Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

Im sorry, but all the tenant farming spots have been filled.

Oh, what shall we do now!

The tenant farmer, who had come to apply for a lease on state-owned farmland, slumped down in despair upon hearing the officials words that no spots were available.

Oh dear, my husband!


As the head of the family slumped down, his family members rushed to his side, trying to help him to his feet.

Darling, please get up! Hurry!

Father, stand up!

Despite the familys tearful efforts to lift him, the farmer, having lost all strength in his legs, sat despondently on the ground, muttering to himself.

I traveled thousands of miles, lured by the promise of leasing one of Joseons finest fertile fields at a cheap price What are we to do now What shall we do


My husband!

Watching the familys turmoil with a look of sympathy, the official cautiously began to speak.

Listen, could you spare a moment to hear me out?


Its a bit difficult to just turn back now, isnt it?

Tearfully, the tenant farmer responded to the officials question.

It is, but what choice do we have? Disgraceful as it may be, well have to beg if necessary.

How about this then? Are you aware that were currently developing the northeastern area?

Light began to return to the tenant farmers eyes upon the officials question.

Yes, Ive heard rumors. Wasnt it last year or the year before that many people moved there?

As part of the development, weve expanded the land significantly. But, were in need of people to cultivate it. How about it? Would you be willing to give it a try and build your fortune there?

But clearing land is no easy task.

The official nodded in agreement to the farmers words.

Im well aware. Thats why His Majesty has decreed a tax exemption for the first five years, followed by a halving of taxes for the next five years. Additionally, food support and farming tools will be provided for the first two years, and even a draft horse will be provided.

Upon hearing the officials words, the tenant farmer sprang to his feet as if nothing had happened.

A draft horse as well? Even that expensive item?

Indeed, its all thanks to His Majestys compassion. Such grace is truly immense.

Overjoyed, the farmer rushed towards the official.

Then! How much land will you provide?

At least two gyeol (approximately 2 jeongbo

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(roughly ~20,000m2,) or 36 majigi (~ 75,000m2)) to start, and up to four gyeol. What do you think? Are you willing to give it a try?

Hearing the officials question, the tenant farmer looked back at his family standing behind him. Having listened to the officials explanation, all family members nodded in agreement.

Seeing his familys positive response, the tenant farmer grabbed the officials sleeve.

Well do it! Well go! Well set off right away!

The official smiled in response to the tenant farmers enthusiasm.

The journey to the northeastern area is a long one. Weve prepared a ship, and as soon as we gather enough people, well depart immediately. For now, youll stay in Gyeongsang Left Navy Command. Once there, well provide accommodations and food, all for free. Its by His Majestys command.

Oh, my!

Overwhelmed by the officials reply, the tenant farmer prostrated himself in the direction of the north.

Your grace is boundless! We pray for your long and prosperous reign! Thousand years! Thousand years! Thousand years!

The tenant farmer was praying for the longevity of King Sejong.

* * *

In the Samnam region, it had become common for tenant farmers who arrived a bit late and missed their chance against competitors to choose to move northward.

Of course, not a few chose to return to their hometowns where they had lived before, but the majority opted for the new opportunities awaiting them in the north.

Land! Ill have my own land!

The biggest reason for tenant farmers choosing to go north was the prospect of having their own land.

Meanwhile, officials from the Ministry of Taxation busily went about their duties among the tenant farmers.

Do you have your departure certificate for you and your family?

Yes? Yes.

Prompted by the officials question, the tenant farmer rummaged through his piled belongings and pulled out a sheet of yellow paper.

Here it is.

And your household registration certificate as well.


After confirming that the names and family registry on the certificate matched those on the household registration certificate, the Ministry of Taxation official recorded the information in his ledger and moved on to the next matter.

And do you have your account book?

Yes, right here!

Upon receiving the account book, the official verified the account holders name and the household registration certificate number, recorded the additional information in his ledger, and then returned the book to the tenant farmer.

The Ministry of Taxation official returned the household registration certificate, the proof of departure, and the account book to the tenant farmer, advising him of the precautions to take.

Once you settle in the newly developed area in the north, you must report to the local office within five days. If you fail to do so, you wont be eligible to receive the benefits promised by His Majesty.

Yes? Yes! I will definitely do so!

Then make sure to take good care of your belongings.

Having finished his duties, the Ministry of Taxation official moved on to another group of tenant farmers.

As the official left, the tenant farmer looked at the certificate in his hand and muttered to himself.

This is as good as gold

* * *

Once a certain number of people had gathered, the tenant farmers began their journey northward.

The tenant farmers from the Honam and Yeongnam regions were transported by military ships to the north, while those gathered in the Chungcheong region started their journey northward by land, escorted by the military.

As people set off, couriers spread out across the entire Joseon Dynasty.

Some couriers headed to the hometowns of those who had gone north, while others went to Hanyang.

The reports brought by the couriers to Hanyang were immediately reviewed by officials from the Ministry of Taxation, the Ministry of Personnel, and the Ministry of Military Affairs.

The reports, verified and organized by the officials, were then submitted to King Sejong.

King Sejong, reviewing the daily reports, looked around at his ministers with a relieved expression.

It seems that the fourth and fifth phases are proceeding smoothly as well.

Indeed, Your Majesty.

I believe all this is thanks to your hard work.

Your Majesty is too generous! None of this would have been possible without Your Majestys initial planning!

Hearing this, the other ministers nodded in agreement, murmuring to themselves.

Truly, this father and son are beyond ordinary.

Could such a cunning plan really come from a mere mortal?

The ministers, while praising King Sejong, felt a sense of awe.

* * *

Immediately after the successful suppression of the Giyu Rebellion, Sejong set this plan in motion.

The strategy, starting from the first phase and extending to the sixth, was a supplemental measure to the ongoing reform of the land system.

The amendments aimed at rapidly and massively implementing the land reform took advantage of the weakened power of the local nobility following the Giyu Rebellions outbreak and suppression.

If these strategies succeeded, the land reform, reaching its seventh year, could be successfully concluded.

Among these strategies, Phase 4 aimed to persuade as many tenant farmers as possible, who had moved to state-owned farmland through Phase 3 but did not receive land, to relocate north. This was a plan to solve the sluggish northern migration, which persisted despite various incentives.

Phase 5 was designed to test the condition of Joseons terrestrial transportation routes and the capacity for information movement.

Couriers departing from their origins had to meticulously record the number and condition of relay stations they passed, the state and size of the roads, travel times, and more, reporting these details to their superiors.

The reports were compared and updated against existing records held by the Ministry of Taxation, Ministry of Works, and Ministry of Defense, as well as records from research institutes that traveled nationwide for astronomical observations. Based on the finalized version, road construction would proceed.

Additionally, local offices and military camps that received administrative documents from the couriers had to verify changes and compile reports to be sent to Hanyang. In Hanyang, administrative documents from the origins, destinations, and those received directly were compared to check for discrepancies and their extents.

This entire process constituted Phase 5, which was largely conceived by Sejong, albeit with a slight addition of MSG for flavor.

* * *

Even as Phases 4 and 5 progressed smoothly, Sejong did not forget to admonish his ministers.

Phases 4 and 5 will soon conclude. So, do not let your guard down until the end and continue to give your best for success. Only then can we successfully embark on Phase 6 starting this fall.

The ministers bowed deeply in response to Sejongs admonition, pledging their commitment.

We shall devote ourselves entirely!

The last Phase 6 that Sejong and his ministers were preparing for was the establishment of Sa-min Schools.

* * *

Lets conclude here for today.

After ending the discussion on Phases 4 and 5 and addressing several pressing issues, Sejong declared the meeting adjourned.

As Sejong announced the adjournment, the ministers respectfully bowed and exited the Geunjeongjeon Hall.

With the ministers gone, Sejong, his face filled with fatigue, sighed deeply.

Sejong let out a weary sigh, Phew, Im exhausted.

Do you wish for the royal physician to be summoned, Your Majesty? inquired the chief eunuch.

Sejong shook his head in response, Its not that serious yet. Id like to be alone for a while, so please step out.

Yes, Your Majesty.

And have the scribes step out as well.

Accustomed to Sejongs requests, the scribes promptly gathered their writing materials, bowed respectfully, and exited the Geunjeongjeon Hall.

Descending from the throne, Sejong quietly stretched and made his way to a wall adorned with maps.

Standing before a map that depicted the entirety of Joseon, the Jurchen territories, the uncharted lands to the east, as well as parts of Ming Chinas Shandong region and some areas of Japan, Sejong raised his finger to the northeastern region, contemplating deeply.

Sejong declared with resolve, By the end of this year, we will have reclaimed all the regions we promised to Ming. Furthermore, the resettlement policy will be completed. Once the relocated people have fully settled, even the Jurchen tribes will be subdued. And then

His finger traced eastward to the uncharted lands.

Then, it will be time for an eastward expansion. By exploring these virgin lands and integrating them into Joseons territory, our nation will flourish even more. If executed properly, even Ming wont be able to treat us lightly.

Pausing there, Sejong sighed deeply.

Phew, the problem, though, is the lack of people. The population difference is just too vast.

According to the annual household surveys, Joseons total population, including the lowest classes, was nearing 5 million. This was a significant increase from the 4.3 million recorded at the start of the land reform, but Mings population was estimated to exceed 60 million. (Note 1)

Even a simple comparison showed a disparity of more than 12 times. This difference in potential military strength made it impossible to rashly antagonize Ming.

If a war breaks out, we might win the initial battles. But if Ming decides to continue the conflict, we will be the ones to lose.

It was evident to anyone, even without an analysis from the Joseon Military Headquarters, that in such a situation, defeat was inevitable.

The conclusion is clear; we need to increase our population. Just as the Crown Prince stopped smallpox with variolation, we need to control other diseases to minimize population loss. Food supply isnt an issue with the expanded territory, but the real challenge is human resources

Sejong tapped on the map of Joseons mainland, murmuring to himself.

The Sa-min Schools will be the starting point. From there, well cultivate and utilize talent. If necessary, we might even have to appoint women. If we fail to do so

Sejong sighed once more, deeply.

Phew. Joseon will falter.

With a troubled expression, Sejong shook his head, dismissing his own thoughts.

I will never let that happen. Not ever!

Firm in his resolve, Sejong turned around.

The ministers are unaware, but if Phase 6 succeeds, we must quickly proceed to Phase 7 without delay. We must prepare as swiftly as possible to seize the moment.

Mentioning the yet undisclosed Phase 7, Sejong opened the door and called for the chief eunuch.

Chief Eunuch, Ill head to Kangnyeongjeon. I plan to retire early tonight due to fatigue.

Yes, Your Majesty.


Note 1: Population changes and social transformations in China. Northeast Asian History Network.

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