Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Under King Sejong’s order, Hyang and Choi Hae-san guided Sejong and other ministers to a building prepared on the side.

In the largest room of the building, chairs were prepared, where Sejong and his ministers could sit comfortably.

Once all preparations were finished, Hyang stepped forward to start explaining in detail about the new style of armor.

“If we examine the armor used by our Joseon troops, typically we wear chainmail or lamellar armor most frequently. However, these armors take a lot of work to produce and maintain. Not only the armorers who need to constantly maintain them, but also the soldiers who serve their military duties all have to prepare their own armor, and thus their quality varies greatly.”


(Lamellar Armor)

At Hyang’s explanation, Sejong and his ministers all nodded. This was because complaints about the hardship of the people related to this issue and petitions requesting solutions often came up.

“Among the soldiers, due to financial difficulties, some wear paper armor or wooden patch armor, but it’s also a fact that their defense is inferior compared to the metal armor.”

(Paper armor)

(Wooden patch armor)

“That’s true.”

At Hyang’s explanation, Sejong nodded his head. Hyang pointed to the lamellar armor with a baton and continued, “This is the two-layered armor we started using anew since the reign of King Taejo. It’s reinforced by hammering iron lamellae (thin layer sheet) onto the back of the wooden patch armor made of cotton and pine. Judging by its defensive power alone, it can withstand an arrow shot from a distance of 50 steps. It is our strongest armor in terms of defense to date.”

At Hyang’s words, Sejong and his ministers all nodded. Even during the previous acquisition of Daema Island, the two-layered armor had demonstrated its supreme defensive power.

Hyang continued his speech, “However, this two-layered armor has several problems.”

Hyang pointed out the problems of the two-layered armor.

– First, it requires a lot of time and labor to produce. The iron lamellae that are fixed with two layers require that each piece is forged, and each one has to be hammered one by one.

– Cost is also a problem. Even if we ignore the cost of iron and cotton, the prices of silk used for the lining, the fabric (cuff) at the wrists, sides, collar, and the fur for the edging is not insignificant. Of course, there are many cases where it’s covered with cotton or silk, but to make it properly, you need to use rabbit fur, deer fur, or fox fur.

– Despite having the strongest defense, it also has many weaknesses. Not only the fabric (cuff) but also the front and sides are all open. If you’re under an arrow attack from a distance, unless you’re extremely unlucky, statistically, it’s not an issue. However, in hand-to-hand combat, this becomes a problem. To prevent this, additional protective gear like armpit covers or groin covers need to be worn. Even so, the problem of the front being unguarded remains.

– It’s hard to endure wearing it for a long time. This is because the shape of the armor takes the form of a robe. Because all the weight of the armor is supported by the shoulders, fatigue easily sets in.

“To solve the aforementioned problems, the new armor has been restructured as follows.”

– The iron scales inside the face armor have been replaced by a single iron plate. Both the front and the back, two iron plates secured the upper body’s defense.

– Issues with front and side defense have been resolved. Because there is only one iron plate, the front problem has been solved, and the flank issue was resolved by overlapping the front and back plates by half a chi (chi is an old Korean unit of length that is approximately 30.3 cm). The armpit problem was resolved by attaching a circular piece of iron to the protective part covering the shoulders and arms.

– The armor was divided into two parts, called upper armor and breastplate. By doing so, all the weight of the armor was not supported by the shoulders but was distributed across the entire body, making it less tiring even when worn for an extended period.

– The protective capacity has also been enhanced by adding newly structured armor plates to the shin area, elbows, and thighs.

“This armor was created in that way.”

Hyang ended his words, pointing at the armor hung on the last hanger.



After Hyang’s explanation, Sejong and the ministers closely inspected the problematic armor. Sejong, who was scrutinizing the armor, asked Hyang a question, “Compared to the existing helmet armor, how much has the weight increased?”

“It has increased by 8 geun (about 4.8 kg). The weight increased due to the addition of protection for the elbows, thighs, and shins.”

“That’s all it increased?”

As Sejong made a suspicious expression, Hyang immediately explained, “First of all, the number of helmets dramatically decreased, and instead of covering the iron plates with cotton face armor, it was replaced with cotton cloth.”

Upon Hyang’s report, Sejong stroked his beard and made a calculation, “So, the added weight is a total of 10 geun.

“Those who will wear these armors?”

“Those who wear the full body armor are horsemen and swordsmen, and the remodeled upper armor will be used by the commanding officers and gunners. The helmets will be used in common by all troops.”

“What do those who’ve tried this on say?”

“They say that although the weight has increased a little, it is surprisingly bearable as the weight is distributed throughout the body. In addition, because more parts are covered by the iron armor, they feel more secure and their fear significantly reduces.”

At Hyang’s answer, Sejong stroked his beard. “That part would only be known after experiencing a real battle. I would like to look at the structure of this armor in more detail.”

“I’ve already prepared for it.”

At Hyang’s signal, the soldiers came in carrying a large tray. On the tray were iron armors, with their cotton covers removed, neatly placed.

“Hmm… the shape of the iron armors is truly unique.”

Sejong’s eyes sparkled as he examined the shapes of the breastplate, backplate, and other plates of metal. Hyang smiled inwardly at Sejong’s reaction.

‘I must admit, even I was surprised at what I had created!’

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When Hyang first checked the prototype of the new type of armor, he had frowned slightly.

‘What in the world? This grotesque hybrid?’

The armor designed by Hyang was a blend of Western full plate mail and Joseon’s traditional studded armor.

(Studded Armor)

Another example is kinda like this, as worn by Lee Sun-shin in that KR movie.

In his research on the issue of armor, Hyang was at a crossroads. The full plate mail had slightly superior defensive capabilities, while the studded armor led in terms of mobility.

“Hmm. What to do with this? Should I just skip the armor part?”

But Hyang couldn’t just skip the armor part. There was the issue of the swordsmen, who were to bear the brunt of the infantry battle.

“This is troubling….”

The main factors that eventually led Hyang to decide to improve the armor were the maintenance problems of the chainmail and lamellar armor and the production cost of studded armor. The cost to properly manufacture studded armor was 16 seok and 10 du for the armor, and 4 seok and 5 du for the helmet.

“Why is this so expensive!”

Hyang looked into the reason for the unexpectedly high price. He discovered that although the material costs were significant, labor costs were also substantial.

In the end, Hyang made a decision.

“Let’s just change it! Cut down all the costs we can, including material and labor costs!”

To achieve this goal, Hyang adopted the design of full plate mail.

As Sejong was discussing his impressions of the new armor, Hwang Hee, who had been carefully observing the armor, asked Hyang a question, “Your Highness, the Crown Prince.”


“From what I see, it appears that everything from the helmet to the armor’s metal plates were all made from a single sheet of iron. Is that correct?”

“That’s correct.”

“If so, does that mean the craftsmen hammered out these plates one by one? Wouldn’t that require a lot of labor? That could lead to cost issues.”

At Hwang Hee’s remark, Hyang nodded. “You’re absolutely right. I had the same concern, so….,” and paused for a moment, before looking at Hwang Hee, smiled, and continued, “We made it by stamping (it).”

‘The start of mass production is the press!’

This was the reason why Hyang had to borrow the design of the full plate mail.

Sejong questioned Hyang with a stern expression.

“You said the new armor was for the cavalry and swordsmen. But as far as I know, there isn’t a corps of swordsmen. Did you create a new corps?”

“Yes, I have. I’ve integrated the existing shielded infantrymen (paengbaesu), spearmen, and long swordsmen.”


“If we consider the performance of the newly made cannon and rifle, our Joseon army will operate primarily around these two weapons, and cavalry in the future. If so, cultivating shielded infantrymen, spearmen, and long swordsmen separately would be a burden on the budget. Therefore….”

“You’ve integrated these corps into one, right?”

“That’s right.”

At Hyang’s answer, Sejong immediately pointed out a potential issue. “Your point seems valid at first glance. However, battlefield situations can change in an instant. Relying solely on swordsmen could prove difficult. If the firepower of the rifles and cannons is insufficient to suppress the enemy, and they break through the defense line of the swordsmen, what will you do?”

At Sejong’s remark, Hyang nodded, “I am aware of that. That’s why I’ve prepared a number for the long rifles. The long rifles can also be used as a spear. And I am currently devising and teaching spear techniques using long rifles to our current riflemen.”

“Using long rifles as a spear? Hmm….”

Upon hearing Hyang’s explanation, Sejong contemplated the possibility, recalling his own memory. The length of the long-barrel rifles he had seen at the demonstration site was considerable.

‘Attach a spearhead to that? Hmm… perhaps….’

Sejong, who was contemplating various possibilities, nodded. “It seems there is a possibility. However, I’ll postpone adjusting all the formations of the Joseon military according to your opinion. I believe it’s not too late to make a decision after confirming the results in the field.”

Upon hearing King Sejong’s decision, Hyang bowed his head in acceptance. “I will follow your decision, Your Majesty.”

The demonstration of the new weapons created through the collaborative efforts of Hyang, Choi Hae-san, Lee Chun, and the researchers and artisans from the research institute had ended. King Sejong and his ministers began preparing for a thorough review of the accounts.

“But it’s a little tiresome.”

Having watched the demonstration from early morning, a weary King Sejong felt hungry and turned to look at his ministers. “How about returning to the palace for a while to eat some lunch?”

Upon hearing King Sejong’s words, Hyang interjected, “Your Majesty, would you like to try the rations prepared for the soldiers?”

“Rations? Are they tasty?” King Sejong showed curiosity at Hyang’s suggestion.

However, upon hearing Sejong’s question about the taste, Hyang shook his head slightly, “The rations are the food that soldiers eat when they cannot cook rice on the battlefield. I can’t brag about its taste.”

‘It’s not that famous French military (Meal, Ready-to-Eat) MRE!’

“Hmm… what should I do….” While stroking his beard and pondering for a moment, King Sejong soon made a decision, “Alright, let’s try it. How can we understand the soldiers’ hardship without trying the rations? Ministers, let’s eat together.”

“We humbly accept your order.”

The ministers replied with a nervous tone, as they had to eat a meal even the king himself was not confident in the taste of.

Soon after, the soldiers brought in a pot with steaming hot rice. Following them, other soldiers brought in bowls filled with white kimchi and empty bowls. The soldiers, who had cleared the armor parts and placed the pots and kimchi on the empty table, took their seats behind.

“Your Majesty, please try it.”

“Hmm? Uh-huh. Let’s do that.”

As King Sejong stood in front of the table, a soldier politely served a bowl of thick porridge scooped out from the pot. Sejong seemed to enjoy the taste, as he finished a bowl of porridge cleanly. 

Handing the empty bowl to a court lady, Sejong continued to question Hyang, “Do soldiers eat the same amount per meal?”

“Yes, they do.”

“It’s porridge, not rice. How long can they endure?”

“They can last at least until the next meal. It’s not just barley and rice, but it also contains a good amount of meat.”

King Sejong nodded at Hyang’s words while continually asking questions to identify any potential issues. “Making porridge requires a lot of water. But, securing drinking water can be the biggest difficulty during a war. What’s the solution for this?”

“We’ve made a prototype for purification when it’s difficult to find clean drinking water.”

“A prototype for purification? Let’s see it.”

“I’ll guide you.”

Hyang led King Sejong to a spot outside the building. There, a wooden frame about the height of a man’s calf (about 90 cm) was placed on a wooden stand, and a square rice cake mold was stacked layer by layer.

“This is a water purifier.”

“How does it work?”

“We start from the bottom, stacking charcoal or firewood, and sand layer by layer, each about 3 chi (approximately 10 cm) thick, and at the very top, we place gravel to a thickness of 2 chi (approximately 7 cm).”

After giving his explanation, Hyang gestured to the soldiers standing by. Upon receiving his signal, the soldiers filled a large vat with water and dirt to create muddy water, then poured it over the area where the gravel was laid.

Shortly afterwards, clear water began to trickle out from a metal pipe embedded in the barrel at the very bottom. Hyang, who collected some of the water with a cup, handed it to King Sejong.

“It’s clear water indeed.”

“We’ve filtered out the visible sediments, but there might be invisible impurities left, so it’s best to boil it once before drinking.”

“Hmm… With this device, we can somewhat counteract the enemy’s guerrilla warfare at night.”

Guerrilla warfare at night was a tactic most commonly encountered when suppressing the Jurchen tribes beyond the national borders. When the Joseon army advanced, the Jurchen tribes often spoiled the water sources by throwing dead animals into the wells or blocking them with rocks. Because of this, suppressing the Jurchen tribes was not an easy task and took a considerable amount of time.

Most military officers at the Joseon army headquarters or training institutions who had combat experience against the Jurchens pointed out this issue, and as a countermeasure, Hyang made this makeshift water purifier.

“Hmm…” King Sejong, who had been inspecting the water purifier while listening to Hyang’s explanation, turned his head to look at his ministers. “When there’s a drought or flood, the most difficult thing for the people is securing drinking water… Doesn’t this seem like it could solve that problem? It’s easy to make, doesn’t require a lot of resources, and its performance is quite impressive.”

Upon hearing King Sejong’s words, the ministers, who had been contemplating, all nodded their heads in agreement.

“Truly a wise judgement!”

“When the people face water shortages due to drought or flood, this will indeed be the best solution!”

There was not a single minister who opposed it.

During a drought, people would dig wells to find drinking water. However, they couldn’t drink the water as soon as it came up from a freshly dug well because it was muddy. The people had to endure their thirst until the well’s mud settled.

The same was true during floods. Not only the streams and rivers but also the wells were turned to mud, so even when water was overflowing, the people had to suffer from thirst. If the people who couldn’t resist their thirst drank such muddy water, they would immediately fall ill, and this often served as a breeding ground for epidemics.

When even the ministers agreed, King Sejong ordered Hyang, “Make a document related to this purifier so that it can be spread across the country. It will be distributed to all the administrative offices nationwide.”

“Your orders are received!”

“And for the ration, it seems fine even in the old preservation method. Once it’s confirmed that it can be stored for a long time, look for ways to produce it in large quantities.”

“We will follow your command.”

“The ration, it tastes better than I thought. It would be good as a snack in the palace when hungry.”

“Thank you very much!”

‘He finds the salty ration tasty? Good heavens! Could it be that His Majesty has a soldier’s palate?’

The amount of types of armor mentioned in this chapter gives me headaches 🥴

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