Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 362: Someone was following her

362 Someone was following her

"Why are you asking?" - Akira asked him, although she knew it very well as why he had put that question in front of her.

"Just curious to gauge how much effort I have to put in" - Raymond

"Effort for what?" - Akira

Raymond chuckled at her naiveness and replied,

"For accessing you" - Raymond

She read the message sent by him and turned all red. If only Raymond could have seen her, he would have been amazed to see the impact of just a text message on her.

He knew that she would have gone weak in her knees seeing that message. So he texted her,

"Starting for the class now. See you soon" - Raymond

Akira saw his message and there was a surge of happiness inside of her.

She kept on roaming here and there inside of the house, drinking water, peeing and then drinking water again. The process continued till it was 6:30 pm and she started walking from her house towards the dance center.

The moment she started walking, she could see that a car had started moving slowly behind her. Remembering the words of Raymond, she got a bit cautious and started walking on the pavement side and joined along with a few random people who were also walking.

Just to check if the car was following her, she stopped and bent down to act like as if she was fixing her sandal straps and she saw the car stopping behind her as well. Getting a bit alarmed, she decided to call up Raymond.

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"Hi there !!!"

"Hi, I am waling near my house and there is a car that's following me. At least I think so. There is a creepy looking bearded guy sitting inside the car. He definitely looks like a follower. What should I do now? Should I run back home?"

"Did you try to pause and check if the car was pausing as well?"

"Yes, I did that and the car also paused. I am standing and talking with you and I don't see the car moving as well."

"Ok, do one thing. you walk along with the people. Do not walk alone. Do you understand? And stay on the line with me till you reach the dance center."

"Yeah", saying that Akira started walking along with a couple. She tried to stick close to them.

"He has started moving again Raymond."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Did you note down the car model and the number plate?"

"No, I am all scared Raymond, I didn't think of doing all that."

"That's the first thing you should do. Remember that now."

"Ok", she said and turned back.

"It's a Prussian blue Lexus RX model and the nameplate that says NYC 239H68."

"Good job Akira."

"Now go straight to your dance class."

"But then this guy will get to know where to attend my dance classes. He will inform the people who want to kill me right?"

"Akira, just do as I say", Raymond said with a mildly stern voice.

"Do you think he won't be already aware of your whereabouts. This guy will always be 10 steps ahead of you. So think rationally."

Even though she wanted to object, She knew that there must be some reason behind his suggestion.

So she followed his instruction and went towards the dance class.

She hurriedly crossed the lanes and then walked as fast as she could. The vehicle continued to follow her at the same pace.

She turned back and saw that the man was driving and talking with someone over the phone.

"Shit Raymond !!!"

"What happened Akira?"

"I think he is informing about my details to someone over the phone. I guess I am done."

"No, you are not. Just walk fast and reach the center and wait for me. I will reach there in a minute."

Hearing that she got some strength and she?started walking as fast as she could as the dance center was just 200 meters away and on that straight road the car following her could anytime just speed up and hit her. So she was constantly checking the car and paced herself up as she ran.

Just after she reached the Center side, she stood outside looking straight in the direction of the car and took a deep breath to calm her heart and said,

"I have reached, but the car is still coming towards the center."

"I am also almost there Akira, don't you worry."

The moment Raymond had finished the sentence she saw that the?blue Lexus also parked itself in front of the Center and she panicked.

"Raymond, he is coming for me. He had parked in front of the center and I guess he will come out any minute now. Should I go inside now? Where are you?"

She saw that bearded guy coming out of the car, holding the phone next to his ears and he said

"I have reached, Akira."

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