Can a Scholar Be Called a Villain

Book 2: Chapter 14: Trickery

Book 2: Chapter 14: Trickery

As the group traversed through the forest, they covered a considerable distance. Over this time, they had successfully hunted a significant number of demonic beasts. Under Murong Lins guidance, they discovered a water source and managed to eliminate over a hundred more demonic beasts.

Additionally, they were also able to collect various spiritual medicines and spiritual minerals, many of which fell within the higher Earth grade and lower Sky grade categories.

The accomplishments continued to elevate Murong Lins standing in the eyes of Ling Yu and the rest.

At one point, Murong Lin single-handedly snapped the spines of two second-layer Sky Reaching realm demonic beasts at the lakeside, allowing the other members to deal the finishing blows.

Murong Lin explained his rationale, saying, My strength is sufficient to amass more points in the future. I will prioritize assisting all of you and depart once Ive secured a fortuitous encounter.

This development played perfectly into Murong Lins calculated plan.

With his divine senses at the sixth layer of the Sky Reaching realm, he scouted areas that eluded the rest of the group.

As Murong Lins divine senses noticed a particular area, a small smile crept onto his face as he promptly directed the group, Lets go! Theres something valuable over there!

He surged forward with a burst of increased speed, taking everyone by surprise for a moment, but their initial astonishment soon transformed into delight. Murong Lin had previously led them to incredible discoveries, and they had learned to anticipate the exceptional worth of his findings.

Quick, follow everyone! Brother Nie has found something extraordinary again!

Come on, hurry!

The crowd hastened after Murong Lin and eventually reached a farmland. Stepping out from the forests cover, they were greeted by rows of medicinal plants, their expressions bursting with elation and their smiles impossible to hide.

Its an herb field! Full of spiritual medicines! Profound Swiftness Seeds, Descending Flowers, Thousand Cotton Grass

Look at all these lower Sky grade spiritual medicines! And theres even a higher Sky grade Soul Marrow Stone Fruit over there!

Never mind the spiritual medicines! Look at those houses! There might be fortuitous encounters inside!

Spiritual techniques, spiritual skills, spiritual pills, spiritual equipment

Greed overtook the expressions of the group, including the Sky Reaching realm experts like Ling Yu, who couldnt conceal their excitement. They turned to Murong Lin and inquired, Brother Nie, whats our plan now?

Recognizing that Murong Lin was the one who had initially discovered this location and that he was the groups strongest member, it was clear they couldnt simply bypass him and divide the resources among themselves.

Murong Lin cast his gaze upon the herb field, assuming an air of solemnity as he declared, Ill scout the area first and draw away any demonic beasts I encounter. Afterwards, all of you are free to take everything.

His noble demeanour moved the entire group, including Liu Wu, who had harboured suspicions about him. The corners of Liu Wus eyes turned red as he realized that, aside from his elder brother, the Willow Sword Saint, no one had ever treated him with such kindness.

Murong Lin swiftly moved, materializing within the herb field as he unleashed his aura. In the following instant, several figures erupted from the ground. They were colossal locusts, their enormous bodies cloaked in crimson, bestowing upon them an ominous appearance. The auras they exuded all resided in the Sky Reaching realm.

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The concealed group nearby watched in shock as their expressions shifted dramatically, attempting to suppress their screams.

Seven red-hued locusts at the Sky Reaching realm stood before them, emanating such formidable auras that it appeared they might be beyond the first or second layer of the Sky Reaching realm. Ling Yu couldnt help but feel that just one of these locusts had the capacity to dispatch them with ease.

Worry for Murong Lin consumed their thoughts.

The seven locusts, which appeared to lack intelligence, didnt deter Murong Lin. He shouted without a hint of worry, Ill lead them away! Hurry and seize everything!

His composed tone only further solidified the groups respect for him, surpassing the regard they held for anyone else.

With a swift flicker of his silhouette, Murong Lin darted in the opposite direction with the seven red-hued locusts in hot pursuit behind him, their sharp wings beating rapidly.

Murong Lin harboured no fear, considering that these locusts were the Blood Bat Locusts contained within his spirit familiar bag. He had secretly released them earlier, instructing them to eliminate the demonic beasts guarding the herb field, assume their roles, and mimic the behaviour of these creatures in this area.

Their performance was executed flawlessly, successfully deceiving everyone.

With Murong Lin and the Blood Bat Locusts a distance away, Ling Yu and the others immediately dashed into the herb field to begin gathering the spiritual medicines.

Hurry! Gather the higher Sky grade spiritual medicines first; well give them to Brother Nie later!

Dont forget that patch of lower Sky grade herbs; theyll help us bolster our strength.

Could a few of you go check out those houses? There probably arent any more demonic beasts there!

Brother, come quickly! There are some jade tablets here, and a few pieces of spiritual equipment too!

The crowd showed no inkling of suspicion concerning the pristine condition of the spiritual medicines despite the presence of demonic beasts, courtesy of Murong Lin and the Blood Bat Locusts seamless performance. They enthusiastically gathered the herbs and stripped the houses of their contents before returning to their initial positions.

However, shortly afterwards, they heard sounds in the air and turned their attention to the source, brimming with anticipation. To their dismay, the source was a group of five blood-red locusts.

Murong Lin was nowhere to be found.

Only demonic beasts.

Brother Nie Ling Yus voice quivered as he gazed at the five frenzied, blood-red locusts soaring through the air above the herb field.

What had happened to Mr. Nie?

Had something happened to him?

Based on the appearance of the five locusts, it wasnt hard to deduce that they had recently engaged in a fierce battle.

Had they chased Brother Nie, fought against him, lost two of their companions in the process, and then killed him?



It had to be impossible!

The crowds eyes glistened with tears, and a few emotionally sensitive individuals even broke down into sobs. With clenched fists, they glared fiercely at the blood-red locusts.

After circling the sky above the herb field a few times, the locusts departed for an unknown destination. Nonetheless, Ling Yu and the others continued to fixate their hateful gazes on the departing locusts.

Feng Zhe knelt on the ground, his fist driving into the earth to form a sizable crater. Remembering how Murong Lin had led the way and provided them with opportunities to accumulate points, he clenched his teeth and shouted with eyes brimming with redness, I must kill those demonic beasts!

However, at that moment, a voice reached their ears, inquiring, Which demonic beasts do you intend to kill?

Hearing this voice, the crowd almost believed they were dreaming. They turned toward its source, their faces alight with joy. Some individuals even began to cry as they smiled, slowly making their way toward Murong Lin to embrace him.

Murong Lin approached them slowly, his body marred by blood and appearing gravely injured.

Ling Yu and the rest promptly presented the spiritual medicines they had acquired in the herb field to him, inquiring, Will these be of any use to you?

They hadnt been able to identify all the spiritual medicines theyd found, so they offered them all to Murong Lin, uncertain of their significance.

Murong Lins expression shifted slightly as he declined their offer. These resources belong to everyone, and they should be divided fairly. My injuries arent too severe, and Ill recover with a nights rest. Its all right.

Regardless of how much the group attempted to persuade him, he steadfastly refused the spiritual medicines, further increasing their admiration for him.

Brother Nie is truly blessed by the gods! The group exclaimed, their praise resounding throughout.

Following Murong Lins suggestion, they distributed the items evenly. The higher Sky-grade spiritual medicines were divided among the Sky Reaching realm cultivators. After further persuading, Murong Lin reluctantly accepted one higher Sky-grade spiritual medicine.

The groups collective gaze fixated on Murong Lin, as if they had all acknowledged him as their leader.

Concealing a smirk, Murong Lin feigned concern and said, It appears that the sky is growing darker. Lets find a place to rest for the night. I have a tent spiritual equipment with me.

In agreement with his proposal, the group began searching for a suitable resting spot.

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