up soccer balls, let them train reaction speed.

  Chen Wen and the others finally understood why a simple game was regarded as training by Teacher Su Xin.

  Because a simple pass training can not only improve the intimacy between the beast and the beast master, but also exercise the coordination ability, reaction speed and other abilities of the pet.

   It can be said that passing training is an excellent training method that entertains and educates.

  Because it was fun, most of the pets didn’t feel bored or tired. Even after two consecutive training sessions, one of the pets still held the football and refused to let go.

  When the students wanted to force the pet beast into the Beast Familiar Space, Teacher Su Xin made a move.

  I saw her stepping forward, easily grasping the playful beast's neck, and then took the football away with the other hand.

  Placing the cub of the pet beast in the hands of the students, Su Xin said gently: "Leave it to me to offend the beast, it hasn't completely trusted you yet!"

   After finishing speaking, she put the football on the storage rack and announced that get out of class was over.

  When Chen Wen was about to bring Abao into the Beast Familiar Space, Michelle called him to stop him.

   "Can I touch it?"

  Michelle's round face is full of anticipation, and her wide eyes are full of longing.

  Chen Wen rubbed his chin when he heard this.

  Chen Wen might refuse before changing the job, after all, he has already considered how to charge.

  But Michelle is the classmate who trained together just now after all.


   "Po doesn't like strangers touching it, but after all you trained with us... that's fine!"

   After thinking about it, Chen Wen made a look of helplessness, and reluctantly agreed to Michelle's request.

  He can’t promise it easily, otherwise, after the news spreads, Ah Bao will become cheap, and it will be difficult to charge in the future.

  Fortunately, the communication between the beast master and the pet beast needs to be two-way, otherwise, when Abao knows that his beast master not only wants to prostitute it for free many times, but also plans to let him go out to pick up customers, he will not be mad?

  A Bao was full of energy when he was playing, but now he became sluggish, and fell asleep casually lying on the lawn.

  After getting Chen Wen's permission, Michelle quickly squatted down and stretched out her white palm to Abao.

   Touching A Baotuan's soft belly, Michelle's eyes shone with happiness.

  Rua for a while, Michelle put away her hand, a little disappointed and said: "It's a pity that it fell asleep, like a fake, it doesn't move..."

  Before he finished speaking, Ah Bao kicked his legs symbolically.

   Trying out new books, Xiaodao begged all book friends for support. The more recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, comments, etc., the better.



  (end of this chapter)

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