Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

At Hyang’s words, King Sejong and the ministers, who had been uttering questions, soon nodded their heads.

“That would work.”

“Indeed, Your Majesty.”

“In that case, it’s rather fortunate that the plan was postponed.”

“As they say, ‘The old man lost his horse, but who knows if it might be a blessing in disguise?'”

Following King Sejong’s positive response, the ministers also showed similar reactions and added their remarks.


Based on Im Sun-wook and Hyang’s proposal, a plan was devised to prioritize operating horse-drawn carriages connecting the east, west, south, and north of Hanseong.

The plan was promptly prepared. However, the actual implementation was pushed back due to the issue of horses to pull the carriages.

For the small carriages ridden by the nobles of Ming and Goryeo, there were no significant problems even with the small-sized Joseon or Jurchen horses.

However, the horse-drawn carriages to be operated within Hanseong were much larger in size.

“The carriages we’ve used so far cannot ensure profitability.”

At Hyang’s words, Im Sun-wook also nodded.

“That’s right. To generate proper profits, we need to carry at least 30 to 40 people at a time.”

“The problem is that the current Joseon or Jurchen horses are not up to the task if we do that.”

Calculations showed that if small Joseon or Jurchen horses were used, at least six horses would need to be harnessed to each carriage, prompting the officials to seek new measures.

Consequently, it was decided to use horses from the Western Regions, especially extra-large horses, imported through Mansur, to pull the horse-drawn carriages.

The issue was that although they continued to import stallions and mares through Mansur, they could only bring in 20 to 30 horses at a time, and the extra-large horses were particularly limited to just 2 to 4.

To intensively manage the imported horses, horse pastures were established near Hanseong and Gyeonggi.(Note 1)

The purpose of these horse pastures was to breed and manage the horses from the Western Regions imported through Mansur and to crossbreed them with Joseon and Jurchen horses to raise superior breeds.

Although foals were born in the horse pastures established in Hanseong and Gyeonggi, it took at least 4 to 5 years for those horses to mature, so the operation of Hanseong’s horse-drawn carriages had to be postponed until then.

However, when the first-generation horses born in the horse pastures reached maturity, a war broke out in Liaodong.

To pursue Yi Manchu and Montemu and block their path for interception, not only the cavalry but also the infantry needed to move swiftly.

As a result, all the mature horses in the horse pastures, except for the stallions, were requisitioned by the military, and the operation of Hanseong’s horse-drawn carriages was pushed back again.

And with Hyang completing the Iron Horse, it was decided that the Iron Horse would pull the horse-drawn carriages instead of horses.


Seeing the positive reactions from King Sejong and the ministers, Hyang gestured to the eunuch.

Noticing Hyang’s gesture, the eunuch brought a large diagram.

Hyang turned the cover and continued.

“This is the Hanseong circular train utilizing the Iron Horse, as proposed by the research institute and Area 51.”

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The picture revealed after turning the cover depicted Hyang’s Iron Horse, small freight cars supplying the necessary coal and water for the Iron Horse, and two connected passenger cars.

Hyang pointed at the passenger cars with a pointer and explained.

“Each passenger car can carry 60 passengers. Since we will be operating with two connected cars, it can carry a total of 120 passengers.”

“What’s the basis for that calculation?”

At King Sejong’s question, Hyang turned the page of the diagram.

The next page showed a top-down view of the passenger car.

“By creating seats along the left and right walls of the passenger car, 15 people can sit on each side. And by attaching poles to the ceiling in front of those seats and hanging loops on the poles, we can create standing spaces for an additional 30 people. That’s how we arrive at 60 people. Of course, if we disregard proper spacing and maximize the capacity, it can carry up to 130 people.”

“130 people? Are you certain?”

As King Sejong asked, unable to believe it, Hyang promptly answered.

“We conducted experiments in Area 51. The Iron Horse successfully pulled and moved two fully-loaded passenger cars, each carrying 130 people, for a total of 260 passengers.”


“Of course, if we carry that many, comfort is out of the question.”

‘At least in this era, I won’t create a hell train!’

Hyang inwardly made a firm resolution while explaining to King Sejong.

At Hyang’s explanation, the ministers exchanged opinions among themselves.

“If we combine two cars, it’s 120 people… Will it be profitable?”

The ministers’ questions were directed at Kim Jeom. Receiving the gazes of King Sejong and the ministers, Kim Jeom immediately answered.

“Wouldn’t that depend on the route, the distance between stations, and the operating frequency?”

As Kim Jeom replied, the gazes of King Sejong and the ministers turned back to Hyang.

Hyang once again turned the page of the diagram. The newly revealed page featured a route map based on the map of Hanseong.

“It resembles the Chinese character for ‘Jeong’ (丁). Anyway… Based on that route, it seems we would need to pass through Sungnyemun Gate or reconstruct the city walls. Am I right?”

“That’s correct.”

Hyang traced the route map with the pointer and explained.

“The most basic axis is the east-west axis that runs back and forth across Hanseong. The largest station will be built in front of Six Ministries Street.”

“I understand that, but the issue is the route that goes out through Sungnyemun Gate. Why was that route created?”

“The Iron Horse and passenger cars require constant maintenance. However, Hanseong is already filled with houses and people, so there’s no space to build maintenance facilities. Therefore, we will create maintenance areas in the west of Area 51 and the north of Maponaru. And on the land between Sungnyemun Gate and these maintenance depots, I’d like to construct a housing complex for officials without homes.”

As soon as Hyang finished speaking, the eyes of young officials, including scribes and clerks, began to sparkle.

As the saying “Send people to Hanyang and horses to Jeju” proves, from this time, Hanseong was showing signs of population concentration.

Families of nobles who passed the civil service examination and became central government officials, those who came to the capital in search of potential opportunities, and others with various reasons gathered in Hanseong. As a result, the number of people making money by renting out houses increased, and so did the number of people struggling with the hardships of living in rented rooms.

Especially for newly appointed officials from impoverished families who could not receive support from their parents or clans, they had to live in rented rooms.

And this rented life was by no means easy.

In the history before Hyang’s intervention, the 15th-century Joseon scholar-official Kim Jong-jik (1431-1492) wrote the following poem:

“The few houses in the city, I’ve stayed in all of them. At times, I’ve been driven out, Wandering frequently east and west.” (Note 2)

Therefore, the eyes of the young officials began to gleam fiercely.

Hyang pointed to the southern route with the pointer and continued his explanation.

“When officials or government workers seek rented rooms, the first thing they consider is ‘easy commute to and from work.’ Due to this issue, the rents for rooms near Six Ministries Street and Gyeongbokgung Palace are very high. However, if we build a housing complex on the outskirts of Hanseong like this and assign train routes, we can solve the housing problem for officials and also lower the high rents in Hanseong to some extent.”

“Hmm… I see. What does the Minister of Finance think?”

At King Sejong’s question, Kim Jeom promptly answered.

“It’s worth considering!”

“Is that so?”

Listening to Kim Jeom’s answer, King Sejong slightly raised his head and surveyed the inside of Geunjeongjeon Hall.

The officials, scribes, and clerks present to assist the ministers were concentrating on the meeting like never before.

‘It seems fine, but something feels off.’

Feeling somewhat uneasy, King Sejong reviewed Hyang’s explanation.

After pondering for a moment, King Sejong realized what he had overlooked.

“Hyang, about the train operation you mentioned earlier.”

“Please ask, Your Majesty.”

“When will you start and end the train service?”

“We will start operating when the sun rises and end when the sun sets.”

“In that case, won’t the southern route be problematic? Even now, officials often work late into the night. If they leave work after sunset, won’t they have to walk a long distance to get home?”

At King Sejong’s question, all the officials in Geunjeongjeon Hall simultaneously shouted in their minds.

‘Then please reduce our workload!’

However, as the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, Hyang immediately provided an answer to King Sejong.

“We can arrange special schedules for that part. In the morning, we will operate at 2-gak (approximately 30-minute) intervals. Around the time of leaving work, we will also operate at 1-gak intervals for 1 shichen (2 hours). And after the sun has completely set, we will operate at 1-shichen intervals until haejeongssi (10 PM or 10:30 PM). We chose haejeongssi as the standard because it’s the time when Sungnyemun Gate closes.”

King Sejong nodded after briefly calculating based on Hyang’s explanation.

“That sounds good. Most officials already sleep in their lodgings if they work past that time anyway.”

“Indeed, Your Majesty.”

Listening to the conversation between the father and son, the mid and low-level officials had to hold back their tears.


‘Why don’t you just tell us not to go home at all?’

Afterward, there was a discussion about the train frequency on the east-west route of Hanseong, but there were no significant objections, so they quickly moved on.

However, what drew the ministers’ attention was the space that the railroad tracks for the train would occupy.

“The Iron Horse and passenger cars are quite large. Will the turning space at the end of the route be sufficient?”

In response to the question from the Minister of Construction (formerly the Minister of Public Works), Hyang promptly answered.

“Based on the experiments conducted in Area 51, it’s sufficient.”

The Iron Horse, which made its first appearance this time, was slightly larger in size than George Stephenson’s Rocket. Therefore, it did not require much turning space at the end of the route to change the train’s direction.

After various opinions were coordinated, King Sejong reached a conclusion.

“Then, proceed with operating the Iron Horse instead of the horse-drawn carriages.”

“We shall obey your command.”

Having settled the agenda, King Sejong turned to Hyang.

“Hyang, about the housing complex for officials without homes that you mentioned earlier.”

“Please ask, Your Majesty.”

“It’s a good idea, but wouldn’t it be insufficient to have just houses?”

“I have considered that as well. As a significant number of houses will be built, we will also establish stores, markets, and clinics. The same goes for police stations and fire stations. Furthermore, we will establish a marketplace, a commoner’s school, and a middle school together.”

King Sejong, who had been imagining it in his mind for a moment based on Hyang’s explanation, nodded.

“The families of the officials will be delighted.”

“Indeed, they will.”

“What do you think, ministers?”

In response to King Sejong’s question, the ministers immediately bowed their heads.

“We, too, have suffered greatly from the hardships of living in rented rooms in our youth. If such a housing complex is built for officials without homes and their families to reside in, their praise will resound to the heavens.”

“Is that so? Then let’s study it.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Thus, the second ‘planned city’ in Joseon’s history was created.

The first was led by Hyang during the process of restoring the district that was lost in the Great Fire of Hanseong, and this was the second.

In later years, this housing complex led by Hyang became the most valuable land in Joseon.

The fact that various amenities were established from the beginning, making life convenient, played a part, but the biggest reason was the commoner’s school and middle school located in this housing complex.

As they were the children of officials working in the government, the educational level of the commoner’s school and middle school also exceeded the average.

Moreover, since all the neighbors were officials, they boasted an immense network. Eventually, wealthy merchants or landowners built houses near this housing complex and enrolled their children and grandchildren in the commoner’s school of the housing complex.


Note 1: Research on horse pastures in the Joseon Dynasty. Lee Hong-doo, Professor at Hongik University. Northeast Asian History Journal, Issue 55.

Note 2: Joseon Dynasty scholar-officials Yi Hwang and Kim Jong-jik also lived in ‘rented rooms.’ Ju Young-jae, Reporter. Kyunghyang Shinmun. 2015.03.09.

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