Blackstone Code

Chapter 140:

Chapter 140:

At this moment, the few people sitting across from Lynch in the room had reached a decision. They would invest in this business but with some changes in the approach.

They would use a small amount of money, combined with other valuable assets to exchange for shares in this business.

In reality, this was also the process of forming a consortium. Some businessmen with common interests would form closer alliances with each other, eventually forming a very complex network of interests centered around a core company or individual. It would ultimately evolve into a consortium that people admired greatly yet also envied and hated.

In fact, when these people mentioned "discussing" the matter, Lynch knew that the deal was basically settled. He casually flicked his cigarette, watching as a substantial clump of ash descended to the ground, dispersing into fragments. Inevitably, some might drift beneath his foot, destined to be crushed and reduced to dust, ultimately amounting to nothing more than a mere speck.

After taking a final drag, he stubbed out his cigarette and stood up. The others across from him also followed suit, exchanging handshakes with him before exiting the room.

Standing outside the hotel door, Lynch reached for his cigarette once again. He bowed his head slightly, clasping his hands together as the flame momentarily illuminated his face before swiftly extinguishing, leaving only a faint glimmer of embers.

From the beginning, he understood that this business wouldn't last long.

The peak period of second-hand goods trading often occurred during the early stages of economic development and the initial stages of economic decline. During these times, there was a vigorous demand for material goods in society, but people's economic capabilities could not satisfy their material needs. Hence, the second-hand goods market boomed like never before.

But it wouldn't last too long. Once people accumulated enough funds or no longer had disposable wealth, the second-hand goods market would begin to shrink.

Currently, everyone seemed to still have plenty of money, but this situation would soon disappear. As more and more people became unemployed, when they could no longer afford even cheap second-hand goods, the market for auction profits would rapidly decrease, potentially leading to losses with its incentive system.

However, that didn't matter because before that happened, he would have already accumulated his own assets. These people were likely to lower the price of the Interstellar Trading Company, but Lynch wouldn't let them succeed.

In business operations, the simplest way to prove that the actual value of a commodity could exceed the price set by people was to introduce competitors who could raise the price, just like bidders at an auction.

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If there was only one person, the commodity might truly be worthless. But as long as there was competition, the actual value of the commodity would quickly be revealed, and there may even be a premium.

After finishing the cigarette outside the hotel, Lynch returned to the third floor of the hotel. The people attending the celebration were still reveling.

Richard had already gathered a group of girls, even hiring a band and singers, all female, dressed in barely-there outfits, to entertain them.

With fewer job opportunities in society, especially for female workers, Richard took care of them as much as possible, deeply influenced by Lynch in this regard.

As the boss, Lynch wouldn't stay here for too long, but he wouldn't stay away either. He had to leave a deep impression on this group of people, even during their unrestrained revelry. He was their boss after all.

Richard once again received today's "champion" title. When he saw Lynch, he let go of the two girls beside him whom he was chatting with and approached Lynch with a pilgrim-like expression, bending over to pour some wine for Lynch, who was sitting on the sofa.

Then he turned around, raised his glass, and tapped it with a spoon.

The crisp tapping sound instantly pierced through the band's sultry melody, also momentarily jolting the revelers into a state of sobriety.

The band quickly stopped playing, and everyone's attention turned to Richard. His face flushed with excitement as he felt his life was at its peak!

He raised his head slightly, lifted the glass high, and loudly exclaimed, "To Lynch!"

The young men, including the girls, raised their glasses in response. Lynch, sitting in the middle of the crowd, watched with a smile. He raised his glass slightly in acknowledgment and took a sip.

After finishing the drink, Richard threw the glass against the wall, shattering it into glass shards. "Keep playing, keep reveling!"

His actions were effortlessly stylish, prompting many to emulate him. People started tossing their glasses against the wall, reveling in the satisfying crash of breaking glass. It appeared that this act evoked a feeling of exhilarating freedom.

Only then did Richard sit next to Lynch on the sofa. He shook his head and said, "Boss, do you feel like we're in heaven?"

Lynch took a sip from his glass, smiling sarcastically. "This place?"

"I have to say, Richard, your expectations are really low. In my opinion, this place is like a cesspool in the countryside, with a bunch of maggots wriggling in the filth."

"Our stage is not in Sabin City, this small town. We need to go to the capital, rent out the Imperial Hotel on the busiest Imperial Avenue, and then have those female stars crawling on the ground like little cats and dogs, shaking their butts for you."

"Here?" He chuckled but didn't say more. However, his tone and attitude conveyed to Richard that he was not impressed at all.

Richard swallowed, imagining the scenes Lynch described. The thought of those female stars, who only appeared on the big screen and TV, behaving subserviently in front of him aroused a surge of excitement in him.

His face quickly flushed, becoming more excited. "Will you take me there, Boss?"

Lynch nodded. "Of course, you are my most valued partner. I will take you with me."

He wasn't lying. Since coming into this world, no one had been able to meet Lynch's requirements for the position of "business manager" more than Richard.

Richard was intelligent, that much was beyond doubt. But there were many intelligent people. The rare ones were those who were intelligent yet also with no sense of morality, justice, and shame.

Lynch believed that if he said his shoes were dirty, Richard would immediately kneel down and use his cuffs to clean them, despite the shoes already being impeccably clean and capable of reflecting shadows.

He was a shameless person, a scary one, but also a good one.

Not far away, a figure who was incongruous with the surroundings, was calmly observing everything. His gaze was fixed on Richard and Lynch, then shifted to the somewhat uneasy Wood beside him. "Your relationship with Lynch isn't close enough yet. You need to do better. This is my last time joining the operation. From now on, you're on your own."

"Remember, don't let money, alcohol, and women cloud your judgment. When faced with temptation, remember the responsibility on your shoulders..."

Facing the admonition from his superior, Wood felt ashamed. What made him even more ashamed was that his superior even talked about revelry.

"Young people nowadays are really wild. You're a good kid, and I know your inner turmoil must be great, but this is the test that our lord has given you."

"Go join them, don't make yourself look different from them. Only then can you completely blend in with them, be accepted by them, and find evidence to completely destroy these people!"

"I'm leaving now. Remember, whenever you're confused, ask your heart what you really need, what you want to do for this world, this society!"

The departure of the middle-aged man was unexpected to Lynch, but he didn't react much. Some people, like Richard, would do anything for wealth, but there were also those who would adhere to their principles.

He admired those who persevered, but he wouldn't emulate them. If happiness was attainable, why choose suffering? Was it just to prove that he was different from others?

After having a brief chat with Richard, he also chose to leave. He was young too, but he was also their boss. Didn't the revelry of these people decrease a level since he arrived?

Moreover, as a superior, he must maintain his dignity in front of subordinates. The idea of ​​completely blending with the lower ranks was always nonsense spoken by those who failed and had to rely on instilling their past successful ways of life into others.

Real leaders never blend in with subordinates!

The next day, Lynch registered several more companies. Thanks to the streamlined process by the Social Services Bureau, it allowed him to complete this task in just one morning.

In the afternoon, he continued to entrust the law firm to register companies for him in other cities and also went out to the streets.

Some said that to truly feel the atmosphere of an era, the best way was to wander around the city center and slums, feeling the states and lifestyles of the wealthiest and poorest groups in society, to understand the current situation of society.

Lynch could already feel the atmosphere that only slums could provide without even going there. At the driver's suggestion, he gave up on going to the lower-income areas, which had reportedly become a haven for crime. Even mounted police and patrol officers refused to enter the lower-income areas when they lacked the sufficient manpower, especially when it came to enforcing laws in the slums.

The situation was quite dire. Yet, amidst such a dire situation, Lynch had to have dinner with the mayor in the evening.

In an elegant environment, the luxurious furnishings and decorations immediately demonstrated the role of money here. Just outside a few walls, the whole world was filled with despair, but here, even the air was sweet.Please vote for this novel at /series/blackstone-code/There are advance chapters available nowAccess will be granted 24 hours after the donationTier 1: 7 Advance chapters Link


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