Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 71: The Majesty of Lone Wolf

Chapter 71: Chapter 71: The Majesty of Lone Wolf

Translator: 549690339

Faced with Ding Lao Er’s question, Xi San Ge did not answer directly but his expression darkened, “Lao Er, I’m just a commoner… If the constable has received a bribe, how could I go ask?”

Although he owed Ding Lao Er a favor, he could not even remember the man’s face, which spoke volumes about their relationship.

Of course, if it were something concerning Ding Lao Er himself, he might consider stepping in, but he was not interested in meddling with other people’s affairs.

However, Ding Lao Er was also shrewd. After a pause, he gritted his teeth and spoke, “San Ge, I’ve vouched for this person, ask around and see how much the service will cost.”

Upon hearing this, Xi San Ge was slightly taken aback. He knew these mountain villagers too well; they lived extremely tough lives and hardly had any spare cash on hand.

So, he lowered his voice, kindly advising the other party, “Lao Er, the one leading the team today is Wang Er, and that guy is ruthless. What I’m saying is, since your son’s illness has already been cured, why bother getting involved in this mess?”

“I can’t just ignore it, they didn’t even ask for the medical fee,” Ding Lao Er shook his head decisively, “If I don’t handle this, how can I face myself later?” After saying this, he gave Xi San Ge a respectful bow, speaking sincerely,” I hope you can help make some inquiries.”

Xi San Ge looked at him, sighed, shook his head, and then walked over to the stout constable to whisper.

The stout constable was also keenly aware of the situation and, after listening intently for a moment, gave Ding Lao Er a questioning look.

Ding Lao Er nodded firmly: No mistake, I’m standing behind this person.

The stout constable pondered for a bit and then stealthily raised three fingers.

Seeing this, Ding Lao Er was momentarily dumbfounded. After a moment’s thought, he stepped forward and spoke in a low voice, “Silver coins?”

“As if it’s so rare,” the stout man glanced at him with contempt and replied quietly, “Could it be copper coins?”

With a wry smile, Ding Lao Er said helplessly, “Brother Wang Er, if it’s three hundred copper coins, I could scrape it together.”

He didn’t think Feng Jun wasn’t worth three silver coins; the problem was that he genuinely did not have that much money.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He believed that the asking price was a bit inflated. After all, the reward for reporting a fugitive to the Official Government was just ten copper coins.

“If you don’t have the money, quit your yapping!” The stout constable immediately turned hostile, “Don’t talk to me about a ten-copper-coin reward, who can assure there’s no murder case on him?”

Seeing this, Xi San Ge quickly spoke up to persuade Ding Lao Er, “Listen, Brother Er is always fair in his dealings. It’s only because I spoke for you that we’ve gotten this far. Try sending someone else and see how much they’d have to pay.”

How could Ding Lao Er not believe that? Of course, he knew that since constable Wang Er was out to get Feng Jun, he must have been bribed, and stopping him would cost a significant sum—this was a matter of Wang Er’s reputation.

Out of options, he suddenly heard someone snort coldly, “Really? Let me take over then, how much money should be spent?”

The sky was already dark by now, and though there was moonlight and torches, visibility was still poor. The figure speaking was not far behind Feng Jun, with a flickering red light in front.

The stout constable had decent eyesight but could only see that the other party had lost an arm. He sneered, “You, a dead cripple, get out of the way. Can you come up with five silver coins?”

The shadow coughed and stood up, coming over with an expressionless face to ask, “What did you call me?”

Upon closer inspection, the stout constable was scared out of his wits and hurriedly bowed, plastering a smile on his face, “It turns out to be Brother Wolf, long time no see. Are you here to vouch for this kid too?”

Lang Zhen sized him up and said casually, “If you leave now, I won’t hold your insults against you.”

“Brother Wolf, you’re making it hard for me by speaking like this,” the stout constable forced a smile, only fearing the other’s martial prowess while not really afraid of anything else, “Searching for escaped convicts is my duty.” Lang Zhen looked at him strangely for a long while before asking, “Are you that tough, does Lu Mazi know that?”

At this, Wang Er suddenly inhaled a breath of cold air, “Do you know Head Catcher Lu?”

Having served as a constable for more than a year or two here, he was aware of Lang Zhen’s reputation and knew him as someone not to be trifled with, which was why he had never provoked him.

As for the relationship between Lang Zhen and Head Catcher Lu, he had never heard anyone mention it, but daring to call Head Catcher Lu by “Lu Mazi” was telling enough.

Lang Zhen had no intention of explaining their relationship and just looked at him indifferently, uttering four words, “Are you leaving or not?”

It must be said, the name Lone Wolf still carried a fair amount of intimidation. As long as he didn’t show his foolish side, most people couldn’t withstand the pressure.

However, Wang Er was not too frightened and said through clenched teeth, “Brother Wolf, it’s easy for you to ask me to leave, but once it gets out, even if it is you hindering my official duties, at Head Lu’s place, it’s hard to avoid being passive.”

“Oh?” Lang Zhen gave him a strange look, “Is this still about money?”

“Money is certainly needed; I can’t come out for nothing, the lads need food and drink,” Wang Er brazenly stated, “Brother Wolf, I respect you as a senior, just two silver coins will do,”

This condition was a silver coin cheaper than the price offered to Ding Lao Er, but Ding Lao Er didn’t mind. It was only right that it was cheaper for Lang Zhen to intervene; otherwise, there would be problems.

Truth be told, he was somewhat surprised by Wang Er’s audacity, “You don’t even care about Lord Wolf’s reputation?”

“Brother Wolf has his own situation, and I have mine,” Wang Er said expressionlessly, “I don’t really want to take the money, but doing so would break the rules.”

Lang Zhen cocked his head to look at him, not uttering a word, until he had finished a pot of tobacco. Then, he asked, “Will you still walk the night roads in the future?”

It was a bald-faced threat, beyond dispute.

But when it comes to threats, it all depends on who is making them. If Ding Lao Er said this, Wang Er would have treated it as hot air—daring him to try something.

But when it came from the notorious Lone Wolf, Wang Er dared not take it lightly. After all, how did Lone Wolf earn his title? By being bold enough to fight, daring to ambush, bravely risking it all.

Putting that aside, Wang Er cared about face, and so did Lang Zhen. With the words out in the open, as long as Wang Er avoided misfortune, Lang Zhen would feel embarrassed to face anyone.

So, hearing this, Wang Er’s face immediately turned as bitter as it could possibly be, “Lord Wolf, you are my senior, why make things difficult for me?” There, it had gone from Brother Wolf to Lord Wolf.

Lang Zhen glanced at him indifferently, walked over to Feng Jun, reached for a pack of cigarettes on the camp bed, took one out, expertly lit it with a lighter, and then exhaled a puff of smoke before he asked in a deep voice, “Who troubled whom first?”

Wang Er answered righteously, “I’m just fulfilling someone’s request, a matter of loyalty. People should stand by their commitments.”

That really was a difficult one—making such self- serving behavior sound so righteous and honorable.

Lang Zhen had also mingled in the underworld, although he was unmistakably a master, his thought process was still that of the underworld.

So, he didn’t bother to ask who was stirring up trouble… It wasn’t necessary, really wasn’t.

He just snorted softly, “The person who asked you to do this is harming you.”

Wang Er heard the words, but he didn’t take them to heart. He took Lord Wolf’s meaning to be that the person who had employed him hadn’t informed him that behind the Divine Doctor stood the support of Lang Zhen—strong and unwavering support, at that.

So, he gave a sheepish laugh, and with his men, was about to skedaddle.

“Hold on,” Lang Zhen hummed, raising his hand and tossing the lighter over, “A tip for you, to help you be more observant.”

Wang Er had already noticed the lighter being used for the cigarette and to say he wasn’t tempted would be a lie, but he hadn’t dared covet it. Now, seeing Lang Zhen actually throwing the item to him, he caught it, nodding and bowing gratefully, “Thankyou, Lord Wolf, thankyou… Divine Doctor.”

Feng Jun couldn’t even be bothered to glance at him, waiting for these people to leave before smiling at Lang Zhen, “You’re quite generous.”

“It’s nothing to you,” Lang Zhen smiled back. At first, he found the lighter incredibly wondrous, but when he heard that Feng Jun planned to sell them at a stall, he realized what was a novelty to him was truly nothing much for Feng Jun.

It was like growing a vegetable patch at home—buying vegetables costs others money, but for the grower with excess produce, giving away a few pounds doesn’t hurt.

Feng Jun, full of enthusiasm, then asked, “Your relationship with Lu Mazi… How come these constables don’t know about it?”

“I don’t need him,” Lang Zhen replied with feigned arrogance, “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have bothered to open my mouth.”

That was indeed what he really thought. In fact, from the beginning, he had no intention to get involved, so he hid in the shadows silently.

He wanted to see how Feng Jun would handle things—a mighty Cultivator surely couldn’t struggle with such a trivial situation, could he?

Yet, it was unfortunate timing that Ding Lao Er made his move, showing quite a bit of responsibility.

And it was a great pity that Wang Er was not very cooperative, demanding a hefty price of three silver dollars.

Seeing Ding Lao Er rejected, Lang Zhen knew he had to step in.

It was one of their own who had been saved, and Ding Lao Er had shown such determination—even if it wasn’t effective. If Lang Zhen himself continued to stand aside, what would Feng Jun think of him?

Indeed, Lang Zhen, who had originally planned to watch from a distance and judge the calibre of the Cultivator, was forcefully dragged into the fray by Ding Lao Er.

Feng Jun was oblivious to the fact that because of Ding Lao Er’s intervention, he had avoided another assessment of his identity.

The next day, a little after four in the morning, when the sky was just lightening, the number of people at the local market surged. Many lived within dozens of miles around and brought various produce to sell.

Feng Jun was selling cigarettes and lighters, which didn’t take up much space, so he simply arranged his goods on the camp bed.

He had already squared things away with the arrest officer the day before, so there was definite no hassle for him setting up a stall today, although a minor official still came to collect taxes.

Organizing such a large market in the town definitely couldn’t be done for free, so collecting taxes was inevitable.

And this tax was fairly discretionary; the officials would assess the goods and decide how much tax to levy.

Generally, it was between three to five copper coins, though there were also instances of one or two coins being collected, though that was less common. Upon reaching Feng Jun’s camp bed, the officials were somewhat perplexed… How much should they charge?

(Updated to here, calling for clicks, recommendations, and favorites.)

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