Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 188 The Fifth Vs. Three (2)

Hundreds of the civilians were dead!

Despite the golden lights shielding their bodies, they were still crushed down by the powerful force that strongly pulled everything down!

It seemed that the parameters for what was considered protection were not all accounted for in this scenario and it was tragic to see the result.

Broken bones protruding through flesh, ruptured organs and ghastly expressions could be seen everywhere as blood pooled, some of the bodies actually being squashed beyond recognition.

Revia’s face scrunched up in fury. She felt little sympathy but a sifting river of rage built up within her.

If there was something she hated, it was failing at her objectives.

Her mind had still not broken free from the shackles of her family blood. Something she was indoctrinated into would stick but probably for the wrong reasons.

It had been the case with her mother, after all.

She was supposed to protect the people at all costs. Nomatter what form she took! She had to be the Paladin Champion that followed protocol and saved lives, maintaining the image of the Purity!

Yet she was already beginning to fail.

Valis who was a distance away had a hard expression on his face as he gushed mana into the staff, the star in the sky growing larger and brighter until its light eclipsed that of the sun at this time of day, a bright orange ring appearing around it to make its effect on the people below more profound!

The world around became several shades darker due to the light but the many remaining civilians had their hearts soothed a bit more as the glow around them was reinforced.

Revia clasped her blade tightly as she faced the man who had a particularly relaxed face, still maintaining his stance.

He was using a rather powerful martial technique.

The Grounded Body Limiter Art!.

A powerful technique that moulded mana into the ground, manipulating gravitational properties in order to restrict enemy movements and in cases of weaker combatants, instantly kill them!

Revia caught the figure of the woman who had been summoned by Actuass standing atop a dilapidated roof as her greenish black eyes locked onto her while emitting a strange power with a semi-traceable feel.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

‘These two… why do they feel like…’ she thought as her eyes scoured around the city, finally locking onto the figure of Actuass was sprinting towards Valis at top speed!

“That bastard!” Revia cursed as it suddenly clicked in her mind.

This man had probably used a devastating attack that could by-pass the protection of the star in the sky in order to force Valis into rendering more of his attention to the civilians, leaving himself susceptible to attacks from Actuass!

Actuass was intent on killing Valis too, Revia came to this conclusion.

Despite what he said earlier, he was aiming for the old man too!

Revia’s skin cracked as the downward pull remained tremendous, but her body exploded with power as she zoomed towards Actuass, but at a much slower speed than her usual peak!

She felt the boost to her strength increasing!

It was more than 70% now!


In the process of speeding ahead, flakes of her skin tore off but she didn’t care!

Did this bastard think that this much was enough to hold her down?!


The three ethereal hearts in Revia’s chest thrummed and beat at an ridiculous speed as they supported her heightened speed!

Revia appeared right in front of Actuass, her body glowing with a bright halo that outlined her lean figure!

Her body became lighter as she felt that she had escaped the range of the [Grounded Body Limiter Art], becoming even more eager to finish this assault quickly!

She released an insane amount of murderous intent as she slashed diagonally, intent on carving Actuass up. This was personal now!

She might not have felt the same when it came to other people like the civilians dying as that merely her a standard part of her job, but when it came to Valis, her mind was overtaken with rage for a moment!

“Second UnForm Blade Technique, Distorted Killing!” she called, her hand vibrating once more while her sword could not be seen!

The air trembled and released sparks as Revia’s sword struck with a speed beyond Actuass’ reaction speed, going for his waist to blitz him through his chest and shoulder!

What happened next, she did not expect.

Her one leg suddenly sank deep into the ground, a horrendous downward force drawing her leg into the hard crust!

She instinctively looked down and it worsened, her eyes being fooled by the downward spiral on the ground that drew in her mind!

In that moment, where Actuass had been, SoSei appeared, but only briefly!

Revia sensed it but couldn’t react as her foot was being sucked in by the intense gravity which singled it out, light fractures appearing in her bones!

The green skeleton vanished only to be replaced by a figure in a bulky dark armour who launched a nasty hook punch with a warping energy around it’s fist into Revia’s chest!

A shattering noise echoed as Revia’s armour was crushed, her body being flung like a ragdoll over a broad distance!

The Paladin Champion wheezed and drew in rugged breaths as the pain from the strike settled in!

Her mind was thrown into disarray for a few seconds as she spat out blood, crashing into the ground moments later!

She had barely recovered her senses when her experienced body warned her of danger!

The figure of Actuass and the armoured man were rapidly closing in on her!

The confusion almost threw her off.

Wasn’t Actuass headed for Valis?

Didn’t he want to kill him?

Wait! Was that just a diversion?!

“Damn it!” Revia cursed as she forced herself to stand.

She saw Actuass covered in the greenish black smog around him, dashing at super speed and wondered.

When she saw the man and woman who had been summoned, she felt something familiar in them.

As she focused on Actuass now, she understood what it was. This advanced necromancy he spoke of.

But even though she understood, this only made her all the more frightened of this man’s capabilities.

He was controlling those two bodies!

No, that was an oversimplification. He was imposing his consciousness on both of them, moving them and using their techniques in addition to keeping his own body functioning too!

The way the bulky armoured man moved, and the look in his eyes along with the aura he exuded. It was all tainted with the frightening presence of Actuass she had felt when he first appeared!

‘He’s… a monster!’ she thought as she grit her teeth, but she would not run from this challenge.

She wasn’t done yet!

Actuass launched himself towards Revia with his hands beginning to brim with a green energy that irked Revia!

This time, the Paladin Champion first paid attention to the body with the [Grounded Body Limiter Art] which was behind Actuass, preparing to use the technique again and she zipped her way towards it, reusing her Second UnForm Blade Technique, Distorted Killing!

Revia’ s blade was a legendary item with the ability to adapt to its user’s traits. The more unique the traits, the more profound its stats in sharpness, damage and speed increased.

The blade could adapt to Revia’s vibrations, its form supporting high speed movement to the extent that it would appear formless from time to time!

The blade dug down the armour of the reanimated body after a short clash with the protective gear, deconstructing the fleshly shoulder into burning, sizzling and sparking, meaty cubes!

The sword was almost halfway through when…


The figure of the armoured man was replaced with SoSei, the green skeleton’s hand being balled into a fist and launching up in an arc around Revia’s arm, appearing to have already been in motion as it fiercely collided with her jaw!

The woman saw stars for a moment, blood shooting from her mouth from the intense strength behind the punch that had caught her off guard!

Luckily for her, it seemed the punch didn’t have the same strength as last time as SoSei had been out of proper form but Revia felt her jaw crack quite a bit still!

Her mind spun but she forcefully drew back her mental faculties.

‘What’s… happening?! This attack and the last… It’s almost like… they know how I’m going to move beforehand!’ she thought as she rolled on the ground, a suppressing force pummelling her body down with a great intensity!

Revia moaned in pain as she then felt a flurry of punches all over her body which forced her to raise her hands up, protecting her head despite the pain resulting from this!

She felt her armour chipping as coils of green energy eroded it, clanks and clicks resounding as with every punch she received, she felt her defence waning!

“This is bad…!’

Revia gnashed her teeth and rolled back a distance from the assailant, the instant she stopped warranting a heavy kick in her abdomen that blew her away!

This was undoubtedly from SoSei!

Again! How did the damn thing know exactly where she’d roll over to?!

How could they predict her movements like this?!

How did they know?!


Revia’s eye suddenly shot towards a certain direction, her grey eyes reflecting a woman with short hair whose eyes were locked into her unblinkingly!

Then it hit her!

‘Is she a Diviner?!’

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