Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 388 Joanna Did What?

They were still in each other's embrace when Amos heard screams coming out of Joanna's home. He pulled out of her embrace and stared at her face.

Judging from her expression he knew she had already guessed what he wanted to say.

"Your stepmother is threatening to end your life, why?" He started. "What did you do to make her lose her cool? Did she perhaps make things difficult for you?" He quizzed.

He took a careful look at her exposed arms and legs. He was so relieved when he didn't see bruises or injuries on any part of her body.

"I didn't do much...,"

"Your grandma is...,"

"They deserve whatever they got. I am sure from today onwards they will think twice before they try any nonsense with me ever again," She retorted without feeling any remorse for what she did.

"I am not against you taking revenge...,"

"We have less than an hour before my classes start so let's go. We still need to go on a date, don't forget," she whispered, deliberately trying to avoid the topic at hand.

When he saw that she didn't want to talk about what happened he made up his mind not to press the issue further. With her reluctance, he knew the atmosphere would turn awkward if he pried answers from her.

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"Let's go, Boss Lady," he beamed. He ignited the car and zoomed off.

It wasn't up to five minutes after they left that Mr Anderson's car drove into the vast compound.

Without waiting for the chauffeur to step out of the car and open the door for him, he raced towards the entrance.

"Sir...," he had already entered the house before the chauffeur could grasp his attention.

The instant he stepped foot into the sitting room he was greeted by the stench which he didn't know where it came from.

"Honey," he called out to her.

Because of the pungent smell, he refused to walk further into the sitting room.

He lost control of his temper after he called out to her a few more times and there was no response.

"Where the hell is everyone," he shouted angrily. Not long after he shouted he saw two maids holding onto his wife's hands each at one side.

Her pale face made him momentarily forget about his decision to remain in his position until he found out what was the problem.

"You were alright a few minutes ago so why on Earth are you in this state now?" He asked the woman whom he could see needed to lean onto the maids to be able to stand.

"What else if not that, your illegitimate daughter poisoned our breakfast," she said feebly. She signalled the maids to assist her to the centre table.

"Joanna did what?" Mr Anderson asked, his mouth widened in shock. After a bit of thinking, he shook his head in negation.

"She is nothing but a weak and timid idiot. For the thought of harming or killing someone to cross a person's mind, one needs to have the guts and that is something she has always lacked all her life," Mr Anderson said.

Adhara raised her head and stared at her husband. At that moment she wanted nothing more than to slap him so that she would wake him up from his stupor.

"You have instilled fear in her ever since she was a child, she would never want to go against you...,"

"That is what I thought but today I realised that I was wrong. I realised that everything I did to her was equivalent to me digging mine and that of my entire family's grave...,"

"Joanna is not that gutsy...,"

"You are talking like that because you know nothing about your illegitimate daughter. If only you didn't decide to leave for work early. You would be going through the same thing we are going through now...," Adhara trailed.

"By there I am sure you would have believed without any hesitation that she is nothing but the devil incarnate. For her to break my mum's legs and make her...," Adhara choked on her words.

She fought back the urge to shed tears.

"I don't want to say what she did to my mother. You need to see what she did to mother then you will realise for yourself that your illegitimate daughter doesn't have a heart," Adhara concluded.

Just then Mr Anderson heard painful groans coming from his right-hand side. He was about to go and confirm what was the problem when his cell phone rang.

With his gaze focused on where the groans came from he brought out his cell phone from his breast pocket.

"How come Laura is calling me by this time?" Mr Anderson mumbled. He went ahead and answered the line.

"Laura, what is it? Did you encounter any problems?" He questioned.

Laura only calls him when she has a request so he assumed this to be her usual call. He didn't know that the caller was waiting to prove him wrong.

"Good morning Sir. I believe the owner of the phone that you are talking about is the lady who was administered in this hospital some minutes ago...,"

"My Laura is at the hospital?" Mr Anderson half screamed in astonishment. "She was fine when she left home so how come she is at the hospital?- Maybe you might have mistaken my daughter for someone else," he replied sternly.

He was about to deem the call spam when the nurse spoke up.

"Miss Laura Anderson was administered at the hospital ten minutes ago. She is in a terrible condition...,"

"What!" Mr Anderson could not believe his ears.

"What did she say is wrong with Laura? I hope she is fine," Adhara asked and struggled to her feet with the help of the maids by her side.

"What is the name of your hospital?" He demanded in a hurried tone. He hastened to stand close to his wife.

"We will be there very soon," he said and disconnected the call. Mr Anderson signalled the maids to let go of his wife and they did as he ordered.

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