Blacksmith of the Apocalypse

Chapter 960. Cuirass of Death

Seth had already decided on the soul for the core piece of the armor. He chose one of the souls he had further refined that combined a strong affinity with heavy armor and pugilism. It seemed like a good match for the cuirass.

After the short respite of forging the soul armament, he faced the consequences of his choices. The enchantment he prepared for the cuirass was the generic automaton core circuit of Hephaestus. An enchantment that was even more difficult than the master-tier circuits he had gotten from Arget Nore.

However, he had his reasons. If the cuirass had an ego, it could not only deny being worn by someone not approved by Seth, but it could also help Evee use the sacrificial formation. Although it was a lot of work, it was worth it. For the next hours, Seth was silently focused on his task of engraving the soul cuirass.

Until he was almost disrupted by the orb on the table vibrating. He glanced at it with hostility, not moving an inch. He made no attempt to take the call and simply waited for it to stop with sparks flying from his eyes. Only when it stopped, did he calmly continue.

By the time he made the last finishing touches, he had already forgotten about the call. At this point, it had already gotten late. As awesome as the master tier enchantments were, they also cost him a lot more time, if he didn’t want to make a mistake.

He could only look forward to leveling his master skills, in the hope that it would ease the pressure, later on. Although the growth came to a crawl after reaching the master tier, his skills still improved with every item. <Goldsmith> was over 30%, <Blacksmith> almost at the half way mark and <Enchantment> was around 75%.

After pondering for a moment he decided to end his day quickly after infusing the soul cuirass and finishing item.

<Ding! You have finished a relic-rated item! >

<Cuirass of Death

Relic, Ego

Death Set 1/X

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Phys. Def.:1675

Mag: Def:1750

1. Death Domination

2. +5 to <Heavy Armor>

3. +5 to <Pugilism>

4. +5 to all basic Knight-type Skills

5. +120% Damage with Weapons

6. +5000 Mana

7. Active Skill: Suicide

8. Active Skill: Sacrifice to Murmur

Set Effects: To be updated.

A cuirass that spells death for the wearer and his enemies. A diabolical piece of equipment from the hands of Master Smith, the first Master Enchanter, and Master Blacksmith of Urth.

Once rumors of the armor's power spread the item is guaranteed to become legendary.

Requirements: Acknowledgment of Cuirass of Death or Master Smith>

Well, the description was pretty much the same as the boots. At least this confirmed his suspicion that <Suicide> was a skill they shared because the death aura would only become useful once the integrated circuit was completed. Seth spent another moment on the setting of the golem ego before he ended his day of work.

The next day would be a challenge because he would start working in items that were partially made up of the fabric of death. Seth had deliberately planned to work on them last. The reason was because he was not confident in his skills.

His <Soul Infusion> was already lv. 8, but he was unsure whether he would be able to infuse the soul into fine fabric. Seth had kind of hoped it would level up when he was working on the other parts, however, he was not as lucky.

The blacksmith already had experience infusing a soul into a rough fabric, from when he made his Golden Fleece, but it was different back then because it was woven metal, which aligned with his class, like a chain mail. He also had experience with infusing souls into things that technically didn't align with his class, but those were possible because souls had a natural affinity with organic materials.

The problem was that the fabric of death was neither. It was a thread of spun energy, neither was it organic nor did it align with his best crafting skills. Still, the blacksmith did not shirk back from difficulty. How would he actually improve if he wasn’t taking the challenge?

Sure, his skill level did not go up, but Seth simply planned to slowly get used to working with the death fabric, before facing the end boss. He would collect experience with the headpiece and the gloves, before trying his hands on the garment of death.

Thinking of tomorrow, Seth cleaned the workshop. Before he was ready to leave someone knocked on his door from outside. Why would anybody come to his workshop this late? Opening the door, he was greeted by a mildly familiar face. It was one of Mary's secretaries.

“Tower Master, Lady Mary sent me to get you. Everyone is already waiting for you at the embassy,” he informed the bard.

“What? Why? I wasn't told there was a meeting...” Seth asked confused.

“We tried to call you...” the staff member said helplessly.

“Oh... I will be there in a hot minute.”


“Seth, it’s good to see you in good health,” Yu greeted him amicably and pulled him into a hearty hug. “Did you grow again? Your presence seems to have gotten stronger,” Yu commented after giving the blacksmith a good look. It was actually Master Mountain that had suddenly shown up at Minas Mar's embassy.

“You could say that, although it’s just a little,” the blacksmith answered with an awkward smile.

It had been more than ten days since their great announcement and the impact was surprising. Even though there had not yet been another chosen who came forward with some special material, the growth rate of Seth’s Power of Existence made a big leap.

Currently, he was earning roughly 200 points a day, which was equivalent to making two legendary items every day. Seth had not hesitated to invest his new wealth into raising his Level of Existence. Now, he had just managed to get enough points to raise it to level two.

To his dismay, the Level of Existence was even worse than normal levels. The needed Power of Existence grew exponentially. His first level, he was practically gifted because of his achievement in creating Luf, the second level was still manageable costing 3000 points. For level three he was facing the hurdle of a whopping 6000 points.

However, as Master Mountain had noticed, even one level was able to make a great impact, as raising the level raised the income, too. He had raised his level two days ago and since then he has seen a slight improvement in his income.

Whereas the daily points had fluctuated around 190-200 before, they were now fluctuating between 195-210. After everything he knew, the blacksmith was sure this would scale up as his income increased. If every level up increased his income by 5-10%, it was definitely the right choice to concentrate the points he gained on raising his level at first, instead of squandering it on experimenting with his new power.

“And how about you, Yu? Have you been well? You look a little disheveled,” Seth commented on the cultivator’s appearance. Usually, when the blacksmith saw him, the master’s appearance was pristine with not even one unsightly fold or smudge on his white robes. The Yu standing in front of him on the other hand, looked slightly travel-worn and his robes were a little out of order.

“Ah, I have been doing okay. My appearance is like this because I hurried here as fast as I could. I have something important you need to know,” the cultivator suddenly turned serious.

“Everyone is here, Master Mountain. We can begin the briefing,” Mary interrupted them. Pretty much every founding member and person who had something to say in Minas Mar had assembled in the meeting room. Leana had literally called every one, the only ones missing were Lydia and Mike.

Seth sat down beside Mina and Fin, who had returned from their PR work, while Mary gave Yu the position at the head of the table, so he could speak for everyone to hear.

“I hurried here to warn all of you of a great source of chaos that may soon come over this world. The Immortal Summit of the XiGuang Province where I live, recently came to a decision,”

“Immortal Summit? I’m already getting tired of pompous people calling themselves immortals...” Seth commented, prompting a chuckle from the old man. Still, his face quickly turned serious again.

“They are very pompous indeed, but their plans will have serious consequences. Urth will soon be flooded by the sects of the XiGuang Province”

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