Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 796: How to survive 【Subscribe】

  Chapter 796 How to survive 【Subscribe】

  On the sea, the wind and rain are like darkness.

  After seeing the enchantment wall rising into the sky, Chiba Masao immediately left the team and rushed to Lorco Island alone.

   "Quick! Faster!"

  Hearing the urging of his own beast master, the giant demon python quickly exerted 120% of its strength, and drew an extremely long white water line on the sea.

  Despite the distance and the reduction of the enchantment wall, Masao Chiba could still feel the terrifying battle fluctuations on the island.

   Involuntarily, anxiety rose in his heart.

   Yamata no Orochi is a pet beast of water attribute, even if it casts a demon formation, it is still at sea, not on an island.

   Therefore, Lorco Island must be an enchantment set by humans.

  Thinking of what happened in the last mission, Chiba Masao couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.


  Own captain was attacked and killed again!

  In his opinion, his team leader is kind and likes to help others. He is a ten to ten good guy.

   What's more important is that Chen Wen is extremely talented and definitely has the aptitude to become a god. In the future, he must be the pillar of the human side and the main force to resist the invasion of the mountains and seas.

  He couldn't understand why someone wanted to kill Chen Wen again and again.

   This is simply a crime, killing hope on the human side!

  Extremely anxious in his heart, he couldn't help displaying the talent of beast control, and a dazzling blue light bloomed between his brows.

  At this moment, the enchantment wall covering Lorco Island suddenly collapsed.

  The next moment, several rainbow lights flew out of Lorco Island in an instant with palpitating aura fluctuations.

   " it over?"

   Seeing this, Masao Chiba showed a look of despair in his eyes.

   He still hasn't caught up.

  Even though it was far away, he still vaguely sensed the powerful strength of the three beasts flying out of the barrier.

  Legendary level!

   Absolutely legendary strength!

   And it's not the ordinary legendary level that just got promoted!

  Can Chen Wen withstand the siege of three powerful legendary beasts?

  Although he has great confidence in Chen Wen, Qianye Zhenxiong still has a bad feeling in his heart

  At this moment, a thick golden light traversed the sky and earth, sweeping over with the aura of clarifying Yuyu.

  In an instant, the sky and the earth thundered, and the sea water rolled back in all directions.

   Masao Chiba held his breath and concentrated, without taking a breath for a while, staring fixedly at the vision of heaven and earth coming from a distance.

   It took a while for him to react.

  It seems that... the three legendary beasts who were so imposing just now were fleeing in a panic.

   Could it be that your captain defeated three legendary beast masters?

  Thinking of this, Chiba Makoto couldn't help feeling absurd, and his heart was full of disbelief.

   Before he had time to think about it, Masao Chiba saw a blue light shooting towards him.

   "Stop him!"

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   Seeing this, Masao Chiba quickly ordered the giant demon python to stop it.

  Only when his thought was transmitted to the giant demon python, Gale Feng Qingluan flew over him from a distance at an incredible speed as if teleporting, and then directly flew over.

   Immediately afterwards, Gale Feng Qingluan broke through the air and formed a strong wind, and slashed down like a giant knife.

   Seeing this, Masao Chiba quickly used his talent of beast control, commanding the giant demon python to turn from attack to defense.

  The giant devil python let out a low growl, kicking up a huge amount of sea water, forming a waterspout that shot straight into the sky in an instant.

  However, just as the waterspout rose more than ten meters, it was cut by the wind blade formed by the blast Qingluan piercing through the air, causing the water in the waterspout to collapse in all directions.

  The giant demon python quickly dodged to avoid the wind blade, but Chiba Masao was also swept into the sea by the swarming crowd in turn.

   After a while, Masao Chiba climbed out of the water again under the support of the giant demon python.

  Looking at Gaifeng Qingluan who had disappeared into the sky, he suddenly felt a chill rushing from his tailbone to his forehead, and his whole body felt chills.

  If the other party didn't take him seriously at all, wouldn't he be dead at this moment?

  After facing Gale Qingluan in the middle of the legend, Chiba Masao felt his own weakness.

  Recovering from a trance, he suddenly felt that there was no need for him to rush to support.

  Facing legendary powerhouses, the effect he can actually play is extremely limited.

   Shaking his head, Chiba Masao dispelled the distracting thoughts in his mind, and commanded the giant demon python to proceed cautiously to Lorco Island.

   It didn't take long for him to approach Lorco Island, and his mental power instantly spread out from his body.

   In just a short while, several strands of mental power were swallowed up by the secret space gap on the island.

   "Hiss... what's going on?"

  Spiritual power was cut by the space gap, Chiba Masao quickly stopped exploring with spiritual power, commanded the demon python to raise its head from the sea, and overlook Lorco Island from a height.

   "There are so many gaps in space, and the aura of heaven and earth is so chaotic. What kind of battle is going on here?"

  In an instant, Chiba Masao frowned, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

   At this moment, Lorco Island has been razed to the ground, and there are only powdery sand and vertical and horizontal gullies on the ground.

   Above the earth, the space is unstable, and space gaps appear out of thin air from time to time.

   What is more eye-catching is that it is a black-yellow boulder like a hill, blooming with a shining yellow light and spontaneously absorbing the surrounding earth-attribute aura.

  Legendary resources!

   Or, the corpse of a legendary beast!

   Chiba Masao's pupils tightened, and he made such a judgment in an instant.


  Thinking of this, Chiba Masao couldn't help but gasped.

   It turned out that there were more than three legends besieging Chen Wen!

   "With one against four, he actually killed one... The captain is too much!"

   After a moment of emotion, Chiba Masao moved his gaze to the center of the island, to the young man surrounded by Abao and the others.

   Seeing that the battle had subsided, Chiba Masao commanded the demon python to go to the island.

   Without waiting for Masao Chiba to approach, Bai Yuer took a step forward and said in a human voice, "Stop!"

   Masao Chiba was taken aback when he heard the words, but stopped as he said.

   "Chen Wen is recovering from injuries, please guard meow outside the island~"

  Because of Chen Wen's help, its strength has improved rapidly, but its mental power has not caught up with the increase in strength, and it cannot read the minds of experienced master beast masters.

  Besides, the abilities of the beastmaster and pet beast are all kinds of strange, such as transformation, curse and other abilities are hard to guard against.

   Now that Chen Wen is seriously injured and very fragile, he doesn't want to cause complications.

   Glancing at Chen Wen who was bathed in green light behind Bai Yuer, Chiba Masao nodded and took the initiative to retreat to the edge of the island to guard.

  He understood Bai Yuer's caution.

   Not long after, other members of the dawn team also rushed over.

  Knowing that Chen Wen was injured, under the guidance of Bai Yuer and the others, everyone spread out around the island, setting up an extremely tight cordon.

  Among the team members, one person glanced at the center of the island, and then accepted the task of patrolling the seabed.

   After entering the sea, he never came back.


   A few hours later, in the center of Lorco Island.

  Chen Wen in the beam of light finally opened his eyes and stood up with difficulty.

   "Finally alive..."

  Although the whole body was still aching, Chen Wen still had a look of joy on his face.

  Although he won this battle, and he won it simply and neatly, but he knew how lucky he was to win.

  Because he saw only some black lines in his luck, he didn't ask for help at all this time.

  If the Spider Queen and the others were not so eager, he might have really fallen this time.

  As long as the Spider Queen and the others are willing to spend a few more minutes to break through the Five Elements Domain, the aura of heaven and earth in the air-forbidden barrier will not be so chaotic that it loses control, and the Mouse Emperor and the others will not expose their positions because of this.

  If it weren't for the loss of control of the aura of heaven and earth, even if Chen Wen used the magic of heaven and earth, the pet beasts of Shuhuang and others would be able to expand the domain to resist several attacks.

  The exposure of their whereabouts was their biggest mistake.

   Beast Master is too fragile!

  In the form of Fatianxiangdi, the attack range of any of his blows can be said to be overwhelming, and he can't dodge it.

  As for the can only be described as destroying the world and overwhelming the sea.

  Legendary-level beasts can resist Chen Wen's attacks a few times by virtue of their rough skin and thick flesh, but the Shuhuang and others haven't even completed their bodies and spirits, and they can't bear the aftermath of the battle alone.

  Under such circumstances, Shuhuang and the others exposed their own positions, and they were looking for death.

  Although the opponent showed such a big flaw, he was very lucky to win.

  If the Spider Queen and the others don't retreat, he will lose his combat power if he takes away one or two people in the end.

   Most of the energy on the island has been absorbed by him. Even if Ah Bao and the others continue to use their spells, the power will not be as good as before, and they may not be able to protect him by then.

  Of course, if the Spider Queen and the others don't retreat, he is actually ready to smash the forbidden air barrier with the wishful golden stick and run away.

   It's just that he has already fought fiercely after passing through the forbidden air barrier, and the surrounding void is very unstable. It is also extremely dangerous for him to use space leap to run.

   Seeing Chen Wen stand up, Ah Bao who was guarding around immediately looked at him with concern.





   "How do you feel meow~?"

  Hearing the concerns of the five little ones, a smile bloomed on Chen Wen's pale face, "Yu'er, you broke the formation again..."

   As he spoke, he looked inside his body, and then replied: "It feels okay... There is no shared talent pain, it just comes on after a while, hiss!"

   Just as he was speaking, a turbulent energy flow cut through his meridians like a blade, causing Chen Wen's five sense organs to wrinkle in pain.

  A Bao and the others immediately chirped with concern when they saw this.

  Chen Wen rubbed his temples, and comforted him: "Don't worry too much. If I don't fight, I should be able to recover after recuperating for a month."

  He has an advanced self-healing talent, and with Mu Linger's treatment, he would have healed if it was an ordinary trauma.

  But now his body is filled with the energy turbulence of the carrier's destructive breath.

  If these energy turbulences are not dealt with properly, it will continue to damage his body, and it will take a lot of time to expel or refine these energy turbulences before they can be completely restored.

   Perceived the raging chaotic energy turbulence in his lower body, Chen Wen couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and said with a smile: "The quality of these energy turbulence is extremely high, if I refine it, my original aura can increase a lot.

   Moreover, these energy turbulence also contains the law of destruction and the law of chaos.

  If I handle it well, maybe I can get a blessing in disguise this time. "

   Ten supreme laws, each of which is very powerful.

   If he can take this opportunity to introduce the Law of Destruction and Chaos, his strength will be improved a lot again.

   The insight of the beast masters was astonishing. When Chen Wenyi stood up, all the surrounding team members saw it.

  While Chen Wen was talking to Abao and the others, Chiba Masao and other senior master beast masters approached the center of the island one after another, and greeted Chen Wen from a distance.

  Chen Wen turned on Sharingan and looked at a few people, then waved: "Come here!"

   Several people stepped forward quickly, and after paying attention to Chen Wen's physical condition, Elizabeth asked curiously, "Captain, what happened? Who surrounded you?"

   "After I lured Yamata no Orochi to Lorco Island to suppress it, I was attacked by six legendary beast masters..."

   "Isn't it four?"

  Before Chen Wen finished speaking, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes and opened their mouths to let out an exclamation.

  Chen Wen gave everyone an unfamiliar look, and continued: "Because they are wearing special props, I don't know their specific identities, but they are all quite famous."

   "How can you be famous if you hide your identity?"

  Hearing Chen Wen's words, Elizabeth and the others had question marks on their heads.

  Chen Wen continued: "Judging from their beasts, they should be the Spider Queen, Mouse Emperor, Black Stone, Qingfeng, Thunder Dragon and Vine King on the list of evil beast masters."

   "Where are the top ten strong ones in the ranking of evil beast masters?"

   "It turned out to be them!"


  Halland and the others expressed emotion because of the shortage of people, and Elizabeth was even more surprised: "Captain, how did you survive?"

  Glaring Elizabeth, who couldn't speak, Chen Wen said lightly, "It's nothing... that is to kill the Rat Emperor first, and then kill Black Stone, and then they ran away in fear."


  Silence, weird silence!

  When Elizabeth and the others heard the words, they didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while.

  They have seen Chen Wen pretend to beep more than once, and they have heard Chen Wen's domineering words more than once.

   But at this moment, they were still shocked by Chen Wen's understatement.

   What matters is not what Chen Wen said, but what he did.

  Facing the siege of six legendary-level evil beast masters, being able to escape is worthy of special mention.

  However, with one against six, Chen Wen actually killed two of the legendary beast masters and forced the other four legendary beast masters to retreat.

  Although they had estimated Chen Wen's strength at a high level, they didn't dare to imagine it like this.

   After a while, Elizabeth and the others gradually came back to their senses.

   Masao Chiba thought about it for a while, and then testified: "When I arrived, there were three beasts running away, and one of them was running in my direction.

  If it wasn't for the fact that the opponent didn't take me seriously at all, I would have died at the hands of the opponent in a few rounds.

   Thinking about it, it should be Qingfeng, who is ranked seventh, and her beast, Galewind Qingluan. "

  Drogba pointed to the boulder not far away that was evolving into the earth system domain, and said, "That should be the body of the rock giant, right?"

   Judging from Chiba Masao and the traces at the scene, Chen Wenzhen killed two legendary beast masters who were in the top ten of the evil beast master rankings.

  (end of this chapter)

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