Because I Was Excluded Out of the Class Transfer, I Decided to Steal My Classmate's Lover

Chapter 95.2: Venus without a Uniform

Chapter 95.2: Venus without a Uniform

Her aim is to reach the bathing place for the knights in the corner of the courtyard. Since they have been allowed to use the bathrooms in the palace, they have had much less opportunity to sweat it out in the outdoor bathing areas, which are as simple as the shower rooms on the beach.

Recently, Kanami has been going straight to the bathroom. The baths are well-equipped and she can soak in the water up to her shoulders and take a break. A good way to recover from fatigue.

It had been a long time since she had visited an outdoor bathing area. Not that there was any deep reason for it. Today the sun was shining and Kanami was sweating more than usual, so she thought it would be better to go outside and wash off - that’s all.

“But……It’s really hot today. I feel like I’m melting.”

Looking up at the blue sky, Kanami twists her dignified face into a weak smile. In this kind of weather, the best thing to do is to cover her head with cold water.

The breeze on the drops of water dripping down her body makes her feel cooler, if only for a moment. It’s open, it’s comfortable.

Kanami’s neat face has a hint of melancholy in it.

She secretly likes this place, where she can be naked outside without fear.

Her tight-fitting training garment confines and constricts her seductive, fleshy body. The sweat-drenched garment even soaks the underwear, adding to the dampness and discomfort.

The sweat-soaked, sticky training clothes slowly stimulate the high school girl’s desire for freedom in the bright sunshine.

She wants to take it off as soon as possible. She wants to let go of the clothes that bind her and expose herself without a stitch of clothing. Kanami wants to be refreshed in many ways, but without her realising it, her instinctive desire to undress begins to grow.

When she arrived at the bathing area, Kanami looked around and started to take off her damp training clothes.

The training suit, which has absorbed a lot of Kanami’s sweat, sticks to her shiny brown skin and is difficult to take off. Normally, she would fold it up neatly and leave it there. But she had run out of patience.

She took off her hair tie and threw it into the luggage beside her, along with her sailor suit to change into. Not wanting to let her underwear get wet, Kanami, still wearing her training clothes, doused her head with water.

The water drips from her shiny black hair. The training suit that has absorbed extra moisture becomes heavy and sticks to Kanami’s bare skin.

It reminds her of swimming in clothes in primary school. Kanami is in a good mood as a cool sensation runs through her hot body.

She resumes her earlier humming from the chorus and begins to undress, rolling up her clothes, which have become heavy from absorbing the water.

The usual Kanami would never have done this. The training uniform is squeezed and rolled up like a wet rag. Kanami hates anything crooked or outlandish, and she finds clothes that aren’t folded properly disgusting.

But the most uncomfortable thing for Kanami at the moment seemed to be the current climate - so hot that smoke was rising from her body and the feel of her sweat drenched training uniform clinging to her.

She rolled up her soaking wet clothes, including her underwear, and put them in a corner of the bathing area. She’ll wash them anyway. But for now, she wants to get rid of this unpleasant sweat as quickly as possible.

“Ha……It’s nice and soothing. That’s what I need when it’s hot.”

Kanami did not like to be left in a sweaty state.

During the summer holidays, Kanami was the first to go to the shower room to wash off her sweat during club practice.

“Please close the door of the partition properly!”

Kanami reminisces about the time she was scolded by a red-faced younger colleague.

The shower rooms at the high school are, of course, separate for men and women. When Kanami said that it was okay for girls to shower together, one of the younger students said something to her, but she can’t remember what it was.

When she has finished, she reaches for the soap provided. As she rubbed her palms to create a lather, Kanami suddenly felt a presence and looked towards the courtyard.


She quickly covers her chest with her arm and turns her body towards the presence. There is a small partition, but it is only waist high, so the top half of the body is exposed.

The female knights of the royal court, for example, bathe as if they have nothing to be ashamed of with their superbly trained bodies. It’s hard for a high school girl in modern Japan to accept such common sense.

As for Kanami, she feels that exposing her naked body to the public is one of her pleasures, so she doesn’t have such a strong feeling of rejection towards the open bathing area. But it’s not a good feeling to be seen sneaking around in the background while people are bathing comfortably.

Kanami raises her eyebrows and looks around with a stern face. She has a violent bulge, which is made even more vicious by the fact that it was pulled up by her arms.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s me, Kanami.”


The visitor who appeared at the bathing area was none other than Ran Kirishima.

Dressed in his training uniform, he walked slowly towards Kanami and raised the corner of his mouth with a smile.

Kanami can’t hide her dismay at this unexpected visitor.

“What are you doing here……?”

“I saw Kanami heading here, so I thought you were going for a dip, so I followed you.”

Ran with a spatula smiles and says such a thing.

To put it in a simple way, it means that Ran has come to peep at the person he loves in the hope that she will be naked.

As soon as her understanding had caught up with her, Kanami’s face blushed slightly in reflex.

“You’ve been following…That’s not good for many reasons. It’s a good thing I’m the only one here, but what would happen if the other girls had been bathing?”

“I don’t really care. I don’t think it would bother anyone.”

“You’ll be in trouble! If Nekoyama or Shirayuki or — Aihara or even Onigawara, so on.”

There are currently no girls who would be traumatised by the appearance of him while bathing.

“I saw Reika walking with Kiryuin earlier, and she didn’t seem to be coming this way, so I thought it was okay.”

“I-is that so, that’s okay then. Yup”

If she applies common sense, there are no fragments that are okay. But since this is Kanami, she was the only one who had the temerity to bathe outdoors, so no problems were caused.

But why? Within Kanami, some strange feelings were slowly rising up.

A feverish gaze was cast all over Kanami’s body. It’s a look of inferiority. Her cheeks are flushed, her breath is ragged, and she looks better than ever.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It was her eyes first, then moved to the collarbone, then to the breast gathered by her arm, then to the navel with its well-developed abdominal muscles and vertical muscles.

Kanami bends forward involuntarily. She’s exposed her naked body in front of Ran more times than she can count. She doesn’t know why she feels so embarrassed today.

Kanami was embarrassed to have Ran observing her body.

Kanami’s arms tighten around her chest. She bent forward, unconsciously trying to hide her body from the tsuitate.

(Note: Tsuitate is like a moveable wall. Usually used to hide woman/girls during changing cloth)

There is a ‘kyuu’ sensation in her lower abdomen.

“I feel strangely embarrassed to be naked, and yet strangely comfortable. I want to be seen, but I don’t want to be seen. Two conflicting emotions are rising up in me, making me dizzy.”

“You look lovely, Kanami.”

“No,Don’t, Ran!”

The words of rejection came out of her reflex, and Kanami was taken aback.

She moves the tsuitate and conceals the lower abdomen tightly. Kanami wriggled her red face as she struggled to wrap her breasts around her, which looked as if they would spill out if she didn’t.

“No, no, no, It’s not like I don’t like you or anything.”

Her eyes meet Ran’s. The reality that he is closer than before makes Kanami’s body burn hotter.

The ‘Kyuuuu’ is stronger than before making the numbness in the lower abdomen more intense. Feeling ashamed of her bent posture, Kanami stretched her body and faced Ran.

“I’m kind of embarrassed. I don’t know why, but I’m deathly embarrassed by that……You will see me dressed like this. I don’t know why, when I’ve been seen naked so many times already…”

She twists her body as the drops drip down, and her moist eyes twinkle.

“Is it because we’re in a small place? boarded up on three sides?”

But on the other hand, Kanami was tempted to let him see everything without hiding it. This is because the boy in front of her is none other than Kirishima Ran.

Her body understands that it is the opposite sex and is safe. She can kick the impulse and stand up with a good posture, but it should be good if it’s Ran.

“Uhhhhh … it’s embarrassing,…”

It’s a shameful, weak sound. Kanami wonders if Ran is disgusted with her.

“I can’t believe I’m hiding the body that I’ve been praised for so many times. Why Would Ran despise it?”


The sound of Ran’s voice tapped at her eardrums. Kanami nodded her head in response to the voice, which was gentler than she had imagined, holding her breasts tightly.

“W-what is Ran…?”

“Your reaction is so innocent, it’s actually quite erotic.”


Ran’s eyes were blazing with passion.

It’s not his usual regal smile. It is like a junior high school boy who is aroused in front of an obscene object. The smile that flickers between a grimace and a grinning was so exquisite that it made Kanmi’s hips tremble with fear.

“The dignified Kanami is also cool, but the shy Kanami is too erotic and the best…”

Puffing up the front of his training suit, Ran approaches the bathing area.

At this lewd approach, Kanami clears her throat with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness.


The tip of the shoe hits the tsuitate.

Kanami is standing in front of a waist-deep wall and exposing her pristine figure. The beauty of this heavenly form awakens the instincts of those who see it, stimulating and arousing the young body.

When Ran puts his face close to hers, He can smell the soft scent of sweat. He looked down at her. The brown tits are pulled together by her arms and assert themselves more than necessary. It is not possible to see the pink protruding part, hidden by Kanami’s arm.

Kanami stared at Ran, a look of anxiety on her upturned face.

Ran looks down at her accentuated cleavage and licks it as he goes. Her body is trembling and her breath is coming out in little puffs, as if she is remembering something.

“It’s from Kanami’s body, it’s so erotic and beautiful.”

Ran looks at her wiggling hips.

He tried to look into the space between Tsuitate and Kanami. Perhaps Kanami noticed it, so she grabbed the tsuitate and pressed it against her own stomach.

With only one hand holding her breasts, Kanami is in a state of exquisite danger.

Kanami uses her arms and the tsuitate to hide her sensitive parts. This is the first time Ran ever sees a girl try to hide a part of her body that she’s ashamed of.

“What are you so embarrassed about?”

“I-I don’t know. I’m just too embarrassed to be seen here naked by you.”

“But you don’t really mind, do you?”

She hadn’t started washing herself yet. The smell of Kanami drifted to Ran’s nose.

The healthy tanned skin of Kanami’s body glistens with water droplets and slides down the sexy curves of her body.

The more she twists to hide her body, the more Kanami’s girly curves appear in his vision.

The fact that it seems to be invisible is enough to arouse lust. But that is not the only thing that strikes Ran.

Unconsciously, It goes through. Ran has seen Kanami’s body many times. He can remember what kind of body she had.

Kanami’s naked body, etched in Ran’s memory, overlaps with the body half-hidden in front of him. The nipples on the other side of the arm, the budding cunt desperately hidden by the tsuitate. The more it was hidden, the more it made Ran’s imagination stronger, and his lust grew.

A drop of water drips from the tip of her hair. A drop of water falls on her shoulder,traces down her neck, caresses her breast and slides down her arm.

When the drop disappears behind the tsuitate, Ran looks at Kanami’s face again. Ran wondered if it’s because he’s observing her so closely. Kanami’s face turned red and she let out a ragged breath, huffing and puffing with an expectant look on her face.

The lewdness of Kanami’s reaction, unthinkable for a normal woman, alarmed the rational mind. The limit has been breached.

“I’m coming in, Kanami.”

“No, Ran. No, no, no! If you do that to me, I’ll……I don’t know what I’m going to do.-”

Ran climb over a barrier and enter the bathing area, which is in use to great acclaim. Surrounded on three sides by wooden walls, even the last bastion is a narrow private room protected by a partition. A man and a woman of the age are alone in the space where they are forced to stick together without question.

Still clad in his training uniform, he hugged Kanami’s body and roughly took her lips.

Kanami’s body jumps. She reflexively tried to escape. But there is a wall right behind her. It’s impossible to escape.

For a while, Kanami remained tense. Soon, however, her instincts are revitalised. She accepts Ran’s kiss and returns it softly. She tilts her face up and lays it deep. The two of them have no choice but to insert their tongues into each other’s mouths.

Warm breath fills the oral cavity and escapes from the mouth. Their lips part and a bridge of light is created between them. Kanami, who had somehow stopped hiding her body, looked at Ran with a puzzled look on her face and shivered her hips.

Kanami’s legs twitch as Ran grabs her wrists. Reflexively, she tries to bend forward, but it is impossible in this narrow space.

She rubbed her thighs together and let out an excruciating scream of “Fuuuku-tsu”. Ran wondered if it was a drop of water from her hair that had collected, or if it was the secretion of some other liquid. There was a lusty chuckling sound from her budding crack.

Once again, Kanami’s whole body comes into view.

The dignified face is covered with shame, and the neat face is covered with lasciviousness. She wriggles uncomfortably as she wipes a drop from the corner of her eye.

Her black hair is like ink that sticks to the skin. Drops of water dripped from the tips of her hair and fell on her tanned skin, licking her sexy curves.

A drop of water glides down her breast to her nipple and pops. Ran can’t help but be glued to her.

“…… Kanami”

Ran couldn’t resist sucking on Kanami’s neck. Her tanned skin is soaked with sweat. He licks it slowly, listening to Kanami’s charming voice.

From the neck to the collarbone and the shoulder. The roundness of the shoulder plays with the tip of Ran’s tongue.

He sucks on it and licks it. He continued around Kanami’s bare skin, gradually moving downwards.

“Kanami’s got really big tits, doesn’t she?”

“Don’t look at it too much, it’s embarrassing. ……”

“They’re beautiful, both in colour and shape. I love Kanami’s tits.”

Kanami’s face is troubled but her mouth is relaxed. She’s not sure if she should be happy or not.

With her buttocks banging against the wooden wall, Ran somehow manages to reach Kanami’s breasts. As if to compliment her on the size of her breasts, he casually pushes her arms on both sides, making them look a little bigger.

Ran should also lick this place carefully, but even he has already reached his limit. There is a pink protrusion on the tip of the big breasts. It was plump and fluffy, and it was self-assertive as if to touch it quickly.

Is she happy to see Ran admiring her tits? Kanami was embarrassed but had a proud face.

He reached out his tongue and made contact with the towering bud. Ran’s reason for being impatient was blown away, and he let his instincts take over as he sucked on Kanami’s breasts.

Kanami’ voiced a very high-pitched sound.

Ran flicks his tongue, making Kanami’s sensitive parts squirm. Ran’s tongue dances around the sensitive part of her body, drooling and sucking on it. From the outside, he looks like a baby.

Anyhow, he doesn’t care about appearances. How can a boy keep his wits about him with such large - beautiful and sweet tasting breasts swinging in front of him?

Then he removes his mouth from the breast and buries his face at her abdominal muscles and licks it.

Kanami’s nipples are moistened by Ran’s saliva. She looked down at it for a while and then, as if drawn to it, reached down to her own breasts and kneaded them to apply the moisture.

Ran plays around her waist and strokes it, carving a hickey into Kanami’s moderately soft abdomen.

Her neck is tight and firm. The big buttocks stretch out from there. The hips are of the easy-birth type, which arouses the desire of adolescent boys who are coated with reproductive instincts.

On his knees, he kneels in front of Kanami. Seeing the last bastion - the girl’s main dish, Ran mindlessly stretches his tongue to the crack in front of him.

Maybe it was because Kanami was touching her underwear all the time during the training. The rich scent from her drifts just by approaching.

As if attracted by the smell, Ran ran his tongue down Kanami’s crack. How long has she been wetting herself? He opened her wet slit with his finger. The wetness of her slit is so thick that it’s almost as if she’s been wetting herself.

His tongue catches the love juices that drip down, and licks the girl’s parts without mercy. The sound of Kanami’s stifled moans echoes in the background. Ran put his arms around her waist and buried his face in her crotch.

He extends his tongue and gently abuses the girl’s treasure. Making sizzling and vulgar sounds, he stimulates and caresses Kanami’s precious parts.

Ran stroked the curve of her hips down to her thighs as he continued to work inside Kanami’s private parts.

When he looks up from his mouth, he sees Kanami’s face contorted in pleasure as she kneads her own tits with all her might.

Currently, Ran is crouching in the bathing area and they are hiding behind the tsuitate. All that can be seen from the outside is the sight of Kanami engrossed in tormenting her own tits.

If someone were to see this scene, it would look like Kanami was immersed in a violent one-woman sex session.

“Hahafu, hafuuu…Ran, Ran, Ran…!”

The euphoria of being called names while moaning.

Even when he took his face away from her crotch, Kanami was still mindlessly calling Ran’s name and playing with her parts.

She slipped off her training clothes, exposing her swollen symbol to the open air. Although she hadn’t been touched at all, her pussy was moist and sticky from leaking cowpers all over her leg.

“Kanami. I can’t take it anymore.”

Licking up her abdominal muscles, stroking her waist, and seeking Kanami.

Kanami looked at Ran with a puzzled face and lets out a happy mewling sound.

They embraced again and kissed deeply, lips on lips.

Ran put his hands behind his back and brought the whole surface of his body into contact. Kanami put her arm around her back in the same way - only one arm was behind her back, and with the other hand she gently grasped Ran’s erect penis and began to handle it.

It is a symbol of a man with a viscous string hanging down. A high school girl with black hair and a kendo club gently squeezes it, and the semi-erection becomes a full erection in no time.

Kanami, too, has become aroused. Her hand starts to move and she becomes more and more lascivious. Her hands are so soft and girlish that Ran can’t help but feel a little nervous. It’s the first time he’s ever had the pleasure of spilling his seed into a soft, girlish hand.

It’s not long before it loses its momentum and hangs down. Kanami’s tongue moves gently and carefully around the mouth, burning Ran’s instincts. Without giving it a moment’s rest, the symbolism of Ran quickly returns to a state of alertness.

The second time Ran’s penis became erect in her hand. Her eyes narrowed in fascination at this muscularity and Kanami finally withdrew her tongue from Ran’s mouth.

Kanami is completely in heat. What happened to her initial shame? She looks at Ran with an indescribably erotic and challenging gaze. She crawls her cum-covered fingers into her mouth and sucks. Then continued by kissing him.

An arch of sperm between finger and mouth. After looking at Ran with a demanding look, Kanami turns her back to him and puts her hands on the tsuitate.

“…… I want you to put it in me from behind. I’m going to eat your dick, right down to the roots.”

Her voice is lusty and lascivious, even as she speaks challengingly. Ran witnesses a girl who is a member of the disciplinary committee getting so wild.

Ran can see her shiny brown skin. She has a beautiful back. A tight neckline. A low-profile hip that extends from there. And the buttocks that are thrust out to throw out.

Kanami’s hips sway provocatively as she begs to be penetrated.

It is no exaggeration to say that the woman’s body is symbolized by the curvaceous curves from the chest to the waist, as well as the breasts that sway greatly, and the attractive peach buttocks that can be described as vulgar, but also a compliment - all of the parts that create sexual attraction are growing to seek men.

Probably because it is narrow. Whenever Kanami sways her hips, the crack of her ass rubs against Ran’s erect penis.

The beauty that embodies the ideal female body. The desire to reproduce is aroused beyond love. The sexual urge is so strong that it tickles his instincts directly.

—I want to impregnate her. I want to fill Kanami’s vagina with cum and her womb with my genes.

—I want to take responsibility even if I bet my life.

A burst of anguish, a bare instinct that defies reason.

They caress the curves of each other’s hips and buttocks as their genitals come together. Ran’s powerfully erect dick and Kanami’s squishy, soft pussy kiss each other.

“I’m inserting it in, Kanami……”

“Come,-ra――~aaa~tsu!Ran~tsu,-ra~a~tsu,-ra~a~a~a~an!Ran’s, Ran’s cock, is inserting all the way to the back-hyauuu!”

A hot numbness ran up her spine.

Just as she had announced, Kanami’s cunt changed shape and swallowed Ran’s cock down to the root.

Kanami’s vaginal hole overflows with sweet nectar from the joint. The viscous nectar strings out and falls to the floor, breaking under the weight.

She’s worried that it’s too small for her to move around. With her hands on the wall, Kanami wriggles and twists. She sways her hips and buttocks in a full circle as she takes her own pleasure.

“Uwaa…Kanami’s intense”

“Hyauu…Hahhh… ecause it’s the first time we connected under the sun-Huaaaaa!-So it feels better than usual. Chau~.”

Kanami’s pussy is swollen and drooling with lust. The hot walls of her vagina tighten around the meat stick and she sucks it into her mouth.

Ran grabbed her buttocks as they swayed in front of him, unable to resist the tremendous pleasure. Kanami’s sensitive body twitches and jerks wildly.

Her shapely, supple hips sway lustfully. The sound of the water makes them both feel excited.

“Kanami……Seriously, it’s intense……!!”

“It’s not really a good idea.-But it is. I can’t believe we’re doing this during a training break. I can’t believe I’m doing this. And to have another liquid overflowing in a place where everyone is sweating……”

Kanami, a member of the public morals committee, is brought into the world of evil. It’s a temptation that brings Kanami, a member of the school discipline committee, into an unknown and evil world. The reality that she is doing something that she should not be doing stimulates and arouses the serious Kanami.

“It’s the Ran’s fault! How can you tempt a woman in the middle of the day like this……? In the middle of the day, outdoors - hmmm! I can’t believe I’m doing this outdoors, if anyone sees me doing this, I’ll be…”

“Does it make you extra excited?”

Breathing hard, Ran threw in a few teasing words.

Kanami, in full heat, doesn’t take it as a joke.

“Fufu, Yeah, maybe. If someone were to see me like this, I’d be so excited I’d want to show it to him. The horny face, the place where we are connected, the appearance of the disciplinary committee who drowned in the happiness of a woman-all of it,”

“There’s only one person in the whole world who can see Kanami in all her embarrassing glory and that’s me.”

What are the morals while keeping away a body that is likely causing the disturbance of the morals of a disciplinary committee member, which incites the inferiority of boys even through uniforms.

Kanami has developed into a body that is so inviting to men that it is laughable to think that it is strictly forbidden to disturb public morals. The body should have been hot and aching for a man. In a reaction to her repression of the situation, Kanami has become extremely seductive, shaking her hourglass-like body and planting more emotions in Ran.

“It’s a foul thing, you know… you’re so cute, you’ve got such an erotic body, you’re normally so serious and healthy, but in front of me, you’re like a dog in heat. If you had such a big ass, you would be able to have a healthy baby without any inconvenience. Not a pseudo-pregnancy like before, but a real one…”

She reveals her feelings to Kanami, who can’t hear her as she squirms in her seat.

Ran reveals his feelings to Kanami, who can’t hear her as she squirms.

As soon as he had said it, the desire that had been growing inside him - to reproduce with the woman in front of him - was suddenly aroused.

How can Ran resist the sight of a glamorous glamour body, even through clothes, in front of him in the flesh?

The screaming testicles give the illusion of more energy being produced.

The carnal desire that craves only for Kanami, the lust rises with tremendous momentum.

“I love you, Kanami.”


With an inarticulate scream, Kanami turned her head and convulsed.

The vaginal opening contracts strongly. As if squeezed by the writhing folds, the hot, pulsating penis makes a dense gush. The white gene is poured out wildly as it pushes deeper and deeper.

Ran grabbed her by the waist, and somehow managed to pull him out of his dizzy state, leaving reason behind and letting his searing desire for reproduction take over.

“A-amazing, Ran’s semen came all the way to the back of my stomach……”

Kanami collapses in a happy heap as she spins around in a throbbing voice. A thread of various lewd juices connects the two genitals, which have slipped out and are now torn apart by gravity.

Ran’s cock, which had ejaculated so violently that it was hard to believe it was only the second time, was still twitching and trembling as it pointed at Kanami.

Kanami’s pussy overflows with spunk.

They are alone in a small space. The walls are blocking the way, but they can’t help but touch each other. They look at each other with lust-filled faces.

“I know that face Ran,……You haven’t had enough yet, have you?”

“You’re the one who hasn’t had enough, aren’t you Kanami?”

They reach out to each other’s vital parts and play with them gently. It would be a little difficult to go into the second round in this way, both in terms of time and physical strength.

“How about we pick up where we left off tonight??”

“I don’t mind. I’m sure I’ll be masturbating to Kanami’s fantasies by the end of the night.”

“Me too. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

They put the tilted tsuitate back in place. Immersed in a comfortable exhaustion, they embrace each other to share the pleasure.

On the other side of the , Ran and Kanami kiss each other.

(Below is what is Tsuitate)

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