Because I Was Excluded Out of the Class Transfer, I Decided to Steal My Classmate's Lover

Chapter 77: Dissonance and Harmony

Chapter 77: Dissonance and Harmony

Author note: The game version is now available.


Ran noticed that his cheeks were wet.

A hot drop runs down his face, wets his chin and falls to the floor as a drop of water.

Ran wondered where the drops were coming from. Who is dripping water on him, and with what intention?

He stroke his cheeks, wet with water droplets, in search of whose fingertips was touching his face

His vision is still blurry. Ran Kirishima is still unaware.

Was he taken by surprise and hit by the Subaru’s skills?

If so, then his life should have been stripped away.

His heart is beating rapidly.

The stretching of his blood vessels is painful.

The circulation of the various energies that govern the body and mind makes Ran feel “alive”.

The fingertips slowly reach the corner of his eye.

A single drop spills from him.

Ran thoughts can’t keep up with the rush of emotions pouring out of him.

Ran doesn’t understand why he wants to cry.

Then as if trying to comfort him, something soft and warm surrounds Ran’s body from both sides.

A sweet scent wafts through the air - familiar and comforting.

A fingertip that doesn’t belong to Ran wipes the corner of his eye.

Ran’s blurred vision gradually becomes clearer.

A tickle lands on the tip of his nose.

Familiars colours appear in the blur of his vision.

Ran can’t help but put his finger on the tip of his nose.

She’s small and unreliable, but she was the most important girl who had been watching over Ran from the very beginning.

The yellow butterfly fluttered up and landed on the tip of his finger, spreading its wings as if to encourage him.

“Are you all right, Kirishima? Are you in pain?”

“……He’s lying. I promised that I wouldn’t harm him.”

A familiar voice strikes in his ear.

A warm arms embrace Ran’s body, and a warm breath caresses his cheeks.

It’s not just warm in the sense of actual temperature.

There is a spiritual warmth that surrounds him from both sides, a warmth that shows that they are truly thinking of him and caring for him.

“…… What had happened?”

Ran tries to remember what had happened when Reika and Subaru encountered him.

“We need your help. Can you help us?”

Ran doesn’t understand why this is happening to him.

Why did he suddenly have an emotional breakdown?

“Subaru, you made a boy cry. You are a bad boy.”

“I never thought I’d be in this situation.”

Reika’s mouth is covered by a fan, and her blue eyes are softly narrowed.

A boy named Subaru Kiryuin stands in front of Reika and lowers his eyebrows in a slightly annoyed manner.

While protecting Reika, Subaru looks at Ran (who is looking down at him because of his position). The scene gave Ran a sense of déjà vu.

The people are different, the landscape is different.

The environment, the time, the place, the situation, everything is different from that time.

“…… ah”

Ran understood what had stimulated inside his core emotions.

It was very simple.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He just wanted to be accepted.

He had been running away from it because his pride got in the way.

Truly, that’s what Ran wanted.

“ You need my help?”

“Yes, I really need your help. You and your skill [ Underling Training] and-”

The expression on Subaru’s face turns serious.

“And the girls you made your wife…We desperately need the strength of all nine of them, excluding Reika-sama!”

A drop of water falls inside Ran’s cold heart.

At last, his value has grown.

The skills that had been excluded by his own classmate became a factor that hinders his class cohesion.

The truth is, the people of the kingdom - even the people on the queen’s side - disregarded his skills as a failure.

-And to the owner of the skill who misused it and mastered it in the worst way - Ran Kirishima himself.

At last, a fellow human being from outside has appeared to say that Ran is needed.

Beyond friendship and affection, he has created a bond that is stronger than anything else, binding them together as Lord and Lady.

By breaking up the unity, he has created a profane and diabolical union.

Ran’s decision was not wrong.

It brings back unpleasant memories of being offered a hand and having it withdrawn as if in mockery.

The time that had stopped, separated from the world of the class, begins to move again.

The cogwheel of memory and the cogwheel of reality mesh together, with a distorted crack in between.

“I need……”

Like a sandstorm, sparse memories come flooding back into Ran’s mind, covering his vision as if it were a film.

The image of Shigenobu Torao, who lived on in his memory, and the real-life Subaru Kiryuin overlapped.

At last he heard the words he had wanted to hear.

The cogs that should not mesh together play a cacophony of sound, just barely biting into each other.

Memories of a time when he was discarded as unnecessary are intertwined with the present situation when he is needed.

At one time, he thought it was outrageous that he should help them.

But it was just after he had been excluded from the group - when he was alone, without a place to go to - without Misuzu, without Ageha, without any interaction from his own classmate. He doesn’t know what to do in the future. All he has left is his skill. Truly the darkest time for him.

Not long ago-Ran said to Aya, he still wanted to return to the original world,he began to think that if everyone in the class would accept him, he would help them.

Ran wasn’t sure if they would accept him.

The only way to do this is to take Ran with them, rather than giving up his harem members - the girls who retain their cheat abilities.

If they want to go back to the original world, and value their lives, Ran is not unnecessary.

He thought that he would have to make some sort of threat to get them to accept him.

However, he didn’t expect that the whole class would agree that his skills and the current situation, which has changed because of them, would be needed and wanted.

This is not a bad turn of events, although it may be too much to say that it was a blessing in disguise.

With the support of Hibiki, Aya and Ageha, Ran looks at Subaru.

He stood in the way to protect Reika. Subaru looks down at Ran with a grim expression. His face is very serious.

“Alright, Let’s hear what you wanted to say.”

“Either way, I can’t think of a way out of this situation.”

Ran urged Subaru to sit down, spreading his arms out and showing no resistance.

Before they all knew it, the rain had completely stopped.


Ran’s bedroom is smaller than those given to the other saints, and the beds and other furnishings are of inferior quality.

Even though Ran is a senior servant, it is inevitable that there will be a difference in their treatment compared to the Saints, who are treated as guests.

The place was originally abandoned as a spare room, so the walls and floors were damaged, and when Ram first arrived it was full of drafts, mould and other things that took a while to get used to. After some cleaning and repairing the room is now barely livable.

Even so, compared to the time when Ran dreamed every night of being slaughtered in his sleep by a cold-eyed knight of the guard in a cave with no bedding or door, he found the environment much more comfortable, and he has never felt any hardship living here.

In Ran’s bedroom, which was smaller and dirtier than the saints’ usual bedrooms, five saints and a demon were gathered.

Sitting around a candle in the middle of the room, they look like a group of five good friends engaged in a midnight ghost story, but their expressions are far from that of a happy event.

Without loosening his expression, Subaru Kiryuin began to explain the process from the time Ran was kicked out to now, skimming over the important parts, but in some general terms.

The response of the royal court and the consensus of the classmates after Ran’s exclusion.

The misinformation explained to them by the Queen’s people.

The reason why Subaru and Reika began to have doubts about the current situation… and many more.

Subaru stopped, checking with Reika, Hibiki and Aya to make sure he was telling the truth.

Immediately after Ran was kicked out, though, some people said that he should be brought back, either out of guilt for hazing his classmates in a strange world, or out of conscience, including self-protection, not wanting to be an indirect murderer.

That is what Shigenobu Torao and Takeo Niigaki were desperately trying to stop.

Just after the transfer, the two of them had shown a remarkable dominance in the class hierarchy.

But the position of Shigenobu Toranou was gradually jeopardised after Misuzu Nekoyama became Ran’s wife/girlfriend.

Small cracks began to appear in the relationship at the top of the hierarchy.

When Subaru finally realised the gravity of the situation, he was told by the Queen’s side that the deserting saints had been dealt with.

If they don’t want to go through the same thing, don’t even think about rebelling. -

In the early stages, it was reported that the 21st saint, Kirishima Ran, had been eliminated by the queen’s hand.

After the exclusion, Ran spent his time with Ageha in the cave, so Ran couldn’t get accurate information about what had happened. By the time he made Kanami and Sayaka his wife, it was already clear that he’d been ordered to kill. It seems to have been widespread among the Saints.

Anyway, somehow the sentence was never actually carried out.

Normally, when you do something, you do it before the word gets out. They couldn’t find him - that would be absurd.

Although it is a large and intricate structure, the royal palace is the home and garden of the royal family. If the royal family, as well as the knights of the Kingsguard, who are supposed to be assigned to protect the royal family, are lost.They will no longer be able to live in peace.If a foreign enemy crawls in, it would bring them destruction.

“Either I got lucky, or for some reason they were late in getting rid of me.”

Anyway, that’s where the difference between information and reality began to emerge.

They may have wanted to keep up appearances.If the Saints get away with their selfish behaviour and are exposed for the shameful things they’ve done. It proves to them that they have no ability to control 20 other otherworlders.

Ran can escape and still be safe. But to them it was simply like saying ‘we’ll let you run away.’

If this is possible, it would be better to leave the palace and use his skills to find a safe way to return to the world, rather than waiting for the demon king to be defeated, which is not always possible.

It is said that there are places in the palace that have been ward off from any magic. It would be out of their jurisdiction to go outside the Royal Palace.

It’s also a kind of unique magic, and unique magic is not the same as the privilege of otherworldly people - so-called unique skills.

“In the beginning, we had a lot to learn and a lot of work to do just trying to adapt to an unfamiliar environment. In hindsight,there were plenty of uncomfortable moments, such as the breakup between Torao Shigenobu and Misuzu Nekoyama, or the tiff between Eiichi Onegane and Aya Mikoshiba.”

“I thought I was confused because of the unfamiliar environment. A sudden transfer to another world, a life that is closely monitored by people with completely different backgrounds and common sense,and the reality of losing one of my classmates. -There are many factors that can hurt the mind.”

A long exhale through the nose, From being ostracized by the group to now, Ran has not had an easy road. There were times when it was hard, there were times when it was sad, and most of all, there were times when it was incredibly lonely to be alone.

However, it is difficult to say whether the other students had a pleasant and carefree life.

The fact that Misuzu’s strengthened recovery prevented any of the students from losing their minds, but in reality if not for her, they could have been broken as they were in a lot of pain and distress.

“It was the changes in Aihara and Onigawara that convinced us of the uncomfortable situation. -If they had been better actors, we still wouldn’t have known that Ran Kirishima is alive.”

Hibiki cowered and lowered her eyebrows apologetically, as if she had felt Subaru’s eyes on her.

Her eyes are cool as usual, but her long tongue is tucked in her mouth, tip and all, suggesting that she feels more guilty about what happened than Ran imagined.

“It’s my fault……”

“What’s done is done.”

As if to comfort a disappointed Hibiki, Ran pulls her by the shoulders.

She slumps down and leans against Ran. She looks up at Ran and blinks sorrowfully.

Hibiki, who has lost her supremacy more than ever, looks demure and - for some reason - strangely sexy.

Instead of the healthy, carnal sexiness of Hibiki’s usual self, there is a downer sexiness that seems to be consumed by an immoral, protective desire.

There is something nice about gently comforting a depressed girl.

While Ran was indulging in his perverse lust, he was pinched in the shoulder on the other side.

Ran turned his head at the contact and saw bright brown hair with a sweet scent.

A poor girl who sullenly sharpens her lips and looks at me with a jealous look. It seems to have sulked because Ran’s head now is all about Hibiki.

Like Hibiki, Aya slumps against Ran’s shoulder.

The scent of sweat wafting from her is making Ran uncomfortable, since they’ve been spending a few hours doing an adult athletic activity prior to Subaru and Reika came.

Hibiki rubs her head against Ran’s neck as if to comfort him. Aya hugs his arms and presses her firm tits against him as if to say, ‘Look at me too’.

Ran’s body reacts in a healthy way to the soft high school girl’s demands from both sides.

“By the way-”

“…………………… Oh, so, what was it?”

Remembering that Subaru was right in front of him, Ran’s desire was almost cut.

The idea of getting an erection in front of his male classmates is embarrassing, shameful, and disgusting, and is not a situation he wanted to experience if he can help it.

“May I now come to the point?”

Subaru’s amber eyes twinkled and his expression relaxed slightly.

The reaction made Ran feel uncomfortable.In the middle of an important conversation, he is flirting with a girl (and that serious conversation has to do with the current situation). But Subaru doesn’t seem to be bothered about that at all.

Perhaps he noticed the peculiar gaze from Ran looking at him, Subaru muttered “Ah” briefly.

“It doesn’t bother me at all. I don’t have any interest in women other than Reika-sama in that sense. I think it’s best not to assume that other people will accept you in the same way, though, because that’s my own personal take on things. If it is not related to Reika-sama - I will not reprimand or condemn you on the basis of emotionalism. I don’t mind at all that you used the word “revenge” as an excuse to psychologically train the most sensitive and important time for an adolescent girl. The fact that my first love - literally, my first love - was destroyed by brainwashing, and that the two of us had been happy lovers, and that your selfish jealousy and twisted desire for revenge led to the worst possible outcome. I don’t have a conscience about that and I’m not going to pursue my conscience about it.”

“…that’s quite a mouthful”

“I’m just saying that I think it’s good to know - in general terms - how much you’ve done. It’s quite alright if you don’t want to hear it.”

Subaru meditates coolly and relaxes his mouth calmly. It’s true that he’s not reprimanding Ran in an emotional outburst, but it feels like a sarcastic rebuke, and that’s because his mind is twisted and distorted.

Anyway, there is no need to break the calm atmosphere by making unnecessary provocations.

“Let’s go back to the topic, this is the reason why Reika-sama and I visited here - in other words, the reason why we were looking for Kirishima Ran. As I said before, Kirishima Ran - your power and the girls who would follow you - you can’t just cut off the nine saints who have half of your strength. You can’t do that. Of course, this is my own personal opinion, completely devoid of emotionalism - although Reika-sama agrees with me - completely unknown whether the people of the world will accept it or not and the other boys, including those on the queen’s side.”

“I think the majority of people would not approve. If I were in Torao-san’s or Niigaki-san’s position, I would never be able to forgive Kirishima-san.”

Reika could have had Ran’s head twisted off right there and then…Even if there is a user of infinite magic over energy next to him(Aya), it will be impossible to revive him if he is blown off from the shoulders up.There’s a good chance he’ll die of shock before he even get a scratch.

“I know about…… Torao’s position but what have I done to Niigaki?”

“Niigaki-san and Shirayuki-san have been friends since junior high school. Even though they are of the opposite sex, I don’t think there are any people who can keep their normal feelings when they know that their close friends have been brainwashed.”

“I don’t know what I would do if I knew someone had hurt Kirishima.”

“I agree. It’s disgusting to hurt the most important man in the world. I’d never forgive someone like that.”

The victim of the Ran’s skill spoke out their mind.

Ran froze his spine, saying that it wouldn’t be strange if his limbs were blown apart the next moment if he had to unleash his [Underling Training] for fun.

Even though it was advised by the knight of the first chamber’s Kingsguard at a rather early stage, it is still very real and frightening to see it in action.

It may take more than just a stab.

“Kirishima, you’re shaking, I’ll do anything for you. So don’t worry.”

“I’ll never betray you either, Kirishima. Don’t worry.”

He returned their genuine kindness with a smile (albeit a drawn one) and let out a sigh in his heart.

As they hug Ran more tightly than before, he sees Subaru and Reika in his vision.

“Like Kiryuin - in my opinion. I’m sure you’re aware that it’s selfish of you to want to start all over again after you’ve trained a bunch of girls to be your wife/girlfriend, in order to make up for being kicked out.”

The First Chamber’s opinion - or rather, Walkins’ own opinion - was that Ran should be returned to his original sheath sooner or later.

Even though their actions are too opaque, Walkins is the one who saved Ran’s life. Even though he has his own feelings, he can’t go against them head on with meaningless rebellion.

At worst, Ran was going to be intimidated into going along.

He also suspected that he would be taken away rather forcefully.

It is impossible to set out on a journey to overthrow the Demon King without Ran’s existence being exposed.

The girls, all of whom are Ran’s wives, will refuse to leave. No matter how hard they try, the existence of Ran - the mastermind who has taken control of the girls by using some method beyond human knowledge - will be exposed at that time

The option of leaving them never existed in the first place.

Since the moment Ran had corrupted Misuzu, he had decided - he had decided to increase the number of his harem members so that he would not have to say goodbye to them forever.

“And yet - if I may be permitted to do so - I would like to take advantage of that kindness.”

Ran doesn’t think he’ll be able to accept it comfortably as if nothing had happened.

But if, like Subaru, they need Ran and his harem(in terms of strength).

Ran wants to respond to this.

It’s not a bad idea to live in this world permanently, surrounded by cute and sexy high school girls.

If they invite Ran to return to the original world or to regain the original life together.

There is no need to refuse.

No - there’s no need to dress it up.

To put it straight, without mincing words.Subaru will return to their world - if only to restore peace. He is willing to sacrifice any female student except Reika, that is what he is saying.

In the end, Reika and her life in the original world and the nine girls were weighed against each other, and Reika and her home won.

What about the rest of the Saints?

Which will they choose: friendship and love, or their own lives and repose?

Do they want to accept the worst perverted man in the world and go on a safe journey to defeat the demon king? Or…

“You can give up your pride as often as you like, but once you give up your life, no matter how much you regret it, you never get it back.”

In the depths of Ran’s memory, an orange afterimage appears.

He shook his head and let the memory fade away.

His remembering a past he doesn’t want to remember.

He turns his head down and makes a face as if he were biting down on a bitter bug, so that the four of them and one of them would not notice.

“It is the future that we have to work hard for. This is not the time to be in a depressed mood, remembering unnecessary things.”

He dismisses the bad feelings he has momentarily fallen into and looks up with his usual expression.

With Hibiki on his right, Aya on his left, and Ageha on his chest, he looked at Subaru and Reika.

“If you’ve come all the way here at this time of night…What - you have an idea, don’t you?”

“You’re a very trusting master, aren’t you?”

Subaru put his hand to his chin and smiled dumbly.

No one noticed that the night rain, which had stopped, had started to fall again.

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