Book Eater

Chapter 16: Here Comes the Mutiny (4)

Chapter 16: Here Comes the Mutiny (4)

“No way! Theodore won!”

“He defeated Garcia in battle magic...!”


“How is he a dunce?”

The students were noisy as they huddled together. It was difficult for them to accept that Garcia, one of the best in their year, had been defeated. It was even more unbelievable that the student who defeated him was Theodore Miller. He had studied for an extra three years, but there was no way an extra three years of study could bridge the gap in talent. The students knew that better than anyone else, which only befuddled them more.

Professor Vince was the most surprised.

A pinpoint Fire Bolt, a flexible Shield, and a compressed Fireball? This is already on the level of an active war magician.

Vince reconsidered his thoughts as he noticed that Theo had never once seemed tense, nor had he taken a step from his initial position. It had been a one-sided victory. Vince raised a hand in order to calm the students and declare Theo’s victory.

However, at that moment...

“... Not yet, not yet! I’m not done yet!”

Garcia’s eyes were wild as he awkwardly scrambled to his feet. His magic power was uncontrollably flickering outside his body, and his distorted expression revealed his wounded pride.

If Father and Big Brother know that I lost in such an unsightly way, they will never forgive me!

His father, Viscount Carter, was famous in his own right, and his family was far more stricter and hierarchical than other families. If rumors spread that he had lost to the famous dunce, he would never be able to leave the Carter estate. He couldn’t let that happen.

“This is the last one. If you can take this spell, then I will admit defeat, Theodore Miller!” Garcia shouted wildly at the calm-looking Theo.

Garcia knew it was nonsense, but he couldn’t admit defeat like this. He started preparing the spell before Theodore had even replied.

Tsk, children of prestigious families...

In the end, Professor Vince clicked his tongue and stepped back. If Theodore had rejected Garcia’s challenge, he would’ve interfered. However, Theo didn’t seem to be bothered. Rather, he was carefully observing Garcia’s boiling magic power with cool eyes, which were as sharp as blades; he almost seemed like a war magician on the battlefield.

Thus, the final confrontation between the two students began.

“「Red light streaking across the sky--」”

Garcia’s voice took on a strange cadence as he spoke. He was reciting a chant that preceded a spell. It allowed one to imbue the same amount of magic power, but drastically increase the power of the spell. If this was used with high-level magic, it would often become a tactical weapon that could change the course of a battle.

But there was also a hidden benefit to this particular chant.


The jeweled pendant hidden underneath his uniform began resonating with its owner’s will. The pendant was an artifact known as Roaring Flames, and was only given to a legitimate child of the Carter family. It greatly increased the magic power of its contracted owner and provided a boost to all fire magic. Garcia was well aware of both its attributes, and indeed, was counting on them.

Now, I can use 4th Circle magic. No matter how hard the three-time dunce tries, it will end with this!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Simultaneously, Theodore’s face stiffened as Alfred’s perception sensed a sudden increase in the opponent’s magic power. Theo correctly identified the resulting spell to be 4th Circle magic.

Is it a Carter family secret technique?

It could also be an artifact, but if Theo accused him and it turned out not to be the case, the situation would deteriorate. Theo decided to prepare a defense. In any case, Professor Vince would stop him from getting hurt.

Garcia's crude control gave away the magic formula he was using, and Theo came up with a suitable magic formula to counter it. He would create a spherical barrier made of earth to withstand the heat and shock of the explosive fire magic coming his way.

If I had to name this, it would be Earth Dome.

He was ready to load the formula with magic power at any moment. He just needed to match the timing. If he stacked it a few times, it should be enough to stop a single 4th Circle fire spell. Theodore believed in his calculations and took a deep breath.

Garcia completed his spell, forming a crimson fireball that would turn a person into charcoal if it touched them.

“Blaze Shell!”

Garcia called out the name of his spell with a confident expression. It was a high-ranked fireball and was considered one of the greatest spells within fire magic. It was commonly used in military strikes when there was a need for sheer destructive or penetrative power, as it could easily destroy a Shield of the same level.

“How about it, will you surrender now?”

Garcia was sure of his victory. There was no way that Theo, a 3rd Circle magician, would be able to beat 4th Circle magic. While the other students shuffled restlessly because they didn’t know what would happen, Vince’s expression only grew colder.

However, Theo just replied calmly, “Shoot.”

“... What?” Garcia was in disbelief.

“The class needs to finish, so shoot it.” Theo’s voice was calm.

Garcia was lost for words. Then a thick vein bulged on his forehead, and the 4th Circle magic, Blaze Shell started to accelerate through the air.

It’s coming.

As soon as Theo confirmed it was moving, his magic power responded. He poured magic power into the pre-designed magic formula and focused on the point of estimated impact. Luckily, Garcia had already pushed his limits in casting Blaze Shell and couldn’t control its trajectory. Needless to say, there were no improvements such as rotation or acceleration.

“Earth Dome!”

Theo placed his palms on the ground, and the earthen floor of the academy started to shudder. Dirt and stone melded together and rose to form a spherical dome around Theo. The improvised magic spell was truly genius.

The Blaze Shell slammed into the Earth Dome.


There was a loud explosion as dust flew into the air.



The students covered their ears and, belatedly, their eyes as the wave of dust crashed over them. Only Vince had a barrier up to block the dust, wind, and sound. Smokescreens were all too common on the battlefield, so he was used to such scenes. It didn’t take long for the dust to settle and reveal the scene of the collision.

“N-No way… This… ridiculous…” Garcia Carter was on his knees as he stared in disbelief.

“... This, isn’t it just laundry magic?” Theo muttered as he cleaned his clothing.

How interesting. Where have I heard something similar??

Vince laughed at the sight. Blaze Shell and Earth Dome… If he compared it to weapons, it was like a spear and a shield. Today’s battle wasn’t a contradiction but the victory of a shield which boasted a stronger defense.


“Okay, it’s over.”

Vince clapped after he finished cleaning up the training field. The students, who had gathered in one place, looked around in amazement. The ravaged field had been returned to immaculacy in just five minutes.

He has truly amazing skills.

Theodore was also filled with admiration. The skills of Bergen Academy’s top magician were exceptionally polished. Theo understood the formula and application of the restoration magic Vince had used, but he wasn’t confident he could produce the same result. Perhaps there was a difference in technique, or just plain experience.

Professor Vince stood in front of the students and frowned as he called out, “Garcia Carter, front and center.”


Garcia, who was still stunned by his defeat, got up from his seat and walked forward. He was confused about why he was being called up, but the answer didn’t come in words.


Vince’s fist crashed into Garcia’s chin.

Gah! P-Professor?”

A war magician was also well versed in close combat, as evidenced by Professor Vince’s callused knuckles. Garcia stumbled backward as he reached up to cover his bleeding lip.

“You idiot. Did you think I wouldn’t find out?”

“W-What are you saying...?”

“Roaring Flames.”

Color drained from Garcia’s face. Using an artifact was a serious violation of the school rules. Garcia might have to repeat a year, or at worst, be expelled. Since he had attacked another student with an unregistered artifact, he was likely to face further punishment.

Vince briefly explained how he knew about Roaring Flames. “I served in the same unit as your father on the northern front. I thought he would’ve raised his child better. What a mess.”

Garcia despaired, “P-Professor! That isn’t...”

“Shut up!” The other students flinched at the anger in Vince’s voice. Some students even lost control of their bladder. “You will follow me as soon as the lesson is over. I will review your situation at the faculty meeting. Understood?”

“A-Ahh... ahhhh...”

“And Theodore Miller.”

Theo raised his head at the sudden call.

“After class, finish your dinner first and then come to my laboratory. Understood?”

“Ah, understood.”

“Good.” Vince nodded and looked at the frozen students. “Today’s lesson ends here. The next lesson will be on the attributes of magic. All dismissed.”

Professor Vince immediately headed toward the faculty members’ office with Garcia in tow. The rest of the students didn’t know what to do, but they soon started to make their way to their next class. The frozen atmosphere was broken by quiet discussions on why Garcia was taken away.

The professor’s laboratory after school...

Only Theodore remained in place as he worried about why Vince had called him.

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