Become Invincible By Super Reading System

Chapter 29

C29 – He Is a Vip of Our Martial Club!

“Grandmaster, what seems to be the problem?”

The principal, noticing Zheng Xiaoyue had come to a halt, quietly voiced his confusion.

Zheng Xiaoyue, thinking she might be seeing things, rubbed her eyes and stepped forward, only to clearly discern a figure before her.

Upon recognizing the individual as Pei Yu, a flicker of astonishment crossed her gaze. She then greeted him with due reverence, “Hello, Senior!”

In the realm of Martial Tao, power dictates status. The rank of a Perfection Stage Grandmaster towers above that of a mere Grandmaster, a position of immense prestige.

Zheng Xiaoyue had been skeptical yesterday when the Head Master had introduced Pei Yu, suspecting perhaps an overstatement. However, this morning, a call from Baldy Ji set the record straight.

He informed her that Pei Yu was indeed a Perfection Stage Grandmaster and warned her not to cross him.

The news had left Zheng Xiaoyue utterly astounded, her mind preoccupied since dawn, pondering the implications of Pei Yu’s true stature.

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Little did she expect to encounter Pei Yu just outside the gates of Martial Arts University. Offering a respectful greeting was the least she could do.

She would not dare to take a Perfection Stage Grandmaster lightly.

The others were puzzled by Zheng Xiaoyue’s formal address. The principal interjected, “Grandmaster, this young man is merely a teacher at our school. Could you be mistaken?”

“Pei Yu, step aside at once. Don’t obstruct the Grandmaster’s path,” the principal demanded, attempting to dismiss Pei Yu.

At these words, Zheng Xiaoyue was taken aback, her aura erupting with formidable intensity.


“Grandmaster, please, be appeased!”

Everyone present felt the overwhelming pressure of Zheng Xiaoyue’s unleashed power, a force so daunting that it drove them to their knees, pleading for mercy.

Zheng Xiaoyue’s eyes blazed with fury.

She shot the principal a withering look and barked, “How dare you address a Senior in such a manner? Do you realize who he is?”

“Grandmaster, who is this man?”

“He is a distinguished guest of our Head Master! You fool, apologize to him at once.”

The principal stood there, struck by Zheng Xiaoyue’s fierce and authoritative tone, unable to believe what he was hearing.

He cast a glance at Pei Yu, who stood there, hands clasped behind his back, his expression serene. The principal’s heart quivered with fear.

His legs began to shake involuntarily, filled with despair at the memory of his words to Pei Yu. “Senior, I beg for mercy. I was wrong!” he pleaded.

Without a moment’s delay, the principal dropped to his knees, bowing his head to the ground before Pei Yu, fearful that Zheng Xiaoyue might strike him dead then and there.

One by one, the others followed suit, dropping to their knees and pleading for Pei Yu’s forgiveness. They had once seen Pei Yu as nothing more than a pushover, never imagining he would be an esteemed guest of the Super Martial Club. The revelation left them utterly stunned.

Fear gripped everyone; cold sweats broke out among the crowd. Silently, they all hoped Pei Yu would show them mercy.

Pei Yu surveyed the scene with a detached gaze, his hands still resting behind him, offering no response.

His silence only heightened the panic within the principal and the others. It was the most drawn-out, terrifying moment they had ever experienced.

“Senior, what is your judgment?” Zheng Xiaoyue finally stepped forward to inquire.

Even in Pei Yu’s presence, Zheng Xiaoyue felt an overwhelming aura of authority that unsettled her, making peace of mind elusive.

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