Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 469: Could Do Better Than Scream

Chapter 469: Could Do Better Than Scream

"Almost done, Mei Mei! Fight and bear with it some more. We should be able to leave soon!" Wei Jiayi said with delight as he saw the crack above the giant fireball getting bigger.

And like so, seconds continued to tick by as Wei Jiayi, and Blessed Juni attempted to destroy their giant cage. 

Gao Lan Mei shook her head as she smiled sadly, "Jiayi, in case we-"



The continuous sounds of explosions were heard throughout the entire Shizi Empire. Whatever Gao Lan Mei wanted to say was halted when Wei Jiyai and Blessed Juni's attacks that were flying towards the sky suddenly burst when they hit something. The aura of the conflicting spiritual energy spread into the air even reached them.

Blessed Elin was quick enough to create a thin ice wall before the blast caused them any damage. 

The ice was created from her meager amount of remaining spiritual energy. Thus, she was thankful that it was enough to protect them. 

Gao Shen's heart caught in his throat as he prepared to jump in front of his brother to save him in case the blast reached their place. Then, when the ice walls suddenly showed up, he was relieved. 

However, his eyes opened up wider upon discovering something terrible. 

"B-Blessed! Your Your Your form?!" Gao Shen stuttered almost terrified as he knew how important Blessed Elin was to them. He was already weak, and there was no way he could protect himself from the Impurities in case it made its way towards them. 

'Where is help when you need it?!' He cursed to himself as the incident happened just when his seniors left the Empire. 

Then Gao Shen realized that it was probably for the best since he did not want anyone else to suffer the same traumatizing experience they were experiencing now. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Gao Lan Mei swallowed her saliva as she nervously looked at Blessed Elin's spirit that was almost completely faded. She could feel her own strength depleting as well, and whatever was inside her was winning the fight to control her body. 

She bit her lower lip to the point of bleeding to stop herself from releasing any form of noise that would confirm that she was in so much pain. 

'This is still not unbearable. This is nothing compared to the time I arrived at this place! Endure!' Gao Lan Mei reminded herself with her determination. She wanted to do so much more. So much that even though she felt like dying multiple times, she still wanted to see how far she could go. 

"Elin! You need to hold on!" Blessed Juni yelled before she complained inside her head.'If we could have another Blessed, this would have been much easier!'

With a glare, the other Blessed responded, "I could, I could have done it!" Blessed Elin knew that her spiritual energy was near zero. When that time came, she would return to the Beyond, the city of Gods, without accomplishing anything. 

Blessed Elin also knew that her pride did not matter. Her responsibility was to save the beings who were still alive until they got out of the Shizi Empire. If she disappeared, there was no way anyone would survive!

'At least, I can still protect them, even if it's the last time.' She thought, her will to continue fighting blazed in her frozen heart. 

However, before they were able to recover from the recent mass of spiritual energy completely, another bright flash of light brushed from near them, hitting the massive fireball that Blessed Juni had set up to brighten the place. 

Blessed Juni was fast enough to extinguish the flames of any fire that could reach them. However, even she could not stop the powerful mass of spiritual energy that was from the impact of the recent explosion, and it was coming their way, fast. 

If the spell boundary that was surrounding the entire empire shook due to the powerful impact when it reached it, what would happen when the feeble Ice Wall protecting them felt the impact? It would shatter! 


"Uwaa?! Uwaaak!!"

"Ah!" Screams of surprise were again heard after the blast reached them, causing some of the surviving beings to be thrown out of the protective circle. 

"Protect them!" Gao Lan Mei immediately exclaimed to Blessed Elin. 

Left with no choice, Blessed Elin again used her already depleted magic to create an ice cage to save the beings from being devoured by the Impurities. However, she failed to save everyone who was thrown out of the protective flame. 

"No! No! Help me!" One of the men screamed as the Impurities devoured him. That man was Huang Ying, from the Huang clan. The man that tried to shame the Gao family young miss during the fight in the arena.

He was unlucky to be thrown out of the range of the light the Blesseds emitted. The man was hiding at the very back of the group and did not have anyone to grab him from behind. Earlier, he was selfishly thinking of having the being in front of him act as his shield. 

However, him being at the very back was the exact reason he was thrown farther than the rest! Now his heart was bleeding with regret! 

Regret for even stepping in the Mortal Domain. 'If I were not enticed by the reward offered by the Divine Priest like the others, I would not have experienced this!' 

No one could move as Huang Ying continued to cry for help as he slowly felt his limbs being crushed. His earlier screams started to sound hoarse. He could not even move his hands! 

Huang Ying could only look at everyone remorsefully and lose hope as no one could help him anymore. The others who were near him were surrounded by an Ice cage to protect themselves from the Impurities. They could only look at him with a terrified expression. They were probably imagining themselves as the ones being devoured instead of him. 

He could not move but he could feel the pain from his bones being shattered. Huang Ying cried and begged for help, but no one could move to rescue him. It was too late to save him. 

The Fire Blessed was not even looking at him since she was too busy trying to save everyone else, while the Ice Blessed was nowhere to be seen! 

 'If I could just die fighting and not eaten! I am a cultivator from the Immortal Domain! I could do better than scream!' Huang Ying declared to himself as he wanted to have an honorable death at least. He could not accept that his death would make the enemy powerful. 

After thinking that, he closed his eyes, willing to give all the remaining strength he still had to fight the impurities surrounding him, 'It was impossible after all, huh? So that's it for me. I would have done a lot more.' He realized full of regret after completely losing the feelings on his legs. 

Author's Note: Thank you so much for waiting! I owe you guys a lot! The original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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