Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

Although the selection of the location for issuing new paper currency had concluded, an even greater obstacle awaited.

The question was, Who would have the authority to manage it?

In principle, all authority resided with the Emperor Xuande. However, in reality, it was those delegated by him who were issuing the currency.

It was at this juncture that the three major political forces of the Ming clashed head-on.

The bureaucratic faction centered around the Cabinet Secretaries, the eunuchs, and the Imperial Guard all claimed that they should oversee and supervise the issuance of the currency.

The officials in charge of national affairs should bear this responsibility!

We, the eunuchs closest to His Majesty, should take charge! Please bestow the authority upon us, Your Highness!

Please entrust this important task to the Imperial Guard, the strongest sword of His Majesty!

The ensuing debate grew heated.

None of the three bodies could back down. They could not pass up the opportunity to control the financial lifeline of the vast empire of Ming to another organization.

The moment another organization seized that authority, they would have to watch and heed their directives.

We must not let those bastards gain control at any cost!

This thought was so strong that those engaged in the debate forgot before whom they were speaking.

If the eunuchs had any conscience, they wouldnt step forward to take charge! Isnt it said that no matter how loyal and diligent one is, without bribing the superiors, one would have to spend a lifetime shoveling shit?

And are you lot clean? Do you think the people call the governor a gold-hugging official for no reason?

We, the upright warriors, should be in charge!

Shut up, you bandits!

Bandit? Coming from men who cake their faces and dribble urine?

The exchange between the officials, eunuchs, and armed Imperial Guards crossed the line.

As the situation escalated, the Cabinet Secretaries, senior officials, the chief eunuch, and the commander of the Imperial Guard, with their faces gone pale, tried to intervene.

But it was too late.



Emperor Xuande, who had been watching the argument from the high seat, picked up a porcelain vase from the table beside him and hurled it at those who were arguing, shouting loudly.

Startled by Emperor Xuandes roar, everyone immediately fell to the floor, sweating cold sweat.

Is there no one outside!

Yes, Your Majesty!

At Emperor Xuandes command, the Imperial Guard soldiers and eunuchs waiting outside hurried in.

With a face distorted by anger, Emperor Xuande ordered the soldiers and eunuchs who had entered,

Take all those prostrated on the ground, except for the Cabinet Secretaries, senior officials, the chief eunuch, and the commander, and imprison them! I will personally inquire into their crimes!

Yes, Your Majesty!

The Imperial Guard soldiers and eunuchs began to drag the designated individuals out by their arms.

Your Majesty, have mercy!

Please show us your mercy!

Sensing that their lives were over, they screamed for mercy, but Emperor Xuandes anger did not subside.

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You rascals! Do you truly not know the gravity of your offenses! What place is this! In front of me! And in the presence of a foreign dignitary, you show such disgrace! And you still hope to live! Take heed! Imprison them immediately! I have clearly memorized their faces, and anyone who tries to scheme, will be punished just the same! Take them away now!

Your Majesty!

Your Majesty!

The individuals who had caused the uproar were dragged out, calling out to Emperor Xuande with pitiful voices.

After the commotion, the meeting room was utterly frozen in silence.

The remaining individuals, including the Cabinet Secretaries, were all pale-faced, dripping with cold sweat, and clinging tightly to the ground.

However, the most awkward were the Vice-Minister of Taxation and the translator.

As the subjects of Ming prostrated themselves, the two, having done the same, were sweating profusely and muttering to themselves,

Why here? Why me?

Ah! I want to go home!

Let the subjects of Joseon rise.

We heed Your Majestys command.

At Emperor Xuandes order, the Vice-Minister of Taxation and the translator cautiously got up.

And you, rise as well.

Your Majestys grace is boundless.

After the subjects stood up and resumed their seats, Emperor Xuande warned,

If such disgrace occurs again in my presence, not only the involved parties but also you will be held responsible.

We will bear that in mind!

Hearing the stiff responses of the subjects, Emperor Xuande asked the Vice-Minister of Taxation,

Who is in charge of issuing and managing currency in Joseon?

Legally, it falls under the Ministry of Taxation, but half of the operations are managed by an independent agency called the Mint.

Half is independent?

Yes. While the Ministry of Taxation has jurisdiction over determining the monthly issuance volume, the Mint manages all printing. However, the management of the seal used for printing the currency is under the eunuchs purview, and the inspection of issued currency and disposal of defective ones are conducted in the presence of officials from the Office of Inspector General and the Board of Censors. The subsequent processes are.

Its complicated.

At the lengthy explanation of the Vice-Minister of Taxation, Emperor Xuande slightly furrowed his brows and murmured.

Emperor Xuandes assessment was accurate; the process of issuing paper currency in Joseon was indeed very complex. To be precise, it wasnt the printing process itself that was complicated, but rather the procedures before and after it.

Retrieving the seal used for the currency from the vault was the responsibility of officials from the Mint, which was under the Ministry of Taxation.

However, once printing was completed, the task of collecting the seal, verifying its condition and count, and returning it to the vault fell to the eunuchs department.

Inevitably, defective prints would occur during the printing process.

After the final printing stage, before cutting, the inspection process identified any currency deemed defective, which was then stamped in red with (Rejected) and recorded by its issuance number.

After the currency was cut, those marked as Rejected were separated and incinerated.

Officials from the Office of Inspector General and the Board of Censors were involved in this disposal process.

With officials from these departments present, the recorded issuance numbers were verified and confirmed to be properly incinerated, marking the end of the first phase.

The officials from the Board of Censors and the Office of Inspector General who participated in this oversight process were randomly selected and assigned each morning.

This was a measure to prevent potential corruption.

After these procedures, the prepared currencies underwent another verification to count the total number of bills, which was then reported to the king.

Upon receiving these currencies, storehouses throughout Joseon and the Korean commercial agencies in Shandong immediately conducted inspections and sent reports back to Hanyang.

Comparing the figures in these reports with those from the initial issuance report to ensure accurate delivery marked the second phase of the process.

In simple terms, if 100 bills were issued, the total number mentioned in the reports from the recipients should also add up to 100.

The Vice-Minister of Taxation nodded in agreement to Emperor Xuandes assessment.

Your Majestys words are accurate. It is complex, cumbersome, and requires much effort. However, there was a royal decree stating that we must endure this to maintain the trustworthiness of the paper currency.

Is that so?

After a brief response to the Vice-Minister of Taxations words, Emperor Xuande fell into thought.

There was a long silence as Emperor Xuande pondered with a serious expression.

Finally, nodding, Emperor Xuande slowly began to speak.

Indeed. That is correct. Maintaining trust is the only right answer through the proper way and standard practices. The King of Joseon is truly wise. Then, how is the circulation of the currency managed?

At Emperor Xuandes inquiry, the Vice-Minister of Taxation explained about the national storehouses.

Emperor Xuande, being no fool, immediately understood and expressed great admiration.

Truly meticulous and ingenious! Indeed! I see why Joseon succeeded this time!

Emperor Xuande, who did not cease his admiration, then ordered the Cabinet Secretaries and the chief eunuch among others.

Refer to Joseons policies to devise ones that suit us!

We will heed Your Majestys command!

Hearing the response from the Cabinet Secretaries and others, Emperor Xuande issued a stern warning to them.

However, bear in mind that those who offer trivial excuses for decentralization or the like must be prepared to forfeit their lives at that very moment!

Gasp! We will bear it in mind!

Seeing the Cabinet Secretaries and the chief eunuch startled, Emperor Xuande continued,

The deadline is Joseons envoy, listen. I have a question for you.

Please ask, Your Majesty.

How long did it take for Joseon to prepare for the circulation of this currency?

It took five years to secure the budget and one year to prepare for issuance and circulation.

Right. The budget is the most crucial aspect. I command you all: Refer to the path Joseon has taken and complete our own plan within three months. This plan must accurately include the time needed to secure the budget. It might be difficult for Joseons envoy, but cooperate until the plan is completed.

Hearing Emperor Xuandes command, the Vice-Minister of Taxation looked distressed but had no choice but to accept the order.

Given that an envoy from Ming had already been sent to Joseon and they had some anticipation of the response from Joseon, they thought,

After all, Ming is our largest trading partner, so lets take this opportunity to learn in detail.

We will heed Your Majestys command.

Emperor Xuande, seeing the tearful face of the Vice-Minister of Taxation, then commanded the chief eunuch,

Provide the envoy from Joseon with medicinal herbs to maintain his health. Its natural for ones body and spirit to weaken when staying in a foreign land for a long time without returning home. Find the best medicinal herbs from my storehouse and give them to him.

We will heed Your Majestys command.

Hearing the responses from Emperor Xuande and the chief eunuch, the Vice-Minister of Taxation knelt and exclaimed,

Your Majestys grace is boundless! Long live the Emperor! Long live! Long, long live!

Herbal medicine here too!

Though he was shouting Long live the Emperor! outwardly, the Vice-Minister of Taxation was inwardly shedding tears of blood.


Following Emperor Xuandes command, the ministers and eunuchs set out to develop a plan for currency management.

Naturally, the design of the currency was also being developed alongside this.

Didnt Joseon avoid creating high-denomination notes?

At the question from a minister of Ming, the Vice-Minister of Taxation from Joseon responded with a slight smile,

Joseon is a small country, so

Initially, Joseon had planned to issue high-denomination notes, but faced strong opposition from the local elites, leading to the abandonment of the plan.

Theres no need for high-denomination notes given Joseons current scale! If made, they would only serve to inflate prices!

The local elites provided detailed reasons for their opposition.

Convinced by their rationale, King Sejong and his ministers decided to scrap the high-denomination note plan.

Indeed, Joseon is a small country

Oh, really? Saying that to my face? This is something to be recorded in history as disgraceful!

The Minister of Taxation was seething with anger at the condescending remark about Joseon being a small country, but he clenched his teeth and held back his anger.

Time passed, and finally, the new currency design of Ming was completed and presented to Emperor Xuande.

Hmm Not bad.

Upon reviewing the new currency design, Emperor Xuande immediately ordered a eunuch,

Summon all the ministers and high officials.

Your command will be obeyed!

Following Emperor Xuandes order, all the officials working in the Forbidden City gathered in one place.

His Imperial Majesty, please grant us an audience!

At the eunuchs call, all the officials bowed in unison and paid their respects.

The design for the new currency has been completed. You are all to review it and share your opinions.

As the long-rumored design was finally revealed, the officials eyes sparkled with interest.

After the design made its round among the officials, Emperor Xuande spoke,

I find it satisfactory. What are your thoughts?

At Emperor Xuandes inquiry, the officials responded loudly,

It is excellent!

A currency that embodies the majesty of the empire!

Is that so?

As positive responses emerged from various quarters, a smile began to spread across Emperor Xuandes face.

Just then, a challenging voice cut through the air.

I object! This is an ominous sign!

Who is it? Who opposes?

At Emperor Xuandes inquiry, an old man stepped forward from among the ministers.

And who might you be?

I am Won Tae-so, an instructor at the National Academy.

Emperor Xuandes expression turned serious upon learning the mans identity.

The National Academy was an educational institution operated by the Ming government. An instructor from such an establishment could not be disregarded for his scholarly background.

Very well Instructor Won, why do you oppose?

Won Tae-so explained his reasoning.

In the design of the new currency, there is a flaming pearl at the center top, with two dragons facing each other around it, their bodies encircling the perimeter of the currency.

Thats correct.

As Emperor Xuande nodded, Won Tae-so took a moment to gather his breath before continuing.

Traditionally, a dragon is considered complete only when it has a flaming pearl. However, in the new currency design, two dragons are depicted facing each other over a single flaming pearl, which symbolizes a dispute over imperial power within the Ming Empire! Such an ominous design must not be used!


At Won Tae-sos words, Emperor Xuande took another look at the currency design.

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