Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 316

Chapter 316

The difference in musical values between Park Yeon and Anpyeong was the most important factor in their clash, but what created the process of their conflict was something else.

The reason they ended up clashing was, amusingly, because things were going too well.


After the jeongganbo was created, Park Yeon and Anpyeong joined forces to create an even more perfect musical notation.

They went on a forced march, systematically organizing and creating performance symbols by bringing in older and skilled musicians.

As a result of the tireless work of Park Yeon, considered the most outstanding musician in Joseon history, and Anpyeong, who was intelligent and passionate about music, a highly effective musical notation was created.

Once a satisfactory level of musical notation was created, most of the next steps were left to the lower-ranking officials and musicians.

They re-transcribed orally transmitted music, compared and reviewed it with existing scores, and recorded the jeongganbo using the newly learned notation methods and performance symbols.

The process didn’t end with just creating the scores. They would then play the music using those scores to check for discrepancies.

Park Yeon and Anpyeong were most involved in that inspection process. And that inspection process went smoothly.

The free time that arose as work progressed smoothly led Park Yeon and Anpyeong to clash again.


“The reorganization of aak is near completion, and the organization of hyangak and dangak is progressing smoothly.”

“Isn’t it all thanks to the efforts of the Grand Prince?”

“What have I done? I merely joined in the work initiated by the Chief.”

The warm atmosphere that continued as they complimented each other began to change slightly before long.

“Among the two musical bureaus, the left bureau (aak) is almost finished, and the right bureau (hyangak, dangak) is also on track. What shall we proceed with next?”

At Anpyeong’s question, Park Yeon stroked his beard, thought for a moment, and answered.

“We should revise the musical instruments. Do you have any other thoughts in mind?”

At Park Yeon’s question, Anpyeong immediately answered.

“How about organizing the songs and music enjoyed by the common people?”

At Anpyeong’s words, Park Yeon answered firmly.

“It cannot be done.”

“Why is that?”

“They lack class. Not just breaking conventions, but having no conventions at all, they are not worth organizing.”

Upon hearing Park Yeon’s words, veins popped on Anpyeong’s forehead.

“They have been passed down from the previous dynasty, Goryeo, and even from the ancient Three Kingdoms period. They are sufficiently worthy of being transcribed and organized!”

“Most of the popular songs from the previous dynasty deal with love affairs between men and women. What value do they have?”

“That love doesn’t only refer to lewd acts, does it? How many songs are there that sing of loyalty to one’s beloved? And isn’t that love the most primitive emotion?”

“Music is meant to assist propriety. However, the songs that the Grand Prince wants to organize now are rather defiling propriety!”

“Music should not end as a mere assistant to propriety. Music itself is also noble!”

“If it’s so noble, we should properly select them!”

“What is the criterion for that selection? To be honest, don’t the literati also enjoy songs?”

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“That is merely for entertainment!”

“Don’t make excuses for excuses!”

And so, the two of them ended up clashing fiercely.


As the clash between the two intensified, it led to an emotional conflict as well.

‘A young lad whose head hasn’t even dried yet, acting all high and mighty as a Grand Prince!’

‘The nerve of him, acting arrogant just because he receives the king’s favor for knowing a bit about music!’

The two, who had become as twisted as possible, growled at each other whenever they had the chance.

Park Yeon was slightly worse in this regard, due to his dissatisfaction with the young Anpyeong intervening because of his position as Grand Prince, and his frustration at not being able to do side jobs because of Anpyeong.


In the history before Hyang’s intervention, Park Yeon was dismissed from office and exiled three times.

One was in his later years when his son Park Gye-u was involved in the incident of restoring King Danjong to the throne. Normally, he would have been implicated and executed under the guilt-by-association system, but due to his age of 81 and his contributions to music, it ended with dismissal from office.

Another was due to an incident that occurred on his way back from Ming China after being appointed as an envoy on festive occasions in the 28th year of Sejong’s reign (1446).

It was discovered that he had concealed the incident of leaving their credentials as an envoy delegation at the Huidong Office in Beijing and only hurriedly retrieving them upon arriving at the border.

As a result, Park Yeon was unable to serve in office for a year.

However, his dismissal in the 30th year of Sejong’s reign (1448) was disgraceful.

While serving as the Chief of the Music Institute, it was revealed that he had privately exploited the court musicians to make money and accumulate wealth.

The enraged Sejong dismissed him, but due to the lack of a replacement, he had to recall him as the Chief of the Music Institute slightly over a year later.


Therefore, Anpyeong was a thorn in Park Yeon’s side.

Although his dismissal for the private use of musicians occurred much later—about 17 years—he had already been reaping benefits before Anpyeong’s involvement. However, with Anpyeong’s intervention, he couldn’t even think about side jobs.

There was no one bold enough to engage in side jobs while the king’s legitimate third son was keeping a watchful eye.

Along with the difference in musical values, economic issues also compounded, worsening Park Yeon’s perception of Anpyeong.

It was the same for Anpyeong.

While participating in the aak reorganization project, Anpyeong found himself in a situation where musicians were readily available right in front of him, and he couldn’t just let it pass.

Whenever there was a slight opportunity, Anpyeong would immediately go to Sejong and ask to be allowed to bring musicians to his residence.

“Hmm… This would be better than chasing troupe performers around the country.”

Sejong, well aware of Anpyeong’s fanatic tendencies, accepted his request, and Anpyeong summoned the musicians to his residence to perform music.

The music mainly performed by the musicians at Anpyeong’s residence was mostly popular songs.

The music played at royal banquets could potentially embroil him in political disputes if he wasn’t careful.

-Listening to music that can only be heard in the presence of the king, he must have intentions of usurping the throne!

It was a claim full of absurdity, and given Sejong and Hyang’s personalities, they would have scoffed at it, but it was a claim that could easily cause problems in the political arena. Anyone with political ambitions could stir up trouble.

Of course, this was the perspective of an outsider, and court music was definitely not to Anpyeong’s taste.

When Anpyeong summoned the musicians and listened to their performances, he would reward them. It wasn’t an enormous amount, but it was enough for them to walk around with their heads held high as breadwinners for a few days.

As this became frequent, the musicians and Anpyeong became close, and through those close musicians, Anpyeong was able to hear stories about Park Yeon.

“What a shameless bastard…”

After hearing the stories from the musicians, Anpyeong couldn’t look at Park Yeon favorably.

As a result, the relationship between the two sides worsened further.


When the No. 1 and No. 2 of an organization have a poor relationship, it is the subordinates who suffer.

This was the same for the officials and musicians working under Park Yeon and Anpyeong.

Those who were caught between the two, who growled at each other whenever they had the chance, complained and lamented whenever they were alone.

“At this rate, we’ll die first!”

“You’re right. Every day is like walking a tightrope…”

“Fortunately, they handle official duties properly, but…”

“But we can’t live like this forever, can we?”

“That’s true, but we can’t submit a petition, can we? There’s no one to replace Chief Park and the Grand Prince right now! If we’re not careful, we’ll be the ones to suffer!”

“That’s the problem…”

No matter how much they looked here and there, no clear answer emerged. In this situation, one official suggested.

“Shall we try telling the Crown Prince?”

“The Crown Prince?”

“If we submit a petition to His Majesty and something goes wrong, it could be a big problem, but wouldn’t it be alright if we confide in the Crown Prince?”


The surrounding officials all showed intrigued expressions.

Not the king, but the Crown Prince. And not a petition, but a personal appeal.

The officials, who had calculated this and that, muttered in unison.

“That sounds plausible.”


“Oh my…”

A few days later, Hyang, who had secretly met with the officials from the Office of Music and the Music Institute and heard their grievances, muttered with a troubled expression.

“I have listened well to your words. You must be going through a lot. I will think about it, so please return to your duties.”

“Understood. We will only trust in Your Highness.”

As the officials trudged away, Hyang muttered, still with a troubled expression.

“It’s a difficult problem…”

Hyang, who had heard the officials’ grievances, was just as perplexed. According to what he had learned in middle and high school in the 21st century, numerous popular songs, including Goryeo gayo (Goryeo songs), had disappeared intensively during the early Joseon period.

The factor that led to the disappearance of those popular songs was the judgment of the literati who founded Joseon that they were harmful to customs.

“Should I consider it fortunate that Anpyeong is obsessed with popular songs? No, His Majesty also doesn’t look down on the right bureau… The problem is that even His Majesty has a high hurdle when it comes to popular songs. He’s unexpectedly a conservative nobleman…”

Although Sejong was progressive enough to legally guarantee maternity leave and parental leave even for government slaves, he was quite conservative in some aspects.

This was due to a kind of inferiority complex that Sejong had.

-Although he was the legitimate son of the previous king, he was not the eldest legitimate son who became king.

-The reason he was able to become king was not only because of his outstanding scholarship and intelligence but also because his conduct was upright.

It was precisely because of the second point that Prince Yangnyeong was pushed aside and Sejong became the Crown Prince.

Therefore, Sejong had to adhere to Confucian moralism more than anyone else.

Hyang, who had vaguely grasped this situation, judged negatively regarding Sejong.

In the end, Hyang chose the method that came to his mind first.

“That’s right! The best way to solve this kind of problem is alcohol!”


A few days later, Hyang took Anpyeong and Park Yeon to a gisaeng house.

“The reason I have brought you here today is to express my gratitude. Thanks to your efforts, the organization of music is progressing smoothly. I am truly grateful.”

At Hyang’s flattery, Park Yeon and Anpyeong bowed their heads and replied.

“You praise us too much.”

Hyang raised his cup and announced the start of the banquet.

“Now! Let’s get thoroughly drunk today!”

As the wine cups circulated, the atmosphere gradually softened. Amid the singing and dancing of the gisaeng, which heightened the mood of the banquet, the laughter of Park Yeon and Anpyeong began to grow louder.


“Your Highness! Please have a drink.”

“Anpyeong, you have one too! Chief! Chief, have a drink too!”

As Hyang kept offering drinks to Anpyeong and Park Yeon, he was waiting for the right timing.

‘They’ve become appropriately soft. Then, slowly…’

“By the way, Chief.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Being in the palace, I hear many rumors. And I heard a rumor that you and Anpyeong are in discord. What happened?”

At Hyang’s words, the drunkenness disappeared from the faces of Park Yeon and Anpyeong. Seeing their expressions, Hyang began to coax them.

“Ah! I don’t mean to say anything. It’s just that I’m worried because I hear unfavorable rumors while you are doing work that His Majesty has high hopes for.”

“It’s because we have slightly differing opinions on music…”

“Differing opinions?”

As Hyang casually threw a question, Anpyeong immediately responded.

“It’s about the issue of recording popular songs.”

“Grand Prince!”

Park Yeon cried out in surprise, but Anpyeong didn’t back down either.

“Chief! Isn’t this the perfect opportunity? Let’s settle it here and now!”

Just as the third round of ‘Anpyeong VS Park Yeon’ was about to unfold, a new guest was entering the room separated from Hyang’s party by a small corridor.

“The Crown Prince suddenly visiting a gisaeng house, I wonder what’s going on. Shall we listen in?”

The person who entered the room was Sejong.

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