Become Invincible By Super Reading System

Chapter 27

C27 – Submitted to Him!

Moments ago, Pei Yu’s combat value soared past 600,000!

He had reached the Perfection Stage, a level of Grandmaster.

In Pei Yu’s presence, he was utterly insignificant.

Just yesterday, he had sought to challenge Pei Yu. In a pivotal moment, Qian Wenwei intervened, insisting he acknowledge his error. Out of respect for the Head Master’s authority, he had no choice but to bow his head.

The incident from yesterday, when Qian Wenwei demanded an apology, had left him stewing with resentment. He believed the Head Master was biased against him and was constantly looking for a chance to retaliate against Pei Yu.

This morning, upon spotting Pei Yu, he thought fate had presented him with the perfect moment for revenge.

Yet, witnessing Pei Yu’s combat value firsthand left him utterly astounded.

Pei Yu was an unstoppable force!

Overwhelmed by the revelation, he could no longer contain his astonishment and conceded defeat.

He quickly offered his apologies to Pei Yu, careful not to exhibit any hint of challenge or disrespect.

He didn’t even dare raise his eyes to meet Pei Yu’s gaze!

He feared a single angry punch from Pei Yu could end his life!

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The gap between a combat value of 40,000 and 600,000 was colossal.

“Stand up, I have no quarrel with you,” Pei Yu stated calmly.

He genuinely had no interest in a dispute with Ji Tong. Since Ji Tong hadn’t attacked and had promptly acknowledged his fault, his demeanor was acceptable.

Should Ji Tong have dared a surprise attack, Pei Yu was confident he could reduce Ji Tong to pulp.

“Thank you, Mr. Pei.”

Ji Tong, relieved by Pei Yu’s forgiveness, was visibly moved, exhaling deeply in relief.

This was a clear gesture of his submission.

“Mr. Pei, your magnanimity is admirable,” Ji Tong said as he respectfully offered a bank card. “Please accept this modest token of my apology. The PIN is the last six digits of the account number.”

Pei Yu regarded him with a hint of surprise but soon regained his composure. He accepted the offering nonchalantly, “Well then, I’ll take it.”

Pei Yu did not turn down the gesture of compensation. After all, he was in dire need of money.

The great god novels came with a hefty price tag. Tens of millions were merely pocket change for their cost.

Some books spanned countless chapters, each one potentially running up a bill in the hundreds of millions.

“Mr. Pei, if you’re all set, I’ll head back to my office now.”

“Sure, go ahead. I’ve got an errand to run.”

Pei Yu strolled out leisurely, allowing Ji Tong to finally breathe a sigh of relief, his face slick with perspiration.

Pei Yu’s acceptance of his apology signified forgiveness. Had it not been for that, Ji Tong might have met a grim fate at Pei Yu’s hands.

After all, he was a force to be reckoned with, comparable to the Head Master himself.

“It turns out the Head Master was the one who saved me yesterday.”

The thought still sent shivers down his spine. It was a good thing he hadn’t acted impulsively the day before; he couldn’t even fathom how he would have ended up.

Pei Yu departed from the martial club and set off for Martial Arts University in his car.

It was the final day of the month, and coincidentally, the day he would say farewell to the Martial Arts University. There were still matters he needed to attend to.

“Check,” Pei Yu commanded, accessing the system’s attributes.

Host: Pei Yu.

Stage: Grandmaster.

Cultivation Technique/Martial Skill: Hundred Refined To Be A God, Lethal Punch.

Assets: 235,874,165.

Item: Storage Ring.

Reading Level: Great God Member.

Glancing at his account balance, he saw it had soared to a staggering 230 million.

Ji Tong’s timely assistance had been invaluable. With this wealth, Pei Yu could indulge in great god novels without any financial constraints.

As he pulled up to the gates of Martial Arts University, security guards halted Pei Yu’s car.

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