Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 369 Chris Reminded Him About The Deadline

"Am I gonna go to class nude like this?" She squatted. She was lost at what to do.

"I asked Josephina to purchase the exact dress as yesterday and all the necessities you will need. I don't know why they aren't here yet," Kayden muttered and got out of bed.

He proceeded to where she was squatting and joined her there.

"What do you think if I ask Kyle to lend us some ladies' outfits? I am sure he must have a lot of…," Her murderous glares made him pause in the middle of his sentence.

"I swear I will…," the knock at the door made Joanna pause. She glared at the door, ready to murder whosoever the intruder was.

"It's Josephina and Chris…,"

"Then what are you waiting for," She shouted and hastened to the door.

"Are you sure you want them to come in and see you like that?" Kayden reminded the lady who he was certain had forgotten that she was nude.

"Fuck," She cursed and raced toward the bathroom.

"Pass whatever they bring to me. I don't want to be even a minute late, ok?" She instructed and dashed into the bathroom.

After she jammed the door, Kayden proceeded to the wardrobe and got himself a clean outfit.

He went ahead to usher in those standing outside when he had finished dressing up.

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"Open the door and hand over all she needs," He commanded while pointing at the bathroom door.

He and Chris left the room not long after.

Outside the room, Kayden and Chris made their way downstairs.

"Sir, now that you have gotten what you have always wanted, when will you be returning?" Chris asked the question which has been on his mind for a long time.

At first, he thought the King would have a hard time adjusting to life outside the palace.

But he was proved wrong by how well he adapted to his new life and identity. His one-month vacation is gonna be over in a few days and never has he complained about his new life.

Was this because he easily adapts to places or has things been going so smoothly because Joanna was by his side?

He didn't know.

"Your trip to the human world is gonna end soon and everyone has been awaiting your return..,"

"I am aware of that so you don't need to remind me about it," Kayden snapped, not happy that Chris brought up this topic at such a time.

"I will call it off whenever I want….,"

"But that is not what we initially agreed on. And things will get out of proportion if you don't…," Chris paused the instant he got a glimpse of Kayden's cold gaze.

"I am sorry," He apologized the moment he realised he had crossed the line.

"I know what I am doing so stop lecturing me," Kayden stated and quickened his pace.

After he took four steps he halted, turned and peered at Chris. "Relay all the information we have gathered so far to Josephina so she can pass it to Gideon," He instructed.

"I will do just that," Chris gave him his words.

"Also, call Fin and ask him to do me a favour by shifting his class to the afternoon," He commanded and waited for Chris' confirmation.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He demanded. A frown crept onto his handsome face as he stared at the bewildered Chris.

"I am surprised because you have never intervened in the affairs of the school even though it belongs to the royal family…,"

"Get ready because I am gonna intervene a lot starting today. Make sure to pass this information to Fin too," He relayed with pride.

"I will be with Kyle downstairs. You are forbidden from entering the room after I leave," He commanded. He spun and strolled away.

Chris watched him walk away. He also left after he took a last glance at Kayden's room.

Downstairs Kayden searched for Kyle in all the possible places he would have been but he couldn't find him.

"Where the hell did he go again?" Kayden muttered as he took his seat in front of the counter.

Alaska, the guy whom Kayden spoke to last night, walked up to Kayden when he noticed that Kayden was searching for something.

"Good morning Sir," Alaska greeted with respect.

"It's good I saw you. Now tell me where your Boss is," Kayden demanded on sighting him.

"In the past, he rarely left the club but what has come over him now? How come it's hard to meet him these days," Kayden complained.

"He returned in the morning and left again some minutes later. He didn't inform me about where he was heading," Alaska informed.

"Nevertheless, he told me to take very good care of you. He said I should give you whatever you need so do tell me if you need anything…,"

"There is nothing you can offer me that I can't get so don't worry about his instructions," Kayden interrupted.

He returned upstairs when he learned that the one he searched for was nowhere to be found.

Kayden didn't enter the room immediately he got upstairs but he loitered around the pathway.

He waited outside until he was certain that Joanna had taken her bath and had dressed up.

When he entered inside he met her dashing towards the door where he stood.

He grabbed her and made her pause in her tracks.

"What is it? Where are you running off to…,"

"Why are you still asking when I had already told you that I am running late for Mr Fin's morning class," She said and paused to catch a breath.

"You know his rule better than I do. His lecture is one of my core subjects. I need to leave now because I can't afford to fail his class," Joanna explained in a hurried tone.

She tried to race out of the room but he grasped her hands again.

"Didn't you receive the notification that he has pushed his morning class to the afternoon instead?" Kayden asked the lady whose forehead had folded to form a frown.



Hello lovely readers, so this week you guys met the threshold for the privileged buyers and privilege chapter unlocks so like I promised there will be a mass release on Sunday.

Look forward to it.

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