Blood demon leveling

Chapter 16: Escape once more

Chapter 16: Escape once more

Mike woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, it was quiet almost as if all sound had been taken from this world

'Well this can't be good'

Mike got out of bed and got dressed before he sneaked a peak out of the window and saw guards standing with torches at even intervals surrounding the Inn

'Yup Definitely not good'

Mike opened his hand and the knife flew up and landed in his palm before he grabbed it tightly for a bit before he put it back into the sheath, then he picked up the shortsword that he had finished absorbing the blood lust out off and was about to walk out of the room when he remembered something and grabbed some coin and stuffed it into his pocket

'It might not be me that they are after, but just in case it's better to have some money on me if I have to flee'

Mike gave a nod and walked out of the room, as he walked downstairs he grabbed the shortsword tightly as his hand shook slightly, evidently he was not as calm as he felt, walking out of the front door of the inn his fears were confirmed as a guard with a poster yelled

"It's him, call lord Casper!"

Mike gave a slight smile, now that his fears was confirmed there was really no need for anything else

'Since they want to do something to me I can really go wild, besides staying here seems like a bad ideaThat lord Casper is probably level 3... '

Mike took a step forwards in response the guards all drew their swords before the one that had identified him called out

"You better stay here until lord Casper arrives, else you will be in for some pain!"

Mike gave a sneer and kicked off the ground and rapidly closed the distance to one of the guards, as he did the other closed in on the guard he was charging at while some of them moved behind him to surround him completely, meanwhile the guard he was charging at raised his sword and slashed down towards Mike

'So slow'

Mike easily avoided the slash and nicked the guard in the side with the knife before he charged onwards out of the encirclement, what followed was an seemingly unending stream of guards that attempt to stop him from leaving Morkove, but as most of them were level 1 with a few of them even being level 0 Mike passed them easily while leaving cuts and small nicks on their bodies as he continued running towards the walls through back alleys and streets.

It was only when he was a fourth of the way to the walls that he ran into a problem, a squad of four guards lead by a guard captain that seemed to be level 2

'Looks like I have to kill this guy to continue'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Mike kicked off the ground and closed the distance to the guard captain that stood behind the three, Mike passed the mobs while leaving deep cuts on their sword arms that made them unable to fight anymore before he faced off with the guard captain, making a quick slash to test his reaction Mike's knife met with the guards sword sending bright sparks off into the dark night, a series of high speed exchanges later Mike managed to find his mark and left a deep cut on the right leg of the guard before he speed off again towards the walls, meanwhile he felt the knife slightly hum in his hand as it vibrate slightly

"Yeah I know, wait a little bit more and I'll let you drink"

Mike gave a smile as he felt the amount of blood he was going to drink at once was more than ever before

'I wonder how much experience I'll receive'

A smile formed on Mike's face before it suddenly disappeared as he stopped running for the first time since he had set off from the Inn, a few meters ahead of him stood a person he was familiar with, Mike tightened the grip on his knife

"...Lovely night we are having don't you think Julie?"

Short shoulder length silver hair swayed slightly in the night breeze, she wore her armor and had a hand on the hilt of her sword as she looked at Mike with slightly red eyes before she suddenly spoke in a low, tiny voice

"...Is it true Mike?"

Mike sensed the sorrow in her voice but for some reason it annoyed him so he narrowed his eyes slightly before he asked

"Is what true?"'

Julie lowered her head slightly before she yelled

"Is it true Mike!?"

Mike was taken aback slightly by her yell before he got very annoyed and yelled back

"Yeah it's true! I am what they say I am, a demon!"

Then he kicked off the ground and almost instantly closed the distance to Julie before he sent a slash out after her neck but instead of cutting through her neck a loud clang sounded out as Julie blocked with her sword and at that moment their eyes met for the first time that night, Mike suddenly felt his head cool down before he asked in a low voice

"...Why are you crying Julie?"

As he heard Mike's question she suddenly broke down in tears as she let out a loud wail of sorrow, Mike didn't know why but at the sight of Julie crying he suddenly felt a deep pain in his heart


Mike kicked off the ground and ran away as he did the pain in his heart got even worse so he stopped after taking a few steps and turned back before he spoke

"I will see you again Julie, I refuse to die here"

As those words left his mouth he felt the pain in his heart lighten a bit but only for a moment as an even loud wail of sorrow sounded out in the back alley, Mike clenched his teeth and kept running.

After running mostly uninterrupted (there were a few small flies along the way which he tagged by cutting them with shallow cuts) for about half an hour Mike reached the walls of Morkove and conveniently a gate, but the situation at the gate was not so favorable for him, along with a bunch of guards stood a man with silver hair wearing a suit of steel plate armor with temple like decorations on it

'A paladin huh This is going to be annoying and most likely painful'

Mike was confident, but that was all He didn't really have a reason to be confident besides the large number of people he was ready to drain with [Drink] and his new skill [Blood for blood] which would raise his strength as he got more and more injured

'Besides it feels like they are trying to catch me instead of killing me In that case I have a change, after all I just have to land one tiny cut'

Mike took a deep breath and stepped out into the moonlight before he charged at the gate were a bunch of guards and the one [Paladin] stood, the [Paladin] spotted him quickly and commanded the surrounding guards to stop Mike from passing the gate while he himself stood back and prepared to watch the show, but when Mike crashed with the guards the [Paladin]'s expression suddenly hardened before he yelled

"It has a self reinforcement skill, be careful!"

Mike clicked his tongue, it looked like the effects of the [Blood body enhancement] had been seen though by the [Paladin], the guards became more cautious which made the fight a lot harder for Mike, it was only after 2 minutes he had managed to cut down the first guard

'This is taking too long Let's do something stupid then'

Mike gave a sneer and suddenly laughed out loud before he looked directly at the [Paladin] and spoke

"Looks like I was afraid for nothing, a [Paladin] only amounts to someone that hides behinds his men and commands them from the back"

The [Paladin] narrowed his eyes slightly but before he was able to say anything Mike continued

"Man I was so afraid of 'it' it's a shame its only a limp dick [Paladin]"

The [Paladin]'s eyelid twitched slightly before he suddenly spoke

"Step back"

The guards obeyed and stepped back before the [Paladin] stepped forwards and spoke

"Lord Casper wants you alive, surrender or suffer my wrath!"

Mike look straight at [Paladin] for half a second before he broke out laughing

"Hehehe, 'suffer my wrath.' What are you an 8th grader!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

The [Paladin] narrowed his eyes even more and drew out his sword, he didn't know what an 8th grader was but he was clear that Mike was mocking him, and so he kicked off the ground and stabbed out with his sword that quickly was buried and passed right through Mike's shoulder

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