Born in Blood

Chapter 393 Thin

Chapter 393 Thin

A female Elder appeared from the back with Ian in her arms.

She had long orange hair and large blue eyes, rimmed with dark circles and currently filled with sadness.

Ian's wife, Aore.

Ian was still spasming and groaning in his sleep, unable to scream or open his eyes.

Aore gently placed her husband down in front of Liam, then looked at him pleadingly.

"Please… save him," she muttered weakly.

Liam didn't respond.

There was a high chance whatever Ian was infected with had already burrowed deep within his head.

'His mental waves are all messed up, tainted black and blue… and it's getting worse.'

"Why'd he go in without any protection of any kind?" Liam asked with furrowed brows.


Most faces grew angry.

Other faces grew a bit ashamed.

One or two faces looked guilty.

Verium was the first to speak.

"Johan and Neri were playing a game of Dare or Dare with him. Ian lost. And these two dared him to go through the barrier alone, and without telling anyone."

Liam sent a chilling glare to the two Elders in question.

Johan was a short, black-haired, red-eyed, skinny fellow that seemed to have problems with authority.

And Neri was his taller, more muscular brother of similar features.

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Both had achieved Zenith status recently, and were particularly proud of their newfound power.

They already looked pretty beat up, judging by their swelling lips and bruised faces.

It wasn't enough.

A lot rested on this mission. And ruling with kindness was not Liam's way.

"When this is done," Liam said darkly to the two. "you both owe me one hand each."

Then, Liam glanced at Ian's sleeping body.

"And so does he."

Shocked, Aore wanted to protest, but Jane put a hand on her back, shaking her head.

Liam had given them orders, and they'd pissed all over it, defying his authority.

Johan and Nerin looked just as shocked and enraged, but they didn't dare speak out loud.

Not with so many glares daring them to.

Nevertheless, it wasn't the time to throw around blame.

Truth be told, this entire situation was… unnecessary.

If it was up to Liam, he'd have Ian sent back to Ilali and have someone else take care of him.

But letting a clan member die in front of everyone was not good.

'If they disobey a direct order after this, I'll let them die.'

Instead, Liam carefully assessed Ian's mental sphere, attempting to identify whatever had dug into his consciousness.

He held open Ian's eyelid and used his King's Eye to peer into his mental sphere.

In reality, Liam could choose between accessing their vision, versus just peering into their mental spheres.

Currently, he didn't want to risk being hit by whatever was hijacking Ian's brain.

As soon as the King's Eye connected to Ian's head, Liam saw just how dark and muddled the inside of his head was.

It was clouded with black mist, and the waters of Ian's mind sea was murkier than a swamp.

Liam pursed his lips and looked for the Abomination.

'Everything has a source,' Liam thought with a focused face.

His vision continued past the murky waters… searching… searching…


A tiny little tick!

Liam saw it latching onto Ian's mind barrier, spreading dirty fumes throughout the waters and taking nibble-sized bites from the transparent barrier.

'It has to die,' Liam thought. 'It's killing him.'

Mental energy gathered around Liam's hand. A needle-sized length. Using Hone, he sharpened it.

The Zeniths were watching with wide eyes.

Aore wanted to stop whatever Liam was doing, but Jax sent her a soft glare.

Liam put the Honed slash near Ian's head.

"Hold him down," Liam said to Jax, Ryu and Verium. "Cover his mouth in case he screams."

Aore had to look away.

"Pills that reform the mental barrier?" Liam asked Jane.

Jane nodded, taking out a large brown pill. "Just one. Thickens it."

The three pinned them down together, and in one swift movement, Liam stuck the Honed slash into Ian's mind!

It went straight through and poked a hole through the man's head, killing the tick instantly.

Spasms spread across Ian's figure, and a stifled cry echoed from his mouth.

But Jane shoved the pill down Ian's throat, forcing him to swallow.

A moment later, he simply lost consciousness…

Ryu, Verium and Jax slowly rose their feet, and Aore rushed to inspect her husband's figure.

He was alive.

Tears welled in her eyes, and some of Ian's closest friends heaved a relieved sigh.

"Thank you… thank you so much…" Aore muttered repeatedly at Liam, who looked unfazed by her gratitude.

Saving a life was a funny contrast with how many he'd taken.

Slowly, Ian's eyes flickered open, groaning painfully.

Aore helped him sit up.

"Am I dead?" Ian asked as he looked around.

A few laughs resounded within the group.

"No. But you owe a hand," Liam said. Ian's face fell.

Before Ian could say anything, Liam cut him off.

"What did you see in your dreams?"

Ian winced, as though remembering a bitter memory. He glanced at Aore.

"My worst nightmare. Something dreadful, something I'd kill myself over if it happened in reality."

"It felt… it felt like I'd been stuck there for entire months," Ian said, holding his face.

Liam furrowed his brows. "Did you keep track of time?" he asked.


"How much time do you think passed?" Liam asked.

Ian grimaced.

"Three months and four days."

This time, Liam grimaced. And so did everyone else.

This meant one thing.

'Time spent inside the nightmare is way faster.'

A time dilation of some kind.

A grim realization, which made the Trapped Reality colony that much more dangerous.

"You and him can stay behind," Liam ordered suddenly, before leaving the cave with all the figureheads of the Temple.

Everyone's gazes were fixed towards the dark barrier.

"How do you suggest we go through?" Ryu said with a slight frown. "I don't… want to be stuck reliving my worst fears."

"And what might that be?" Aki said with a curious face.


"Becoming thin again."

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