Can a Scholar Be Called a Villain

Chapter 14: Beginning of the beast wave

Chapter 14: Beginning of the beast wave

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“Xue Lin Na?” Murong Lin quickly got up and asked.

“Yes, she is leading over thirty of the Xue clan’s disciples. Their guardians are two elders at the seventh layer of the Manifestation realm, the two of us can kill them in one blow.” The ‘Flowering Steel Tree’ spoke confidently since their cultivation was already at the ninth layer of the manifestation realm.

Xue Lin Na was the pride of the Xue clan, entering the peak of the Origin realm at the age of 18, at the same level as Murong Lin. They only thing she lacked was a suitable mortal form.

“Good! That’s good! Hahaha, it seems like I’ll be able to fulfil the second wish of this body soon.” Murong Lin laughed crazily.

“Continue to investigate, I want to know everything that is going on!”


The sky was already dark, and as Murong Lin stared at the sky, he grinned, “Xue Lin Na, this place will be your grave!”

To completely assimilate with his body and soul, he needed to fulfil the wish that was buried in his heart. The two wishes of this body were  taking the throne and extermination of the Xue clan.

Murong Lin already had a plan to become the emperor, and he could wipe out the Xue clan even sooner. Aside from the elder of the Sky Reaching realm whom he couldn’t defeat yet, everyone else could easily be killed by his servants.

Early next morning, Murong Lin arrived at the mansion at the heart of the city.

There were quite a number of people gathered here, and he easily noticed the group from the Xue Clan with a glance.

Xue Lin Na was looking down at the map that was placed in the centre of the hall as the disciples around her glanced at him with interest. One of them leaned towards Xue Lin Na, whispering something in her ear and the moment she heard their words, she raised her head to look at Murong Lin.

Murong Lin walked forwards, there wasn’t a governor in this city, and the highest in command was the commander of the defending army.

He had surveyed the city walls earlier, successfully avoiding the conflicts of the people that had come from the capital.

Xue Lin Na walked over towards him with her group in tow. Staring at Murong Lin, she spoke coldly, “What are your plans?”

Murong Lin paused for a moment before quickly smiling, “I may be the inspector assigned to this city, but all of you may proceed according to your own plans, there’s no need to look for me.”

“Good.” Xue Lin Na glanced at him before leaving with her group, “Leave the south wall to us.”

Murong Lin nodded, before turning to look at the rest of the people within the hall.

Xue Lin Na could be haughty and disrespectful to him, but the others neither could nor had the guts.

Murong Lin looked at the disciples sent from the small forces of Yan, and displeasure rose in his heart as he pretended to be amicable, assigning them according to his plans before sending them off.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Murong Lin sat within the empty hall as he stared at the map on the table before him, and with a cold smile, he left as well.

In the afternoon, the beast wave was finally here!

The south of the city was the demonic beast forest, roars erupted constantly within the woods, reverberating with the sound of a stampede. Dust flew in the air as all kinds of demonic beasts rushed out, there were beasts that flew in the sky, ones that ran on the ground, and even beasts that dug through the earth, all of which were heading in their direction.

It was hard to imagine what it was like in the South Village city, where the beast wave was known to be more menacing.

The soldiers stationed on the walls were prepared, and after receiving the signal from the scouts, they started donning their armour and readying their weapons. Next to them, the support sent from all over the country was also preparing for the oncoming battle.

Murong Lin stood on the east wall, looking at the Xue clan members that stood only 700 metres away as he laughed coldly. Turning to the two ‘Flowering Steel Trees’ next to him, he spoke, “Hide your strength. I don’t think the scale of this beast wave would exceed the Origin realm, stay by my side in this battle.”


The beast wave approached.

Hundreds of thousands of demonic beasts were charging their way, their vicious appearances and wild auras becoming stifling as they neared the city walls. There were more than ten thousand soldiers in the city’s garrison and over a thousand allies standing on the walls, and almost all of their faces had turned pale. It didn’t mean that they were afraid, but it was a natural response to a threat of this scale.

There were all kinds of species mixed among the large number of demonic beasts. 

In the skies were grey eagles with enormous wingspans, blood bats with sharp fangs, falcons with huge claws, flying beasts with incredible speeds……

On the grounds were giant white tigers the size of a three-story building, rhinoceros with shiny horns, packs of bloody wolves, tiny blue bearded snakes……

The two groups moved closer from a visible distance.

And before they could arrive at the city, the scouts of the city had already predicted their movements the night before and had their men lay traps throughout the night.

“Ping!” “Ping!” “Ping!”

Large sounds resounded through the ground as dust was sent flying through the air and rays of light burst forth, accompanied by the screaming of the demonic beasts.

The army had buried fire mines into the ground, these were consumable artifacts of the lower and higher yellow levels that the army had frequently utilised, each explosion of a fire mine would kill over a hundred demonic beasts while injuring thousands of them in the process.

Finally, the demonic beasts arrived at the caution area.

Large-scale crossbows and a few other long-range weapons on the wall were hastily prepared as they aimed towards the beasts.

Meanwhile, the soldiers continued to report to the general.

“Report! The demonic beasts have entered the caution area!”

“Report! The beast wave has appeared in the east, south and west directions with an estimated force of 67,000 beasts!”

“Report! Seven demonic beasts at the Manifestation realm have been identified in the South, the strongest being an armoured earth tiger at the fourth layer of the Manifestation realm!”

“Report! Two demonic beasts at the Manifestation realm have been identified in the east! Both of them are at the first layer of the Manifestation realm!”

“Report! A first layer manifestation realm demonic beast has been identified in the west!”

The demonic beasts in the Manifestation realm were the greatest threat to the stronger members of the army. There were only 6 experts at the Manifestation realm among the entire garrison, and even after including the support dispatched by the different forces, there were only a total of 15 Manifestation realm experts present.

Facing the beast wave would be difficult for them.

As for the weaker members of the army, it was hard to estimate how they would fare.

Murong Lin stared at the beasts coming his way, quickly spotting the two demonic beasts at the first layer of the Manifestation realm. It was a fire behemoth the size of a three-story building and a 20-metre-long double-headed python. 

“Fire!” The general of the garrison shouted.

The long-range ammunition shot out from the city walls.

Murong Lin raised the lower black level “Nonchalant Guest’s Bow” and aimed at the weaker beasts.

“Xiu!” The forehead of a demonic beast in the Spirit Oblation realm was pierced as its body was sent rolling 10 metres backwards.

“Xiu!” The body of the demonic beast of the Flesh Refining realm was pierced and it fell to the ground powerlessly, dropping from the sky.

“Tch tch tch, how boring.” Murong Lin grumbled as looked at the people madly firing away around him, but he was quickly distracted by a tremor that came from his feet.

Demonic beasts were now attacking the city walls!

Demonic beasts couldn’t build ladders, but there were quite a number of beasts capable of using earth-attributed spiritual arts, and it didn’t take long before they quickly made their way up the wall.

The defenders grabbed their swords and rushed into combat.

The two Manifestation realm demonic beasts had also almost reached the city walls in the meantime.

Within the skies, most of the demonic beasts had descended and started fighting with the humans.

Murong Lin leisurely casted his spiritual skills, and after killing another demonic beast, he simply stood at the sides of the ‘Flowering Steel Trees’ and left the rest of the work to them.

On his side, a soldier of the Manifestation realm and another idle cultivator were now engaged in a battle with the two Manifestation realm demonic beasts. Both of their mortal forms were released, and they used brute force against the beasts as they viciously fought. Occasionally flame and ice breath spewed out of their mouths.

Murong Lin’s gaze alternated between the fight and the southern wall as a hint of hidden delight appeared on his face.

Raising the ‘Nonchalant Guest’s Bow’, he aimed towards the beast wave without loading an arrow.

This was an ultimate technique that Fang Ying Kan had stolen from the Thirteenth Origin Restrictions.

《Heart-Hurting Arrow》.

Hey, sorry for the delay. Also, I’m still looking for editors/proofreaders to speed up releases.

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