Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 1480: gamer vs game

  Chapter 1480 Player VS Game

   Blue Star.

   They are facing the greatest disaster in history.

   Not only death, even the ground under their feet is about to disappear.

  When a person pushes to the end and is dead anyway, a huge burst of energy will erupt.

   Almost all S-level players have been upgraded!

  The speed-type player controls the machine that destroys the world at a speed exceeding the speed of light, and the collision between the two sides is random;

  Healing players close their eyes and pray to save a large area. As long as there is still a breath, they will all be brought back to life.

  The farts of special-type players have reached the point where they are pervasive. With strong corrosiveness, it instantly paralyzed Sayu's machine...

  All S-level players are desperately trying to keep their planet, challenging the body's maximum tolerance limit for special abilities.

  Ordinary people are also desperately resisting, even old people who are faltering, pregnant women who are six months pregnant, patients with disabled hands and feet, and children who cannot speak clearly...all take up weapons.

  When people fearless life and death like zombies, crowd tactics will be brought to the extreme.

  Life is like the most tenacious weed. When it is dug down with a hoe, there are roots that grip the ground!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

   Desperate resistance bought them a longer survival time.

  But as time goes by, there will still be blue stars that can't hold on, and with violent explosions, planets and civilizations disappear in the universe...


the other side

  Sayu's mental bodies are weak, but their core is a tough bone to crack.

  For so long, Fu Yizhi's attack only turned the smooth sphere into the surface of the moon. They can hold it, but the blue star in the distance can't hold it!

  Fu Anan threw away the approaching spiritual body, rushed up and jumped and pinched the core, trying to crush it with space power.

   It doesn't work!

   Received it?

   also does not work!

  The originally repaired body is about to crack because of her continuous use of energy. Facing the core, Fu An'an had a feeling that he couldn't eat the hot tofu in a hurry, couldn't swallow it forcefully, and felt that his tongue, throat, and esophagus were all going to be burned.

  【Master, in fact, you are only attacking the outermost part of the core. This is a neutron star formed after a star exploded.

  Neutron star density is the highest density star in the universe. This neutron star is formed by the explosion of a star one-tenth the size of the sun.

   It is equivalent to 130,000 blue stars condensed into a basketball-sized planet, and it is only the outer shell used to hold the core of sarin. 】

   The most important thing is to use a star to hold it.

  What is the concept of 130,000 blue stars?

  The surface of 1 blue star can hold 6.4 billion people, hundreds of thousands of animals and plants, seven continents and eight oceans!

   It's no wonder that even though Sayu tried his best to stop him, he wasn't overly afraid. It's no wonder that Fu Yizhi tried his best to make some small holes.

  Fu Anan took a deep breath, she is ready to challenge herself!

  She put her hand on the core body, mobilized all the abilities, and the surrounding space quickly wrapped it.

   If you can pretend, the world is mine!

  Fu An'an's eyes began to congeal, and the veins on the back of his hands burst out.

   It is obviously a small ball.

  In her hand, it became heavier and heavier, and the change of space was unprecedentedly clear, as if she was tearing a hole with her own recklessness.

  She concentrated on dealing with the core, and it was Fu Yizhi's turn to clean up the mental body.

  Fu Anan's entire palm was crushed and deformed, his fingers turned blue and his arms were in an abnormal state. It was lifting something that was completely beyond her ability, and that thing would break her hand.

   Countdown 9

   Good night everyone~




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