Beers and Beards

Chapter 67: Specialized

Chapter 67: Specialized

“Alright, Pete. What was so important it couldn’t wait?”

Annie and Balin sat across from me in Annie’s office. It was a new office attached to the brew room floor that Balin built for her. A picture window looked out over the brewery, and the only furnishings so far were a simple wooden desk and a trio of plain stools.

“I need to make an important decision. The last time I did this I kind of rushed it, and this time I want to seriously talk it over with someone first.”

“Alright…” Annie said with trepidation. “What is it?”

“You can tell us whatever you need, brother.” Balin patted me on the knee.

“Thank Balin. Okay, here it is. I have my first Specialization. Tadah!” I gave a ‘surprise’ gesture, though they were both actually surprised enough that they didn’t react for a few moments.

“Really? Congratulations Pete!” Balin thumped his chest and then pumped his fist.

“That was obscenely fast.” Annie said, frowning. “You weren’t even Blessed a year ago. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone getting their Specialization so quickly. Come to think of it… Bran, Richter, Balin, you, me. There have been a lot of Blessings going around.”

I ignored that last part, no need to freak them out. “I get Milestones quickly because of my quests.”

“What quests?” Annie and Balin said together.

“I get rewards for completing certain tasks. It’s part of my [Otherworlder] Milestone and helps me grow faster..”

Annie gasped. “That’s practically cheating!”

“Yeah, and it gives me stats too.”

“Now isn’t that somethin’! Yer goin’ to be a right powerhouse someday Pete!”

“I asked you to stay because I wanted yer thoughts on the Specialization options. You may have some insights I lack.” I put out my hands, pleadingly. “Can you help?”

They looked at each other and nodded.


“No question! What are your options?”

“Let’s find out!” I chose five milestones and pulled up the Specialization notification.


Do you wish to combine [Otherworlder], [Stabilize Mixture], [Carbonate], [Ingredient Scan], and [Bottomless Barrel] into a Specialization?


I hit ‘yes’ and a new notification popped up.

You have decided to Specialize! Specialization is an important decision that will guide your future growth. Your selected Milestones will combine to give you powerful new Blessings that will help you down your chosen path. Choose wisely, for what you choose will come to define you.

The following four Specializations are available.

Dimensional Drinker

Otherworldly Brewer

Aether Alchemist

Chosen Alchemist

“I’ve got four different options.”

Annie nodded. “You should be able to focus on them to learn more. Start with the first one and we’ll discuss it.”

“Aye.” I focused on [Dimensional Drinker] and began to read aloud.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Dimensional Drinker]

As an [Alchemist] you have always pushed for greater flavor, and your desire for alcohol pushes you towards the path of a [Drinker]. As an otherworlder, you have tasted drinks that no other mortal in this realm can comprehend, and as a [Dimensional Drinker], you will be able to share that experience.

Combine [Bottomless Barrel] and [Otherworlder] into the Blessing [Dimensional Barrel].

Combine [Stabilize Mixture] and [Ingredient Scan] into the Blessing [Preservation Field].

The milestone [Carbonate] is not affected.

Go forth young dwarf, and drink!

Increases the chance of developing drinking Milestones and the chance of finding hidden alcohol.

[Dimensional Barrel]

Your spirit has found a new spark! Your mental statistics remain replaced with their previous values and you gain a greater memory of what once was. You can touch an empty container and for the next one minute, a non-magical drink of your choice can be poured out of it. If the liquid is not poured into an appropriate container or imbibed within the next twenty-four minutes, it disappears.

This ability can only be used once per hour.

[Preservation Field]

You can stabilize all food and drink within a 12 meter radius of where you use this ability. Reduce any toxicity or instability and increase shelf life by one day per use.

This ability can be used once per hour.

“I want it!” By Barcks’ Beautiful Beard, this was the greatest thing I’d ever seen!

“Take it!” Annie nearly jumped out of her chair.

“Could you make liquid mithril with that?” Balin mused. We both looked askance at him.

“That’s a good question–" I began, but Annie interrupted.

“It doesn’t matter! Dad has a Blessing that can tell him the components of a drink! If you pour alcohol from your world, he’ll be able to recreate the recipe!”

“You know? I don’t actually know what Mr. Goldstone’s Title is.” I mused.

“You don’t? He’s an [Ancestral Brewer]."

“That… is the most dwarvish thing I’ve ever heard of.”

“It is, and it’s annoying.” Annie sighed. “The Milestones for it are a secret of the Honourable Guild of Brewers, and you have to take an oath to be given the process for getting them. I don’t really need it, but Dad was barely driven enough as a brewer to get his Title, let alone his Specialization.”

“So, you think it’s the best bet?”

“Yes. Take it now. Everything you’ve told me about your world’s alcohol makes me incredibly curious. It’s possibly invaluable if we sell tastings.”

“Maybe… though I can make a lot of, if not most of, those drinks with enough time anyway.”

On the other hand, there was a good chance that creating an alcohol with [Dimensional Barrel] would mean Barck could create it too. A possible deific reward there? Or maybe not, given what he told me about his ‘punishment’. [Preservation Field] was a bit of a dud, though it would be helpful around our new kitchen. Overall it looked perfect, but for one small problem…

I read it again, carefully. “[Bottomless Barrel] removed the wording for ‘easier Blessings and Milestones’. I think I’d lose my quests.”


“That’s a pretty tough trade.”

“It does put a damper on things. Higher Specializations are a lot more powerful, right? I’d be tradin’ unlimited delicious drinks for faster progression. I’ll... need to think about it.”

“A dwarf usually needs decades or even centuries to get their first specialization.” Annie mused. “That is actually a really tough choice.”

“Well, let’s look at the next option then.” I opened it up.

[Otherworldly Brewer]

As an alchemist, your endeavors pushed you towards the humble art of brewing alcohol. While a regular [Brewer] constantly seeks out new ingredients and opportunities to further their craft, an [Otherworldly Brewer] transcends worlds to do so.

Combine [Carbonate] and [Stabilize Mixture] into the Blessing [Refine Brew]

Combine [Otherworlder] and [Ingredient Scan] into the Blessing [Minimap]

The Milestone [Bottomless Barrel] is not affected.

May your brew be you and to yourself be true.

Increases the chance of developing brewing Milestones and the chance of brews being successful.

[Refine Brew]

You are able to refine and stabilize a container of alchemical liquid with a touch. If the brew contains any unstable magical aethers they will be forced into equilibrium. The brew will become more nutritious and have a longer shelf life.

You can use this ability once per second.


Your spirit has found a new spark! Your mental statistics remain replaced with their previous values, and you are more likely to gain blessings and milestones! You also gain a minimap to help find your way around this new world. People and monsters as well as major landmarks will be marked on your minimap. You can also mark crafting ingredients or quests and quest items.

This ability is always available.

I liked it. I liked it a lot. But…

“[Dimensional Drinker] is better.” Annie said firmly and I hesitantly agreed.

“I dunno, Annie.” Balin put in. “This feels a lot more like Pete. He likes drinkin’ but he seems ta love brewin’.”

They both looked at me, and I slowly nodded. I did love beer. And wine. And whiskey, and rum, and a dozen other drinks, but they were just what I loved to drink. What I was was a brewer, and this Specialization practically defined me. It didn’t have anything fancy like[Dimensional Barrel], but [Refine Brew] sounded helpful, and the reference to ‘magical aethers’ appealed to me. Especially with [Pete’s Poor Manasight] coming down the pipeline.

[Minimap] was just straight up cool, and a staple of any good fantasy adventure. Being able to spot monsters and quest items could be life-saving. Imagine if I’d had that back in the mine!? It also mentioned crafting ingredients; would I be able to set the filter to ‘hops’ or ‘bitters’ and see them on the minimap? That would make shopping so much easier than wandering around pinging [Ingredient Scan].

I read it again. “It’s nothing special, but it’s solid. It also keeps my quests as far as I can tell.”

“Another thing to keep in mind Pete, is that further Specializations build on your first one. There’s also a focus on brewing Milestones, which means you’ll be more likely to unlock more brewing specific Specializations.” Annie pointed out.

“Hmmm… good point. I’ll put it just below [Dimensional Drinker] for now. Let’s see what’s next.”

[Aether Alchemist]

As an [Alchemist] you focused on the study of aether; yours was the path of fire and water. As an [Aether Alchemist] you gain greater control over your craft, and as an otherworlder can even pass through to the realm of Aaron himself.

Combine [Otherworlder] and [Carbonate] into the Blessing [Aether Form]

Combine [Bottomless Barrel] and [Stabilize Mixture] into the Blessing [Form Aether]

The Milestone [Ingredient Scan] is not affected.

Take to the sky and become one with your new element!

Increases the chance of developing Aether Milestones and increases Aether affinity.

[Aether Form]

Your mental statistics remain replaced with your previous values, and you are more likely to gain blessings and milestones. You have decided to eschew your new spark, and can now convert your body fully into an aether of your choice. Your physical statistics change based on the type of aether chosen for twenty-four minutes.

This ability can be used once per hour.

[Form Aether]

You can touch a container that contains no more than twenty-four liters of non-magical liquid and gain total control of it. For the next twenty-four minutes, the aether within the container will expand, and can be shaped and molded by your will alone. Additionally, you can command the aether to become more or less solid.

This ability can only be used once per hour.

“That’s a powerful set of Blessin’s right there." Balin said.

“I don’t see the power in [Form Aether].” Annie frowned. “Though turning your body into aether is a coveted Blessing. Most don’t see it until their third or fourth Specialization. Your [Otherworlder] Milestone seems to grant very powerful effects. That’s likely why you are being forced to combine it at your first Specialization; it would be far too powerful combined at a higher Specialization.”

“[Form Aether] would turn me into a water-bender!” I said excitedly. “And does [Aether Form] mean I could fly? Or turn into fire? Or invisible? That’s amazing!”

“Aye.” Annie nodded. “All of those, though I don’t know what bending water means. The utility is what makes it so powerful. You’d also be nearly immune to physical damage.”

“I don’t really know if it’s ‘you’ though, Pete.” Balin said.

I had to agree. It was super cool, and if I wanted to move towards being an adventurer, it would be an amazing Specialization. Then my mind wandered towards enormous ants wreathed in flame. I shivered; no adventuring for this young dwarf, no siree!

“I agree with Balin.” I said, and cut off Annie’s protest. “It’s just not me.”

“I can see that, it’s a shame though.” She sighed. “What’s the last option?”

I choked as I scanned the next Specialization, and looked askance at Balin and Annie. They smiled back expectantly, their eyes full of happy curiosity. They always did right by me, and they were my new family. A family couldn’t be built on lies, and between the Whistlemugs and the amnesia thing, I was getting a bit too comfortable doing just that. I took a deep breath and began to read aloud.

[Chosen Alchemist]

You did not choose to become an [Alchemist]; you were chosen. While some struggle to find their way in life, you have already lived fully, and been God-given the chance to do it again. As a [Chosen Alchemist] you bear Barck’s Blessing and a path paved with power.

Combine [Otherworlder] and [Stabilize Mixture] into the Blessing [Stable Otherworlder]

Combine [Bottomless Barrel] and [Ingredient Scan] into the Blessing [Barck’s Box]

The Milestone [Carbonate] is not affected.

Stride boldly Chosen, and change the world!

Increases the chance of developing spark Milestones and the chance to find rare alchemical ingredients.

[Stable Otherworlder]

Your spirit has found a new spark but denies its influence with the blessing of Barck. Your mental statistics remain replaced with their previous values, and you are more likely to gain Blessings and Milestones. Any influence your body has had on your mind is reversed, and any future influence is greatly reduced. Grants greater resistance to mental and bodily manipulation as well as increased resistance to all elements and damage. Long may you live!

This ability is always active.

[Barck’s Box]

An alchemist often needs to forage for their own ingredients, but you are able to make your own. You can touch a container that contains no less than twenty-four grams of non-magical biological matter and grant it a touch of infinity. For the next one minute, anything you remove from the container and use in your alchemy does not reduce the amount of material in the container. If the material is not used in some form of alchemy within the next sixteen minutes, it disappears.

You can use this ability once per hour.

When I finished reading, Annie’s eyes were glazed over and Balin’s mouth was practically below his collar bone. Annie yelled first.


I was totally stealing that.

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