Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 416: Do Not Interfere?

Chapter 416: Do Not Interfere?

"No. That is not right..." Yen Mingjue murmured in confusion as he tried his best to complete sense the being that is bound by the chains. "What is going on?" He asked to no in particular.

"Your Highness we are freeing our lord. I suggest to not intervene." Fei Yan casually answered him like the being that they are trying to set free is harmless.

Yen Mingjue snarled before speaking, "If you know who I am, then better shut up!"

His annoyance rising every moment this YinYing speak.

If a wraith can just die easily, Fa Liwei should already be dead!

Tsk. A soul that was given a physical form, should be an amusing creation of gods.

Not if it is being used for evil doings!

Calling Yen Mingjue, Your Highness means that Fa Liwei is aware of who he is. There is a lot of giving away, but how dare this YinYing to tell him what to do?

Do not interfere? If a god can do this much damage, how can another not take action? What a joke!

Right now, the space that the tornadoes are surrounding just shows large golden chains rounded into a huge circle, as it suspends in the air.

The sound of moving chains continued due to the tornadoes presence and these golden olden chains are another proof as well that the being sealed should not be released at all cost.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Gods cannot be bounded by mortals, especially on the Mortal Domain. Also punished gods have special deity guards, which is not present anywhere.

Golden Chain of Trest, is supposed to bind gods that are punished. However, the longer he searched for godhood presence, Yen Mingjue found none.

'So who could it be that is chained and sealed like this?' Yen Mingjue can only wonder.

It is still not clear who and how they can stop the seal from being unlocked.

'Sacrifice...' Yen Mingjue remembered Fa Liwei spoke about it with a difference.

If the YinYing intends to initially use the citizens of the Shizi Empire as a sacrifice, then who are they planning to use now?

The dread is creeping inside his heart as he anxiously waits to what will happen next.

Yen Mingjue is sure that they are all doomed, based on the evil atmosphere from the sky.

Darkness and impurities alone confirm that they are trying to set free a sinister and cruel being.

For now, Yen Mingjue can only look closer in the hope to know how long they still need before the seal is completely broken.

He also cannot be away from the palace and leave Gao Lan Mei alone who is still continuing with her crazy decision to Devour the impurities carried by the black smoke.

He needs to do something. The time he needs more time! Even if they just need to run away from the place.

The more Yen Mingjue does not understand the situation, the more he finds it dangerous.

What to do next? Do they have enough time?

If the calamity is inevitable, should he encourage the others to just deal with it head on? It's is always better to die fighting for mortals after all

Yen Mingjue is currently confused. In his years as a prince of the underworld, he never has to deal with things like this. He is good at allowing death not saving lives.

For the first time, he felt helpless inside a vessel that he cannot usefully to fight...

"The old buffoons showed lots of effort." Fa Liwei commented with indifference, not minding anything else as he looked at the sky.

It did not take long before he suddenly disappeared, while the other YinYings followed shortly.

Fa Liwei even left Wei Jiayi behind that immediately gave the chance for Zhao Liwei and Xiao Shi to get him.

Xiao Shi was able to release Wei Jiayi from the dark material that was enveloping him. However, he is still unconscious.

"We need to get out of here." Yen Mingjue stated firmly to Gao Lan Mei that is best that way as there is no way for her to fight head-on.

They need to use this chance that the YinYings were distracted to escape.

Yen Mingjue cannot stop her like a spell this massive and connected to a lot of beings, once halted incorrectly, the rebound is sure death.

So he can only persuade her this way, "Before you can even set up the defense wall, you're already fully consumed by impurities and you will be one of them." Yen Mingjue started, "You are all just mortals. Regardless as a cultivator or not, death is a normal thing so why resist."

"You will never understand." Gao Lan Mei replied through sound friction. "I will not run and let them do what they please."

Gao Lan Mei cannot see the sky of Mount Hua from her position, but she surely can feel the ominous presence. However, she is not showing any indication of backing down.

If this is the case, Yen Mingjue can only support and make sure that as soon as Gao Lan Mei stop, they will leave the place, thus he started his own preparation of escape, personally.

While doing so, Yen Mingjue let KaiKai continue staring at the sky above Mount Hua to check changes.

"Leave. All of you should leave now." Gao Lan Mei spoke breathless, with her eyes closed still standing up to gather all spiritual energy. The side of her eyes is now showing protruded veins indicating her difficulty of controlling the impurities that she is absorbing.

Gao Lan Mei is still at the center of the magic circle. Unlike the tornadoes at Mount Hua, the black smoke around her are just twirling like a wave occasionally hiding her.

If not because of the bright polygons, they are also not able to see her clearly.

"We cannot leave you." Lou Ren stated firmly. He also knows that Gao Lan Mei cannot stop her chants or her life will perish.

"Trust me, one last time." She requested firmly.

"Gao Lan Mei if this is your decision. Do not ever regret it." Yen Mingjue uttered after releasing a deep breath. "Xiao Shi bring everyone to the underground chambers."

Everyone means even the injured ones. Looking around beings that are hurt from Wei Palace, Justice Affairs, other from the immortal domain, it may take a while.

"Merchant Lan, we are here to help." Someone said before suddenly a bunch of beings appeared from the shadows...


Author's Note:

Hi guys, thank you for reading. Please tell me if the chapter length is ok. I am trying lessen chapters that looks like fillers. I am sorry as well that I won't be able to update more today, cause it seems my headache yesterday is a start of cold. I just hope that this chapter is not too crappy...

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