Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 455 Raymond Attacked Derrick

She huffed and continued with her walk.

Because of how upset she was, the distracted lady didn't notice that she had been followed ever since she left the club.

She walked so fast that she covered the distance between the club and her home in the quickest time she has ever done.

Joanna was about to cross the road over to the side of her home when the streetlights in that area suddenly ceased.

She looked to her right and then to her left and all she could see was darkness.

Since the moon was absent from the sky the only lights around were those from buildings.

"What the hell is going on here?" Joanna muttered.

"Did all the lights go bad at the same time or did someone deliberately turn it off to scare me?" Joanna smiled instead of shrieking in fear.

The darkness of the entire street didn't stop the fearless Joanna from crossing the road.

She had successfully crossed the road and was about to walk to her house which wasn't far away from there when suddenly the light she stood under which was initially off started blinking.

"And what is this now?" Joanna mumbled noticing that only the light above her head was malfunctioning.

Joanna decided to ignore the strange phenomena and continued with her journey. But only for the lights to start emitting electric sparks

She was still trying to wrap her finger around what was happening when an electric wire fell, aiming directly at her head.

Before she raised her hand to block the terrifying wire with her powers she felt that she was hauled away by some strange force.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The instant she spun to attack the one who hauled her she was stunned to see that the person was none other than Raymond.

"Y-you... what are you doing here?" Joanna questioned despite her shock.

"Are you alright?" Raymond asked. He was too concerned about her safety to hear what she said.

"Did you get hurt in any way?" He spun her around in search of injuries but he couldn't find any.

"I am fine," She asserted, her gaze fixed on the guy's worried face.

"That is such a relief," Raymond mumbled, his right hand holding his throbbing chest.

"The thought of something happening to you almost made my heart jump out of my chest," He added, not letting go of his chest. His pounding heart proved his words true.

"Ray, I asked what you were doing here, I guess it's time for you to answer my question, don't you think so?" Joanna demanded, her suspicious eyes centred on his face.

"This is the second time you appeared out of the blue just when I want to get into trouble. Tell me, have you been tailing me?" Joanna questioned.

His pounding heart calmed a bit when he realised that she suspected him.

"Also, you haven't told me anything about your powers...,"

"I am in a haste to catch up to an appointment now but I promise that I will tell you everything you want to know about my powers in due time...,"


"Get home in due time ok," He smiled and patted her hair. He disappeared before she had the opportunity to stop him.

"He is acting sneakily for some reason. I hope he is alright," Joanna muttered.

She averted her attention to where the electrified wire lay at the exact spot she stood earlier.

"I believe this to be the action of the one who keeps tailing me," She said and looked around.

"I can't wait to catch whoever it is so I can give him a taste of his own medicine," She huffed.

Joanna continued with her journey when she didn't see anyone around.

It wasn't up to a minute Raymond left that he reappeared in a dimly lit street. His current location wasn't very far away from Joanna's home.

It was only two streets away.

Raymond looked to his left and then to his right. He searched the entire area but he discovered that the one he was looking for was not there.

"Where did the jerk run off to?" He roared, his fists clenched.

"Did he perhaps catch on that I was following him, that is why he ran away?" He mumbled.

He started walking in the street with the sole aim of picking up his target's scent.

"If he had the guts to attack her despite my warning, shouldn't he have the guts to face me too?".

He disappeared from there when he found out that the one he searched for was not there or anywhere close.

"I don't believe I won't be able to find him tonight?" His voice echoed in the street even though he was gone.

Raymond followed the person's scent but he couldn't find the person he was looking for despite using his scent as a lead.

On his fourth attempt, he finally caught up to the one he pursued.

The guy he pursued stopped in his tracks the instant Raymond surfaced in front of him.

Despite that it was dark he was still able to see Raymond's clasped fists and his fuming expression.

"Are you so scared of what I will do that you had to tail me just to keep me in check?" Derrick's sarcastic words didn't go down well with the already furious Raymond.

"How dare you have the guts to say that to my face after the terrible things you did?" Raymond raved.

He raised his hand and before the confused guy could assimilate what was happening, he punched Derick hard in the stomach.

Derrick stumbled ten steps backwards due to the impact of Raymond's punch.

"Are you crazy?" Derrick shouted, not understanding what he did to deserve the punch.

"Yes, I am crazy," Raymond yelled. He hit Derrick again but this time around on his face.

Derrick's lips broke and instantly blood started dripping. But not even his bleeding lips eased Raymond's anger.


A/N: Hello readers,


So here are our goals for this month and I will be so overwhelmed if you guys accomplished all the goals.

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1) The number of privileged buyers and chapter unlocks for the week.

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3) Number of GOLDEN TICKETS for the week

4) Comments and reviews.

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