Blacksmith of the Apocalypse

Chapter 950. Why don’t we try right away?

---Minas Mar---

“Are you really going back to the workshop now?” Fin asked, lying in the bed beside him-

“You have been staying longer, lately,” Mina commented from the other side. Seth nodded with a smile.

“I’m sorry, but work has been fun lately and I keep forgetting the time,” the blacksmith answered with an apologetic smile. He was being honest, it all started when he got his hands on the collection of enchantments from Arget Nore.

Apart from the basics such as master-tier Mana Gathering circuits and Attribute strengthening, he had also asked for those related to Necromancy and Dark Magic, the specialty of Arget Nore. Although the nation of undead was a little stingy and only gave the basics, it was good enough as a foundation of knowledge for Seth.

Like with the principle Al’Zalsar taught him for her vessel, he was convinced to be able to further refine it with his own skills, once he fully understood it. Three days ago he started studying, testing, and modifying the enchantments in an attempt to create an integrated magic circuit tailormade for a set of full plate armor made of <Enriched Necron>.

If Haa’Skon’s abilities proved something, then that the inherent properties of <Enriched Necron> were far above what the material description and flavor text led to believe. The death attribute was quite rare, so rare that the only other time Seth came across it was when he made the holy weapon for Lydia. <Enriched Necron> however, overflowed with an aura of death, which could be a danger to the wearer.

And three days ago, when he thought of making the integrated circuit, he was hit by a realization. To channelize and harmonize inherent power in a positive way was something Seth had only touched upon recently after he began learning about armor sets. And yet it was something that had had always been in front of his eyes, though he never realized.

The fire spirit gloves Tored had sent him a long time ago, the first legendary item he owned, worked on these principles. Many materials had their own inherent powers that usually led to passive effects of items, such as improved elemental affinity, a trait, or higher power of magic in some cases.

Only after studying the master-tier enchantments, especially those based on necromancy, Seth’s culminated knowledge was finally at the point that he could try to understand Tored’s work. He had at least an inkling of how the dwarven master enchanted the Salamander Leather, to enable options like unlocking the usage of magic without the need to own the skill.

The true realm of a master was not just to understand and harmonize the properties of the material but to customize enchantments based on these properties, too. His approach to using the material's properties to strengthen an ordinary enchantment or choosing the enchantments to fit the material was only the beginning.

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Adapting the enchantments he used was simply the next logical step. Originally, he had asked for the circuits of necromancy and dark magic to directly use them on the <Enriched Necron>, but when he was planning the armor set, this realization had hit him.

For the past three days, he had been thoroughly re-examining the <Enriched Necron> and its properties in detail, to attempt and modify the master-tier enchantments. As if this was not already complicated enough, Seth also changed to armor design to accost the enchantments, as well as create the right spaces for demonic etchings.

After three days, the final design of the armor ended up not being a set full plate, like the Necronite armor used to be. Instead, it was a set of gauntlets, cuirass, and armored boots, missing leg guards, or pauldrons.

The reason for this was what happened on the evening of the second day...


Neeco was working late. He had finished the prototype fabric and was just occupied with putting the last touches on the test garment he made of it when the door to his workshop opened. Turning around, he saw the towering figure of the Tower Master in the door frame.

“Neeco, do you have some time?” the tower master asked, but not in a normal way, but like he was planning something.

“Seth? Err, I’m almost finished with this and then I wanted to go to bed, but... Sure, what can I help you with?” the tailor spoke hesitatingly but ultimately decided to see what the blacksmith wanted.

“You see, I had this idea. You were able to spin the four elements into yarn and you are able to spin spells into yarn, couldn’t you also make a fabric from a different power then, like say death or darkness?” the bard asked in a soft persuading voice.

Neeco was stumped at the sudden question, however, it made him think. In theory, he was not restricted in what he could spin into a yarn, ever since he became the Tailor of Ivice. He had the experience of weaving magic from his class as a Spellweaver and the power to spin the elements of the sky from the Tailor of Ivice.

“In theory, I could do it, I think. I have no experience with those powers since I never learned a spell of that nature, but I could try,” the tailor asserted carefully.

“Good, good, why don’t we try right away? I have someone to introduce to you. This is Luf...”


Although it left Neeco sick and bedridden, the tailor had managed to spin Luf’s power of death into several meters of deadly yarn in his first attempt. This was great news, kind of. As long as Seth managed to bolster the tailor’s resistance and power, he would be able to make a fabric of similar nature to <Enriched Necron>.

This was the foundation for the new design, as the blacksmith planned to integrate the fabric of death into the design of the armor in the shape of a long gambeson that would improve movability and improve the overall image as a caster instead of a knight.

Of course, it would take time to get Neeco to the point where he could create this gambeson, but the initial thread he made was enough for Seth to infer the properties the gambeson would have and include it into the design and integrated circuit of the armor. Meaning he managed to finish the blueprint yesterday and could start today.

“Don’t worry, I already did all the planning. All that is left is execution. I will be home early, today” he promised as he was getting dressed.

“We should also be back early. Should we order something from Link tonight?“ Mina asked, also getting dressed. While Seth was occupied with crafting, Mina and Fin were recruited for PR Work, together with Bulko and Lyxiss.

Since Mike was currently on a different mission, the rest of Yulecat’s Fur were following the suggestion of Leana and Jane to work on their public image. The three beauties and the benevolent giant were going around Delta and helping people who were afraid of fighting to gain levels in the local dungeons.

“Great idea, I would love some of his Spicy Soup and Troll Steak,” Seth mentioned, his mouth watering at the thought. Troll may sound ugly and disgusting, and the being was, but the meat of the beast was tender and good for one’s health.

They kept talking about their plans in the evening, especially Fin who kept preaching a list of meals, like it was a wish list for Santa Claus, while they ate a simple breakfast. They split afterward, Seth going to his workshop in the basement of Minas Mar, and the girls teleported to the System Church in Delta.

Back in his cave, the blacksmith studied the blueprint once again before he started his work. Usually, Seth used the demonic ballad of damage reflection on most of his armor pieces, this time he had decided on a different one.

He had contacted Ember’s uncle/Grandfather, Dean Remington, and asked for advice since he never focused on necromancy-related works and didn’t know any as such. The dean went through the effort of sending him several collections of necromancy-related ballads and verses, as well as recommendations.

From these, he chose the songs and poems referring to Murmur, one of the mightiest demons excelling in Necromancy. He was a warlord with legions of undead, his mere presence could raise the fallen as his willing pawn. Not unlike Haa’Skon.

The song serving this lord of the undead had a guttural base and was less like words than any other demonic song before. Oz and Cerebro accompanied the roars that resembled the angry cry of an undead, while the song pictured the image of a battlefield in Sivri’s mind.

Finally, the blacksmith’s hammer, overflowing with magic power and covered in a small layer of pale blue flame, started striking the crystalline material, that was as black as tar.

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