Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Hyang, who had more or less figured out personal weapons, immediately delved into the area of supporting artillery.

Before a blank canvas, Hyang folded his arms and muttered to himself, “Given the level of craftsmanship, we could afford to be ambitious, but if others can’t keep up… We’ll have to stick with what’s achievable.”

Hyang opened a scroll he’d left aside and scanned the listings.

“Singijeon (fire arrow rocket launcher) and Hwacha (multiple rocket launcher)… They need developing too, but we need something that will certainly instill terror in the enemy.”

Hyang tapped his fingers on the listings of fire arrow rocket launchers and multiple rocket launchers, lost in thought.

Among the late Ming era weapons, these two types of weapons were the most renowned. Their practical wartime uses could not be overlooked. However, Hyang felt they were lacking in terms of cost-effectiveness.

“We must deliver tangible results before the year is out. After all, the councilors won’t stay idle due to budget concerns.”

Hyang, who had been pondering what the best option for supporting artillery would be, finally reached a conclusion.

“There’s really no other answer. The ‘sneak bombs 1’. Turtle ships for the sea, and the ‘sneak bombs’ for land. Clichéd as it may be…”

Hyang straightened his back.

“It’s the best for impact!”

Having decided on the ‘sneak bombs’, Hyang fell into another quandary.

“Will it turn out to be Mk.1 or Mk.22 in reality… or maybe Mk.2-1?”

The labels ‘Mk.1’, ‘Mk.2’, and ‘Mk.2-1’ that Hyang affixed were arbitrary distinctions depending on ‘how the sneak bombs would explode’.

Mk.1, Mk.2, and Mk.2-1 were things that troubled Hyang for a while, even in the 21st century.

Mk.1 was what we typically see in dramas. That is, when the gunpowder contained within explodes, the accompanying star-shaped iron and iron casing shatter and spread fragments in all directions, killing the enemy.

Mk.2 ignites from the inside, with the flame and star-shaped iron being sprayed through the hole where the gunpowder was inserted. Due to the placement of the hole, the ‘sneak bomb’’ rotates, spraying flames and star-shaped iron in all directions, inflicting casualties on the enemy.

The reason for the emergence of Mk.2 was the slow burning speed of black powder used by the Joseon. It was difficult to achieve instantaneous combustion at a high speed, surpassing the threshold in a flash, and shattering the projectile with explosive pressure, scattering fragments, star-shaped iron, and flames everywhere. Instead, the inserted gunpowder would be shot out through the hole blocked by the fuse after the fuse was ignited. When Hyang heard this argument, he was skeptical.

“Why? The ‘sneak bomb’ has two holes, doesn’t it? One to insert the fuse, and the other to load the gunpowder and filler. But why only from one place?”

Unable to find a clear solution to the question, Hyang simply retained a curious memory and forgot the fact.

Some time passed, and the actual ‘sneak bomb’ was excavated, and news of an exhibition came. Hyang, who had just quit his government job and was preparing for a forge, immediately visited the exhibition as the memory of the past came to mind.

Hyang, who visited the exhibition, walked in circles around the glass barrier protecting the unearthed ‘sneak bomb’, examining it in detail. After studying the said explosive’ for a while, Hyang stepped back.

“Solved one problem, and another one comes up?”

The problem Hyang had solved was the ‘iron lid’ issue. According to the records, it was supposed to be covered with ‘iron lid’ after the time fuse3 was installed.

“How did they secure it when I don’t see any special lock?”

Hyang’s question was answered upon viewing the real thing. The lid of the real ‘sneak bomb’ was squared, and in the center, there were holes for the round ‘time fuse’. And in the squared carved part, the answer lay.

The carved part appeared square but was actually rectangular. And a thick groove was carved lengthwise into the wall. In other words, after placing the ‘iron lid’, if it was rotated 90 degrees, the ‘iron lid’ would fit into the groove, securing it. In this way, one problem was solved, but another problem arose. The hole to load the gunpowder and the ‘ironstone (siderite)4’ was smaller than expected.

The triangular ‘ironstones’ depicted in various restorations was considerably large. The CG shown at the exhibition solved the issue by putting in ‘ironstones’ before hammering in the ‘time fuse’, and loading only gunpowder through the hole on the side.

“Wouldn’t that scatter the fragments unevenly? That’s something…”

To solve such a question, Hyang searched the Internet diligently. And, a video he saw on the Internet raised more questions.

It was the appearance of the Mk.2-1. The video was from the early 2000s, aired on a television station.

A professor from a naval research institution appeared in it. There, the triangular ‘ironstones’ and gunpowder were put into the ‘time fuse’ entrance, the ‘time fuse piece’ was hammered in, and then the ‘iron lid’ was covered. After covering the ‘iron lid’, a lead sheet was inserted into the gap between the sneak bomb’s body and the ‘iron lid’, and hammered in to secure the lid.

In the subsequent firepower test, the ‘sneak bombs’ poured out fragments from the ‘iron lid’ part and was completely emptied. The nearly undamaged body of the completely empty ‘sneak bombs’ were seen.

In the end, Hyang, who failed to resolve the lingering questions, decided to solve them on his own, and the result was the furnace behind his cousin’s smithy.

Recalling the turbulent memories of the 21st century, Hyang, who was debating whether to choose Mk.1, Mk.2, or Mk.2-1, fiercely shook his head and grabbed the pen.

“Why should I worry about that? Since I decided to make it! I’ll go with Mk.21! The 21st century version!”

Hyang’s choice was to maximize productivity and lethality.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Observing the ministers debating about the origin, Choi Hae-san opened his mouth.

“This ‘sneak bomb’’ is a device that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has personally planned and designed.”

Upon Choi Hae-san’s explanation, the eyes of King Sejong and the ministers focused on Hyang.

When all eyes were on him, Hyang spoke confidently, “Your Majesty will surely not be disappointed.”

At Hyang’s words, Sejong accepted them with a proud expression. “You have never disappointed this father of yours so far. General, proceed.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. First, if you look at the structure of the sneak bomb, it is filled with gunpowder inside the shell. When the fuse is lit, it explodes. On the outside, it looks very simple, but there is a very ingenious trick hidden within.”

“An ingenious trick?”

“You can adjust the explosion time.”

Choi Hae-san explained about the use of the sneak bomb.

“You wind the fuse around a piece of wood, insert it into a cartridge, and insert it into the sneak bomb and seal the lid. Then, you fill it with gunpowder through a hole on the side and block the hole. After that, you put it in a cartridge filled with gunpowder and launch it. It then flies 300 paces (about 360m) to 500 paces (about 600m) and explodes.”

At Choi Hae-san’s explanation, King Sejong opened his mouth, “Do you adjust the time by winding the fuse around the wood?”

“That is correct, Your Majesty.”

“What about its power?”

“I will show you now. Execute!”

At Choi Hae-san’s command, soldiers came into the demonstration area with a large cannon and the sneak bomb. The soldiers who stopped in front of Sejong laid down all the things they had brought and saluted.


The saluting soldiers moved the cannon and the sneak bomb to the middle of the demonstration area. The muzzle of the cannon was aimed at a vacant lot about 100 yards (approximately 330m) away in Mount Mokmyeok. There, straw dummies clad in red and blue targets, stone armor, leather armor, friction armor, and other things, were densely set up.

The soldiers who installed the cannon prepared the sneak bomb. They inserted a cartridge containing wood and then tightly sealed the lid by rotating a specialized tool. Similarly, they filled the hole on the side with gunpowder and sealed it using the same tool.

The soldiers who had finished preparing the sneak bomb inserted it into the cannon. Afterwards, the soldiers pulled back the firing lever attached to the back of the cannon, fitted the fuse, pulled the cord attached to the firing lever, and hid behind the protection wall made at the back.

“Your Majesty should also take cover for a moment. It’s to prevent any unforeseen danger.”

“I understand.”

At Choi Hae-san’s words, King Sejong and the ministers hid their bodies behind the protection wall set up in front of the podium. As soon as Sejong was safely hidden, the military officer standing next to Choi Hae-san vigorously waved a red flag.

“Fire! Fire! Fire!”

Boom! Whoosh! Crash!

As the hidden soldiers pulled the cord, the cannon fired the sneak bomb. The sneak bombs, which fell on the vacant lot after crossing the sky with a whistle-like flight sound, exploded soon with a huge noise.”


Sejong let out a small groan with the shock wave that came along with the blast.

“Your Majesty! What’s the matter!”

Hwang Hee, who was standing right next to Sejong, asked urgently upon hearing his groan.

Sejong waved his hand in response to Hwang Hee’s question.

“It’s nothing. I just got a bit surprised.”

“Your Majesty, you may rise.”


Hyang mumbled to himself as he watched Sejong strain to stand up, using his thighs for support.

“He really should lose some weight… Should we reduce his meals?”

He muttered in a small voice, but Sejong, having heard him, shouted angrily at Hyang, “You brat! Are you planning to starve your father?!”

“N-no, Your Majesty! Please look at the target!”

In his hurry to change the subject, Sejong muttered his displeasure and turned his head away.


Sejong and the ministers, who turned their heads to look at the target, were unable to close their mouths in surprise.

Even from a distance, the targets and straw men that had been set up around the field were a complete mess.

“Shall we go closer to see?”

“Let’s do that!”

With his curiosity piqued, Sejong was the first to stride forward.

“Good heavens…”

“This is the power of a single sneak bomb….”

The ministers, who arrived where the straw men were, could not hide their astonishment.

There was not a single straw man left standing upright. The posts that held up the targets had been blown away with the targets, and the straw men dressed in armor were scattered everywhere.

Sejong and the ministers examined the fallen targets and straw men.

“If these had been real people… I shudder to think.

“If these had been real people… it would have been hell.”

Seeing the targets and the armor full of holes, the ministers shook their heads.

As they said, if this had been used against people in armor, it would certainly have been a terrifying sight, even in a dream.

“If there were any survivors in this situation, would it be merciful to kill them?”

Sejong muttered under his breath, looking at the target he held in his hand, which had a hole big enough for a fist.

Not all ministers reacted negatively. Jo Mal-saeng, who was in charge of the army, completely lost his composure.

“Your Highness! Crown Prince! Can this sneak bomb be mass-produced immediately? No, please say it’s possible!”

“Well, with a little effort….”

At Hyang’s answer, Jo Mal-saeng prostrated himself in front of Sejong.

“Your Majesty! We must immediately start mass-producing this sneak bomb! Both the long-ranged cannons and rifles are impressive weapons, but compared to this sneak bomb, they are nothing! If we can mass-produce this weapon, we can solve the problem with the Jurchens right away! Not just the Jurchens! We can perfectly subjugate that detestable island of Tsushima! No, not just Tsushima, we can also conquer the mainland of those Japanese pirates!”


“Your Majesty! We must mass-produce this!”


At Jo Mal-saeng’s persistent plea, Sejong’s face softened. However, Sejong decided to take a moment’s pause.

“We’ve confirmed its power, let’s take a closer look before making a decision. This could be a burden on Joseon’s resources, after all.”

“Your Majesty! If the resources are lacking, we can gather more! If we are short of copper, we shall comb every kitchen and backyard throughout Joseon! If we lack mercury, we’ll get it, even if it means engaging in wheat trade! If charcoal is insufficient, we’ll cut down every tree in Joseon if we must! We absolutely must produce in large quantities!”

Jo Mal-saeng appeared ready to grab King Sejong’s legs and plead. That’s when Hwang Hee interrupted.

“Your Excellency! Didn’t you hear His Majesty’s words! He said to listen to further explanations and discuss! Why are you in such a rush! Get up, this is disgraceful!”


Chided by Hwang Hee, Jo Mal-saeng stood up and looked at King Sejong. Seeing Jo Mal-saeng’s desperate expression, Hyang mumbled to himself.

‘Why am I reminded of that cat from the movie?’

“Explain why this sneak bomb displays such power.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

At Sejong’s command, Choi Hae-san began his explanation.

-The shell of the fire bomb is made as thin as possible. It can withstand the shock of launch and impact, but not the internal explosion, for which the strength and thickness are adjusted accordingly.

-Inside the shell of the fire bomb, small iron shrapnels are embedded. These shrapnels increase the number of fragments, enhancing the lethality.

-The power of the gunpowder has been enhanced. Although it is not an explosive oil or smokeless gunpowder, the power has been maintained by skipping the process of mixing soil with black powder.

“Indeed, your hard work is visible.”

At Sejong’s assessment, Choi Hae-san bowed his head and replied, “The challenging part was adjusting the thickness of the shell. The rest was just following what the Crown Prince had already decided.”

There was a lot in Sejong’s gaze when he looked at Hyang after hearing Choi Hae-san’s answer. Then Sejong, who had been looking at Hyang, threw a question at Choi Hae-san:

“Just now, the Minister of Military Affairs requested mass production of this bomb. Is it possible?”

“If there is enough supply of gunpowder, I think it is possible.”

At Choi Hae-san’s answer, Hwang Hee cut in, stating, “General, is it really possible? Earlier, the Crown Prince said that the reason mass production of smokeless gunpowder was impossible was due to the shortage of craftsmen. From what I know, to mass-produce such a tremendous sneak bomb, we would need many skilled craftsmen. Won’t the same problem arise?”

At Hwang Hee’s point, Choi Hae-san nodded, “Your point is correct, my lord. However, the Crown Prince had considered that aspect when creating this sneak bomb.”

  1. Original name would translate as Flying Strike Sky-shaking Thunder. The explosive is made of casted iron, filled with gunpowder and iron shrapnels.


  2. They are grenades[↩]
  3. made of wood[↩]
  4. [↩]

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