Blood demon leveling

Chapter 39: Blood zombie

Chapter 39: Blood zombie

When the final level 3 adventure fell a silence also fell over the soldiers and adventurers that they had brought along started doing what the loud [Paladin] had told them not, they faltered, no they outright panicked and scattered like baby spiders, Mike exchanged a look with Julie that gave a smile before she jumped into the crowd swinging her sword around reaping lives as if she was picking flowers with fully automated harvesting machine from Mike's past world, Mike followed close after her with Elina and Rebecca right behind him and thus the real slaughter commenced


Julie breathed deeply, behind her lay a trail of carnage, from dead headless bodies to lose body parts stuck in the trees above, suddenly the air around her changed and a red light shone in her eyes as she picked up a severed forearm but after that the red light in her eyes started blinking, almost as if something was fighting back, then she quickly dropped the severed forearm and shook her head before she mumbled

"What's wrong with me..?"

When she looked up again she came face to face with Serina, she was standing at a close distance no more than one meter away starting at Julie with her big round eyes

"Eh, Serina..? Is something wrong?"

Serina however just started into Julie's eyes And that's when Julie noticed Serina's silver eyes were blood red, as Julie looked into them she felt drawn in and gradually her eyes also turned red


Julie looked around, Serina was nowhere to be found

"Guess I must have imagined it I must be tired"

Julie picked up her sword that she had stabbed into the ground and sheathed it while reminding herself that she should remember to clean and maintain it before she went to sleep later, while she did she unconsciously wiped some blood away from the corner of her mouth

Mike was chasing down the last of the fleeing soldiers and adventures he could see, Elina and Rebecca was still under his heightened control on his left and right flank respectively, the fleeing adventures broke through some bushes and ran out onto a dirt road right in front of a merchants carriage that was escorted by some thirty adventures, the fleeing adventures saw them as their saviors and yelled


"There are three bandits after us!"

"Please help us!"

The adventures guarding the merchant's carriage were wary but when they saw Mike, Elina and Rebecca covered in bloodstains rush out of the brushes the leader of the adventures, a level 3 [Swordsman] yelled

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Kill the bandits!"

The other adventures followed him as they charged past the fleeing adventures and towards Mike's group of three, Mike didn't feel like talking with these people that were clearly out to kill him so he simply clashed with them along with Elina and Rebecca, Mike blocked the swing from the [Swordsman] with the knife and without saying anything he suddenly moved to the side as Elina stabbed out from right behind him at the [Swordsman], the [Swordsman] was clearly not prepared for a sudden stab from right behind his target, nevertheless he was still level 3 and managed to dodge the attack with a paper thin margin, meanwhile the other adventures surrounded Mike and the two others, they were clearly used to fighting in groups and attacked right away, Mike Elina and Rebecca was quickly overwhelmed by their coordinated attacks, the [Swordsman] gave a smile and stepped back, at the same time the other adventures also stepped back, then he spoke


Mike gave a smile

"That's going to be a no from me, what about you two?"

Elina also gave a smile

"Nah, I want to see how red their blood is"

Rebecca gave a nod

"Yeah, I am starting to get thirsty too"

The [Swordsman] shook his head before he spoke in a cold tone

"Then die"

Then the attacks resumed, after fighting for less than a minute Elian received a deep cut to her neck and widened her eyes before she grabbed her throat trying to stop the flowing blood before she fell to her knees and eventually collapsed forwards onto the ground, her blood quickly forming a pool around her head, the [Swordsman] gave a sneer and spoke

"That's one, two left"

Mike showed a smile

"You are going to regret that Elina how long are you going to play dead for, get up!"

Mike kicked Elina in the side sending her flying into the crowd of adventures, the [Swordsman] looked at Mike with disgust and raised his hand ready to give the signal to finish the last two off, but right as he was about to bring his hand down some of the other adventures let out screams which drew his attention, when he looked over he saw Elina standing the girl that he had just watched die on top of one of his subordinates biting down into his neck as blood splattered into her face while the poor adventurer desperately tried to push her off, eventually his struggles grew weaker before his hands fell down, he was dead

"What the fuck!"

While the adventures watched Elina stood up, her face covered in blood, her red empty eyes glowed red in the evening light, then her head snapped towards the closest still living adventure before she leaped at her while letting out a feral roar, the adventure reacted quickly and slashed down with her sword burying the blade in Elina's collar bone, but to her surprise Elina didn't even flinch and reached out her hands and when they didn't reach her target sharp blood crystals shot out from all over her body and impaled the adventure that let out a scream as her blood quickly got drained at this point the [Swordsman] finally reacted and yelled

"If it doesn't die at once, try and try again men!"

His yell managed to somewhat steel his subordinates somewhat and they hurriedly formed a second encirclement around Elina, but the feral Elina quickly proved to wild to contain, her body was riddled with fatal injuries, yet she kept killing the adventures at a steady rate, Mike and Rebecca weren't idle either and now that Mike had done his test he was done holding back and managed to push the [Swordsman] back and eventually landed a small cut on his arm, then he gave a smile


The very next instance the [Swordsman] slashed to the side sending the head of the adventure next to him flying


Before the other adventures managed to react he had cut down another two adventures, this evidently proved too much for the adventures, well who could blame them, after one of their enemies had risen from the grave their leader turned crazy and began to cut them down

"The leader's gone crazy!?"

"R-R-Run away!"


Mike gave a smile as he watched the adventures panic and kicked off the ground and just like a over sized wolf among kindergartners he slaughtered the panicked adventures with practiced movements, soon there was no adventures left alive, as for the ones that had been fleeing at first, they never stopped running when Mike faced off against the new group of adventures so they were long gone by now, Mike look at the carnage around him with a slight smile on his face, meanwhile Elina stumbled to her feet and began limping towards the merchants carriage, she was clearly still feral, when the coachman saw her limp towards him he suddenly froze but he quickly snapped out of it and stirred the beasts pulling the carriage, just as he did a throwing knife landed in the middle of his forehead and Serina jumped out from a nearby shadow and sank her fangs into the neck of one of the beasts, the other panicked and began pulling the carriage towards Mike and the others, Mike gave a sigh and threw the knife at the other beast killing it as it sank into its eye, then after a few moments the carriage came to a halt

"Well then Let's see what's behind door number one?"

Mike had an idea what was in the carriage of course as he could sense pumping blood inside it


Elian began scratching the door to the carriage with her hands a couple of terrified screams came from inside the carriage as she managed to open the door, followed there were sounds of struggling and then some more pained screams for a while before it got silent, then just as Mike was about to walk over Elina walked out no longer feral, her face was rather messy with bits of flesh and splattered with blood around her mouth, her clothes were messed up to from the fighting she had been doing, when she noticed Mike looking at her she quickly kneeled down and spoke in a respectful tone

"I apologize for my unsightly appearance master"

Mike gave a slight smile as he spoke

"Well it was me that made you take a fatal hit in the first place so I don't mind"

Elina lowered her head with a smile on her face

"Your words honor me master"

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