Blackstone Code

Chapter 147:

Chapter 147:

In this world, there was also a movie that could make a profit before it was even filmed.

It was a movie about a minority group in the Baylor Federation changing their racial status through hard work and achieving happiness. In this movie, each member of that minority group displayed remarkable diligence, resilience, and a fearless attitude towards life's challenges. Ultimately, under the leadership of the protagonist, this group earned widespread acclaim and validation from society.

However, this kind of movie itself didn't have replicability. It was able to make money before the production even started, largely due to the majority of minority actors volunteering their time and the substantial contributions from minority capitalists who donated and sponsored the project.

Of course, these minority members were only a very small part of the whole society. The ones who truly controled this country were still Baylorians.

But it was still understandable as to why some minority members had money. Being able to afford a ticket from all over the world to the Baylor Federation when the mode of transportation in this world was not yet well-developed was something that ordinary families could not afford. Not to mention, those people not only brought their families but also their servants here.

As for the poor members of the minority in the movie, it may just be a narrative device; what they lacked was not money but political power.

The Baylor Federation actually appreciated the contributions of these people. It was precisely because of them that the Federation's economic development had been so rapid in recent years.

Yet, the movie Fox Junior aimed to produce didn't delve into religious or racial themes. So, how could he begin generating revenue before even commencing filming?

"It's actually quite simple..." Lynch was feeling great. He had just shared a drink with the mayor over dinner and was now enjoying another here. Plus, his rapport with Mr. Fox and his son was excellent, leaving him feeling quite at ease.

Wine was a magical thing. It was magical to the point that no matter how nervous a person was, as soon as they took a sip, they would become incredibly relaxed, including prisoners who were about to be executed.

Given a drink before their execution, they would even jest with the guards, quipping, "Just zap me quick with the electricity. I'll be lying in the coffin for the memorial service. Wouldn't want the whole church smelling like a barbecue. They're not there for a buffet, you know."

Lynch sat back on the sofa, holding his wine glass. "Let's talk about the first way to make money..." He looked at Fox Junior. "After watching a decent adult-level movie in the cinema, would you want to see more content related to the female lead?"

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The general content of the movie Fox Junior wanted to shoot was about a scantily clad female lead, tomato sauce, and aliens, a lively plot, at least according to James.

Mr. Fox's lips curled slightly, whereas Fox Junior nodded a bit embarrassedly. However, it was normal for one to fantasize about the female lead or female stars in a movie.

As Lynch took another sip of wine, the alcohol heightened his mood slightly. "If you were to hear that the female lead of this movie will shoot some straightforward, adult-themed scenes shortly after, would you be interested?"

Both Mr. Fox and his son were taken aback for a moment, and then they both nodded. Mr. Fox even asked, "Will we be shooting it ourselves?"

Lynch was also amused. "What? You want to play a role in it?"

Face instantly turning red, Mr. Fox quickly shook his head repeatedly. "No, no. I'm just curious. I don't know if we would make this type of movie."

Lynch shook his head. "Of course, we won't be filming it ourselves. We'll be hosting an audition, selecting a beautiful girl with a good figure, and then signing multiple contracts with her, including the contract for the first movie and subsequent ones..." He shrugged. "You know the drill."

"Then sell this contract to the largest adult movie producer in the federation. The hype surrounding this will bring us stable income and exposure."

"Those adult movie enthusiasts who don't really watch mainstream movies will specifically pay attention to our movies and get a sneak peek at who the leading actress in the next series by their revered movie studio would be."

"At the same time, for the movie producers, even the audience who wouldn't typically be interested in their movies, but are drawn by the leading actress, would also purchase their products."

"Of course, this is just the first step..."

There were too many ways to make money, from the television broadcast rights of auditions to sponsorship, advertising, and some self-funded performances. That was why there were so many scammers in this industry.

Even if a script that was so bad it couldn't get any worse, as long as it was registered with the Directors' Union, some people would dare to take this bad script everywhere and scam investors out of their money, with a very high success rate.

The movie and television industries were rapidly gaining momentum in recent years, fueled by the increasing popularity of television and more individuals opting to stay home due to financial constraints. This shift had led to television programs consistently achieving record-high viewership ratings.

Many people had already realized the enormous risks in the financial market, but they were still trying to join this booming industry. However, most of them became targets for scammers.

Lynch discussed with Mr. Fox and his son for a while, deciding to spend about a month or two to hold auditions in the state and select a suitable female lead—actually, this female lead would only be available to a few people, as most ordinary girls would not agree to shoot some adult movies, even if they were just "adult-rated" rather than "adult" movies.

But some girls who had already entered this industry did not mind. According to some tabloid reports, at least thousands of girls of all kinds would enter the adult movie industry every year in recent years.

Many people believed those girls had different reasons, but ultimately, it all came down to one thing: money.

The filming duration was short, the audience was niche, and the publicity was minimal. However, the pay was substantial. The adult movies in which many girls participated may never intersect with their social circles for their entire lives.

Even if they were really discovered, it sounded much better than being a streetwalker, although both professions were viewed the same by ordinary people.

Among these girls, there would always be those who met the character requirements and were willing to expose themselves to some extent. Moreover, these girls and adult movie producers would typically only sign one project at a time, without long-term contracts, so it was more convenient.

Lynch's articulate discussion of various methods astonished Mr. Fox and his son. Once again, they felt that their initial idea of bringing Lynch on board was perhaps the best decision they had made in recent years.

The following morning, knocks on the door roused Lynch from his slumber. It took him a moment to remember that he hadn't slept in his own home the previous night, but rather at the Foxes' villa.

He gradually recalled that he had stayed up late chatting with Mr. Fox and his son, so he didn't return home and remained here instead.

Not long after, he appeared in the dining room, just in time for breakfast.

There were some simple but exquisite dishes on the white table, which instantly lifted his mood.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Mr. Fox asked out of courtesy. Normally, people would say "That was a fantastic bed" or "It was a nice experience." It was also a courtesy.

But Lynch shook his head as he sat down. "To be honest, not really. I'm not used to spring beds, and the mattress on that spring bed is softer than any I've ever seen."

Mr. Fox's face suddenly took on a more curious and inquisitive expression. "Forgive me for being intrusive, my friend Lynch, have you ever been to jail or been incarcerated?"

"No." Lynch replied firmly, without even a moment of delay, "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, only long-term prisoners would like harder beds. You may not know, but currently, only prisons still have some really hard beds."

When spring mattresses first appeared, they were indeed considered a luxury item affordable only to the wealthy. However, their construction was not actually complex at all. Soon, some people bypassed patented technology to produce inexpensive products. Subsequently, the developers of the first-generation spring mattresses simply closed their factories and focused solely on licensing.

This also led to the popularity of spring beds in almost the entire society. Some advertisements were particularly enticing, such as "Enjoy a five million bucks nightlife for just fifty bucks", to the extent that now, the vast majority of households had spring mattresses.

Lynch said he was not used to such a soft bed, so the only option left was the wooden plank bed in prisons, oh, and the countryside.

Lynch didn't respond to the question. When he requested a custom-made plank bed, the staff at the furniture store also looked at him strangely, but he didn't comment on it.

He casually picked up the Trading Report and found nothing particularly extraordinary on the front page, not much different from any other day. However, to his surprise, as he flipped through the pages, he stumbled upon an interesting piece of news tucked away towards the back.

A businessman had purchased a war bond from a country that had participated in World War. Currently, this country belonged to the victorious nations, so theoretically, with the end of the war, the bond should have been redeemed. However, the bond redemption service of this country had not commenced as promised at the time of bond issuance.

Because of this, a law firm in the federal capital issued a warning to individuals and organizations holding these bonds.

However, perhaps because these matters hadn't received official recognition, and the federal authorities might not have verified them, although it successfully made it into the Trading Report, it was placed in an awkward spot, sandwiched in the middle.

Lynch furrowed his brow, noting this matter in his mind. If even the victorious nations couldn't redeem their bonds, then the global economic situation was extremely worrying!

Apart from this piece of news, there was nothing else worth his attention. Things like the Federal Industrial Index hitting a new high were no longer appealing. In the past three years, out of at least eight hundred issues of newspapers, at least six hundred issues reported the same content—'Creating Miracles.' Sometimes, too many miracles would make people numb.Please vote for this novel at /series/blackstone-code/There are advance chapters available nowAccess will be granted 24 hours after the donationTier 1: 7 Advance chapters Link


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