Can a Scholar Be Called a Villain

Chapter 23: Humiliation in progress

Chapter 23: Humiliation in progress

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Long Chen circulated his spiritual power as a threatening pressure descended on the victory. Releasing the backfire ash dragon bloodline within him, a powerful, undefeatable aura suffocated every single person present that was beneath him in cultivation.

“Impertinence!” The expression of the great elder seated at the highest position changed dramatically as she looked at Long Chen grimly. At the same time, she released the pressure of her own spiritual power to protect the disciples of the Hundred Flower sect, alleviating some of the pressure that was placed onto them.

Unbothered by the actions and anger of the Hundred Flower sect’s great elder, Long Chen continued to glare at Zhu Zhu Shu with eyes full of fury, as if he was about to devour her flesh and drink her blood. His words took great effort to escape out of his gritted teeth, “Zhu! Zhu! Shu! Come! Out! To! Die!”

Zhu Zhu Shu was frowning as well, looking at Long Chen in confusion. She didn’t know what had happened to him, but despite her bewilderment, she was currently representing the honour of the Hundred Flower sect. Regardless of how she felt, she simply jumped forwards haughtily from the stage onto the sparring ground, her green dress fluttering from the wind as the unique scent of the Hundred Flower sect wafted in the air.

The surrounding onlookers had gradually gotten used to the suppression of Long Chen’s bloodline, and colour gradually returned to their faces as they continued to stare at Long Chen in hatred and shame, some of them even shouting out curses:

“Long Chen, you’re taking it too far!”

“Releasing your aura like that? How could you insult us like that!”

“Fairy Zhu! Defeat him!”

“That’s right! Snuff out his arrogance! Just kill him!”

Long Chen turned his head towards these people, bellowing, “Trash! Silence!” In his eyes, the people here were no different from those people that had annihilated the Long clan.

They were all the blind worshipers of Zhu Zhu Shu, fanboys and trash that were the sinners that had caused his family’s demise.

Of course, the biggest sinner was the woman in front of him, Zhu Zhu Shu!

Murong Lin checked the system window in interest:

Name: Long Chen

Protagonist value: 200

Age: 18

Cultivation: Half-step into the Manifestation realm

Innate talent: Little protagonist halo, Backfire ash dragon bloodline

“Not bad! He’s actually taken half a step into the Manifestation realm, does that mean he’ll break through into the Manifestation realm the moment he gets a mortal form? He’s just 18, how interesting! Backfire ash dragon bloodline? Hahaha, so it was the strength of his bloodline. Look at him now, did his family already get annihilated? How interesting, he went crazy? This will be interesting.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Murong Lin critiqued with a straight face as he stared at the centre of the courtyard.

Zhu Zhu Shu had walked in front of Long Chen, looking at him with a calm and prideful expression as she slowly opened her mouth, “I didn’t wish to torment you like this, but it doesn’t seem like you’d back down anyways. Come!”

“A year. It’s been a year!” Long Chen roared, his expression vicious as he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. Blood dripped from his fingernails, “I’ve waited a whole year for this day! I will return the grudge I felt that year and the resentment of my clan’s annihilation, tenfold onto you!”

“What do you mean?” Zhu Zhu Shu’s brows furrowed slightly, she didn’t understand what the furious man before her was saying.

“What do I mean? It doesn’t matter anymore. Come! Let me see what kind of strength a prodigy like you has!” Long Chen gathered his spiritual power, creating an armour of scales on his body as sharp claws grew from his fists.

This was the effect of the backfire ash dragon.

Zhu Zhu Shu’s expression changed slightly as she immediately circulated the Hundred Flower sect’s 《Hundred Flower Scripture》, facing Long Chen straight on.

“Wah! Is this the Hundred Flower sect’s scripture? It’s really fairy-like!”

“That’s right, that’s right! The Hundred Flower fairy truly deserves this title, she’s as strong as she is beautiful!”

“Look at Long Chen, what’s that thing on his body?”

“I don’t know, is that an effect of his cultivation method? It looks abnormally savage.”

“Pui! Something like that dares to fight with the Hundred Flower sect? I bet that he won’t even be able to last ten attacks!”

Murong Lin started to estimate the number of attacks remaining in this fight with interest.

Long Chen’s claws had finally reached Zhu Zhu Shu’s spiritual power, and they watched as his blood-red claws tear apart Zhu Zhu Shu’s spiritual barrier, almost grazing her skin.

Gathering her focus, Zhu Zhu Shu knew that her barrier was useless against Long Chen’s attacks. She twisted her waist and her legs, flipping her body to evade Long Chen’s attack as she circulated the 《Hundred Flower Scripture》to counter-attack.

“The beauty of the tender peach shines brightly.”

Invisible petals formed with spiritual power started to materialise in the air, instantly surrounding Long Chen with hundreds of pink peach flower petals dancing around him.

The soft petals were as sharp as knives, each surrounded by a cold chill. It seemed as though a single petal was capable of cutting apart a human’s bones, and with more than hundreds of petals in the air, Zhu Zhu Shu unhesitantly sent them towards Long Chen from all directions.

Long Chen remained calm, seeing that his attack had been evaded, he simply twisted his body and attacked again.

More than hundreds of flower petals capable of splitting apart boulders came into contact with his scale armour, and the sound of collisions could be heard as the petals dissolved against his armour as if snowflakes landing onto a burning furnace. Completely unbothered by the disappearing petals, Long Chen continued to dash forwards.

The originally smooth scales on his armour turned sharp as the claws on his hands retracted, transforming into a glove. Clenching his hands into fists, he was surrounded by a prideful aura as his spiritual power gathered in his right fist.

“Ash dragon ascension fist!” Long Chen roared as his figure became blurry, arriving in front of Zhu Zhu Shu.

By the time the shock was apparent on her face, Long Chen’s fist had already locked into her. Zhu Zhu Shu knew wouldn’t be able to evade this attack, and she had no choice but to block it.

With the circulation of 《Hundred Flower Scripture》, an unyielding aura enveloped her body as her skirt fluttered. Placing her hands together, a cold light shone in her eyes as Zhu Zhu Shu roared, “Hundred Flower pain, flawless!”

A pink light shot out from her body, transforming into a small, round shield that covered her front, just large enough to block the incoming fist.

Gritting his teeth, Long Chen put more strength into his left hand as he hastened the speed of his right fist.

With a loud sound, Long Chen’s fist and Zhu Zhu Shu’s shield collided.

Instantly, Zhu Zhu Shu’s small shield shattered into wisps of spiritual power, dissipating in the air as she was pushed back by three steps, her face pale and hair dishevelled.

With the momentum of his punch gone, Long Chen rolled to the side as well, avoiding the hasty attack that Zhu Zhu Shu had thrown his way.

“This Long Chen is pretty good! He is actually holding his ground against Zhu Zhu Shu.”

“What are you saying? Fairy Zhu hasn’t even used her Manifestation transformation. If she did, he wouldn’t even have the time to kneel and beg for his life!”

“Indeed, no matter how strong he is, Long Chen is still at the Origin realm.”

Discussions rang out among the crowd as their interest in Long Chen grew.

However, the expression of the great elder of the Hundred Flower sect was sour. Seemingly deep in thought as she stared at the pale Zhu Zhu Shu and the hatred-filled Long Chen.

The unbothered Murong Liu continued to shout at the sides, cheering Zhu Zhu Shu on. However, Murong Ding was evaluating Long Chen’s unusual performance, mumbling to himself.

Despite her pale complexion, Zhu Zhu Shu was as haughty as ever, “You’re just an ant beneath the Manifestation realm. Long Chen, I’ll show you the might of the Manifestation realm!” The moment she finished her sentence, she released her Manifestation realm, transforming into the tender peach beast, a pink demonic beast with wings.

And the moment she finished transforming, her aura grew explosively, slightly surpassing Long Chen’s bloodline.

“It’s not like I haven’t killed a Manifestation realm expert before!” Long Chen had a vicious smile as he maximised the release of his bloodline.

The two collided yet again, utilising all kinds of spiritual skills.

It didn’t take long for the two clashing silhouettes to separate. A stream of blood trickled from the corner of Zhu Zhu Shu’s lips, her dress was tattered and a slash wound had appeared at her side. Despite that, her prideful expression didn’t falter, “Long Chen, if you can withstand my next attack, I will consider it your victory!”

Long Chen spoke with the same amount of haughtiness, “Then, if you can withstand my next attack, I will consider it your victory!”

The two circulated their spiritual power at the same time. Long Chen transformed into a huge dragon with his red spiritual power, with two horns adorning his head, wings sprouting from his back, claws on his hands, and his mouth filled with sharp fangs.

On the other hand, Zhu Zhu Shu’s spiritual power condensed into a bundle of pink light, slowly dispersing gorgeously as a refreshing scent wafted in the air, her complexion regaining its colour.

“Backfire ash dragon’s execution!”

“Descent of the sky-crushing peach!”

The sparring ground was shattered as dust danced in the air, obscuring their silhouettes.

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