Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 257

Chapter 257

Thanks to King Sejong cutting the timeframe in half, personnel selected from the Ministry of National Defense, the Army Headquarters, and the Ministry of Finance and Economy gathered in one place to revise the plan.

The first to speak were those from the Ministry of National Defense and the Army Headquarters.

“First, let’s base the geographical data on what we acquired last time.”

“Wouldn’t that be risky?”

“We have no choice but to prepare as thoroughly as possible before starting, and then deal with any variables or shortcomings that arise on the spot.”

“There are limits to on-site response as well.”

“That’s true.”

As the debate continued, the attendees had to agonize over finding a suitable alternative.

“How about this?”

As a naval officer who was searching through various reports to find an alternative spoke up, the attention of everyone in the meeting room focused on him.

“Do you have a good idea?”

“It’s using the Haeung-class warships.”

“The Haeung-class? Considering their size, they can’t carry much…”

An immediate objection was raised, but the initial proposer shook his head.

“I’m not suggesting we entrust transportation to the Haeung-class. I’m saying we use them as dispatch ships.”

“Use the Haeung-class as dispatch ships?”

The eyes of those gathered in the meeting room began to sparkle.

“Please explain in more detail.”

At the urging of the others, the proposer soon began to explain in detail.

“Among the Haeung-class ships launched so far, there are a total of 6 warships that have been assigned to the navy and completed training. We will rotate these 6 ships.”

“Rotate them?”

“It would go something like this. 2 ships will be on the island to be conquered, another 2 ships will be at Wonsan Port, 1 ship will head towards Wonsan, and the last 1 ship will head from Wonsan to the island. Among the 2 ships staying in Wonsan, 1 will maintain a standby state, and the other will be under maintenance. Among the 2 ships staying on the island, 1 will handle regular communication with the ship coming from Wonsan, and the other will be in charge of delivering urgent news.”

“It’s like a waterwheel turning.”

“That’s right. What do you think?”

The attendees who heard the proposer’s explanation huddled together and began to murmur.

“It seems pretty good, doesn’t it?”

“But won’t we be short on warships to deploy to Tsushima and for East Sea patrols?”

“For Tsushima, we should be fine with panokseon for the time being, right? To be honest, the main purpose of deploying warships to Tsushima was to deal with the Japanese pirates, right? It’s to keep the Lord of Tsushima on a leash. And for the East Sea patrols, can’t the Haeung-class ships in charge of regular communication handle that as well?”

“Still, it’s a bit…”

“Before this summer ends, 5 more Haeung-class warships and 3 more Challenger-class warships will be launched, so we just need to endure a little.”

“In that case…”

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After the conversation continued in this manner, it was decided to establish a high-speed communication network using the Haeung-class ships.


As one agenda item was settled, a debate erupted over another issue.

The topic of the second debate was ‘Where should we land?’

With the map of the target island placed in the center, the opinions of the attendees were divided into two.

“The best landing spot is the bay on the east side of this southern protrusion!”

“The bay on the west side of the island is better than that!”

In 21st-century terms, it was a division of opinions between ‘Uchiura Bay’ and ‘Ishikari Bay’.

The opinions of those supporting Uchiura Bay were as follows:

– Looking at the island’s terrain, this bay is the optimal location for defense.

– This is because the shape of this southern protrusion is like a curved finger. The bay located inside is shaped like a jar, so if we construct fortresses on the southern and northern protrusions of the bay, which are like the mouth of the jar, defense will be easy.

– Considering the subsequent exploration of the ocean located to the east of the island, there is no better place than this. Once we exit the bay’s entrance and head east, we will immediately reach the ocean.

However, the rationale of those supporting Ishikari Bay was also formidable.

– To reach the bay on the southern protrusion, we must pass through the narrow strait between Japan’s main island and the island.

– This has a high possibility of causing conflicts not only with the Japanese pirates but also with Japan’s navy.

– Rather than wasting time and combat power in unnecessary armed conflicts, it is more efficient to select the bay on the west side of the island as the landing point.

– According to the report from Challenger Ship No. 3, the bay on the west side directly connects to a wide plain. However, the bay on the south does not. Considering the subsequent expansion of territory and the relocation of people after securing the beachhead, the bay on the west side is optimal.

– The subsequent exploration plan should continue with the unfinished exploration of the northern waters of the island, not the exploration of the ocean to the east of the island. The ocean exploration comes after that.

The confrontation between the two sides continued in a stalemate. As both sides presented reasonable arguments, a decision could not be easily reached.

In the end, the attendees, exhausted from the endless debate, keenly felt the need for a mediator.

“Let’s ask the higher-ups!”

“Let’s do that!”

And so, this issue was elevated to the Army Headquarters and the Ministry of National Defense. However, even the Ministry of National Defense and the Army Headquarters ended up being split into two, and it ultimately reached King Sejong.


“A difficult problem remains a difficult problem.”

Even King Sejong, who received the report, muttered with a perplexed expression.

“What do you all think?”

At King Sejong’s question, the ministers also split into two, and a debate ensued.

Watching this scene, King Sejong’s eyes turned to Hwang Hui and Kim Jong-seo. Since it was his proposal, Hwang Hui could not return to Hamgil Province and was stuck in Hanseong.

Thanks to this, Kim Jong-seo, who had unexpectedly seized good fortune, was enjoying the ‘Nights of Hanseong’.

Seeing Hwang Hui remaining silent even amid the ongoing debate, King Sejong spoke.

“What does the Provincial Governor think?” (The official title was Provincial Governor of Expulsion and Promotion[1]. However, due to the tongue-twisting name, it was often shortened to Provincial Governor, and later, Provincial Governor became the official title. [Note 1])

At King Sejong’s question, Hwang Hui took a moment to organize his thoughts and then spoke.

“Will you proceed with the matter of sending Kim Jong-seo as a secret envoy, as we did last time?”

“That’s right.”

“In that case, I recommend the bay on the west side.”

“The incident in Kyushu is related to the choice of the bay? Hmm… I see.”

King Sejong, who had been pondering Hwang Hui’s words for a moment, nodded his head and turned his gaze. Seeing Hyang seated below the throne, King Sejong asked a question.

“What does the Crown Prince think?”

At King Sejong’s question, Hyang immediately answered.

“I agree with the opinion presented by the Provincial Governor. The actions in Kyushu will also provoke the Japanese king, so if we openly cause incidents in the north, he may overreact.”

“That’s right. But it seems like you have something more to say?”

“It’s because of the people living on that island. I read a record that there are indigenous people.”


At Hyang’s point, King Sejong nodded his head.


It wasn’t just the military that took action after confirming the report submitted by the captain of Ship No. 3 and the subsequent copy of the ship’s log. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also took action.

In the ship’s log of Ship No. 3, there was a record of contact with the indigenous people of the island. To avoid unnecessary conflicts, the captain of Ship No. 3 attempted to communicate. However, since he couldn’t communicate with the indigenous people, the effort to find someone capable of written communication continued. Through this process, he found someone who knew Chinese characters and exchanged written messages, learning that they called themselves ‘Ainu’.

According to the captain’s report, the reactions of the indigenous people were not favorable, but they were not unconditionally hostile either.

After having a more in-depth conversation, he was able to ascertain that they were not on good terms with Japan’s main island to the south and returned.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after thoroughly analyzing the captain’s report and the ship’s log, searched the records of the Records Office.

By analyzing the records from the Records Office and the information obtained from inquiring with the merchants at the Japanese trading post, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs deduced that the title ‘Seii Taishōgun'[2], referring to the shogun of the bakufu, was related to them.

“The pieces seem to fit roughly, don’t they?”

“They do. Report it.”


Seeing King Sejong’s reaction, Hyang continued.

“Considering the securing of the beachhead and the expansion of the occupied territory, contact with the indigenous people there is inevitable. In that case, I think we should also prepare in advance a way to accept them as the people of Joseon. Shouldn’t we avoid causing conflicts by going unprepared?”

“That’s true. However, it won’t be easy.”

“It might be surprisingly easy if we fill in their lacking aspects. Wasn’t it the same with the Jurchen people?”

At Hyang’s words, King Sejong and the ministers nodded their heads.

“Filling in their lacking aspects…”

As King Sejong muttered, Hyang immediately followed up.

“Don’t we have the Office of Monopoly?”


As Hyang mentioned the ‘Office of Monopoly’, King Sejong and the ministers simultaneously exclaimed.

Seeing this, Hyang smiled slightly and muttered inwardly.

‘While Western explorers lured indigenous people with glass ornaments, we have the Office of Monopoly!’

As Hyang mentioned the Office of Monopoly, Hwang Hui added.

“The Office of Monopoly will certainly be much more useful than force. There are Jurchen tribes that surrendered because of the Office of Monopoly.”

“I think so too.”

As King Sejong agreed, Jo Mal-saeng interjected.

“It’s better to establish a relationship through trade rather than prioritizing force. The most lacking thing for our Joseon military is manpower.”

At Jo Mal-saeng’s words, King Sejong let out a long sigh.

“Phew… Is it only the military that’s like that?”

At King Sejong’s sigh, Kim Jeom, the Minister of Finance and Economy, interjected.

“As Joseon’s population is rapidly increasing, Your Majesty’s concerns will soon be resolved.”

“I hope that day comes quickly.”

King Sejong replied to Kim Jeom’s words with a genuinely earnest expression.


As royal lectures progressed, Joseon’s population began to increase.

The spread of cowpox vaccination, the strengthening of hygiene education, and the pre-prepared large quantities of medicinal ingredients prevented the spread of epidemics.

In addition, as irrigation facilities and farmland were improved, food production also started to increase.

Moreover, the surrender of the Jurchen people also accounted for a significant portion of Joseon’s population growth.

With the addition of various conditions, the graph representing Joseon’s population growth was showing an increasingly steep upward trend.

Confirming the graph, Kim Jeom muttered with a face full of delight.

“If we continue like this, we will soon surpass 7 million. And when the children born these days reach adulthood, form families, and have children of their own, even 10 million won’t be a dream.”

A population of 10 million.

If Joseon’s capabilities continued to be strengthened as they were now, and new technologies were introduced, surpassing a population of 10 million would mean no longer having to unconditionally bow down to the Ming Dynasty.

It was the revival of a powerful nation that even the rulers of China in the past could not treat recklessly.


Although the conversation briefly went off on a tangent, King Sejong reached a conclusion.

“I will draw a conclusion. Our Joseon army will establish a beachhead at the bay on the west side.”

“We will follow your command.”

“And while preparing thoroughly in case of armed conflict, make sure that Joseon does not take the initiative in attacking first. Let’s have faith in the Office of Monopoly.”

“We will engrave it in our minds!”

Following King Sejong’s decision, the operation to conquer this unclaimed island entered full-scale preparations.

Although slightly derailed, Joseon’s external expansion had officially begun.


Note 1) In 1466 (12th year of King Sejo’s reign), the title was changed from Provincial Governor of Expulsion and Promotion to Provincial Governor. This is based on the author’s imagination.

  1. 都觀察黜陟使[↩]
  2. 征夷大將軍[↩]

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