Born in Blood

Chapter 391 Touch of Anarchy

Chapter 391 Touch of Anarchy

Liam nodded to himself.

'These low ranking goons don't know much.'

Merisa wasn't going to give anything more up.

Suddenly, she laughed.

"Good luck leaving this place," Merisa said with a weak, mocking laugh. "You've broken one of the Slime Tubes."

Liam looked at her with dead eyes.

"There's three," she continued with a spiteful tone, speaking in between coughs and wheezes.

"As soon as you break it again, those flying with the Cloud Leeches will notice how ravaged this place is."

"Then, they'll hunt you like a Flesh Dog."

Liam pursed his lips.

"But there's a third tube, is there not?" Liam said. "It'll harden the dome once more, won't it?"

Merisa laughed with a rasp. "Then you'll be trapped here, genius."

Liam smiled coldly.

"No I won't. You'll share this graveyard with your people, though."

The talk was over.

Liam picked her up using three arms.


Then popped her skull like a grape over his mouth.

Crunch. Crunch. Gulp. Crunch. Crunch.

Even the bones weren't spared, crushed to dust beneath his sturdy molars.

He just couldn't be bothered separating meat and bone.

'Tastes better with a crunch anyways,' Liam thought.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After satisfying his hunger, with all the bodies he'd just killed, Liam decided it was a good time to contact Jax.

The goal here was simple.

Through treading in between weaker colonies, Liam and the Elders would create a path towards the Line.

That way, the vampires and incoming acolytes would have a much easier job at catching up with their work.

Plus, they could spread out like a disease, getting rid of the colonies by dividing their forces.

The Dual Empire wasn't small.

It was huge.

Especially the so-called Mega Colony, which the Empress herself lived in.

But obviously, they couldn't hope to venture into those lands.

That was for the allies and the powerhouses to do.

Taking out the Jade, Liam imbued it with 'Ora', then waited.


'A few teeth are already growing,' Liam thought with a toothless smile.

After four seconds, the Jade flickered on.

"Are you safe?" Jax's voice rang out from the other side. "I called you so many times! What happened?"

Sorry, I was being ripped apart in a giant sandworm's death-trap of a mouth, Liam thought, but what he said was:

"Nothing, I've finished up with a colony. Have you put down the World Gate already?"


Finishing up a colony?

Behind the Jade, Jax's eyes widened as much as they could.

Liam wasn't one to lie or boast, which made that comment even more surreal.

But Jax didn't say his compliments, limiting himself to a proud smile.

There were more pressing matters.

"We… we've run into a bit of a problem," Jax said with a hesitant tone.

Liam furrowed his brows. "What, exactly?"

"You know how Alucard said the World Gate needed a 'stone' surface?" Jax asked.

"Yeah?" Liam said, furrowing his brows.

"Well, it doesn't work for anything other than stone. And there's no stone inside any of these colonies except one."


Liam scowled.

That was true.

Most of the structures and buildings were made out of a glimmering, obsidian-like material.

But what kind of stupid rule was that?!

What was the point of an ultra-powerful gate that connected two different countries together, if it had such a stupid weakness?

Then again, everything had its kryptonite.

"But why is that a problem?" Liam asked, referring to the colony. "Just enter together and wipe it out."

Jax coughed awkwardly.

"Not that simple. It's the 'Trapped Reality' colony. They're basically illusionists of some sort."

"We're outside its vicinity, but it's… dangerous. Ian tried getting past the black barrier… and he's been in a coma ever since."

Liam frowned.

Ian was another Elder that came along.

He was a shifty fellow, but kind-hearted and brave.

Jax's tone got heavy. "He… he looks like he's in a nightmare of some kind. Keeps twitching and convulsing in his sleep."

"Have you tried… waking him up?" Liam asked, knowing it wasn't the most sensitive thing to say.

Jax sighed heavily. "We have. He's not waking up. Something's inside his mental sphere, and we can't take it out."

Liam clicked his tongue.

Indeed, that sounded difficult.

Each colony was different from one another.

Essentially, they all had different ways to manifest their fear.

This colony in particular had a mix of everything, but was physical and spell-based in nature.

The Flea Demon colony fought with… well, fleas.

At least, Liam thought they did. He hadn't been there himself, of course.

It was obvious what a colony with the name 'Trapped Reality' did.

And it was a bit terrifying to know it could affect Zeniths like that.

There was a pregnant pause.

"By any chance, do you have the colony leader's name?"

"Uh… one of them said… what was it again?"

Elder Jane's distant voice came from the background. "Nooran."

"Oh, right," Jax said. "Nooran."

Liam clicked his tongue.

'Merisa's superior. Who she also feared,' Liam thought. 'My luck is amazing, as always.'

"I'll make my way there. Maybe I can figure something out. Tell me your coordinates," Liam said firmly.

Jax described the landmarks and different colonies they went through before finding the Trapped Reality colony.

"Until then."

"Stay safe."

The Jade flickered off.

Liam heaved a long sigh.

By then, his wounds had healed, and his arm was back.

That fast!

But there was a simple reason.

It was because of the sheer amount of people he'd eaten, giving him the blood required to reform most of his muscles.

Liam made his way towards the original building with the Slime Tubes.

Then, he located the two rooms.

For the first, he simply bashed it with a fist.


It exploded with viscous liquids.

Then, Liam made his way towards the third tube of slime.

Instead of breaking it, Liam laid his palm on its surface.

Chaos gathered on his finger.

But it didn't explode.

It was tame.

Liam touched its surface with the Chaos covered finger, then pulled back.

The Chaos remained.

This was Liam's Rank 3 spell.

Touch of Anarchy.

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