Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 239

Chapter 239

Izuhara, Tsushima Island.

“They’re finally coming.”

Watching the Joseon envoy ships entering the harbor under the escort of three guard ships, Tsushima’s daimyo, Todo Takayuki, muttered with a tense expression.


Two months ago, Todo Takayuki had received a letter sent by the Joseon court through a merchant at the Waegwan (Japanese trading post).

‘We have an important matter to discuss with the shogun of Japan, so we will be sending an envoy in two months.’

“Suddenly? Why?”

Upon reading the letter sent by the Joseon court, Todo Takayuki was thrown into confusion.

Since the founding of Joseon, there had been a few instances of Joseon sending envoys to the shogun. However, they had never unilaterally informed them like this.

Looking at the previous procedures, Joseon would send an envoy in response to the ‘Japanese King’s Envoy’ sent by the shogunate.

When Joseon announced they would send an envoy in this manner, numerous negotiations would follow.

First, they had to decide on a suitable time for the visit. The periods to avoid were when typhoons were frequent and when public order was unstable due to natural disasters such as droughts.

Next was the rank of the chief envoy. The chief envoy dispatched to Japan was limited to the lower third rank among government officials.

As it took several months of various negotiations like these before the envoy would depart, Todo Takayuki was flustered.

“Joseon rarely does things in such a hurry…”

Feeling a vague sense of unease, Todo Takayuki issued orders to his retainers.

“Tell the merchants who have gone to Waegwan to gather information on the situation in Joseon!”

“Yes, my lord!”

“Then what should we do with this letter?”

“Send it to Kyoto. They need to prepare as well.”

“Yes, my lord!”

And two months later, Joseon’s ships had flocked to Izuhara.


As the gangway was connected to the ships, the Joseon envoys disembarked.

As the envoys got off the ship, Todo Takayuki, composing his expression, warmly welcomed them.

“Welcome! We welcome you to Tsushima!”

Upon hearing Todo Takayuki’s words through the interpreter, the chief envoy politely bowed and replied.

“Thank you for the welcome. This humble one, although lacking, has come as an envoy on the orders of His Majesty. My name is Nam Gi-ju.”

“Come, come!”

After a brief exchange of greetings at the pier, Todo Takayuki and the envoy moved to Kaneishi Castle in Izuhara.


A lavish banquet was held at the daimyo’s residence. Amid the exchange of cups and various conversations, Todo Takayuki looked at Nam Gi-ju.

Todo Takayuki’s lips were smiling as he looked at Nam Gi-ju, but his eyes were not.

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‘He’s a man whose true intentions are impossible to discern!’

As he observed Nam Gi-ju, Todo Takayuki was inwardly tense. Nam Gi-ju, the chief envoy who had come this time, was being impeccably polite. Although it was a small island, the lord who governed Tsushima was by no means in a low position. Therefore, the envoys who had visited here until now had shown courtesy on the surface, but their eyes had been full of condescension towards Todo Takayuki.

However, he could not find any emotion in the eyes of this man called Nam Gi-ju. He maintained perfect decorum and spoke in a gentle voice, but Nam Gi-ju’s eyes revealed no emotion. Nam Gi-ju’s eyes were as transparent as glass beads.

In the end, Todo Takayuki had to speak first.

“By the way, Lord Nam, where were you serving before becoming an envoy?”

To Todo Takayuki’s question, Nam Gi-ju gave a brief answer.

“I was in the Ministry of Military Affairs.”

“Ministry of Military Affairs?”

Upon hearing the answer, Todo Takayuki’s face momentarily stiffened.

Among the envoys Joseon had sent until now, there had never been a chief envoy from the Ministry of Military Affairs. They had all been civil officials.

Of course, being from the Ministry of Military Affairs did not necessarily mean he was a military official. However, Todo Takayuki’s instincts were issuing a sharp warning.

‘He’s definitely a military official! One who has experienced the battlefield!’

Considering the ranks of the envoys Joseon sent to Japan, if the man before him, Nam Gi-ju, was actually a military official who had experienced the battlefield, he would have held the position of at least an army commander, called Jeomjeoljaesa.


The highly tense Todo Takayuki forced a smile and continued the conversation with Nam Gi-ju.

“But why did His Majesty send an envoy so suddenly?”

To Todo Takayuki’s question, Nam Gi-ju put down his cup and replied.

“Although you may think it’s sudden, there is a reason behind it. Do you remember the incident that occurred near Muryeongdo Island a few months ago?”


Todo Takayuki nodded at Nam Gi-ju’s question. It was an incident where several lives were lost because they had been caught while fishing near Joseon.

Nam Gi-ju calmly continued.

“At that time, Joseon took this issue very seriously. Looking at the current situation between Joseon and Japan, trade is increasing.”

“That’s true.”

Responding to Nam Gi-ju’s words, Todo Takayuki felt bitter inside.


As Nam Gi-ju said, the volume of trade between Joseon and Japan was gradually increasing. However, in the process, Tsushima was being increasingly pushed aside. In Waegwan, where Tsushima merchants used to be at the center, they were gradually being pushed out, and merchants from other domains were gaining power.

“This is Joseon’s doing!”

Upon hearing the situation, Todo Takayuki gritted his teeth. The Joseon officials managing Waegwan would find the slightest pretext to expel Japanese merchants from Waegwan.

And most of the merchants being expelled were from Tsushima.

Todo Takayuki gnashed his teeth but had no countermeasures. If he argued, Joseon had justification on their side, and if he used force, Tsushima could once again become a battlefield.

Therefore, Todo Takayuki had to endure.


Whether he knew of Todo Takayuki’s feelings or not, Nam Gi-ju continued.

“In that situation, Japanese fishermen were caught near Muryeongdo Island. The problem is that weapons were found on their ships. In other words, our court became suspicious of whether they were real fishermen or pirates.”

“As I’ve already said, that was for the fishermen’s self-defense…”

“That may be so, but for us who have suffered from pirates since the end of the previous dynasty (Goryeo), it’s not something we can easily believe, is it?”

“That’s true…”

Todo Takayuki had no choice but to nod weakly at Nam Gi-ju’s point.

Having gained the upper hand, Nam Gi-ju finally got to the main point.

“As trade increases between our Joseon and Japan, many merchant ships are coming and going. Our court cannot help but worry about the safety of these merchant ships.”

“So… is that why His Majesty sent you, to discuss that matter?”

“That’s correct.”

Todo Takayuki’s face no longer showed any hint of a smile. With a stiff expression, Todo Takayuki asked Nam Gi-ju.

“What measures has His Majesty devised?”

“Joseon wishes to borrow ports in Tsushima.”

“You mean the ports of our Tsushima?”

“That’s right.”


As the conversation between Nam Gi-ju and Todo Takayuki grew serious, the banquet hall fell silent. Todo Takayuki’s retainers and the Joseon envoys all listened intently to the conversation with grave expressions.

“Ports… Do you want Izuhara here?”

To Todo Takayuki’s question, Nam Gi-ju shook his head.

“No. Do you have a map of Tsushima?”

At Nam Gi-ju’s request, Todo Takayuki called a retainer in a rough voice.

“Matsumura! The map!”

“Yes, my lord!”


A short while later, a map depicting the geography of Tsushima was spread out on the large table where the dishes had been cleared away.

Nam Gi-ju pointed to two locations on the map with his finger.

“Joseon hopes to borrow the areas of Asako Bay (淺茅灣, present-day Aso Bay) and Ofunakoshi on the opposite side. Asako Bay is to ensure the safety of ships departing from Busan, and Ofunakoshi is to protect ships departing from the main island of Japan.”


Examining the map while listening to Nam Gi-ju’s explanation, Todo Takayuki’s expression became complex.

Asako Bay, the first place Nam Gi-ju pointed out, was the area where the Joseon army had first anchored when they attacked Tsushima.

Quietly studying the map, Todo Takayuki turned to Nam Gi-ju.

“Does His Majesty desire the cession of these places?”

At Todo Takayuki’s question, the retainers swallowed nervously. Depending on the words that came out of the Joseon envoy’s mouth, Tsushima might have to prepare for war.

However, the answer that came from Nam Gi-ju’s mouth was unexpected.

“His Majesty wishes to lease them.”

“Lease? You want to borrow them?”

“That’s correct.”

Todo Takayuki, unable to immediately understand Nam Gi-ju’s answer, asked again.

“You really want to borrow them?”

“That’s right.”

At Nam Gi-ju’s reply, Todo Takayuki’s mind became completely chaotic. To him, no, to the people of this era, it was a method they could not possibly comprehend.

‘I need some time to gather my thoughts!’

Todo Takayuki, needing time to collect his thoughts, called a retainer.

“Matsumura, tea (お茶)!”

“Yes, my lord!”

After giving orders to his retainer, Todo Takayuki turned to Nam Gi-ju and spoke.

“It seems the conversation will be a bit long, so let’s have some tea for a moment.”

“Thank you.”


“Please have some. This person is a renowned tea ceremony master even in Kyoto.”

“Thank you.”

As Nam Gi-ju bowed his head in gratitude, the tea ceremony master also politely reciprocated and expressed his thanks.

“It is an honor to serve tea to someone from Goryeo, which is famous for tea ceremonies.”

Tea ceremonies flourished on the Korean Peninsula until the Goryeo period. This was the influence of Buddhism. However, as Joseon was founded and advocated the policy of ‘revering Confucianism and suppressing Buddhism’, the tea culture gradually began to decline.

However, at this time, they still had a more advanced tea ceremony culture compared to Japan.

While enjoying tea in a much more relaxed atmosphere, Todo Takayuki diligently organized his thoughts.

‘He definitely said borrow. Is it really simply borrowing? Then what is the price? The continuation of my position? Or more than that?’

Although he tried to gather his thoughts, Todo Takayuki’s mind only became more complicated.


After enjoying the tea, the group once again gathered around the map.

Examining the map, Todo Takayuki asked Nam Gi-ju.

“I’ll be frank with you. His Majesty said he wants to borrow them, but how will Joseon use these places?”

“As I mentioned earlier, the purpose is for Japan to protect the merchant ships traveling between Joseon and Japan. If we dispatch our warships for this purpose from Dongnae, it will take too long. Therefore, we plan to build ports in Asako Bay and Ofunakoshi, using them as anchorages for our warships and as a place for merchant ships encountering bad weather to take shelter.”

“How many warships will be stationed there?”

“About 10 to 20 ships each on both sides.”


As Todo Takayuki pondered, one of the retainers standing behind approached and whispered softly. Nodding his head as he listened to the retainer’s words, Todo Takayuki turned to Nam Gi-ju.

“Borrowing means paying a price. How much is His Majesty thinking of paying?”

“20 nyang of silver per month for the two places combined. If we hire residents of Tsushima as laborers, that portion will be paid separately.”

At Nam Gi-ju’s answer, Todo Takayuki’s retainers’ side instantly fell into a commotion.

“Quiet! Settle down!”

After calming the commotion among his retainers, Todo Takayuki made a request to Nam Gi-ju.

“As it is late today, I would like to continue the rest of the discussion tomorrow. What do you think?”

“Very well.”

With that, the day’s events came to an end. Returning to the prepared lodging, Nam Gi-ju was writing a report when he glanced out the window.

Looking towards where Todo Takayuki and his retainers were, Nam Gi-ju muttered softly.

“They must have quite the headache.”

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