Because I Was Excluded Out of the Class Transfer, I Decided to Steal My Classmate's Lover

Chapter 61.3: Kanami-chan crisis!

Chapter 61.3: Kanami-chan crisis!

Translated by SoundOfDestinyEdited by Zil

“Lately, I feel like Ran is drifting away from me…..”

It’s time for combat training as usual. After completing her quota of swinging, Kanami took an early break and visited the corner where Aya Mikoshiba was practicing on her own. She was sitting on the floor and started to complain.

The scenery at the training ground that Aya is currently at, is as normal as usual. If there is one thing that is different, it is that the healthy boy Kenjiro Mitagawa, who is delighted with the visit of Kanami Inugami, a beautiful kendo girl at the top of the hierarchy and who secretly has feelings for her, is blowing up targets with his skills as if to say, “Look, look!” It doesn’t matter to Kanami right now what the other boys are doing, except for Ran. Whether he is destroying the target or the walls of the palace, Kanami’s heart will not be cleared.

“Kirishima seems to think a lot about what he’s doing. I can’t say that I’m stressed about him, but….”

Brushing away brown hair that glistens in the sun. Aya Mikoshiba looked at Kanami with a sigh.

She returned the gaze with a languid look, then curled her drooping (invisible) tail and pouted.

“That’s right. Mikoshiba meets Ran every day and makes out with her. ……”

“It’s not like I’m having sex with Kirishima all day every day, you know? I avoid dangerous days, and Kirishima doesn’t come on to me every time I see him.

“But you do see each other every day, don’t you? In an empty bathroom, just the two of you, taking your time, until you’re ready.”

Kanami lets out a sigh at Aya’s words. She’s not trying to blame Aya.

It’s the kind of terrible behaviour that women in the world do, like slowly destroying the object of their jealousy behind their backs, that is what the sun-loving Kanami Inugami hates more than anything.

If she is going to do it, she is going to do it fair and square, and do everything she can to dress herself up and look pretty, so that the boy she likes will take a shine to her.

Anyway, this is not a problem that can be solved by effort or anything else. Because in the first place, Kanami is not jealous of Aya, nor does she hold a grudge against her.

She’s simply jealous that Aya had been given the skill of infinite magic, so she can make out with Ran every day, which is – how can Kanami put it – unfair.

And most of all, she can’t help it – she feels disgusted with herself for thinking that her classmates are ‘unfair’ or ‘evil’, using her randomly given skills as an excuse.

“It’s not as simple as just having sex with Kirishima, is it?”

“I want Ran to look at me more. It’s not as if I’m not pretty compared to Nekoyama or Shirayuki. I’m a high school girl, after all. ……”

She puts her face on her knees, collapsing the dignified face of the girl into that of a maiden in love.

“The point is that we should worry about Kirishima, right?”

“But I don’t want to make things difficult for him. It would be unbearable for him to have to suffer because of my selfishness.”

If she did something that appealed to Ran’s conscience, he would probably care more about Kanami.

But that would be like betraying Ran’s trust outright.

Kanami can’t trust a devil who plays with a maiden’s heart by using a devilish trick such as Sexual Lunatic.

(TL: But you also got hit by Ran’s skill lol)

No matter how it goes, Kanami doesn’t want to hurt herself or play the role of a caring girl in order to get the person she loves to take interest in her.

“Inugami is a little too serious and straightforward. Sometimes you have to tell a girlish lie or two to get the attention of the guy you like.”

As she said this, Aya threw a small object at Kanami.

Kanami was startled by the small object that flew in front of her, but with her natural reflexes she wrapped the lump in her hand and gently opened it.

“…..What’s this?”

“It’s a fascinating fruit that stimulates the instincts of boys. If you drink it and meet Kirishima tonight, I’m sure he’ll go crazy for you.”

“If it’s a fruit that stimulates boys’ instincts, why would I drink it?”

Kanami tilts her head with a puzzled look on her face, as if to say she doesn’t get the point.

In this situation, it is hard to believe that Aya would do something that would be detrimental to Kanami.

“It may have some embarrassing side effects, but Kirishima is used to it and won’t despise it. –Also, it’s supposed to work pretty fast, so you should take it about 30 minutes before you meet Kirishima. If you take it too early you’ll probably get into trouble.”

There are some disturbing words hidden in the statement, but Kanami decided to believe Aya’s words for now.

Kanami doesn’t know what the side effects are. But they don’t have to worry too much about that, because they can recover from most of their problems with Misuzu’s skills.

The only side-effect Kanami could think of is that Ran will be getting naughtier.

It could be that she forgets herself and acts like a slut, or something like that. If that’s how Ran cares for Kanami, she’ll endure. A girl in love is strong.

“Thank you, Mikoshiba. I owe you.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll tell Kirishima to go to Inugami’s room tonight. Good luck.”

“Yeah, sure.”

Kanami puts the lumica fruit in the palm of her hand and clutches it tightly in her hand.


In the moonlight, in the corridor of a quiet and tranquil night, a senior servant, Ryan, wearing a butler’s uniform, was walking towards Kanami’s room.

As usual, Ran was flirting with Aya and sharing her energy for the night, but before parting, Aya told him something strange.

He was told that Kanami had something important to tell him and that he should go to her room tonight and comfort her.

What exactly is the important thing to talk about? And above all, what does it mean that she wants him to comfort her?

Ran is unsure what the problem is, but he could guess something may happen in the class that Ran doesn’t know about.

Kanami Inugami is a very serious and straightforward girl. She takes the problems in her class as if they were her own and keeps them to herself.

Once before, she asked Ran to hug her without asking him anything.

This time, it’s the same thing.

After checking his surroundings, he knocks on the door of Kanami’s room.

A moment of silence. It is not a few seconds, but several minutes have passed. When Ran knocked a few times, the sound of the door being unlocked was heard from inside the room.

The sound was the signal for Ran to burst into Kanami’s room.

She is sitting on the edge of the bed, holding her thumbnail between her lips with a mysterious expression on her face. He closes the door behind him and walks up to Kanami with a serious face.

“Kanami, what’s wrong?”

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“Ran, ……. I, I…….”

Kanami seems to have completely lost her usual energy. She was holding her stomach in her arms and her eyes were downcast apologetically.

Before he could feel the discomfort in her expression, Ran suddenly looked at Kanami’s lower abdomen.

The uniforms are puffed up, and Ran tilts his head in wonder.

“Does she have something tucked away in her uniform?”

If Kanami has a particular sexuality that she can’t tell anyone about, and has been hiding it all this time, she’s going to tell about it tonight in front of Ran.

How disgusting it must be to have a sex toy in her belly.

She’s been hesitating a lot since Ran came to her room.

It’s not going to be a rope or a very thick dildo or anything conventional like that.

Anyway, Ran is a boy who loves Kanami.

No matter how abnormal Kanami’s sexual habits are, she wants to relieve her needs as much as possible.

Ran love Kanami’s gestures, and Ran sits down next to Kanami

He smiled softly at Kanami, who was still lying on her back, and then reached down to her abdomen and gently stroked the bulge through her uniform.

The feeling of Kanami’s stomach is no different from what it usually is – when I stroke her bare skin through her uniform.


No, it’s not. She is not hiding anything in her uniform.

This is Kanami’s body in all its glory.

It’s not that she’s stuffing herself with something, it’s that her belly is bulging and lifting the fabric of her uniform.

She was so stressed that she had eaten too much. Such nonsense never came out of Ran’s mouth.

She withdrew her hand from holding her stomach and Ran rolled up Kanami’s uniform.

It was bulging – in an odd way.

No need to mince words.

Even if Ran is a high school boy in modern Japan. He has learned a fair amount about sex education in his health and physical education classes.

When a girl and a boy of her age are united in body and soul and do what they must do. Who knows what will happen?

Without contraceptives, he had been pouring his raw genes into Kanami’s vagina as he pleased.

(TL: Is this going to be a pregnant sex?)

It’s not strange when things happen as they should.

“….. I think I’m having a baby.”

“Wait, wait, wait. Wait a minute.”

Anyway, if someone asked Ran whether he can admit to this happening so easily, he would never be able to shake his head.

It’s true that the thought of impregnating one of my classmates – a black-haired, ponytailed kendo girl with a sense of propriety – with my own genes is strangely exciting.

Ideals and reality should not go hand in hand. It’s one thing to be interested in having a belly-flop with a high school girl in a sailor suit, it’s quite another to be prepared to live with her for the rest of your life.

In particular, both Ran and Kanami are still students – adolescent high school students with a high sex drive. They don’t have sex because they want to have children, but because they want to satisfy their lust and sexual curiosity. They don’t always think about the consequences of their actions.

There were many futures running through his head, but more than that – Ran couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy about this situation.

Is there a reason for this, or is it just wishful thinking, a way of escaping reality – and hoping that this is the case?

“….. Kanami. Can you lie down for a minute?”

“Oh, sure”

Kanami rolled up her sailor suit and lay down on her back on the bed, looking fearful.

Kanami, who had rolled up the sleeves and hem of her autumn sailor uniform, stared at Ran with a worried expression on her face.

Although aware of her gaze, Ran does not show his usual smile, but focuses his serious gaze on Kanami’s abdomen.

She then pulls up her sailor’s uniform to reveal an oversized melon wrapped in a pale green bra that looks like it belongs in this world.

It seems that today’s bra is the one with front hooks.

Without changing her facial expression, Ran silently removed Kanami’s underwear, exposing her magnificent breasts.

A pregnant high school girl with big tits and black hair in a ponytail. It’s unhealthier than one might think, and it’s also very naughty.


After daily combat training, Kanami’s toned body has become even more attractive, and Ran licks his tongue vulgarly.

Her collarbone is light brown and sweaty. The curves of a high school girl stretch out from there. In the curves of her breasts, the soft and large breasts, which are the symbol of her physical characteristics, sway to the beat of Kanami’s heart.

The peach buds on the tips of her breasts stand tall and erect, and she is not shy about sticking them out.

After slurping on the magnificent breasts that arouse his reproductive desires, Ran’s gaze drifted downwards.

Beneath her shapely tits, she has a vertically striated belly button, a tight neckline and a flat stomach – and so far, so good! The body exposed to Ran this evening is not the same as the one that made up Kanami’s physique, which he has seen many times in the past.

Aside from her tight waistline and sweetly undulating hips, her flat belly had swollen up and her lower abdomen had taken on an unusual presence.

The pregnant woman’s belly pushing up her sailor suit was unhealthy, but seeing her in the flesh stirred up different emotions in Ran.

This is the fruit of Ran and Kanami’s love – a new life, filled with Ran’s genes and Kanami’s genes.

Normally, this would be a moment of paternal instinct, a moment when a boy’s best instinct is to protect Kanami even at the cost of his own life.

But the feelings that arose in Ran were different from both.

He gently patted the pregnant woman’s belly and smiled gently at her emotionless face.

Then, with a look of satisfaction on his face, he reached into Kanami’s skirt and pulled down her underwear.


“The body of the JK is really very sexy. Just once, let me have sex with you in your uniform. I don’t know if I’ll ever get another chance like this, so will you do me a favor?”

Slipping her panties, which are the same colour as her bra, down to her knees, Ran glares at Kanami’s physique.

A pregnant JK with black hair and ponytail, wearing a sailor suit rolled up to the neck and a dark blue skirt that barely covers her waist.

What high school boy wouldn’t think anything of it when confronted with a genuine high school girl with a bulging lower abdomen, not some kind of cosplay or legal lolita (schoolgirl JK) knockoff?

How can Ran not get excited in front of the girl he impregnated – and she’s an actual high school girl?

“I’ll try not to put any weight on it.”

“Hey, wait a minute– Ran! Ran, you can’t do that!”

On the bed, on all fours, Ran positioned himself over Kanami’s body.

It’s a dangerous position that could affect their child if he makes a mistake, but Ran doesn’t seem to mind and kisses Kanami’s nipples sweetly as they stick out.

It’s the kind of touch that makes Kanami squeal with delight.

Ran looked at her reaction and narrowed his eyes in a meaningful way.

The tip of Ran’s tongue rolls over Kanami’s nipple, focusing on the tip. As he continues to work on her nipple, Ran looks at Kanami and smiles kindly.

There is no hint of anger or rage behind that smile. It is a smile that is purely out of love for Kanami.

The smile on his face made Kanami’s rejection fade away.

At first, she seemed to be thinking of her baby and trying to deny Ran’s stimulation.

But there was no way that a young, healthy high school girl could calmly reject the caresses of a boy.

“Unyaa, Ra, Ran! Don’t be impatient, it’s making it more intense..!”

Kanami twists her lightly toned limbs and shakes her tits, which are usually protected from the sun by fabric. Kanami’s body, already sensitive from the many times Ran has played with it, is slowly transforming into a lusty mess at Ran’s touch.

Kanami’s skin is beginning to tense, her sensitive parts are tingling and her stomach is aching.

Ran stroked Kanami’s pregnant belly and stimulated her nipples. Kanami relaxes her body and rests on the bed, her body twitching and twitching as she enjoys Ran’s stimulation.

“More, more, more…… All that tiptoeing around is painful…..”

After realizing that Kanami was feeling it both physically and mentally, Ran removed his tongue from her bouncing tits as if she wanted to be touched.

When Kanami’s best wishes are rejected outright, she shows a sad face. Ran pretended not to notice and buried his face between Kanami’s thighs.

He rubs his cheek against the sweaty brown skin and runs his fingers down Kanami’s thighs.

Kanami’s underwear was removed and her private parts were exposed to the open air, moistening them obscenely.

“Playing only your tits is kinda boring right?”

“Fuuuniee..! ya, hyanyaaa”

Ran strokes his fingertips over her thighs and inner thighs, slowly and deliberately.

He pushed his face into the relaxed crotch and buried it. In front of the pussy, which was tingling with love juice, Ran blew on the slutty door.

Ran could see the sweet nectar flowing from the exposed crack in her skirt. Ran pressed his face to Kanami’s vaginal hole and extended his tongue.

Ran licks her faintly coloured pussy with all his might. His tongue was swirling with her love juices and he was filling her nasty entrance and pubic mound with Ran’s saliva.

The sound of moans coming from above made Ran’s heartbeat faster and faster as he lavished Kanami’s pussy with his tongue.

Eventually, when he was sure that the thigh between his face had relaxed, Ran removed his tongue from Kanami’s crotch and looked up.

“Kanami’s all tingly in here.”

“Ra, Ran…….”

Ran eyes met Kanami’s as she gasped for air and moved her magnificent tits up and down.

Her eyes are glazed with tears and her breath is coming in hot gasps. Her breathing is laboured and the tip of her tongue is hanging out of the corner of her mouth in pleasure.

“…..Ran. I want you to put your dick inside my vagina. …… I can’t wait any longer.”

She pulls up her navy blue skirt and opens her bottom mouth. Kanami’s pussy is wet and dripping with love juice and saliva as she opens it with her fingers.

Kanami licks her mouth lewdly and invites Ran to join her with a lewd expression.

While making sure her exposed belly was flabby and bulging. Ran raised the corner of his mouth and pressed the tip of his dick against Kanami’s crack.

“……I’m inserting, okay?”

“Aaa, don’t be mean, I want it inside fast.”

After Kanami said those words, Ran thrust his erection into Kanami’s vagina.

Her already throbbing cunt seemed to rejoice at Ran’s intrusion. It’s the first time Ran has ever seen a woman so full of love and pleasure.

Kanami presses the back of her hand against her mouth and moans with pleasure. Forgetting that she has a swollen belly, she is shaking her hips in unison.

This big-breasted pregnant high school girl shakes her tits and moans with happiness. Glaring at Kanami, who is panting on the bed, Ran puts his hand on her belly and strokes it lewdly.

She is a high school girl in a sailor suit with a big bulge with her black hair and ponytail. The sight, which would normally be incompatible, accelerates Ran’s excitement.

If it had been a flirtatious bitchy gal or an unfaithful woman with a loose sense of chastity, Ran would not have been so excited.

It’s Kanami that excites him.

A serious and dignified kendo high school girl who is wholesome by all accounts. But now, the black-haired puffy-haired wind-up girl is playing the role of a pregnant student, making her so tempting.

They hold each other’s hands and smash their precious parts against each other.

With the sound of flesh and skin colliding as background music, Ran and Kanami’s emotions become much more intense.

“…… Kanami! I’m going to shoot my load! I’m going to overwrite Kanami’s pregnant belly with fresh cum!”

“……. Do it, come on! I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you! I love you so much! I want you to cum all over my belly with your cock milk!”

Kanami’s body bounces wildly on the bed.

The kendo girl with the black hair and ponytail turns her head and screams sweetly, her neat face contorted in pleasure as she holds Ran’s waist with her legs.

A moment later, Kanami’s climax is followed by Ran’s.

The schoolgirl’s pussy is twitching and convulsing with happiness, and the thick cum milk is poured into her womb.

The girl’s cunt is convulsing with happiness as Ran pours his thick cum milk into the womb.

Ran ejaculates into the vagina of a pregnant classmate – an act so reprehensible and insane that immoral feelings well up in him like a raging fire.

The ejaculation was long and dense.

After a series of ejaculations, Ran finally pulled his cock out of Kanami’s cunt, his work was done.

Kanami let out a long, satisfied breath as her pussy opened up to reveal an overflow of thick semen.


“You lied to me about being pregnant, didn’t you?”

They were in the middle of a light lovemaking session on the bed after an intense sex session. Ran smiled and asked Kanami the following question.

While stroking Kanami’s lower abdomen, Ran stares into Kanami’s face.

The innocent look in his eyes causes Kanami to look away unhappily.

“How long have you been aware of this, ……?”

“I think it was because you didn’t look uncomfortable when I said I wanted to have sex with you. You’re a serious person and I knew that if you got pregnant you would take good care of yourself. If this was a really important time for you, you would definitely reject me if I did anything a bit strange. Besides..”

Ran gently pressed his palm firmly against her bulging lower abdomen.

“When I had sex with you last week, there was no sign of it.”

“……Oh, so you knew all along.”

“When you told me you’re having a baby, I almost believed you. But why did you go to all this trouble to pretend you were pregnant?”

“Because I felt like …… Ran didn’t care about me.”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Kanami turns her lonely gaze towards the wall of the room.

It’s true, if Ran were to ask. He has been thinking so much about getting new family members that he neglected to deepen his love for the girls he has fallen in love with.

Ran didn’t realise that he had focused too much on other girls to the point of making Kanami, who is serious and hates lying, do this.

“I’m sorry, Kanami ……. I’m sorry I made you feel lonely.”

As Kanami starts to get up from the bed, Ran hugs her from behind.

Ran wonders if she is embarrassed. Kanami, who is close to Ran’s chest, is shaking her body gingerly.

“You don’t have to doubt. I will always love you.”

“…..I know. It’s not that I’m suspicious of you or anything.”

Kanami put her hand on her swollen belly and shivered all over.

Her body was trembling, and Ran could see it.

Eventually, her nose starts to breathe hard and Kanami starts to rub her thighs together. Kanami’s black ponytail shimmers as she looks around her, looking as if she wants to say something. As she shakes her body, she hugs her knees and rolls her back. What could this be?

“What’s the matter? Do you want to do it again?”

He kissed her neck and blew into her ear.

Ran twined his arms around Kanami, as if he would never let her go.

Ran squeezed Kanami’s back tightly.

“That’s fine. Let’s make love tonight until Kanami is satisfied.”

“It’s ……. No, no, no. It’s not that. It’s just…”

In the face of Kanami’s hunched back and shaking her head from side to side, Ran’s desire to reproduce is aroused once again.

Embarrassed and red to the ears, Kanami turns her head and falls silent.

Kanami’s shyness is so cute that Ran can’t help but press his crotch against her back.

The hot, towering cock presses against Kanami’s waist and pees hot cowper.

As she gasped for air at the sexual pleasure assaulting her lower abdomen, Ran ran his hand down Kanami’s wriggling abdomen and gently stroked the pseudo-pregnant belly.

“Kanami ……. I love you.”

“Nya! No, Ran, no! No, let me go, —-!”

A sweet exclamation burst out, and Ran turned Kanami’s whole body around.

Suddenly, Kanami’s lower abdomen flattened as Ran touched it, like a water balloon with a hole crushed in it.

The feeling of unreality stopped Ran from thinking. What had happened was beyond his comprehension, and his mind could not keep up.

When the feeling in his palm changed to the normal, well-muscled Kanami’s lower abdomen, Ran finally understood exactly what was happening in front of him.

“……, Kanami?”

“No! No, no, no, no, no Ran, don’t look, don’t look! Don’t look at me, please! Keep your eyes closed!”

(Tl: I expect this would happen)

A shameful scream pierces Ran’s ears, it passes from his right ear to his left before his brain processes it all as auditory information.

The scene before Ran’s eyes – desperately clutching his crotch with his hand, Ran wasted all his attention on watching the tan kendo girl’s courage as she released a huge stream of transparent liquid.

Kanami’s liquid soaks the carpet in the room, making a great slurping sound. Her urine is almost as strong and long as a boy’s. A huge act by a girl with black hair and a ponytail, who is probably as far away from the word “peeing” as possible. It’s an unrealistic situation, and Ran can’t take his eyes off it.

Eventually, the flow of water slows down and Kanami’s special water pistol comes to a silent halt.

Kanami looks down, covering the girl’s cleft with her hands, her thighs flapping open and her mouth opening and closing.

“Kanami is bold…….I’m sure you didn’t have any side effects.”

“…… Huh, side effects? Side effects? You mean this?”

This is because lumica fruit is an agent used to remove waste and bad substances from the body. They are used to treat illnesses that cannot be cured by healing or granting magic, such as the okaka nuts that Sayaka tried to use to make chocolate for Valentine’s Day. It is a rare fruit that holds special properties, just like the sweet, watery fruit that Ageha recommended to Ran after he was kicked out.

The effect of the lumica fruit is that it reacts with substances in the body to produce a large amount of water, which causes the lower abdomen to swell, and the harmful substances to be removed from the body along with the water in the lumica.

Since Kanami did not urinate or pee prior to meeting Ran.

The liquid, which is a mixture of Lumica extract and waste products from the body, was released from the hole between the legs in a big way.

“Aya once told me that you wouldn’t be disgust by anything, but’s just too embarrassing”

She lifted her hands to cover her face, but they were soaking wet, so she covered her soaked crotch with her palms and stared at Ran with teary eyes.

In any case, Ran was not at all complicit in causing this situation. If he had to say anything, he would say that he held Kanami when she tried to leave and kept her there. Although it may have been the cause of such a catastrophe.

Either way, it was too much and too fast for the indoor jugs and urine bottles, and Kanami was not wearing any underwear or bra, and she was dressed in her current sailor outfit. There was no way she was going to run down the corridor to the lavatory. It was certain, it would have exploded indoors.

Ran looked at Kanami, who was biting her lip and shaking. Ran lets out a wry smile.

Ran then stroked Kanami’s lower abdomen affectionately and her cheeks flushed with pleasure.

“Kanami’s a lot more aggressive than I thought.”


She couldn’t even cover her face, and she had to cover her fully opened crotch with her hands, which was very pathetic, and she screamed with a mixture of shame and sadness.

When Kanami’s pseudo-pregnancy is discovered, she is forced to urinate in front of her beloved opposite sex.

But when Kanami is caught urinating in front of the man she loves, Ran’s dick doesn’t wilt, and she begs him to have lovemaking with her until Kanami is completely satisfied.

In spite of the various miscalculations, Kanami smiled like a flower as she watched her boyfriend relax happily in his sleep.

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