Bedding My Vampire Mate

Chapter 533 Were You Waiting For Me?

Chapter 533  Were You Waiting For Me?

"I know my situation better than anyone else so there is no need to try to cheer me up with such lies... moreover I am satisfied even though you turn out to be the only one who treats me this way," Joanna muttered and beamed at Mrs Parker.

"You can doubt my words as much as you want now but I promise you that you will be dumbfounded when that time reaches," Mrs Parker replied.

"See you later," Mrs Parker waved at the siblings standing close to each other at the moment.

"Also, I would love to see more of you, little man," Mrs Parker addressed Anthony.


"He tends to get attached to things easily. It would be in the Cafe's best interest if he doesn't drop by frequently," Joanna cut in before Anthony could say a word.

"Bye, Mrs Parker," Joanna waved at the woman. "I promise, I will make it up to you and Leah when the carnival is over," Joanna added.

"As long as you don't quit then I am fine with anything," Mrs Parker responded and shifted her gaze to the customer that stood at the front of the counter.

As she attended to the customer she peeped at the siblings heading towards the Cafe's entrance.

Since Anthony didn't come along with his driver Joanna had to hail a taxi.

Some minutes after the car left the cafe Anthony, who disliked quietness in the car, struck up a conversation with Joanna.

"Big Sis, I noticed you didn't sleep at home last night...," Anthony trailed off. He tilted his body so that he was staring at Joanna's face.

"Did Mum, Sister Laura and Grandma make things hard for you?... They must have accused you of ruining Sister Laura's party right?" He added in a gentle tone.

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"Was that why you didn't sleep over at home?" He demanded, his voice calm as still water.

"Little rice ball..." Joanna called him. She lifted her right hand and placed it on his leg.

"I know you love me a lot and Big Sis loves you even more but don't trust Big Sis too much," Joanna started meekly.

"Big Sis is not as nice as you believe. I am a bad person..."

"Big Sis can't hurt a fly so that makes you a good person..."

"Yes, I was a girl who couldn't hurt a fly, not to mention hurting a human but that was in the past. My situation back then forced me to become a good person even against my will," Joanna explained calmly.

She stroked his leg lovingly.

"At the moment Big Sis is not weak. I can hit anyone who beats me up. I can look into the eyes of anyone whenever they speak...,"

"Even if you can do that now, I know my Big Sis is not a bad person," Anthony insisted, despite that she listed the reason why she wasn't a good person.

"How can you trust me so much when I don't even trust myself?" Joanna grumbled and pulled him into her embrace.

Joanna and Anthony continued to talk until the taxi pulled over at the gate of his training centre.

Since Joanna had asked for the taxi driver to wait, she entered the same taxi and left there after she made sure Anthony walked into the training centre under her supervision.

Throughout half of her journey, Joanna was on call. When she realized how much time had passed she was surprised to see that she was almost at her destination.

The moment Joanna arrived at the beach he was there to welcome her. It was as if he had waited until she got there.

"Didn't you say you were in the middle of a commercial shoot? What are you doing here?" Joanna scolded.

She looked beyondhim and not even the far distance could stop her from seeing a shed set up on the beach.

"Were you waiting for me?" she added after shifting her attention back to his face.

"T-t-that..." Raymond stammered when he noticed that his cover had been blown.

"We were asked to take a few minutes break and I told myself, why don't I come and wait for her in case she failed to find us...,"

"Your crew is right over there," Joanna mumbled as she gestured at the crew whom she wasn't sure could see her due to the distance.

"So why on Earth would I have failed to find you?" she quizzed.


"You came all the way here to discuss the idea you came up with, don't tell me you are gonna spend my entire break period scolding me?" Raymond cut in after he noticed that her scoldings won't end there.

"My break is less than five minutes. My commercial shoot will resume the moment my time elapses. I also have about three interviews after I wrapped up the shoot here....," Raymond let his words linger.

Instead of strolling towards the direction of his crew, he took the opposite direction.

"I don't know when I will get another break if we don't make good use of it," Raymond concluded.

"Sorry if I stole the time you were supposed to use for relaxation...,"

"I was willing to do that so there is no need to feel apologetic. Also, there are days I don't even get a minute's rest until late into the night so this is nothing," Raymond said to the lady whose guilt was apparent on her face.

"Don't you get exhausted?" Joanna asked out of concern.

"I meant not only do you have to juggle between school, swimming training, and your personal life but also this, isn't it exhausting at times?" Joanna went into detail to get rid of his earlier confusion.

"Celebrities don't have personal lives. Also, it is only humans who get weary and as you know, I am not a human," He replied, a sweet smile lingering at the corner of his lips.

"You sure sounded super cool when you said that," Joanna grinned and gave him a thumbs up.

"Did I?" He asked. His smile became broader as he looked towards the ocean.

Joanna allowed the air of excitement to die off before she dived into the discussion that brought her there.

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