Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 119 - 119 What is Bullfighting

Chapter 119: Chapter 119 What is Bullfighting

I have to say, the relationship between Jubaozhai and Henglong is really a mess, to the extent that Liang Haiqing has helped Feng Jun to this point.

In the end, he even used WeChat to send over a screenshot, which was exactly that female live streamer from bullfighting live broadcasts.

Once Wang Haifeng heard about bullfighting live broadcasts, he got excited, “Feng Jun, my account is level thirteen now, should I go in and test the waters for you? Although I haven’t spent much money, it’s still a double-digit level, she’s got to at least acknowledge me.”

Feng Jun gave him a weird look, “Are you trying to make someone take the fall? If your wife asks, can you confidently push the blame onto me?”

“Look at what you’re saying,” Wang Haifeng’s eyes widened, and he spoke unhappily, “Then you go register an account and try, see if she’ll pay attention to a newbie like you!”

Feng Jun didn’t engage in live streaming and could guess that newbies had no rights. Not to mention live streaming, even playing a game, newbies were not welcomed.

Still, he hesitated a bit, “Could it be that… someone recognizes your account, knows who you are? If that’s the case, Wang Weimin might guess that you’re my friend.”

“Damn!” Wang Haifeng suddenly slapped his thigh, nodding as if he had an epiphany, “My nickname… might indeed give it away.”

Sister Hong, upon hearing this, couldn’t help but ask curiously, “What’s your nickname?”

“This…” Wang Haifeng hesitated and then stammered out his answer, “It’s… the Most Handsome Fitness Coach.”

Feng Jun raised his hand helplessly and lightly tapped his forehead; he was utterly speechless about Coach Wang, “You really are annoyingly frivolous.”

Xu Leigang was also chuckling, winking, “Hai Feng, you’re seducing with sex appeal… and probably showing some skin too, right?”

“President Xu, that’s a very unhealthy train of thought,” Wang Haifeng replied seriously, “I’m trying to expand business for Hongjie. Sister Hong has been so good to us; we need to keep the company in mind at all times and contribute to improving the physical fitness of Zhengyang City’s citizens.”

Xu Leigang couldn’t stop laughing and fell out of his chair. Meanwhile, Feng Jun took out his mobile phone, downloaded a bullfighting live stream app, and spoke while registering, “Hai Feng, you seem to have some beef balls left… sell them to me.”

“No need, I’ll give them to you,” Wang Haifeng waved his hand, speaking carelessly, “Just remember you owe me a piece of jade.”

He still had beef balls valued at over six thousand. In the past, he and Feng would quibble over money, but it wasn’t his issue; Feng was just too poor and too weak.

Now Xiao Feng was also developing well in the brokerage business, so a transaction of a few thousand was, of course, no longer significant.

So it goes to show, class differentiation is natural and doesn’t shift according to people’s will.

Wang Haifeng directly transferred five thousand to Feng Jun, “Start with some small gifts. Don’t be impatient; with your newbie status, if you spend too much all at once, you’re blatantly telling others there’s something off about you.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“I understand that,” Feng Jun nodded and swiped the screen a few times, “Oh, I’ve found ‘I am Jing Jing’… She’s actually live streaming right now?”

Sister Hong also took out her phone and, after a few taps, exclaimed, “Oh no, several people from Zhengyang have entered consecutively. Do you think this female live streamer will suspect something?”

“No,” Wang Haifeng shook his head, answering decisively, “Donglin is so close to Zhengyang, but economically it’s far behind. There are a lot of people from Zhengyang, and I bet many times there are more people from Zhengyang in the live chat than from Donglin.”

“Coach Wang is indeed an experienced driver,” Feng Jun said with a laugh but then leaned over to look at Zhang Weihong’s phone, and was stunned, “Goodness, Sister Hong… Sister Hong, you’re also… ”

Ablush spread across Sister Hong’s face, and she glared at him fiercely, “What, only men are allowed to watch live streams? Feng, don’t you know to respect someone’s privacy?”

Curious, Wang Haifeng also leaned over to take a look, then burst into laughter, “So Sister Hong, you’re a newbie too!”

With a “pfft,” Xu Lei spat out the wine he was drinking all over Wang Haifeng, then broke into a severe cough, “Cough cough, Hai Feng… Hai Feng, you’re brilliant… calling her a newbie, haha, that’s bold of you to say.”

Wang Haifeng, sprayed with wine, was initially stunned but then also burst into laughter, gasping for air, “I’m telling you, Lao Xu, you’re already of age, what do you keep in that head of yours… You’re the real experienced driver.”

Sister Hong was made a bit jittery by their laughter, so she turned to look at Feng Jun, her eyes full of confusion—what are they laughing about?

Feng Jun shook his head blankly, “It’s nothing really, Hai Feng said your nickname makes you a newbie… That’s not a big deal, right?”

“Hey, hey,” Wang Haifeng became anxious, chuckling and cursing, “I meant Sister Hong’s nickname seems like a newbie, I didn’t say Sister Hong herself was a newbie. Kid, are you eager to have the boss give me a hard time?”

Feng Jun blinked, looking puzzled, “Is there any obvious difference between the two?”

Wang Haifeng was momentarily dumbstruck; of course, there was a difference, a very, very big one, but… could he really say so?

“Haha,” Xu Lei Gang continued to laugh uproariously, then pointed at Feng Jun, “I’ve figured it out, President Feng is the real deal when it comes to being an old driver.”

Sister Hong fluttered her eyelids several times, finally catching on, and then she spat disdainfully, “Pah, you three, there’s nothing good about you… What on earth is on your minds all the time?”

“Sister Hong, I’m wronged,” Feng Jun protested vehemently, yet a sly twinkle flitted through his eyes almost imperceptibly, “I really have no idea what you’re talking about… Could you explain it to me?”

“Haha,” Xu Lei Gang was so amused he nearly slid under the table. Wang Haifeng, however, raised a thumbs up, “President Feng, I don’t lean on walls, but I respect you, truly… an old driver!”

Sister Hong glared at Feng Jun fiercely again, “Keep pretending, just keep pretending. I’ve realized… Out of the three of you, you’re the worst!”

Feng Jun hadn’t initially expected it, but he indeed was the first to catch on to what Xu Lei Gang was laughing about—he interpreted the phrase ‘a woman is a blank slate’ in a… certain way.

His joking was all well and good until he saw that Sister Hong was getting annoyed. The joke wasn’t funny anymore, so he smiled and said, “Alright, let’s be serious, we’ve got a live stream to watch and clues to find…”

“Wait a second,” Xu Lei Gang interrupted, “What’s this thing you’re using? Douyu Video… Why am I only finding Spanish bullfighting when I search for it?”

Wang Haifeng gave him a look, “This is what we young people do. You’re old, Lao Xu, what’s the fuss for?”

Xu Lei Gang shot him a glare, “Not going to tell me, huh? I’ll ask my son then!”

“Haha,” this time, even Sister Hong couldn’t help but laugh, her body shaking with mirth. Live streaming, something a father would ask his son about?

Amidst the laughter, everyone started to watch “I Am Jing Jing’s” live stream. On the screen was a sweet-looking girl with the typical internet celebrity face, a sharp chin and big eyes. She was pretty enough, but lacked distinctiveness.

A question was asked, and a flurry of “66666” comments followed, with some suggesting Jing Jing had been duped.

Wang Haifeng gave Feng Jun a strange look, “You’ve got a real knack for these internet slangs… Truly worthy of an old driver.”

Amidst everyone’s laughter, “I Am Jing Jing” knew she was being teased, but the tolerance for such low- level vulgarity was quite high on Douyu. If she didn’t realize it right away, people generally wouldn’t hold a grudge.

Others began to express sympathy for “Feed Brother,” calling him a derelict guardian.

This was Feng Jun’s first time on Douyu live broadcast, and he wasn’t familiar with the features, “Hai Feng, how do I view the list of online users?”

After clicking around a bit, Wang Haifeng replied regretfully, “This ID isn’t online, but there are over a hundred people in this room right now, and there’s no moderator. Seems like the top contributor has already taken over this broadcaster.”

“Huh?” Feng Jun raised his eyebrows, “How do you figure that?”

“Sponsored her, haven’t they?” Wang Haifeng, truly living up to his title as an old driver, casually offered the explanation, “Some people have a strong sense of possession and wouldn’t allow the broadcaster to continue live streaming. And some… Well, they just don’t let other men be moderators, that’s normal, right?”

Feng Jun nodded thoughtfully, and just then, Sister Hong spoke up, “Hey, is there someone behind this girl?”

“Seems like it,” Wang Haifeng nodded, “I saw something move by the door frame… maybe it’s a cat?”

“Could be Wang Weimin,” Sister Hong said, her eyes fixed on her mobile phone, “Anyway, the guy has guts.”

As they spoke, the girl on the screen, Jing Jing, picked up a mobile phone, glanced at it, and then said with a smile, “It’s getting late, I’m going to have dinner, my darlings… Jing Jing is going offline.”

The audience wasn’t having it, with one person commenting bluntly, “Definitely has a date with a rich patron, my Jing Jing always ordered takeout before.”

“My heart is breaking, are Jing Jing and Feed Brother going to unlock new positions?”

Of course, there were more positive comments, “Jing Jing can live stream her dinner, it’s the perfect time for a late-night craving revenge.”

Compassionate Sister Hong: Jing Jing, show us this rich patron, to see if he’s worthy or not.

Feng Jun looked up at Sister Hong with a meaningful glance, “Compassionate Sister Hong… aren’t you more of a socialite?

Sister Hong glanced at him indifferently, “Have a problem with me choosing this kind of name?”

“Not at all, who dares have an opinion,” Feng Jun answered with a smile, pausing briefly before adding, “It’s just that, Sister Hong, if I may be so bold… I’ve never felt your compassion, only your social aptitude. Really.”

Sister Hong gave him a sidelong glance with a smile that was not quite a smile, “Turns out I’ve saved you twice for nothing?”

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