Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 54: One-Way Ticket

Chapter 54: One-Way Ticket

Translator: Henyee Translations ) Editor: Henyee Translations

Feng Jun, however, wasn’t persuaded. He only told a policeman that the injured

Liu Shuming had been involved in a robbery and a rape a while ago, and he

didn’t know how Liu Shuming was able to be released.

The policeman only acknowledged that by giving a simple word. It seemed that he didn’t care about it at all.

It wasn’t their fault. A suspect was released for a reason.

All the policemen were colleagues in the same system. It was disrespectful if they asked their colleagues for the cases their colleagues had handled.

On the contrary, precisely because Liu Shuming had been hit by an iron bar on his forehead and his current injury remained unknown, Feng Jun couldn’t leave right now even though he paid the bail.

Before long, a deputy manager of an entertainment club came to bail Hong out. He claimed that Liu Hong was the leader of their security team, and he needed

Liu Hong to go back to work.

The police absolutely wouldn’t let Liu Hong leave right now only for the sake of

a deputy manager who also needed to earn a living.

However, a short while later, the policeman on duty received another call, and the deputy director on duty in this police station made an order with a frown in the end. “Alright, this is not a farmers’ market. Anyone who has nothing to do with this crime can leave now. It’s noisy!”

Obviously, Feng Jun had to stay because he had injured many people, which was the undeniable truth.

Hong pointed at the two hoodlums and said, “You two can stay here. I need to

go to the hospital to see the injured.”

It meant that he wanted to leave now. A policeman couldn’t accept it. “You

haven’t done the record yet.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hong frowned. “I’ll do it tomorrow. I need to see the injured right now.” The policeman knew his bad reputation, so he glanced at their deputy director on duty. “Director Han, what do you think?”

Director Han gave them a glance and said with an expressionless face, It s understandable that he cares about the injured.”

“Thanks, Director Han!” Hong cupped one hand in another at Director Han to thank him. He then turned to walk to Feng Jun and said in a low voice with an evil smile, “Don’tyou dare stay here forever!”

Although his voice was low, Wang Haifeng and Zhang Wei who stood by Feng Jun’s sides still heard it. Even a policeman who wasn’t far away from them also heard his words.

However, the policeman could do nothing about it because Hong only said something unkind and didn’t put it into practice.

If an ordinary man said something like that, the policeman might criticize him.

One wasn’t allowed to threaten other people in the police station.

However, this man was the famous Liu Hong, and the policeman didn’t want to cause himself more trouble.

Right at this moment, to everyone’s surprise, Feng Jun raised his hand and gave Liu Hong a heavy slap. It wasn’t only quick and heavy, but it was also made with a cupped hand.

Because the palm of the hand was empty, under the action of air, this slap had a certain shock effect.

Hong was hit and turned half a circle. His eardrum was also humming, and his body swayed back and forth involuntarily.

He was struck dumb for a few seconds, then shouted in anger, “F*ck, how dare you slap me?”

Seeing that the situation might worsen, other hoodlums went to stop him at once. Once Hong was full of anger, he became impulsive.

Hong then shouted, “Hey, did any policeman see it? He attacked me in the police station!”

Hong managed to control himself in the end, but the policemen wouldn’t tolerate it. One of them walked over and pointed at Feng Jun. “Do you want to be put in jail by attacking other people in the police station?”

It could be seen that he originally wanted to poke Feng Jun’s chest with his finger, but in the end, he didn’t do that, probably because he knew that Feng Jun was rich or because both Wang Haifeng and Zhang Wei had influence.

Hearing that, Feng Jun sneered, “He threatened me in public and told me to stay here forever. Since he could do that, why couldn 11 slap him?

A hoodlum shouted at once, “It’s a slander. Hong is always kind to other people, and he often helps the old cross the road. It’s impossible that he would say something like that to you. Who can be the witness for that?”

Feng Jun gave a side glance to the policeman who stood next to him. “I think this policeman heard it too.”

Although he said that, it was obvious that the policeman had no interest in supporting him.

“Enough,” Deputy Director Han said again. He waved his hand with a displeased face. “Anyway, it is wrong to attack other people, not to mention that this is a law enforcement agency. Such a lawless and dangerous man like him should be handcuffed.

A policeman went to get the handcuffs, and Hong covered his face and laughed loudly again.

He pointed at Feng Jun with a finger. “Hey, I’ll wait for you outside. Who do you think you are? You’re merely a useless man of Hongjie.”

Feng Jun ignored him and turned to look at Director Han. “Are you sure it’s fine that he said that right to my face and I can’t give him a slap?”

Deputy Director Han didn’t bother to give him a glance, which showed his attitude. It was fine to say unkind words.

At this time, a female voice sounded at the door.

“Who is bad-mouthing Hongjie behind my back?”

Everyone turned and saw a tall and beautiful woman walking inside. Although the Mid-Autumn Festival already passed, she was still wearing summer clothes, and her long legs were too attractive to be ignored.

“Hey, Sister Hong, come here!” Wang Haifeng waved his hand at her. He was very tall, so the wave was quite noticeable, but Hong Jie ignored him and walked straight to Hong.

She sized up Hong, then said with light laughter, “Oh, Nice to see you, Hong. If Hongjie has done anything wrong, please accept my apologies.

Hearing that, Hong had an even more dissatisfied face, and he said coldly, “Hongjie is fine, but your staff doesn’t know the rules.”

“Since he’s my staff, I’ll punish him if he has done anything wrong,” said Zhang Weihong. “If he has annoyed you, I can make it up to you on behalf of him. Come on, present Hong fifty thousand yuan in cash for a trip to Xiang Jiang and Hao Jiang.”

The next second, a scared expression replaced Hong’s angry expression. He couldn’t be clearer about this woman’s cruelty.

Other people were afraid of a mad Sister Hong, but only those who really understood her knew that she was scariest when she seemed kind.

As for the trip to Xiang Jiang and Hao Jiang, it was even more frightening, and

it was said that three people had received this “invitation” before.

As a result, the one who cheated in the casino in Hao Jiang had a hand chopped off and an eye gouged out.

Two had completely disappeared once they entered Xiang Jiang, and nobody knew whether they were alive or dead now.

Hong heard that one woman had lost all her family property and owed a huge debt. She was dragged to Myanmar afterward, and no one had heard from her during these years.

Therefore, it was a one-way ticket sent out by Sister Hong to Xiang Jiang and Hao Jiang.

In the old times, Hong sneered at such rumors, but he realized that he was far from being as strong as he thought when he really faced such an “invitation”. Especially when Zhang Weihong talked to him politely; it didn’ t seem to be a deadly invitation at all.

Given her attitude, nobody would be suspicious of her if something terrible happened to Liu Hong in the future. She apologized and was willing to make it up to him. She also invited Liu Hong to a free trip. No one would believe that she would hurt him

A young man and a young woman walked out from behind Zhang Weihong. The young woman took out fifty thousand yuan in cash from a bag and the young man took it before he handed it to Hong with great respect.

Hong hesitated for a second. He then said with a smile, “Thanks, but it’s a personal grudge, and it has nothing to do with Hongjie.”

He was unwilling to pay with his life for the money.

Zhang Weihong blinked. “Are you sure?”

Hong nodded at once. “Sure.”

Zhang Weihong slightly nodded. “Fine, I already gave you the money, but you refused to accept it.”

“Yes, it’s a personal grudge and has nothing to do with Hongjie,” said Hong and made sure of it.

“Great, let’s get over it.” Zhang Weihong smiled. “And now, we should get down to other things.”

Hearing that, Hong had a premonition.

“You just swore at Hongjie, right?” Zhang Weihong said with an expressionless face.

Hong put on a wry smile. “I didn’t really mean it. I was full of anger just then.” Zhang Weihong waved her hand and interrupted him without hesitation, “Stop there. Did I give you any explanations just then? There is no need to explain it. My staff was stopped and beaten by your people, but I didn’t ask for an explanation from you either.”

Hong summoned up his courage and argued, “I heard that he was fired by Hongjie.”

“If so, why did you still say that he’s my staff and swear at Hongjie?” Zhang Weihong sized him up. “Do you really hate my club?’

Hong made up his mind and said, “There is another staff member from Hongjie, and he was also injured today. His skull maybe fractured. Actually, I stood out for him.”

“Really?” Zhang Weihong cocked her eyebrow. “What’shis name?”

“His name is…” Hong honestly didn’t know it, and a hoodlum by his side said, “He’s Liu Shuming, a coach at Hongjie.”

“Oh, but he was fired,” said Zhang Weihong.

She absolutely knew Liu Shuming. If it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t come here today.

Hong was surprised. “Neither of them works in Hongjie now, but why are your attitudes towards them so different?”

“Feng Jun quit the job of his own accord, but Liu Shuming was fired by me. They’re totally different,” said Zhang Weihong.

At this moment, Deputy Director Han raised his head and said impatiently, “This is not a place for you to have a chat. This is the police station.

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