Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 292: Save my son !!!

292 Save my son !!!

After returning back from the office David was on his way to his home when he received a call from Mr. Walker. He never liked it when he called. It was like he was sort of a bad omen for him. His call always meant like he was going to tell something bad. But as he was his boss, irrespective of his feelings he just picked it up.

"Hello, Mr. Walker".

"Hello David"

"How may I help you?"

"How you may help me... Let me guess. Maybe by telling me first about the whereabouts of my son?"

"Oh, he has accompanied Dr. Smeathe for a medical conference to London. I mean you must be knowing that Raymond is one of the most prominent cases of study for 'Acquired Prosopagnosia', so as she is presenting a paper on his case study, he has gone there to meet other doctors and to figure out if anything more is possible to do for his current situation".

"I am aware of that part".

"Then what other information do you want?"

"You know it very well what I am asking about David. Please don't be an advocate of that girl. Why is she there? Or rather should I put my question this way. Why has Raymond gone to London when that girl has gone there."

"Oh, is it? That must be a coincidence".

"Coincidence my foot David. They are staying in adjacent rooms in the same hotel. And you are telling me its coincidence? I got the information that Raymond himself asked for the adjacent room. I do not understand if you are not able to understand the gravity of the situation that I am talking about or you are just trying to shirk away from the responsibility that I have given you?"

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David took a deep breath for Sebastian's voice was becoming more and more fierce.

He knew that there was no point of lying to the man who had eyes behind the back of his head.

So he politely replied,

"Mr. Walker, to be very honest, in my opinion, you should let Raymond do what he wants. He is not a child and he understands the predicament of the whole situation. I think he is capable of handling it all by himself".

"You think so?? You think David, that he is able enough to handle it?"

"Sir, I don't want to be disrespectful but I think he his clearly aware of his medical condition. I think he knows about it more than we do and he knows how bad it can get in the future. So I don't think he will try to go back into her life in any way. He loves her selflessly, so I know that no matter how much it hurts him he will eventually distance himself from her".

Taking a deep painful breath Sebastian said,

"David, I don't know how to emphasize my point, but I really really need him to stay away from the girl. The reason...."

And saying that he stopped.

"What sir?"

"I cannot disclose it to you, because that will endanger the future of my son more than it is now. So I beg of you to make him stay as far away from her as possible".

"Mr. Sebastian, I had already checked with Dr. Smeathe. Remembering the things from the past and not being able to relate with the faces will be scary for Raymond, but that doesn't have any deep impact that you are scared of".

Drinking up his rage, Sebastian replied,

"David, this is the last time I am gonna say this. If you consider Raymond as your close friend even by one percent, then you will have faith in my words. When I am telling you its important that he stays away from her, then you should know that it's important. I am not talking about any random Tom, Dick and Harry situation. I am talking about the situation of life and death."

"What are you saying Mr.Sebastian?", David asked all confused because he was unable to understand how it was related to life and death.

"I wish I could tell you, but it's just that I can't. If you want to save my son then make him stay away from her. Please !!!"

"Well I seriously do not know what to say Mr. Sebastian but as far as I know he has been trying to do everything under his control to stay away from her".

"But it's not enough now. Is it?"

David had no answer for that and he stayed all silent.

Sensing the silence, Sebastian said,

"If it has come to this, then let me tell you one thing David, I will not shy away from removing her from the scene. If that's what it takes to keep my son safe."

Hearing his words, David shivered, because he knew Sebastian was not a man who made blank promises. Scared of his actions, he immediately replied,

"Mr. Sebastian, please refrain yourself from these petty matters now. I will take the responsibility on my shoulder. I will make sure that they stay away from each other and move on with their lives".

"That sounds much better to me. Now make sure that my son returns back tomorrow, in the earliest flight possible".

"He already has his tickets booked for tomorrow evening, London time. After the conference, he leaves straight for the airport".

"I hope he does that. And make sure that they don't cross their paths in the hotel. Monitor the CC tv live footage or whatever, but make sure they don't get to see each other."

"Sure sir, I will make sure of all these things".

Sebastian heard him and took a deep breath. He was one of his most resourceful and loyal employees, whom he could trust with his eyes closed. So he spoke, but this time his tone was different,

"David, I know that Raymond thinks of you more than a friend and if you say, he will listen to you. I am not asking you to misuse your powers, but to do the right thing".

"Sure Mr. Sebastian", David said but he was shocked to see the change in his tone and demeanour.

"David !!! I beg of you as a father. Please save my son".

That was the first time anyone had heard Sebastian Walker begging.

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